Mom’s Thoughts For The Week
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Jan Scott |
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In the Fall of 2002,
I started a weekly tradition of “Mom’s Thoughts for the Week” where
I emailed my thoughts to my children.
I was able to do this because I acquired a computer from my
family, and joined the growing millions as I learned how to
who use emailing as a major method of communicating to friends and
family. I thought that I
would share my thoughts with you, and hope that you would hear my
heartfelt messages. You may view my
2008-2010 archives, for more Mom's Thoughts. The 3
archived links above are
really large files, and may take a while to load,
especially if you use dial-up modems. This page has only the year
Year 2010 has been moved to the archive
2008-2010. Please visit this link to view the most recent
entries for Mom's Thoughts. Jan will resume her weekly column as
soon as time permits for her.
And I guess the time
has come in 2012!
Mom’s Thoughts on April 27, 2013
A Child’s Prayers
In my Guidepost today I read a prayer that took me way back to the one Mother taught me as a child:
“Thank you for the world so sweet, thank you for the food we eat, thank you for the birds that sing, thank you God for everything.” It pretty well covered it all. Do any of you remember it?
Life seems so simply back when I was a child and even when I was parent when I tucked my children in at bedtime. We would say this prayer: “Now I lay me down to sleep my soul to keep, if I should die before I wake I pray the Lord my soul to take.”
As an adult now I think WOW that is pretty heavy for a child! Talking about dying while sleeping. Even today there is adults that can’t speak of death and understanding our soul lives on when you die. Both prayers to me were and are very simple conversations with God. Simplicity is one thing us adults forget when it comes to praying. We can make life so complicated.
I often find I don’t have the words to express what I feel in my heart. That is when I feel the need to be still and silent. God knows the conversation script we need to have.
Yes, this is a harder world to live in with complications of terror, murders and so often your neighbors are strangers, not like family anymore. Our priority lies with our children and helping to teach the simple prayers to the future generations. Always, Mom
Jan’s Tip: Take time to spend with a child, you will be blessed with simple wisdom for living. Mom’s thoughts for 4-13-13 MY CALENDAR On my computer desk sits my calendar for this year. It holds dates of reminder for birthdays, anniversaries, and times of celebrations with others. As I age I count more on my calendar instead of my memory. LOL. I have events my kids tease me about. We call them “would-be’s.” Most of them remind me of loved ones who have passed but I still have them in my daily life. I still say, “so today so & so would be age today.” This coming Sunday the 14th of April is the anniversary of my dear Mom Esther’s death 10 years ago. My calendar note reminds me of the gift she was to have her in my life and married to my Daddy. This past Wednesday my calendar showed one day of victory for me. It marks 20 years of my quitting smoking and throat cancer surgery. It was the hardest task I have ever had as a bad habit needing to be eliminated and put in my past. I had tried 5 times to quit, tried cutting to only 10 cigarettes per day, tried hypnotizing with no luck. The throat cancer made me try one more time with success. I wish cancer on no one to get one to quit but thankful it is 20 years non-absent in me. As the TV continued to talk of taxes being raised on cigarettes again, I thought back to when I quit I smoked a carton a week, paid then $2.50 each carton. If I multiplication is correct that would figure out to be a total of $2730.00 now 20 years later. That sounds like a lot, but then the man said a pack now costs $6.00 each or $60 a carton if for one week. So again I multiplied with a shocking total of $64,520.00. in 20 years. That is an incredible shocker for me. I am not on a stamp out smoking crusade, which would be great for us breathing clean air but it would be a plus. I only want to remind myself that I accomplished a goal I thought I could never do and one day at a time. I completed a challenge put into my life and never could have made it without God’s help. I am cancer free having healthy lungs and a future to look forward to filling more calendars with my loved ones. We each have options in life and it is only our decisions to make. We each have to select our priorities of our choices. I hope you all have celebrations to write on your calendars for the future ahead. Always, Mom Jan’s Tip: The happiest people don’t necessarily have the best of everything; they just make the best of everything.
My thoughts today as I look at my March Calendar make me aware that springs a coming. I first see our Daylight Savings begins on March 10th. Old Happy Days I get to sleep one hour longer setting the clock by “spring forward” rule. Spring brings to mind the wonderful trips my sister, Alberta, and I made each year to Georgia. We began our Solo trips, without our hubbys, both being passed, we pulled up our big girl panties, filled up her car with gas, & “Yes we can solo” traveling the interstate. We only drove daytime and always checked into our motel before dark. Our heads were full of words they fill our head with over the year. It was an adventure we did for 5 years. We spent a month or so with my sister, Gerry and we spent time reminiscing with our cousins of our youth years. My being the baby of the family, hearing tales I didn’t know about. Oh the laughter and memories shared reunions. Our trips we would go in and out of springs as we passed thru different states. Lots of beauty after long winters, but our springs at home usually waited for us to return home.
So now we each stay pretty much to home, Alberta in Michigan and myself here in Indy. We both are without wheels to drive and care-less. We miss so many kinfolks that have passed recently, trying to stay in touch with the ones we can. Sis and I have AT&T that makes it a wonderful time together, mostly 30 minutes at a time. We are blessed with these cell phones. Sure didn’t have them to enjoy with our parents were living.
With the coming of spring on March 20th the promise of warm weather and spring flowers excite me. Our winter has been easy compared to so many others with problems. We are counting our blessings here about. I am looking forward to Easter on the 31st and the once again gathering of the beautiful eggs for the wee great grandbabies to get their baskets and run to find the well-hidden eggs. Most are in sight for they are ages 2 thru 6 now. My 5 blessings. With Easter comes spring and the world comes alive just as our dear Lord did. No wonder with the hope it gives folks say Happy Easter! It sure gives me joy each day counting my blessings.
