Jan Scott, Author
Mom’s Thoughts "Archives"
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Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 12-25-04
The final week before Christmas finds me deep in thoughts as I listen to Christmas stories, Christmas Carols and Songs. God gave us the Greatest Gift of All, our Lord and Savior, his birth holds more love and promise than any other gift ever. God himself created in each of us a void of the heart and it can be filled only by God with the Holy Spirit. As my Daily Bread states, Jesus is the image of the invisible God, fully God, yet in fully human form and can fill that void. The birth of Jesus and the story we celebrate on Christmas day is to remind us of the Greatest Gift of All and given to each of us.
I love the words of the song written by Mark Lowry, it tells of the awesomeness of our gift:
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one
day walk on water?
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will save our sons and daughters?
Did you know that your baby boy has come to make you new?
This child that you’ve delivered will one day deliver you.
Mary did you know that your baby boy would give sight to a blind man?
Did you know that your baby boy will calm a storm with his hand?
Did you know that your baby boy has walked where angels trod?
And when you kissed your little baby you’ve kissed the face of God.
The blind will see, the deaf will hear, the dead will live again,
the lame will leap, the dumb will speak the
praises of the Lamb.
Mary, did you know that your baby boy will one day rule the nations?
Did you know that your baby boy is heaven’s perfect lamb?
This sleeping child you’re holding is the
Great I Am.
Merry Christmas all, have a blessed week. Love, Mom
Accept the gift from God, fill your heart’s void and find his peace.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 12-18-04
December and so
far no snow to speak of, I have been thinking about praying for some to make it
feel more like Christmas. But, I thought that really would not be fair, I
don’t have to get out in it daily and can stay in where it is warm. So I
hadn’t been praying, but when I looked out this morning and saw snow flurries,
I said, “YES, I will be happy with that.” I guess all my memories of
Christmas past; have snow and lots of it in them. It always represented the
feeling of Christmas, and something we required to get in the mood of Christmas
and shopping for gifts. I do love snow, always have, and love to walk in it when
it is new and falling slowly, specially in the nightlight. The making of snow
flakes, not any two is one of those awesome makings of God. One I don’t know
the reason for but do enjoy the miracle of snow. Beautiful snow, white and
clean, yeah, how many of you already see it dirty and underfoot, work of
shoveling and the driving on the slick roads. Just remember I have NOT prayed
for it, but I don’t think we will be seeing it too soon, the weather calls for
in the 40’s temps. May not get that White Christmas this year, way too warm,
but it is Indiana and things can change and quick.
I attended the
Christmas Program at our Church this past Friday and Saturday night with family
and friends. The music was absolutely beautiful and the Choir, with the help of
others, outstandingly did the whole event. The feeling one left with was that
“Feeling of Christmas, mainly JOY.” The story of the birth of Jesus, the
soul reaching music, and singing along with the Christmas Carols, gave one the
joy of the heart, bringing God so close and his gift to us, so enormous and
unselfish, showing his awesome love. Music, it is so much a part of Christmas,
as we sing of joy and praise it can only place us in the high-spirits of
Christmas. I can’t imagine what it would be like not to have and feel music in
our lives. So I count it along with snow as two of my favorite things, how about
you all?
After our program Dianna, Tom and I drove around checking
out the pretty lights decorated in the Oak Meadows homes, they have mostly clear
lights and they decorate the neighborhood. What a beautiful sight to behold. My
favorite one was one in different colored lights, and appeared to be a
Gingerbread House; there were deer, snowmen, Santas, trees and bushes decorated,
and flashing. What a lot of work to give so much pleasure to others. Dianna
found the reindeer with the red nose first though Tom and I were trying to find
it. I had seen it on the trip with the senior bus light tour last week, but
forgot where it was. “Eagle eye Dianna” saw it though Tom and I think she
cheated us.
Memories of the
heart aren’t they wonderful; they do keep getting recalled thru our mind. I
have recycled cards to give in Building # 6 for the last 3 years. Everyone seems
to like my verse on them, so I will share with you all too. “May this recycled
card bring back the warmth and love of Christmas pasts, filling your heart with
love, joy, and happiness shared with loved ones and friends.” Enjoy the
blessed season everyone. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
The LIGHT is not just at the END of the tunnel; it’s IN the tunnel.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 12-11-04
With Christmas comes the never-ending search for suitable toys for the kids. I can’t even imagine shopping for kids now days. I being the wise Grama started giving the kids Gift Cards or Certificates a few years ago. I realized I wasn’t going to please them at teen years, but a gift card was like money and caused excitement to them. Now a days it pretty much has to be computerized or electronically or it is considered boring. BORING being a word my Mother never allowed, she would quickly find work for us to do to help that phase pass. HAHA. Toys that does not entertain you every second is not worthy of the time of day or time spent according to kids. Worthy of the time is the hand computer games, computerized games on cell phones, which is considered dire necessities to teen-agers and above.
Boy am I glad I don’t have to
be Santa anymore, gladly passing that job on to you children. The cost alone is
frightening on all the toys nowadays. Most are not made to last long, I chuckle
when I think of Dianna and Steve’s one year of shopping when there carts were
almost empty at the checkout. They looked at the toys with comments like “Nope
wont last 2 minutes”, “We’ll be stepping on the little pieces”, “It
will create a mess to clean up”, and etc. Strange how parents look different
after a few Christmas under their belts.
I ponder and wonder whatever
happen to imagination? When I was small that was the gift of being a child. I
played with imaginary playmates and entertained myself for hours; I remember the
knack of playing and using skills to play “sticks” with out moving them to
remove one from the pile. How about jacks? Took coordination for sure to beat
your friends at that game. Of course the oldies but goodies took skills too,
checkers, chess, scrabble or even domino’s. All were good time-spent with some
one on one conversing with each other. Don’t call them old fashion, in my book
it sure was better than one sitting alone with headphones & CD going while
holding a hand computer game. Of course this is one Grama’s opinion or
It makes me think of the
expensive tools adults have now, most have to do it all and cost is the least
important priority. If your Dad was living I’m Sure he’d want the top &
most expensive drills, hammers, saws, and stuff. Guess we go from childhood to
adulthood with our toys only getting more expensive. Like the “large as life
TV screens”, thin computer monitors---thinner the better, and last but not
least our automobiles that almost drive for us, with top of the line
entertainment centers.
