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Celebrations !

 Let's celebrate!

 b.1990 - d.1999

I'm Layla Belle Brown

   "Layla Belle"  

To see more about Celebrations in the pink links below
go to our online brochure
Click brochure to enlarge

"Bless the beasts and the children..."  The Carpenters

Site best viewed on monitors set at 1024x768 pixels.  Also, pictures have mouse-overs.      

This area of Odyssey Design's services takes on a more personal dimension.  Our  mission  here is to capture an event, a segment of a lifetime, and the presence (or a passing) of a loved one.  Loved ones may be living or in memoriam, and they may be family members, significant others, friends, or pets.  Our attention to detail and our client's desires are integrated into every web-page we design.

Web pages of celebration or commemoration may be as involved or simple as clients desire them to be.  The emphasis here is on the time involved with the design, content, typing and uploading of the HTML document - that which is our part to complete. The estimated time involved is upon which I base my pricing.  The other part is the co-operation of the client: to provide us with the necessary pictures and written narratives that would be part of the text within the page.

The four (4) links to the left are a sampling of these "Celebrations!" web-pages. The need for many variations in web-pages is as diverse and numerous as there are clients. 

Is it possible that you have an occasion that you wish to commemorate, and let a lot of people know about the events, attendees and details? 

Are you going to:  1) create a mailing list and a booklet to mail out to people (that could be lost in the mail or accidentally thrown out) ?  2) Are you going to put a web-page of that event up on the internet for EVERYONE to log on and view? 
(correct answer: #2)


The purpose of these 'celebrations' websites:

1) To gather pertinent information about the loved one as a tribute to them.
2) To post these stories, funny happenings, pictures, or family legends on the internet to be preserved and viewed by all related persons.



Please contact me for more details.    Top      


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