I just looked in my book; this is the #401 Mom’s Thoughts in the 10 years I have been doing them. Lots of subjects and topics. Makes me laugh at some of the silly ones we have shared. Happy Spring is coming all! Always, Mom
Jan’s Tip: A happy person is too busy to worry in the daytime. And too sleepy to worry at nite.
Mom’s thoughts for February 14, 2013
Once again it is that time of the year that is special for it is Valentine week everywhere. Seems you feel LOVE everywhere. Dianna who works at McNamara Florist is busy making everyone feel special, lovely flowers, chocolate candy, and beautiful statues of angel. And much more that really hits a woman’s heart. I love to see the McNamara truck in the neighborhood. Means it is bringing that loving smile to faces as they receive love delivered to their door. The angel ladies that do all the special work this week really need our prayers to get them thru the long hours and last minute customers at the door. HAHA. Also prayers for energy for the drivers as they work long hours.
Valentines Day makes me think back to grade school, when there was a decorated box in the classroom for all to put their valentines for the class in. Then they would be delivered on Valentine’s Day to your own desk. I recall daydream that the most “handsome boy” would send me a mushy valentine declaring his undying love. He was always the most popular boy in the class, (nothing small on my daydreaming!) I was over tall for my age, big buckteeth, and all, so the chance of him even looking my way was slim. Usually I got cards from girl friends but no boys. Yeah I would be crushed and bubble busted, but no one told me that handsome hunk would most likely grow up to be a nerd and stuck on himself.
Many of us have had to learn that we may fall in love with a person and daydream him to be what we want him to be, thinking we can change or mold him like playdough. Won’t happen----changes start with ourselves, only God can change others. Often changes bring about different traits of personalities, making the person NOT the one we fell in love with. Love is tricky, so be careful what you wish for. As a Garth Brooks song says, those unanswered prayers can be blessings. We don’t always know what or who is best for us, but God does.
Happy Valentine’s Week to all, love the one you are with. Always, Mom
Jan’s tip: Don’t go for looks, they can deceive. Don’t go for wealth, even that fades away. Go for someone who makes you smile, because it takes only a smile to make a dark day seem bright. Find the one who makes you smile! If you found that one thank your lucky stars! Love them daily and don’t forget Valentine’s Day is special.
Mom’s Thoughts on January 26, 2013
Last Monday was a holiday across our nation for many. One was the historical Inauguration of our President and Vice President ceremony and the celebration of Martin Luther King’s Birthday. King’s life was based on the right of freedom and equal rights for all, it made the day truly expressing freedom rights. I do like to take the time to watch when I feel “History” is being made for our country. I witnessed an unbelievable well planned and executed swearing in. It was heart-felt up lifting thru the music, which honored our nation, our flag, and the American spirit of pride of our freedom. The unity was felt regardless of one’s political choice of being Democrat or Republican. I felt we were together all American. The parade and balls completed it all. At the end of the day I had the Lee Greenwood song “God bless the USA” running continually through my mind. I felt a proud American.
Not knowing in 24 short hours the news media would burst my bubble and bring me back to earth. The big discussion on the TV Media was did Beyonce lip-synched and tape her song and not singing live. To me the version our national anthem was an A+ regardless of how she did it and it was her true voice. I would have been nervous in front of all those people myself of making a mistake.
Well, if that wasn’t enough the media had the discussion of who would be running for president in 2017 and the faults of each possible running candidate. Promising we will be hearing this for 4 years. Well so much for the good unity feeling I felt, they had just killed it.
I liked it better when NEWS traveled slower and I had time to enjoy the feeling of my moments. So off with the TV and back to singing, “God bless the USA” with Lee Greenwood. It is all about choices and what controls you. I like patriotic, positive celebrating holidays for our country. OK, I feel better, hope you can relate! Love, Mom
Jan’s Tip: The doors of opportunity are marked “push” and “pull.”
THIS TOO SHALL PASS Many times when someone needs
encouraging while in a crisis situation, or when they feel a large loss,
I don't have the right words of comfort they may need at the times. So I
often have used what I thought was a verse from the bible, This Too
Shall Pass and somehow they will come through it okay. After finding out
this wasn't in the bible, then I decided if more women had written books
in the bible it surely would have been in there. The words are so true,
with patience we do work thru times we didn't think we could handle and
we do survive better than we could imagine. My Mountainwings message last
Sunday were on these same four words, over the last two years of doing
Mom's Thoughts I had often thought of writing on these words, AHA!!! at
last God says it is time. I love my daily messages on the computer and
in my Daily Bread devotional, they usually are right on God's Time. The
Mountainwings states: "When you are on top of the world, that is but a
fleeting moment, things change, always remember, This Too Shall Pass.
When you are in the pits, all nights are followed by day, at your lowest
moments remember also, This Too Shall Pass. All external circumstances
and material things change. No matter what your circumstances, remember
This Too Shall Pass." The things we worry or gloat
about are temporary and of the material world fleeting by. The true
important things are beyond this earth and life are eternal. I have
found it to be true if you look back at the years in the past you will
find situation and crisis, you didn't think humanly possible to come
through. You survived and usually became stronger and wiser while doing
it. This is what learning is all about, getting us through in the best
way possible. So, let the four little words be your guide line to get
you thru your next valley of trouble, remember, This Too Shall Pass!!!!
Life is continually changing, make it for the better. Have a great week, stay warm for
BRRRRRR wind chills again-------I think winters here in Indy again. I am
ready for Indian Summer and the air outside has felt like SNOW. OK, This
Too Shall Pass. Love you all, and keep on smiling, Always, Mom Tip of the week:Temper is one thing you can’t get rid of by losing it!