Where it all stops I don’t
know as a Grama of 5. I still love the free things of life, walking in the
woods, watching ants in and out colony, making up make believe stories while
daydreaming, or escaping completely with a good book in hand. I have noticed
kids don’t read books like they did in my youth. Visual imagination was a real
plus. Do the televisions make it too easy for us to go there and lose the
fascination of curiosity? The world’s too busy it seems for such boring
pastimes. Where it is going, I am not sure, but I have to believe God will keep
us on track. In his awesome way he will get us back to the basic needs and not
so much importance placed on our wants. I do believe in his making good come
from bad situations.
Happy shopping ole parents one
and all, I was glad to hear that National City has Visa Cards this Christmas. I
wont even have to go near the stores. Golden years do make us older but wiser. I
love you all. Have a good week!!!!! Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
May you hear God’s voice in
your heart, know his touch in your life, and feel his love each day.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 12-04-04
Last Friday and Saturday I began the decorating of the Crestwood Lobby of building #6. I noticed every one’s spirits seem to perk up and become livelier as they get into the “Spirit of Christmas”, decorating , buying gifts for loved ones, planning family get- togethers and parties. We start hearing Christmas songs on the radio telling of the Christmas Story. The message I hear is loud and clear, one of Hope, Joy, & Love. The main meaning being the birth of our Lord & Savior, and the enormity of the gift God gave us, Jesus.
When I sat and watched a young family of three, husband, wife and a child on Sunday morning, accepting our Savior giving their lives to him by baptism of immersion, I noticed I was not the only one with tears in the congregation. It filled my heart with joy and love as it did when I was immersed on January 15, 1960. The gift of the Holy Spirit is an awesome filling of peace; one I didn’t realize the empty void there until it was placed in my heart and soul. As, a mother of two wee children, Pam age 2, and Rusty 2 months old, it was a gift of knowing God would be with me and direct my path in all my future days. It’s wonderful to have that promise in one's life.
The Gift of Christmas, the birth of Jesus, is a story that never
changes, stays wonderful and true with the bible’s words. It is full of Hope,
Joy, and Love for everyone that listens. Make the season full of special
meaning; don’t get caught up in “stuff” as our pastor, Shan says. Put the
“real stuff” in your life and you’ll receive priceless gifts that money
can’t buy. Each person has to seek & find individually, others can help
but you must take the first step and seek. It is something only you can do for
yourself. You will never regret it. Hope, Joy, and Love that began in the manger
will change your life for the better.
Have a great week, Smile God loves you and
so do I. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Never measure God’s unlimited power by your limited expectations.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 11-27-04
My Cup Overflows:
I sit and ponder what to write about this week, Thanksgiving Day is on everyone’s mind as families join together to share that “Bird Day.” It surely is a time to count ones blessings, and boy, does this gal have a lot to be thankful for. I glance back on this time last year, wow, talk about walking thru events “This Too Shall Pass”. Last year Pam was on the beginning of her journey in the Indiana State Correctional Facilities, Tori was out in unknown places and distancing herself from the family and we were all dealing with a lot of uncertainty for the future. Sounds like times of the ups and downs of life, wondering how we could ever come out of these times.
As God so often does, and mostly with out our even noticing he is doing it for us. He came in and made good out of a bad situation making the end results according to his plans. All for meeting our needs. Pam today is so much stronger in her faith, appreciative of being on her own, making a new clean life with the outcome of all her hard daily work, taking it one day at a time. Has she grown, Yes, the stress this last week of her car being stolen, showed her only positives that why it happen to her. It may have saved her from an accident on 65, or other unknown causes. She was able to look at this and say “Okay, could be much worse than it is, I am blessed”. Her car was recovered and damage is repairable, tips at work are good and she can pay the bailout for the car. Her cup over flows again!!!!
Tori is home with her Mother, they have worked through some of the distances between them, they are family again. Tori is looking forward to going back to school and becoming an EMT and able to move into her own home. She has a steady job with overtime, and pay is great!!! The love and growth in her is showing as she matures and all with the help of family. Tori is blessed!!!
Rusty is going thru his treatments for Hepatitis C, on the 3rd week of the 52 series of shots for placing this disease in remission and stopping the damage to his body. The pain and symptoms have not been any worse than a light case of flu. God has blessed Rusty, and he has the support of his family to encourage him thru this journey.
Tom is doing absolutely GREAT!!! He is practicing walking straighter as he builds his muscles to support his back thru therapy. He has now become the great conversationalist on the phone with Grama. He loves school and he is the walking proof of Gods Love and Miracles. A family that shows their love daily, and positive actions of overcoming obstacles of life surrounds him. Yes, Tom is blessed!!!
It in all has been a rough year with loss of loved ones to deal with, as they pass onto a better life for them, we remain with the promise of one day seeing them in eternity. We can all live with HOPE, and when we have that in our heart and soul we can deal with life as it comes. God gives us hope, grace and love, so we can feel the strength from him as he blesses us in our life. Yes, my cup overflows and I feel all the blessings I have in my family as I look at the year and the distance we have come. Never alone but guided by loving hands from above.
Hope this week was a blessed week for you all, thank you for your continued prayers and love.
Love Always,
Tip of the week:
It is true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, but it also is true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it arrives.
Happy Thanksgiving:
I once worked retail
business at Meijers, it then irked me when they started Christmas playing of
songs in October. Well, things have not changed nor will they most likely,
mainly due to the nature of our retailing business. It really is something that
upsets me that we go from Halloween to Christmas, totally by passing
Thanksgiving and the season it represents. To me the Thanksgiving Day is one
that only comes second to Christmas and the birth of our savior Jesus.
Thanksgiving reminds of
our forefathers coming to this land as Pilgrims, and there first feasts here. I
believe they shared their riches with the Indians as well as knowledge, one
sharing with the other. The beginning had to be excited though their possessions
had to be few do to the long trip across the ocean. But still the new land,
their belief in a new start for their home, had to be enormous. Do we in our
land of plenty now over look the riches of our lives and forget to say “Thank
you” to show our appreciation? I think we sometimes forget to take the time
due to the rat race we find ourselves in daily.
Oprah once said to make
a list of 10 things in a journal before going to bed would help not only your
awareness but change your attitude toward life.
I have also heard of
writing a daily list of 100 things to be grateful for that you can think of.
Yes, it does help to list the things we take for granted, like breathing, being
able to get up and out of the bed in the morning, having a warm and soft bed to
get out of, the beauty of the sunrise or sunset, good health, for the birds to
watch, the love of our love ones, the list goes on and on, when we stop and pay
attention to all we have to thank God for them.
God blesses us with so
many gifts we never say thank you for enough, mainly because we don’t take
Happy Thanksgiving, you are all at the top of the list of my richest blessings. Have a great week.
Always, Mom
Tip of the week : It’s not how much we have but how much we enjoy, that makes happiness.
Mom's Thoughts for the week of 11-13-04
Many times when someone needs encouraging while in a crisis situation, or when they feel a large loss, I don't have the right words of comfort they may need at the times. So I often have used what I thought was a verse from the bible, This Too Shall Pass and some how they will come through it okay. After finding out this wasn't in the bible, then I decided if more women had written books in the bible it surely would have been in there. The words are so true, with patience we do work thru times we didn't think we could handle and we do survive better than we could imagine.
My Mountainwings message last Sunday were on these same four words, over the last two years of doing Mom's Thoughts I had often thought of writing on these words, AHA!!! at last God says it is time. I love my daily messages on the computer and in my Daily Bread devotional, they usually are right on God's Time. The Mountainwings states: "When you are on top of the world, that is but a fleeting moment, things change, always remember, This Too Shall Pass. When you are in the pits, all nights are followed by day, at your lowest moments remember also, This Too Shall Pass. All external circumstances and material things change. No matter what your circumstances, remember This Too Shall Pass."
The things we worry or gloat about are temporary and of the material world fleeting by. The true important things are beyond this earth and life are eternal. I have found it to be true if you look back at the years in the past you will find situation and crisis, you didn't think humanly possible to come through. You survived and usually became stronger and wiser while doing it. This is what learning is all about, getting us through in the best way possible. So, let the four little words be your guide line to get you thru your next valley of trouble, remember, This Too Shall Pass!!!! Life is continually changing, make it for the better.
Have a great week, stay warm for BRRRRRR wind chills again-------I think winters here in Indy again. I am ready for Indian Summer and the air outside has felt like SNOW. OK, This Too Shall Pass. Love you all, and keep on smiling, Always,
MomTip of the week:
Temper is one thing you can't get rid of by losing it.
of 11-06-04
Hello to all, with the ending of October, we look forward to the months of holidays, it reminds me of home and the memories of the past I have. Your grandparents were extensions of farmers back to the pioneer Virginians before settling in Indiana and Georgia. So many traits were passed down to each generation and continued to be passed on even till today. Some traits have faded due to our "modernized" world we live in now, often too fast a pace, lack of personal time to enjoy our families. Still memories remain of the "past", the "Old Days" and will often remain in our own personal treasure chests of the heart. We recall and live them over and over, to comfort and get us thru trying times we face in our lives.
I ran across this unknown author piece on "Grandma's Apron." Such a shame not to give credit to the author, for it awakens so many memories of my Mother and Grandmother. Mother always wore aprons and Grama too, in the kitchen, something that some how never got passed on to me, I was the naive teen-ager who was going to have a maid. Right!! She never showed and I never had one in my lifetime. Never happen and though I did learn to cook, it wasn't with an apron on. So, enjoy this and let your memories flow once again, thru your instant recall of times dear to you.
"The principle use of Grandma's apron was to protect the dress underneath, but
along with that, it served as a holder for removing hot pans from the oven; it was
wonderful for drying children's tears, and on occasion was even used for cleaning
out dirty ears. From the chicken-coop the apron was used for carrying eggs, fussy
chicks, and sometimes half-hatched eggs to be finished in the warming oven.
When company came those old aprons were ideal hiding places for shy kids; and
when the weather was cold, Grandma wrapped it around her arms. Those big old
aprons wiped many a perspiring brow, bent over the hot wood stove. Chips and
kindling-wood were brought into the kitchen in that apron.
From the garden it carried all sorts of vegetables. After the peas had been shelled
it carried out the hulls. In the fall it was used to bring in apples that had fallen from
the trees. When unexpected company drove up the road, it was surprising how
much furniture that old apron could dust in a matter of seconds.
When dinner was ready, Grandma walked out on the porch and waved her apron,
and the men knew it was time to come in from the fields for dinner. It will be a long
time before anyone invents something that will replace that old-time apron that
served so many purposes. Seems life was so much simpler back when Grandma
wore that apron."
Have a great week!! As we approach Thanksgiving and Christmas keep in mind your time with
family is quality time and never wasted time. Make memories to store in your hearts treasure
chest. I love you all. Always,
MomTip of the week:
There is more hunger for love and appreciation in this world than for bread. -Mother Teresa-
of 10-30-04
Seems like every year at this time it rains, the leaves fall and being wet they don't blow away like they should and end up having to be raked up. So the kids dress for that one big night of trick or treating, go out dressed too warm and come home wet, cold, and a sack full of candy and goodies that will make them sick when they over eat. This is all in the name of fun. I think I have gotten too old if that is the way I look at it, that over the hill senior outlook. Now don't get me wrong I have enjoyed taking my little ones out trick or treating, but I am so glad not to have that to do any more. I always enjoyed more the standing at the door and watching the costumes come up to the door. Then to try to guess what neighbor child was under there, and nine times out of ten before I could get done guessing they had already give me the answer, or their parents from the street yell to say hello. Tom is the last of the grandchildren to stop going out to get treats, he now is answering their home door and passing out the candy. I remember your Dad couldn't hardly wait to see what you kids brought home and whether it was his favorite candy bar or not. I am sure he is not the only parent that has done that one, raid the kids goodies after you put them to bed!!!
I have been out with Pam at age 2 dressed in her black cat costume that Big Nanny made her with a wired covered tail sticking straight out, it was 1959 and I was due to have Rusty at any time, and BIG as a barrel. Pam was soooooooooo cute it made it worth the trip around the neighbor hood in the cold. Parents make those sacrifices just to see the kids have fun. Good Memories and that was 45 years ago. Many years of tricks and treating for all you kids, we have had more gypsies, ghosts, pirates, and painted faces through the years, and then passed on to your children to do the same.
Halloween holds good times, how about bobbing for apples, unless you had quick reflexes and sharp teeth, you ended up wet from face to your waist. Those apples tasted delicious and even better was the fresh apple cider from the orchard. I remember the donuts with chocolate icing at the school halloween parties too. The fun of carving faces into pumpkins to make them into "Jack o Lanterns". Guess they all go together and what makes halloween "halloween" and us able to remember the fun for years to come.