Here it is the first day of winter and with it came 2 inches of snow. I love snow but the bitter blowing wind, wind chill and wind chills sends goose bumps over this ole lady’s body. Give me warmth this time of the year.
I watched today the maintenance techs out with the snow blowers in the early morning of darkness cleaning the sidewalks and street here in Crestwood South. It reminds me of why I made my home here. Someone else to do the chores I don’t want to do as the seasons pass, fighting cold and cleaning snow off, raking leaves in the fall, maintaining up keep of a home over the years of abuse, etc. Perfect solution for me! Same as the ridding myself of my car has me riding our campus bus for my needs. Home, yepper, I am happy and content, lots of friends and neighbors too.
I feel mighty blessed this Christmas season with the acts of kindness of all here in my world. It has been a rough year within my family health wise, been some journeys we really didn’t want to face, but we have and our family strongly feels our blessings and successes. Ready to get on with our living!
I wish each of you a very Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the coming New Year, Love, Happiness, and Good Health. Love Always, Mom
Jan’s Tip: Share the acts of kindness you have received with others. Your heart will feel the love when they share their smiles with you. God bless the Baby Jesus gift we received.
OH WHAT A NITE!! Believe there is a song like that Pam reminded me of while taking about last Saturday nite. We all turned out (50) for Dianna’s 50th PINK Birthday and End of Chemo dinner party. With the decorations in PINK and PINK floral designed tables by Dianna’s Coworkers at McNamara, it was an absolutely delicate taste of being elegant. Dianna and the ladies were picked up from work by a limousine furnished by her hubby, Don. He sure knows how to give a great celebration, for Dianna’s 50th and Breast Cancer journey. Thanks Don for a wonderful evening. As I looked at Dianna with almost a glow on her healthy smiling face, I realized the journey was definitely hard one but so worth it! My son Rusty attended also, he has survived his bariatic surgery and long recovery successfully. He is back to work full time and slim and trim after years of health and weight problems. I too was lucky to have my daughter, Pam, my oldest child attending. She has overcome a long journey of recovery and weight loss also. Pam has found her strength thru faith and the love of being the greatest Grama for her 3 grandchildren. Proud yes, I am proud of all 3, though they have aged me by all being that over the hill age, 50, 53, and 55 years old. That realization makes me say “Oh What A Life!” Can’t even imagine that the 17-year-old bride I was would be beaming with pride on their accomplishments all these years later. I sure didn’t do every thing right, raising them was trial and error for Russ and myself. But the end results make it all worthwhile. Sure he is smiling down on them from above. God has blessed our pathway of marriage. I could go on and on but I need to say thank you to all that have helped my three in their journeys and made them the persons they are today.Which include their spouses, their children, grandchildren and friends. May there be more “Oh What a Night’s.” Love always, Mom Tip from Jan: The steps you take today create the path you’ll use tomorrow. Mom’s Thoughts for Oct. 13, 2012
Fall Time of the year
My walking club I head up has had 3 trips out to Parks in the last weeks. We routinely walk here around Crestwood weekly. I love the fun my seniors have, laughter while getting out to socialize and making the effort to eat and walk to stay healthy. Most being senior years of 70 and 80s of age I know the warm spirited attitude is what keeps them young at heart and a pleasure for my effort put forth planning the bus trips.
As we traveled on the bus we have shared many beautiful sunsets, harvest moons coming up, and the awesome fall colors we are blessed with the yellows, reds and oranges brightly displayed in the trees. I love Fall!! It brings back so many memories of the kids and probably all of your family too! From the picking the pumpkins with children, just the right size, to carving them out to make the Jack O Lanterns, I laugh as I think of the kids and not wanting to mess their hands up with taking the gook out! I have heard before that is what God does in our lives is remove the bad and fills us with good purposes for our life. I look around at all that happens daily as the sunrises, sunsets, all things we so take for granted, and I feel the awe of our Creator to give so much beauty to us.
I remember the big job of raking leaves at many of our homes from the falling leaves, the kids raking them in piles only to nose dive into them and making the clean up a slower process. Bagging always came after the fun! Our house on Ripple Road was the hardest; one had an acre yard full of over 50 different trees. Beautiful in the summer but the fall was really hard to clean up. It seems most families have the memories of fall that passes from one generation to the next.Yeah you all know I love my good memories and relive them often. Of course, the later time of the month will bring the Halloween Parties with Trick or Treating. But for now I will enjoy the peaceful falling of the leaves as I think back. Take the time to remember and smile that you have shared the time with your loved ones. Happy Fall everyone; we will be Falling Back on our daylite savings time on November 4th. That will be another Mom’s Thoughts as I regain the sleep rhythm back. LOL. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Sacrifice is giving up something good to get something
better. Mom’s Thoughts on September 25, 2012 UNWANTED JOURNEYS All our lives are full of ups and downs to endure through every day living. I have written of many such events in my Mom’s Thoughts over the last 10 years, anniversary coming up October 6th. I have written sad ones, happy ones, some down right silly, but most have been directly thoughts from God in my heart to share. All have his words felt through journeys of the past years of my life. The title “Unwanted Journeys” came to me as I thought of so many times I thought I would never make it thru much less come out of feeling stronger and lessons learned because of the dilemmas faced. In April Dianna’s unwanted journey began with the news of her breast cancer. Our whole network of family and friends were completely devastated. Faced with challenges, the pain to be endured, the strength needed, and the need of positive outlook to returning to a normal life for Dianna at age 49. She is now finished with Chemo, back to work, scheduled the final surgery of breast reconstructed for the first part of November. We never could have come this far with out God’s healing power, the circle of prayer warriors that kept his line open and still continue to keep her on their list. As a Mother, looking back to my own cancer surgery 19 years ago and series of radiation to make me 100% cancer free, I am aware that my journey was in preparation of those paths I have crossed with cancer, including my own daughter’s journey. God will place her in others lives in the future who will need her journey as stepping-stones for theirs. This is my belief. God does not take away those times of “Why me?” but he does remind you he will give you the strength to endure and be stronger on the other side of troubles. April thru now almost October, I’ve seen blessing of my son Rusty back to working for FedEx and healthy after his medical problems. Also with my own blood pressure problems being corrected after 6 months of being off kilter. My sister Alberta is on the right track after health decline also all with precious care from her family. I am proud of my daughter Pam in her “unwanted journey” of unemployment; she knows it is short term of hardship. She too has the faith that God too will turn this around for good. It takes daily faith to endure some of life’s curves, just keep your eyes on him, guaranteed he won’t let you down. I know each of you have your own Unwanted Journeys cause that is what life is about. May God bless you thru them. I hope to be back on the road of doing Mom’s Thoughts again, I so have missed sharing every day life with all of you. Ready for some fun and silly ones. Take care I love you all. Always, MOM Tip of the week: When you accept a blessing from someone, you are
giving a blessing in return. We all need to be humble once in a while
and say Thank You to others.