In recalling Halloweens past, I am thinking of one that has ended in 7 years of marriage for Uncle Vernon. He was fixed up with a blind date with a young lady by friends. Vern being new to the dating scene was not too sure about going out period. Well, he went to this Halloween party, and began talking to this completely in costume "Witch". Their chit chat continued non stop all evening. He had absolutely no clue what was under that costume, he knew he enjoyed talking to her in conversation, he ventured to ask her out for a future date before the party was over. Even through his nervousness and many, and I mean many phone calls to little sister, me, and "what am I going to do if she is ugly?" I tried to convince him it would be okay, as he must be attracted to her or he wouldn't have asked her out again. Well, thank goodness for us, Roxana is a real beauty, and not only on the out side, she is beautiful on the inside. Uncle Vern got the treat of his life, no tricks in that lady's bag. We all love her and their 7th Anniversary in December will be celebrated by all in our family with joy.
So, Happy Halloween, thanks for letting me share my thoughts with you, and I would love to hear your memories of Halloweens past. When you hear that wind a whispering around your home and calling your name, hope for friendly ghosts and goblins or run and cover your head. I admit to being a certified coward specially with spiders, bats and full moons at nite. Love ya and BOO TO YOU TOO!!!!! Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Don't let your mind wander, it's too little to go places by itself.
of 10-23-04
Every girl should have a big brother, I consider myself lucky to have a great one in Vern. When I think of him, I think of how he is now, a gentle warm caring person, who can't do enough for his sisters or others he loves. I have often told him "Vern, you can't care for everyone in this world on your shoulders". The limitations of being only one doesn't stop him. If you have a need and he knows about it, consider it a DONE DEAL!!!
Vern is 5 years older than me, so I've always been "kid". That's typical of siblings, and I do believe we are in the norm. When we were youngsters in the farm country of Georgia, he often was stuck with me trailing along, most Mom's learn that tactic early frees up their time and occupies the young one by sending them with their brother or sister. Vern was always the typical Tom Sawyer / Huck Finn country boy and we'd often spend time going thru the woods on the paths. Being the sissy I was, it made things difficult and scary at times. I recall us coming to the creeks with a long log stretched over side to side, Vern was across it as if it was level ground. (Probably why he can walk construction roofs now with no problems) I was and am afraid of heights, so I would start crying and refuse to cross the log, so I would sit down and wait for him to come back. Yeah, big brothers have authority especially when threaten with "Don't tell Mom or I'll get you".
Being a child in Georgia had hazards in many places. Vern was very protective of me, in order for us kids to play ball in our yard he would go out and kill all and any snakes first, then say "okay it's safe now". Same applied when swimming in the creek with all our cousins, rattle snakes everywhere down there. My memory of Georgia is limited & only goes back to first and second grade, at which time we moved north to Illinois for our parents to find work after leaving the farm and their short time as welders in the shipyard during the war. I remember Vern becoming the defender of our Georgia accents in the land of Yankees. He would fight at the drop of a hat with any and all at the hint of teasing about the way we talked. Even the teachers would have me repeat the word "water" to hear my accent. They thought it was cute, but for Vern it made him mad. Maybe that all made us tougher in this sometimes unfair world for kids to tolerate and deal with Big Bullies.
Even with the comfort of a big brothers protection comes the same sibling leverage of power over the younger ones, as teenagers my often requested "favors", rides to my girlfriends or town, would be followed with the conditions I would wash his car, do his homework or what ever he needed done. The price was always to his advantage, though I admit to having the teary eyed running to Mama, down pat. Guess the baby of the family, any family, is spoiled majority of the times and are use to getting their own way. Only in the last few years have you children owned up to letting me know of the things you did or pulled on each other. I am not sure where it is best to be in the line of birth, first-borns, always mastering the taking of their parents time, the second or middle child, which is some time ignored or overlooked but seems to be the more relaxed child, or in the baby or youngest, accomplishing all that the others couldn't get away with. Siblings, aren't they great, I love mine, and my brother is at the top of my list. He is there if and when I need him as a pillar of steel, shoulders and arms that give the best comforting hugs, and the wonder of amazement how he survived us 3 sisters. Thanks Vern, you have blessed our family over and over again, we know we got the best!!
This week has been birthdays to be celebrated for Tom, Alberta and Dianna. Hope you had a special day and a wonderful fun full year ahead of you. Dianna shared her birthday every year with my sister, Alberta so many times in Michigan when the fishing crowd would be there and her house was full of people. Seems the most popular given gift was bundles of toilet paper, if that sounds strange to some of you, try it with a house full of people and you will understand. We always count the size of our crowd by how many rolls of toilet paper we went through, in the house and campgrounds. Lets face it we laughed and enjoy being together. Till next week, I love you all, hope I have helped bring some good memories of years past to you mind. It is all about family and they plus our God is our top priorities.
Rain, falling colored leaves, pumpkins in sight, isn't the Autumn great!!!! Love the memories of raking up the biggest piles of leaves and jumping in them. WOW!!!! Fun, Giggles and adventures. Love, Mom
Tip of the week:
Love is not a matter of counting the years, it's making the years count.
of 10-16-04
One thing my siblings, Alberta, Geraldine, Vernon, and I have in common is we all have had the roles of caregivers, not only for our spouses, our parents, and other loved ones. As in parenthood, care-giving requires a person to place others before themselves, become unselfish and sometime unaware of your own needs. I can chuckle to myself as I think of conversations with my sisters and brother on our personal needs. Usually the one receiving the care is immaculately clean, needs met before needed, three meals a day, so much like giving the care for babies needs. The caregiver however, rushes to shower/bathe, never time to do nails, hair care, or time to enjoy a bubble bath, a hobby, or just to have that cup of tea & daydream or read a book. We girls, have all too quickly covered our legs because the hair is almost long enough to braid. The skin tone of our bodies resembles an alligator hide. In Vern's case he would let his beard grow to like Gabby Hayes, hair cuts ignored and clothes plaids and stripes never matched or pressed.
Most of the time through our care-giving we found a sense of humor is truly required. Laughter, even if at oneself is good medicine and releases stress from us. One time with Mother, Geraldine found herself in a funny situation, assisting Mother from the bed to her porta-pot, Mother some how got Geraldine unbalanced, the end result was Mother sitting on Geraldine's lap on the bed. Try as she may, Mother would not not move or get off of Geraldine's lap. Thank goodness it was summertime, the windows were open, Geraldine started yell for the neighbor "Tony" to come help her. She was lucky he heard her or she would have had to sit there till the cows come home or I returned first.
Alberta has always been "Judy on Duty" since a young girl, unable to produce speed in the tobacco fields of Georgia, she was assigned the house duties of cooking for the family and field workers. She learned early that those tobacco worms looked like monsters and the kitchen stove could be her friend. She's prepared more than her share of delicious meals for others including a large number of foster children thru the years & still continues to do so as she currently is caregiver for her daughter, Pat.
My brother Vern, has had his share of care-giving along with providing daily for his family. His wife, Marlyn's mental illness required patience, strength, endurance and enormous love as they provided and raised 3 sons. He surely has that Thornton/Anderson genetic strength which has pulled us all thru caring for others, while making us stronger as individuals. His second wife, Roxana, a beautiful addition to our family, has them both now care-giving each other. Plus she has him cleaned up beautifully in appearance. :<)
Care-giving is a wonderful privilege to be able to give those we love. It allows a special time when others can't do for themselves, it enables God's purpose of loving others first. What a wonderful gift!!! Should you find yourself required to be a caregiver for a loved one in a time of illness, or thru the final days of ones life, treasure that gift as time you will never regret giving a loved one. Try to find the humor of the situation as they produce themselves in a very stressful time. Plus be grateful for the opportunity in your lifetime.
Beautiful fall this week end, kiddos, Trees are to be at PEAK in Indiana. So check them out, and as always remember your Mama loves you bunches. Always, XOXOXOOXOO Mom
Tip of the week:
I cannot change yesterday; I can only make the best of today.
of 10-09-04
Autumn Memories:
This past week I sent a picture on the internet, as I often do to my Georgia sister, Geraldine. It was beautiful colored trees of the North. She replied it reminded her of our time together in Michigan while caring for our Mother, Big Nanny, or Punky Grama, as she was called. The Autumns in Michigan are beautiful with all the white birches adding a skeleton like effect with the colored trees, along the highways.
Of course, with the changing of the trees came the Coho Salmon downstream to Harrisville Harbor to spawn and lay their eggs. I can visualize the fishermen and their yell "FISH ON." It was always a highlight because it provided us fish to can in the jars. Geraldine and I were new to the fish pressure canning, so Alberta, our oldest sibling helped us with guidance, for her and Mother had done it for years. Alberta, was know as "Judy on Duty," for she'd pop in to stay with Mother while we got away for a few minutes.
So, back to the fish, I had always been afraid of a pressure cooker, for I knew one had blown up with Mother when she was younger and burnt her badly. Well, anyway Geraldine being afraid of nothing......and would make a nervous wreck out of me, taking the lid off before the pressure was all out of it, lifting the hot jars out and moving them around. My nerves stayed on edge & I even told Geraldine she was doing it to tease me, she would just give me a sheepish grin and sort of chuckle. However, when the Salmon cooled down we were proud of each & every jar, the taste is excellent and the store cans of salmon can't compare. Even all the work made it worth it in the end.
My sister Geraldine, has had one of the fullest life, so much so that only in a book could the laughter, & the stories be told. In some future Mom's Thoughts I'd like to share some and will. My Mother often said of Geraldine, "She has a big heart," many times I have tried to remember that when I could drown her in the lake, which she almost did one time in Lake Huron and once another time she almost fell in the well as a child. I know our Mother had her hands full with her. Yeah, she probably did with all of us.
I have to say my 2 sisters and 1 brother have never gotten mad or held grudges like some families. We appreciate our time together, we've had some hard stressful times with Mother's Alzheimer's Disease but thru it we came even closer and stronger. In the weeks ahead I'd like to write my thoughts on my siblings, one at a time. may be fun to relive some memories for you kids, bring some chuckles here and there. They are all different in looks, personalities and lifestyle, hard to tell we came from the same parents. But I've always loved and respected them all. Being there for each other when needed. Siblings share so much more than just parents and bloodline. Another gift from God I am sure. Must be why only children seek out proxy sister and brother friend types. So stayed tune Alberta, Geraldine, and Vern, I am about to spill the beans on you all.
To all you kids, grandkids, stop & enjoy the unveiling of Autumn, it is well worth the time. I love you all very much. Till next week. Always, Mom
Enjoy the little things, one day you may look back, and realize they were the big ones.
Mom's Thoughts for the Week of 09-25-04
Ode To A Pill:
My dear friend Rosalene, who has been in my thoughts before with her lovely poems and such, gave me one I thought was pretty good called "Ode to a pill." It made me think of a happening along time ago, when we lived in Rocky Ripple on Oak Street. At that time, we lived next to some very dear and wonderful folks, The Bracken Family, headed up by Joe and Isabelle and their 9 children. I have many wonderful memories and fun time with them. One day I recall we were over to their home having morning coffee and Isabelle was taking her medicine. Both your Dad and I watched her take a pill, drink her coffee, and wait a few minutes, then she took another pill, a drink of coffee and wait. Your Dad said "I'd just throw them all in there, you don't have to take one at a time", and her reply was, " No, they wouldn't know where to go if I took them all at once". Well after a laugh or two your Dad proceeded to tell her there was a little man in a boat down there telling each one you go to the heart, you go to the liver, you go to the lungs, and so on. Well, Isabelle was one smart lady and his directions never changed her ways one bit, of course, Dad would tease her every chance he would get after that.
It does seem like the older we get the quicker things on this ole body quits working. Next thing we know we are taking so many pills, we should musically play shake, rattle and roll when we walk. Dad would often get fed up with taking pills and stop taking them for a day or two, end up in the hospital for them to get him back on track. As I often reminded him he put oil in the car when needed, so why not take the medicine to keep us going to.
So here is the poem by one unknown author hope you enjoy the "Ode to the Pill":
Little pill, here in my hand, I wonder how you understand.
Just what to do and where to go to stop the aches that hurt me so.
Within your covering lies relief; you work alone in unbelief.
You sink in regions here below, when down my throat you quickly go.
But, what a wonder, little pill, just how you know where I'm ill?
And, how do you really know just where you are suppose to go?
I've got a headache, this is true, my broken ribs need attention too.
So how can anything so small find my ache in no time at all?
Do you work alone or hire a crew to do the good things that you do?
I'm counting on you, mighty strong, to get in there where you belong.
Don't let me down, please don't shirk; but do your undercover work.