Hello all, taking a minute just to give a brief update to some of you that aren't on the family texting message center. With all the cell phones conveniences I have been able to let lots of you instant reports of recovery. Others I apology to for leaving you out in left field.
Dianna's Breast Surgery was successful and with God's amazing grace she is now into her 3rd week of recovery. She is a beautiful healthy patient who has been patient with Mom's care giving. She is healing and getting stronger every day. She begins chemo on the 2nd of July, low doses to be given 3 weeks apart. We will need prayers that the second stage goes as well as the first part of her cancer journey. Thanks you all for your support and prayers in the past weeks and in the future 13 weeks. God has had an open pipeline due to you all.
My son Rusty is home after his same day hospital stay as Dianna's surgery. The bleeding ulcer has been stopped and medically treated. He is home but is having black outs with blood pressure dropping and heart rate falling. The doctors have not found the cause and his falls have confined him to home and constant care givers watch. He feels it is related to the 6 pints of blood transfusion he had in the hospital. I hope the Cardiologist will find the cause this week. Please continue to prayer for God's healing grace for him.
Mom is doing well considering all that has gone on. I have had 2 nites at home and quiet time with myself. I am headed to church and then back to Dianna's for the coming
Mom’s Thoughts May 31, 2012
Lake Huron and Me
Over Memorial Day I thought of Lake Huron as often the summer brings those memories back to me. When I lived there I often would wake to the lakeside for a peaceful time alone. Something about the lake water that is soothing and relaxing seems to bring tranquility to the soul. The waves that were my favorites were the ones you could see the white caps coming in from a distance. Not the splashing ones that would break heavy on the rocks but the ones you could hear them whoosh into the shoreline and then fall back into the lake quietly.
I could relate a lot of my troubles and cares being taking back out with the water and disappearing and being no more. When the feeling of relief covering my body and soul after letting them go. Strange how we can relive the water of the lakes and sea in our mind so alive almost placing you instantly there again. I loved my time in Michigan while carrying for Big Nanny and her time with Alzheimer’s disease. Mother was surrounded with her children and we all knew she felt our love, we weren’t the children she knew in the past but she knew we loved and cared for her. I thank my siblings for their help to allow me the finances to be able to care for Mother, couldn’t have done it without them.
I know the waves still come and go in & out on Lake Huron, though some days it is quietly still, or others of enormous heights of waves hitting the rock walls splashing into the air. They also have the angry storms that hit the harbor so violently. Sort of like our lives, good times, rough times, still times, and unpredictable from day to day. We are reminded one day at a time, do the best we can with each day and in all remember we face nothing alone. God is with us.
Dianna’s pre surgery dye injection is on June 7th. Her breast surgery and reduction of both breasts will be on June 8th. With all going well she will start chemo on the 18th of June. Our Scott Family has come thru lots of storms and we sure are not quitters. We face them head on! Thank you to all for your love and prayers. You all are one fantastic bunch of prayer warriors. She has prayer groups that continue to grow every day in all directions. Will keep you all posted how things move along. Always, Jan
Jan’s tip: When you’re
down to nothing---God is up to something!
Life Testings
I have learned there is now and always will be times of storms or testings coming into our lives. Some believe they are sent by God to punish us. I don’t believe that, many times I have found trouble times, dark storms that interrupt our lives just when everything is going so good. Why I have learn thru it all he has been right there with me and his power is often seen in the end.
I know it took no time for me to realize my throat cancer which created fear in me, was fear I knew I could not handle alone and be able to come out a winner after all these 19 years as a survivor. In my lowest point, during my radiation treatments, 15 minutes in a glass room alone I recited the Twenty Third Psalm giving me the strength to overcome the fear of unknown. After 35 treatments thru a lot of pain & recovery I was given a gift, I developed a true relationship with my Lord. One I did not have prior to that but needed. Again I am a believer that our lives are planned for us by God from birth to death down to each crisis, storm, joyful events that we can’t change the out comes. Worrying never shortens any of our storms length. One of the hardest challenges is when it is one of our family and we can’t FIX the problem of one we love. The frustration and feeling so helplessness affects us all.
A recent mammogram for my youngest daughter Dianna, detected a lump in her breast. Learning it was Cancer has changed our world the last two weeks. The tests, the doctors’ conferences have left us in a devastating shock. The plan is in the process of being done by the medical field to reach the right solution for her. The doctors and family feel so encouraged by her healthy 49 year old body and the positive strength she has always shown in her actions. She has always been there for us in crisis times. I am asking for prayers and encouragement for Dianna so she can continue on with a good outcome and future life with family, children and her beautiful grandchildren.
Our family has come thru some rough ones but we’ve done it together. Our faith and love has grown with life’s testings. WE CAN DO THIS TOO! Thanks for everyone’s help. Always, Mom
tip: A diamond is a piece of coal that didn’t quit under pressure.
Mom’s Thoughts May 12, 2012
Mothers Love
In the news this week a very special Mother has been spotlighted for Mothers’ Day. This mother of 2 protected her children with her own body during a recent tornado. The children due to her protection were safe and unharmed, however the mothers loss was severe. A beam from the home fell on her legs and resulted in need to be amputated. What an act of bravery and demonstrates the depth of a Mothers Love for her children.
From the instant a baby is formed and life begins the bond between a mother and her child becomes stronger than life itself. The love that grows is one of deep protection with our own life at risk if need be in order to keep our children out of harms way.
Thru the years I have many times wished I could take away their illness, their hurts, their pains that come with life’s storms. I have hurt when they hurt and felt so helpless to change the situation. I too know the comfort as a child to be held by their Mother, always feeling warm and safe in her arms. That feeling of all is well! I guess we almost make our Mom’s like our hero, regardless of whether son or daughter. My Mother’s arms were the best medicine I could ever get, Mother’s Love so very special!
There is no way a Mother can be compensated for her caring and nurturing while raising a child. She gives so much of herself unconditionally 24/7. The outcome of those children as adults and mentors for their children and grandchildren become the payment of pride for her. She feels the job is well done and time well spent over the years.
On this Mothers’ Day I wish for all Mothers to realize the worthiness of their jobs over the years. We can’t put a dollar value on it, but we can show her love and respect for her Mother’s Love every day. I am so blessed with my children and family, they are the dearest things in my life. Always, Mom
Jan’s tip: It is not about having it all. It’s about having what you value most. -Jean Chatzky-
Just recently we lost a man who brought changes to so many teenagers. The passing of Dick Clark shook up so many folks who began the start of his hosting American Bandstand. His daily popularity began the Rock & Roll show to the world of teenagers. He was not famous as a singer, musician, but one who loves music, music of all kinds. The music as the teenagers have changed and aged thru the years. Dick known as the oldest teenager was very humble about his popularity over the decades. Starting the 1956 he took the energy of the teens & young adults, got them up on their feet and into dancing. As Host of Rock and Roll, the TV era had the teens eager to be on camera with him or watching from home after school. Sure kept teens off the streets. Dick in later years started the New Years Rockin’ Eve beginning of the silver ball of Times Square dropping, music and more dancing to bring the new year in for the whole world. From American Bandstand to worldwide admiration and love his legacy cannot be covered by an obituary in memories.
Recently, in reading the intro of a book Lois was reading, I was taken into thought, if we all wrote our own obit what would we hope it would say? Mostly it would tell of our family, marriage & children, our occupations, members of organizations, burial info, and where we would be laid to rest. When I was doing genealogy about 5 years ago, I got some laughs at some obits and info given of the deceased. Thank goodness they have become better written in the newspapers now.
Most of the obits of my friends lately have been very short and almost like they had no life or it was unimportant due to their wishes. I know many others were touched by their lives and felt cheated for not being able to pay respects to them or the family. No service, no viewing doesn’t allow good memories to be shared with the family either. Often that brings out laughter of good memories we shared which can help us to deal with grief.
I have left a list of the organizations and places I have worked over the years, but for some reason they mean little to me now. Most that knew me then have passed or their memories have faded and they don’t remember me. I do have 3 high school friends who are so dear to me, we still stay in touch on the Internet. My local friends, I would hope would say, “most the times she was nice to be around.” –smile- But a legacy No, I’m not in that category. Not famous unless they say, “she sure made her share of crocheted Afghans for us.” –Smile-
Hope I have made you too think, look back over the life you have lived, what’s your obit to say? We all touch others lives more than we give ourselves credit for, have they been positive or negatives effects in their lives if the person was asked?
Sorry to make this so long. Take care everyone! Always, Mom
Jan’s tip: The only one who likes change is a wet baby.
Mom’s Thoughts April 10, 2012
Yeah, I am still stuck on stuck, the subject brings to mind how many times I was stuck in traffic with lane after lane of cars and no place to go but to wait. I would like to say that I waited patiently but truthfully most of the times, I got madder and madder. Didn’t do any good for I would still have to wait till the traffic jams cleared up. The only thing I can say I learn from that is I stressed me for nothing. It didn’t change a thing but made me harder to live with for some time.
Alberta reminded me of one time my sister Geraldine got stuck when caring for Mother. She was bedridden and Sis had moved her from bed to the potty chair. Well as she turned Mother around Mother pushed her to the bed and sat down on Geraldine. STUCK, Geraldine tried every way to get Mama to stand up but they didn’t work. She couldn’t roll her over to the sides, or make her stand up. Thank goodness she started yelling for the neighbor to help, it was summer time with windows open, Tony came over and helped pulled Mother off of Geraldine. I do to this day believe Mother had played a mean ole trick on Geraldine.