Do, down my throat, be on your way and end my aches another day.
Don't get lost, please, is my plea for I can't take another until after three!
Hope you had a smile on your face while reading that. The shortest distance between two people is a SMILE. It is wonderful to reach out to each of you every week, and share my thoughts and heart with you. I love you all bunches, and remember to take your PILLS!
Always, MOM
Tip of the week:
A HUG delights, warms and charms, it must be why God gave us arms.
Mom's Thoughts for the week of 09-18-04
My House in Order:
I don't know about you but so often in my mind I think I am the same person I was years ago and still remain so today. This past week has made me even more aware that is not true. I tackled and completed something that years ago I would have put off for someone else to do after I was dead and gone. I have heard before the expression of "Putting one's house in order". I believe that I did that with the help of a new friend, Marcella, at Wilson St. Pierre Funeral Home in Greenwood. Yes, that's right, I planned my own funeral.
I thought I had tackled a big job a few years ago when I had my marker made for my cemetery plot next to your Dad. That is a rude awakening to see one's name chiseled in stone the first time. Thank goodness there was no death date on it. :<) Even so, it had me a little shaken and brought many feelings to the surface for me to deal with, like "I guess I won't live for ever", always subconsciously thought I would. When Dad died I knew the tradition is for the man to be on the left side and wife on the right, which also was the way our marriage bed always was. I decided it would be best for Dad to be buried next to Grampa Scott, who had died when your Dad was a young teen. Russell Lowell didn't know me and logically your Dad should be next to his own Dad. My second thought and motive was, I finally would get the left side of the bed and for eternity. (Pay back time Russell Lee!) Yes, your Dad would understand my logic, our marriage held many "GOTCHA"'s.
You children have been reluctant to discuss my funeral or the likely event of me dying. This I understand for I too was the same way with my parents, like don't even go there! Dianna (the agreed to executor of my estate) just replies, "put it in writting and put it with your papers in the freezer Mom". So I did, with Marcella's help, she made it so easy for me over the span of 3 months to select my wants and wishes for the simplicity of it all. I am currently looking for that "Mom's funeral music" that Don (Dianna's hubby) calls it, A CD with lite piano music, the last detail I need. With this completion it gave me the peace of mind and comfort that I have removed one more heavy load from my family's shoulders, and had my say so honored. This may not be for everyone---- we each have to do what's comfortable within ourselves.
My spiritual growth has made me to realize this earthly journey I am on will end---as it is suppose to, could be like turning a page in a book. With my earthly home in order, I can now concentrate on the promise made by our Lord, John 14: 1-3, and the eternal home for my soul. I have a lot of growing yet to do, I have a lot of living too, I look forward to great grandchildren and hopefully great great grandchildren, time with you children and more fun time to share. My hope is to live each day to the fullest I can, life is truly a blessing. My cup overflows. Now is another time for me, as I recently heard the expression, this time of my life can be understood like "cramming for my finals."
My intend is not to make any of you sad, for I am not, just grateful for a good life full of smiley faces :<). Hope you have a great week to come. I love you all. God's blessings and love always, MOM
Tip of the week:
O this river of peace
Makes me perfect and whole;
And its blessing increase,
Flowing deep in my soul.
Daniel S. Warner 1842-1895
Mom's Thoughts for the week 09-11-04
When I started out writing "My Firsts" and then followed it with "Last Time", I didn't realize I was creating a series on "TIME". As I pondered on that thought, it becomes clear to me that time is what our lives are all about. It can vary from Making Time, to on time, to just in time, to Day time, Night time, Sharing time, Time trials, and the list can continue. My old Webster Dictionary dated 1987 states: Time is "a continuous period measured by clocks, watches, and calendars, of or pertaining to time".
Therefore, it spans our entire life time and those of our loved ones. During our lives we have all lost loved ones, all too early in their lives to their passing on. It often has made us think if we only had one more time together, to say goodbye, to do together the things we loved before just one more time. Really, even the one more time would not be sufficient and satisfy our hearts. Loss and grief is one of those times we all have to deal with the best we can. Making the length of our grief different for each individual. No one can put a time limit on that process. It becomes easier for us when we can start to celebrate the loved ones life and not dwell on the loved ones death. This truly makes it easier to accept and move on in our lifetime and world we remain in.
As Christians, we have the wonderful promise from our Lord, there will be one more time with him and our loves ones who have passed. WOW, What a wonderful promise, it removes the fear, the dread, the uncertainty of death. It is replaced with Faith and Peace of mind. How can we not be excited for our future days of time, and the promise of an eternity full of happiness.
As I have often told you kids before, over the last 22 years of being a widow, I often dream of your Dad. Upon waking I may wish he was here, but I can look at these times as one more times until we are finally together again. These thoughts always bring a smile to my face.
With Labor Day weekend behind us, and official moving into Autumn on the calendar of time, enjoy your surroundings and the awesome colors of fall. I love the cooling of the weather, the beauty of God's and Mother Nature's artwork on the trees. Take that time to enjoy it all. Again one more time I say I love you all and may it not be the last time. Have a great short week. Always, MOM
Tip of the week:
Everyday is a gift. Treat it kindly. Share it with joy!!!
Mom's Thoughts for the Week 09-04-04
It's amazing how one topic or thought leads to another. The last week's topic brought a few new thoughts to my sister, Alberta's mind. See if any sound familiar to you _______
* "This is the last time I'm telling you to pick up those toys or I'll give them to another child that would like them".
* "This is the last time I'm telling you to eat that broccoli----kids in China are starving."
* "This is the last time I'm cleaning this house-----it only gets messed up again!!"
* "I'm warning you right now----this is the very last time you'll bring an animal home."
* "This is the last time you'll store your belongings here even if it is only for a week."
* "This is the last time I'm telling you to turn off that TV and get ready for bed."
* "This is the last time I'm telling you to close the door----do you think we live in a barn?"
* "This is the last time I'm loaning you my car because you bring it back on EMPTY."
* "This is the last time I'm loaning you money, you never pay it back, It's like flushing it down the toilet!!"
* "This is the last time I'm coming into this store, they never have what I want."
Any of those strike a familiar cord to you?