I received a lot of replies on
my Mom’s Thoughts Stuck Spots and I thank you all, but one made me laugh
and I still am laughing as I write it. This is from Barbara a dear
resident here in the building. Barb and her hubby Jim has told stories
and put many smiles on my face, but this is the top one: Loved your "Stuck" story. One
story came to my mind immediately. Jim & I and the both kids went to
see "Eagle Creek" after it had been drained. Jim decided to walk out
into the middle of the lake, as it was now dry. The kids & I followed
him (trying to walk in his steps) just in case. It looked muddy but he
wasn't sinking. I swear I was walking in his steps at the end of our
line of people, but suddenly, I sank and kept sinking like quicksand. I
was yelling and throwing my arms, trying to hang on to something. I had
sank in almost to my knees. The kids & Jim were trying to pull me out
while laughing. I smelled like the sewer and lost a shoe and vowed
never to ever venture again into the unknown. I saw no humor in this
story at all, but he loves to tell about it (also the kids). "The day
we almost lost mom". Seems Moms can bring lots of memories back to our minds that put smiles on our faces. The saying is true “you only get one Mom” take care of her and love her while she is here. Thanks to all my children for giving me a beautiful day on Easter Sunday, great food, great fun with my family gathering hidden eggs, bicycle riding, laughing, enjoying the sunshine and the blessed event of our risen Lord. This is one very blessed lady. Always, Mom
Jan’s tip: Don’t pray for a bushel and carry only a cup.
I’ve heard the expression before “Stuck between a rock and a hard place” many times maybe you have too. I always felt it was a “no winner” place to be when I would hear that said while a child. Many grown ups used that phrase to others. That description can surely mess with ones imagination.
My youngest great grandson Silas recently found himself in just that kind of a “Stuck Spot.” Picture this one, Kids love to play with empty boxes more so than with the contents. Silas found a new toy till Tori heard him cry and located him, as she looked at the box she found Silas stuck in it. Shoulders pent down in the box, feet up in the air and poor Silas unable to move with a frantic look on his face. Tori as all good mothers does grabbed her camera and tried not to laugh. The picture said it all “Stuck Spot.” Children are usually are the ones to get in those places as they venture in learning life. Don’t laugh or it makes them madder.
But not all are children, I recall looking out my window to see walking on the harden snow in the yard, so as to not walk on the iced sidewalks was one of our residents here in Crestwood South. He was fine till his weight caused the snow to cave in under his feet causing him to fall. He then found the snow was just deep enough, about 6 inches that he couldn’t get leverage to balance and stand up. He had never thought about the snow collapsing under him. I too tried not to laugh at the situation. I went down and between the two of us we got him safely in the building. I still kid him about his “Stuck Spot,” he said he would have frozen in his tracks if I hadn’t seen him. I think his wife and I have had the most fun with that one.
Dianna told me of her sister in law, Liz, being extremely pregnant with twins, sat herself on the floor. When she tried to get up her belly was so big and heavy she couldn’t move either legs to get up from the floor. Now that is really a “Stuck Spot”. Sure she too never thought of the results of her actions. Mercy me, I remember those pregnant days almost need a lift to move any place.
I am sure I’ve had more “Stuck Spots” than my memory will allow. I have painted myself into corners, and waxed floors too only realize I was again in a corner. Another comes to mind, of stepping into a “one foot” space to reach something only to realize hands full and I couldn’t step back out like I stepped in. Thank goodness someone heard my yell and come to my aid. Embarrassed Yes very much so! The important thing is to laugh at yourself when others laugh at you. It is a great stress reliever. Love to hear of some of your “Stuck Spots.” Always, Mom
Tip: Yesterday is gone, tomorrow is uncertain, today is here, use it
My sister and I are the only siblings remaining in our birth family. The passing of our siblings, Geraldine and Vern, followed the passing of our parents with the realization we were orphans all too quickly. The last few years we had with them became very precious to us and pulled all of us even closer. We shared so much together of good times and bad times, much was hard years of the depression that I have no memory of but were told of its hardness after my birth.
Alberta and I talk by phone mostly these days, her in Michigan and me here in Indy. We both agree times have changed and our loss of loved ones have been many of kinfolks, friends and neighbors who have touched our lives deeply in one way or another. I have come to believe that folks along my life’s journey have been placed at the times I needed them the most for a reason. As we mature, growing personally our strengths some time needs encouragement from others who have been where we are, with gentle help they fill our needs and theirs. Theirs as helpers and ours as the one needing help. Both can be gifts of blessings that stay with us as memories.
It has helped me to think of the gifts of memories not as something I need to mourn or grieve over. Miss them yes, very much so, but happy times keep making living each day worthwhile. I lost another resident friend and neighbor of 2 years this past week. He truly was finding hardship in his senior years, had many falls due to declining health to deal with. He had the gift of being jolly and always able to make us laugh, though most was laughing at himself. Many times as I was calling 911 when he fell, he would say next time just throw me over the balcony, of course I would agree next time I would. We both laughed. I am left with a void in my daily life, but his memories will stay with me in my heart of his laughter. Rest in peace my friend Ed, you have earned it! Many shared your gift here in our building family.
I read in my daily bread this week: Dying is like trusting God as our catcher. After we have flown through life, we can look forward to God reaching out to catch his followers and pull them safely to Himself forever. What a great thought! Makes me think of our dear Mom Esther and why her song was the hymn “I’ll Fly Away.” What a comforting feeling. Always, Mom
Jan’s Tip: Read John 14:16 in the bible. God blessings!
Each Sunday the highlight of the day is attending the 11 o’clock service at Greenwood Christian Church. Gives me the chance to worship our Lord plus see and chat with friends. I rarely miss because my weeks always go better when I start them off right attending church, Works for me!
The month of February our sermons were on Marriage, being the month of celebrating love for Valentine’s Day. Any one that is or has been married you know that it takes lots of hard work to keep a marriage fresh, adventurous to your partner, a bond that becomes best of friends and working as partners together. A marriage has a lot of ups and downs, especially if it includes raising children and then many adjustments when they leave to be on their own. Lots of give and take, is it worth it? You betcha!! No one gets as close to you as a spouse other than God. Guess that is why marriage joins you together to become one.