We are all human and full of good intentions. We like to think we don't repeat our mistakes but learn from them instead. But too often we find ourselves repeating our errors only to weaken and fall into old habits or traits. Especially as parents, our last times can be one of many times. It is so easy when our hearts are full of love for our children, to bend the rules and say just one more time. For generations parenthood finds parents trying to give our children better than we had. It's not always a fault, it shows our capacity for love. I know all of you children have found yourselves doing the exact things you said "You'd never do what your parents have done or said." Again, don't be so hard on yourself when you hear those same words or deeds coming from yourself. That's what life is all about, Lots of learning lessons.
So, once again I will say "This is the last time I'll wait to the last minute to do Mom's Thoughts!!!" Haha.
Have a fantastic week, you my children are my pride, my joy, my happiness and that won't be the last time you'll hear that from me. I love you very much. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
You may have to fight a battle more than once to win it. (Margaret Thatcher)Mom's Thoughts for the week of 08-21-04
My Firsts:
Have you ever done something completely and down right dumb feeling, only to say "That was Stupid", have you ever? Then you start to laugh at yourself. I had it to happen to me on this past Friday the 13th. Now, I am not a superstitious person at heart, so it was just another day to me. But one could wonder with the events......I went to National City Bank's drive up window to cash a check. While there Pam called me on the walkie-talkie, then it was beeping to say the battery was low, so I was reaching for the lighter cord, when the cylinder came back, I thanked the teller and pulled away into a parking area to put my money away. "Lo and Behold" there in my lap was the cylinder from the drive through. I drove back around only to find the driver who had been behind me looking puzzled, the "No Cylinder Look" and then he started to laugh. The teller, whom by this time was outside and looking mighty annoyed, came up to my car and retrieved the cylinder. I jokingly said "That's a FIRST for me!!!!
It reminded me of another FIRST, at Christmas time I followed a little senior lady in line in the drive through at the bank, when I got to the cylinder I reached out and discovered that it was full of cash. I immediately dropped it back into the cradle and pushed the teller button. I asked her if she'd take the money back so I could send my check to be cash. She counted it and said it was the money from the lady before me, and she surely would return for it when she discovered what happen. All I knew was it was not mine. The look on the teller's face made me laugh; it must have been a First for her too.
While living in Michigan I went to the drug store to pick up medicine. I signed my check, put the pen in my purse, said my good-byes and proceeded to leave the counter. Something pulled me back, the pen had a chain attached and was trying to find it's way out of my purse. I was sooooooo embarrassed!!! Again that "STUPID" hit my mind only to be followed by laughter. That's the FIRST time and the last time I've done that. I really think now who's pen do I have before I try to put it in my purse.
You know in all our lives we have had times when others have laughed or made fun of us. Only then to make us feel like an outsider or like something is wrong with us. Instead of feeling self conscious and damaging our self-esteem, we need to work on learning to laugh at our own mistakes. It may be hard to learn to do that but it is so much easier on your ego. Plus it gives smiles and laughs to friends, neighbors, and even strangers when sharing the experience of mistakes.
Have you found yourself going down the wrong way on a one-way street the other direction? Man, that scares the wits out of you when all those cars come at you. Yep, I have done that as a FIRST too. Oh, I am sure many more FIRSTS in my life to come. I believe God is laughing with me a I grow through my mistakes. It's so much better for me to think "SILLY" instead of "STUPID" to it and it is easier on myself, has less damaging effects, and brings laughter.
Have a great week, the Indiana State Fair is open, try to get out and enjoy some R & R with the family. Know that I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: I may not have gone where I intended to go, but I think I have ended up where I intended to be.
Mom's Thoughts for
the week ending 8-14-04
All to quickly the
nights have changed to cooling temperatures, the mornings are darker longer, and
the sun is setting earlier. Even that doesn't awake the rush rush head of mine.
Then the flocks of Canadian Geese appear across the lawns at Crestwood Village.
Ahhhh, a glimmer of change is taking place in my surroundings. I see colors
taking place in the green of the trees. The stores are bussling with parents and
excited kids shopping for new clothes and shoes. The reality hits, it's time for
school to begin and the end of summer, it is happening whether we are ready or
not. End of Summer…… another seasonal change.
The announcement
comes on the television, it's time for the County Fairs to end, and at the end
of this month the opening of the Indiana State Fair will begin. Without daily
awareness on our part, God's timing is in effect. Operation of the laws of
nature guides and directs God's creatures, our atmosphere and even our calendars
know when changes occur from years of past history. It would be wonderful if we
could and would learn that our lives are being guided and directed by God too
and trust in that fact, instead of trying to be in control of all things.
To be in daily atonement with God is something we should work hard to attain.
My daily word this
week on Aug. 10th, stated, "In the wonders of creation we see God at
work". As summer draws to an
end and we begin to ready ourselves for the beautiful season of Fall or Autumn,
it brings to mind one of my favorite chapter of the bible, Ecclesiastes 3:1-22.
Gods Timing, we are all so blessed to be in his loving care.
Have a great week
everyone!! Always remember you are on the top of my list of blessings. Love, Mom
Mom's Thoughts for the week 08-07-04
I am sure all of you can
remember your last MOVE, the fun it was. I do believe we MOVED 20 times in the
26 years your Dad and I were married. We MOVED most of the time in the spring,
guess Dad got itchy in the winter months. Seems like all I did was load up boxes
and kids and get ready to set up housekeeping again in a new location. MOVING is
a job most of us hate but forget quickly the big hassle and tiring work of it.
When things are in their place it doesn't seem like much, but when you start
emptying the cabinets and closets, then you wonder where it all came from. We
must be pack rats at heart to save so much stuff!!!
I have had garage sales and made
trips to Goodwill every time I have MOVED. I have MOVED 6 times since your Dad
died in 1982. What happen to the concept that folks were born and raised in one
home and many died in the same home? Well, the Scott's are still on the MOVE. I
have worked the last 3 weeks to help Pam get set up in her new home. Everything
from rental insurance, utilities turn on, post office changes, locating and
MOVING furniture and household items wonderful residents of Crestwood have given
her. Pam was left with very little the family was able to save for her last fall
when her home was closed up. She is so blessed to be starting out again with so
much and she knows it. The Official MOVING will be tomorrow the 5th of August;
she will leave Indiana Women's Work Release and walk to her new home, leaving
the past year behind her. She will be MOVING forward into a new life for herself
and MOVING away from the mistakes of the past. This is MOVING on with her life
and into the future with hope, faith, a strong belief in the NA program and the
12 steps she has learned over the years, and with God directing her path. GOOD
LUCK PAM ! the family and I wish only the best for you.