Our pastor asked each married couple to stand hand in hand with their spouse at the front of the sanctuary or in the aisles, space permitting. We had young newly weds, ages ranging up to elderly couples who have passed together years of marriage. Viewing over 50 couples standing looking at each other hand in hand was an awesome experience for me. Like watching love in action, as always at weddings it brings tears to my eyes. With the tears came envy, widows remained in their seats, many wishing we could have our partners alive and able to participate. The pastor asked all to work on their marriage with this partner for the future years ahead and each to repeat the “I Still Do.” Then he said you may kiss your spouse. A certificate was given to all for each couple to sign as again commitment to their marriage.
I know this was all sweet and special for the married folks and some may think silly, but it impressed me. On April 4th I will have 30 years as a widow. I don’t know why this was in God’s plans for Russ and I and I know I will not ever understand why. But I do know we were blessed with a good marriage till his death separated us. I would hope if we still were together we both would say “I Still Do.”
Don’t take that hubby or wife for granted work to keep your marriage stronger every day. It is so worthwhile. Love to you all, Always Mom
Jan’s tip:
The 10 commandments are not a multiple choice. Mom’s Thoughts for 2-24-12
Times Change
We have had a total different winter so far this year. Now, I’m not complaining for it has been mild and very little snow. So far we’ve had 9”of snow total in Indy and all sparingly with almost no inconveniences on the roads. Of course we still have 3 more weeks of winter according to the ole’ groundhog. Now how a groundhogs shadow differs from ours I don’t know. Sounds like something our great great’s decided to bestow the honor to an animal pulling him out of the ground hole.
I got to thinking of how the times change over the past years. When we lived on Patterson Street (most of you kids were born while there) our winters were bitter cold. Bitter I mean like most of the time the temps were below zero—like 10 to 20 below. We lived in that small house without storm windows, often feeling breezy cold air coming in around the windows. Dad always waited till it was the coldest and windiest days to decide we needed to put plastic on the windows and it always had to be on the outside. Don’t know who told him that was the way to do it, some one as young and dumb as us, I guess. Years later Uncle Bob told us you are heating the outside; put the plastic on the inside of the windows. DUH! We always learned our lessons the hard way.
Times change, I now sit in a warm apartment comfortable and let the landlord worry about all that. Times change and so has the weather; we are now looking at the 40s and 50s in February. It may be this way till spring comes early. The days are getting longer, sunsets later; & daylight savings time change is March 11th. Yeah, I will go for that, come on SPRING! Always, MOM
Jan’s tip: The best thing about the future is it only comes one day at a time. (Abe Lincoln)
We have stepped back into cold like 14 degrees the last few days with wind chills like 2 above zero here in Indy. All makes you want to snuggle up in your recliner with a cozy afghan, warm cup of drink, and just be comfortable for the day. My thoughts wonder to the days we lived in the south and I was young, Mother had only a wood burning stove in the kitchen to keep us and the whole house warm. Yep, we would stack the old heavy quilts Mother made on top of us to stay warm at nite. We would all hurry to the kitchen to get warm in the morning. You get away from the heat and it’s cold.
The warmth we felt was always so cozy and felt good on the front side next to the stove, while when we stepped away to turn for the other side, we started to feel chilled again. I had the same feelings with our fireplace on Ripple Road in my house I so loved. HaHa even thought one time we could heat the whole 10 rooms with it. Young and dumb I found out different. Anytime you are near warmth and step away it leaves a chilling in you. Sometimes clear to the bones.
In my thoughts I think of times in my life my faith has been weaken by my own actions. Times I have stepped away from God only to find myself headed down the wrong path, at those times it was like walking away from the warm protection and into the cold. All may have been my own doing but thank the Holy Spirit I was drawn back to the warmth, peace in my soul, all through the faith my Mother placed in me as a child. Her teachings of right and wrong have become stronger all thru my life. She may not be with me in life now but in my heart and head she is still there helping the Lord to lead me. Thanks Mother for your guidance.
I am snuggling in the warmth for the 5 more weeks the ground hog said we have of winter. Stay warm everyone, don’t be left out in the cold. Spring has to be in the near future. Always, MOM
Jan’s Tip: God will never ask you for something that you don't have. He has already put it in you as a seed before he will ever require it from you as a deed. ~Dr. Ron Cottle~
Mom’s Thoughts for January 29, 2012
It seems like a lot of my days are spent waiting. I wait a lot for the bus since I sold my car. It runs on a schedule and for sure it’s not always mine. Here at Crestwood the highlight of the day seems to be waiting for the mail. One event no one wants to miss, though it is usually JUNK! Even watched our senior folks trying to get mail on Martin Luther King’s Day. Again that holiday only brought having to wait for the next day’s mail. Waiting seems to be part of life for all of us.
Pam waited over a year for her new job & new home, some of us have spent our share of waiting for a call of good news with lots of worrying in between, we too have had frustrating times of unknown events to change for the better, and many unanswered prayers wondering if anyone is listening. God knows I am one always wanting patience’s, which I am short on as I wait, and wait. Sooner or later I have found God comes through with his time, his grace and once again answers with blessings.
As a mother of 5, years ago I had the times of waiting following the announcements that I was pregnant. Nine months of waiting faced me each time, the excitement brought waiting for the baby to move, waiting in the doctors office, waiting to hear the heart beats and know the baby was strong, waiting as the pounds came on me only to wonder if I would ever be thin again, waiting with restrictions to my life style, waiting to go into labor only to wait for them to be serious enough to deliver if I went to the hospital. Believe I got sent home a few times and more waiting. Then the time finally comes and God brings forth a miracle child, all perfectly formed with his love and creation. No wonder we cry of awesome feelings from our hearts.
Our family tree has grown one more time with the birth of Harper Lee Russo, 7 lbs, 15 ozs. yesterday to Bobbie and Tiffany Russo. Bobbie is Alberta’s grandson by daughter Linda. This is Alberta’s 12th great grandchild. It has been a long wait for this wee babe; Tiffany has been confined mostly to bed rest during the pregnancy. This being the case a load was place on the whole family, Bobbie, and the other daughters Hailey and Hannah. I am sure Linda is smiling down from heaven to see her Italian grandchild healthy, with beautiful blonde hair. Congrats to the Russo family your waiting was worth it all. You are so blessed to have that wonderful baby to raise. Keep the pictures coming as she grows we are family proud! Always, Mom
Tip from Jan: Big Nanny said we love getting babies anyway we can get them. She sure did her share of diaper changing. Smile Mother you have another one to hold one day.
Mom’s Thoughts for January 15, 2012
With the recent move my daughter Pam is now 10 minutes away from her sister Dianna. They now share lunch dates, activities with their grandchildren almost weekly. A sisters love is one that is so special, don’t know if it is because they were both attach to their Mother prior to birth. Special warming and love! Seems as sisters mature the relationship becomes stronger than with other siblings. They become best friends sharing memories from the past years good and bad. Great to see views from others eyes.
I so cherish the times I was allowed to spend with my sisters, Alberta and Geraldine. Our true bonding came later in our lives as we all shared the grieving of hubby’s passing and widowhood. It eased the grieving we all 3 had to face with comfort. My sister Alberta called me recently cause she had relived dream of the time we shared our motel with a mouse on the trip to Georgia. Sure it wasn’t the same mouse HAHA! Our trips of Sisters on the Go and visiting cousins sure brought back memories of the days with Mom and Dad. I miss those trips; both of us don’t drive on Interstates and get family to chauffer us now. Albert and I share visits on the cell phones and if lucky we see each other a couple times a year. All are quality times and precious to us both.
Alberta had a relationship with Mother that Geraldine and I didn’t have. Mother being only 14 at the time she married and Alberta was born shortly after, they developed the bond of being like sisters. Mother depended so much on Alberta in those early years to care for the rest of us as we came along. They shared the chores as Mother worked the fields and Alberta’s tasked increased. They loved, laughed, cried, and became best friends with all the family looking to them with problems and solutions. I am truly blessed to have a Big sister like her, even if she is littler than me. HAHA!
I am fortunate to have close relationship with my daughters. It pleases me to see them making time to be together. It is not easy in this fast moving scheduled life we all have. The importance is they are taking advantage of it. Always, MOM
Tip from Jan: If you don’t have a birth sister, find you a best friend, and make a sister of her, it is a relationship you don’t want to miss.
Hope everyone had a happy beginning to our New Year 2012. As I thought back to the happenings of 2011, I remember one special one at Christmas time and would like to share with you all.
Our Crestwood South staff went out to Logan’s Restaurant together. We do every year but this one became very special. The Corporation normal pays for our dinners which is nice, but we got a surprise this time. While waiting at our table, we met a kind lady who just returned from her deployment overseas. She served our country for 3 years and never spent a dime while she was there. She shared that she had just assisted her mother in her choice to move to a senior living community, and she wanted to pay for the entire staff’s dinner as a Christmas gift. All she asked was that, in some way, we pay the kindness forward.
As I reflected on what happened, I realized that every person can pay kindness forward. We may not be able to pay for a party’s lunch, or do the things you used to be able to do at one point as deliver meals to the community or bake a meal for our loved ones. However, the simplest forms of kindness can often mean the most. Share with your family how much you appreciate their help, tell a neighbor or friend how pretty they are, or you like their outfit, or simply smile at others to say “Hi”. It really helps us to take the importance off us and place it on others. The happiness come back to you as you watch others appreciation. Three little words can make a difference, Pay it Forward! Always, MOM
Jan’s Tip: Since you get more joy out of giving joy to others, you should put a good deal of thought into the happiness that you are able to give. - Eleanor Roosevelt-
I find myself following a wonderful Christmas Eve with my family, four generations beginning when I married Russ. We have gone from the two of us, 55 years later to now having 19 in the Scott Family. Gathering together with our newest 5 under 6 years is so much fun. We hold in our hearts our loved ones who have passed on but still remain so vivid in our lives with the memories. Most families share this loss but continue on thru the bright promise of hope we have for the future. With Jesus’ birth at Christmas came the awesome gift for all of HOPE. The celebration we have of exchanging gifts, decorating, celebrating has brought wonderful memories to end this year with. Our blessings have been overflowing all year.
Now I find myself Twix and Between, very soon we will begin a new year, one with a clean slate, unmarked and open to fill in. With heartfelt hope for adventures to be shared with our family for more memories. As I turn the new calendar month by month, I will see birthdays and anniversaries to celebrate, all fun time events with the family. We will look forward to new additions by marriage or by births to increase by number the Scott Family. As Nana and the oldest member I couldn’t be prouder than I am of my children and grandchildren. All have grown thru love, caring for their off-springs of families. The great grandchildren are high lights of my days with the sheer cuteness of innocence they project. Guess they just keep me getting up each day. Them and the friends and neighbors here at Crestwood South. All are like children to love also! Seniors Living Life to the Fullest.
Happy New Year Everyone! May it be all you wish for and packed full with love and hope. I love you all! Till next time, Always, MOM
P.S. Marcey, my cousin in Georgia, I promised this Mom’s Thoughts for you! She asked for her mailbox to have one and for me to start writing again. This is a beginning after one year off. I love you and Fentress, God be with you! |