We all have choices in life, may
times it calls for MOVING away from ideas and ways that we know are harmful to
us. MOVING forward with ones life is not easy for it calls for changes. Not all
of the habits we get into are the best for us. The company we associate with may
be on the negative side and not helping us reach our goals and dreams in life,
MOVING on may be the answer to find more positive outlooks and surroundings.
Often God leads us in our MOVING without us giving him the credit of the change
of our paths. MOVING away, MOVING forward, MOVING on, MOVING up, what ever the
case, GO FOR IT! Don't live your life with only regrets.
To the Garvins, who just MOVED
their household to one room to make way for the new carpet, rest up and enjoy
the results of your labor. It can brighten your outlooks to accept changes,
don't let yourself get stuck in ruts. To everyone else, let us know what is
MOVING in your lives. Sending God's blessings and love, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
There are many ways of going
forward, but only one way of standing still. By Franklin Roosevelt
Mom's Thoughts for the week 07-31-04
"Stop Often and Just Do Nothing"
This week the above words
came to me from a dear lady and friend, Barbara, who has be told by her doctor
she is in Heart Failure and Weakening of the Heart. She was told to "Stop
Often and Do Nothing", in order to deal with the lack of energy. She says
the prognosis has her at peace. This wonderful lady has dedicated 3/4th of her
life to the Salvation Army, helping and caring for others. She radiates love and
compassion of our Lord while dealing with others. Barbara is such a beautiful
example for her family and friends, a true blessing to be in her presences.
As usual the words hit me
as a Jan's Thoughts Moments, which is what has been missing in the last few
weeks. I have been so busy with Tom's surgery, and recovery, Pam's moving into
her new home and leaving work release, and helping in the office here at
Crestwood, I had forgotten to "Stop Often and Just Do Nothing". In so
doing, I have filled my thoughts and mind with solutions to dilemmas of everyday
life. I have had very little time to just relax and meditate on my blessings and
things I am grateful for. It is so easy to get on this roller coaster of life,
and not remember what is important.
I haven't even taken the
time to listen to the birds of a morning, and we had some beautiful cool ones
last week. So much like fall being in the air. I had very little time on the
balcony watching the world wake up. Even forfeited my morning or evening
two-mile walks. Am I off kilter, Yes, and wonder why I am stressed out, as I
growl at others.
Okay, so a solution is
needed!!!! I will get my ole crochet hook out, which I put away in March. Get
some yarn in my hands and get back my relaxing movement, while feeling an
accomplishment of seeing something develop in front of your eyes. Best lessons
are learned when you make mistakes--accept them as part of the process, fix them
and go on. Boy, I have made many in my years of crocheting. It is found
Crocheting helps fight depression. The repetition is very soothing and gets the
serotonin (which controls moods) flowing.
So, are you doing the same
in your lives, if so "Stop Often and Do Nothing" or find that one
thing that relaxes you for only a brief time span in your otherwise crowded
stressful day. Meditation has wonderful benefits for your body and soul. Have a
wonderful week, thinking of you all. Much love always, Mom
Tip of the week:
preacher for allowing me to have 16 wives,
Mom's Thoughts for the Week 07-24-04
Before I get
into my subject for the week, I just want to say some of the response I had on
changing my style of writing from last week, brought a chuckle to me and a smile
on my face. Many said it gave them a much-needed laugh, such a Suzy Q, of course
she finished off with "Jan there will always be a wild woman inside
you", Dianna (me baby daughter) said, " You didn’t write it, and it
doesn't count. No Short cuts aloud! ", though she laughed. Sister Alberta
said, " Ok, once or twice a year but she likes Jan's Thoughts and styles
best". Amy has honored me with
placing my MTFTW on her website as inspirational for some time now. Giving me
encouragement to keep going. Mary
Lee's comments arrived with "NO, NO, NO, you please don't change Mom's
Thoughts. We enjoy them and love hearing from you. You make many of us smile,
laugh and think as I share with others here." Along with her letter was an
envelope, which she colored herself, a beautiful hummingbird feasting on flowers
nectar. Walla a thought for this week's topic, HUMMERS IN MY LIFE. You know as I read many of my writings,
it is as tho someone else has written them. Guess I title them but God moves in
with the words and directions.
God created the
bird's to give us the pleasure of watching them, feeding them, and I think they
must be one of his favorite creations. They are in our Bible, with the mention
of our faith and trust overcoming worry, but being so cared for as the birds.
(St. Matthew Chapter 6:25-26) The brilliant colorful details of our feathered
friends are so breathtaking, God dip his pen in rays of color for us to enjoy.
The hummingbird is one of my very favorite. So very tiny but with the speed of
superman or superbird :<). I believed for a long time about the wee little
things traveling south on the Canadian Geese tails, but I was told it was false.
In my little fantasy mind, I would believe it might be true of these smart
hummers to catch a ride someway, maybe on a jet plane wings.
I have had
Hummers feeders at every home I have had except here at Crestwood, they don’t
allow us to feed them. It still doesn’t stop them from coming by, looking for
those bright red colors of flowers on the porches or balcony. I have had them to
stop directly in my face and wings flapping and the look is almost like,
"Or you a flower or just wearing my favorite color?" They scared me a
few times in the garden, they move so quickly and the next thing they were
looking me in the eye. They fly so
fast, it is like "Bet you can't catch me." I have had some sadness with one very
fast hummer, I found him bored into the siding of my house with his little beak,
dead. I called the neighbor Tony, and had him get him down so I could bury him.
Poor little thing!!!!
I can watch them
for hours and have, fascinated with their beauty and a spirited friend to all
but other hummers. They are very territorial creatures; they don't want to share
their feeders even if you put 10 out. I know they come back to your feed each
year for many springs they were there before I was with the feeders. They would
fly around the place the feeders always hung, and if I didn’t get the feeders
out quick enough, I would see them flying at my windows, like "Are you in
there, hey where is the food?"
Birds are a gift
from God, and one I am thankful for taking the time, to relax, watch them and
open my soul for the peace God intends for me to receive. I have had many birds
to watch, all beauty to behold, Baltimore Oriole on the orange half's, the Red
Cardinals at evening dusk to take their turns eating, and of course the Doves. I
once had a Mama Dove to build her nest at the back door light, wedged in there
between the light and the rails of the porch. She had already started hatching
when I returned from GA that year. I had to use the front door only for 3
months, while she nested, got them 3 babies big enough to fly on their own. I
removed the nest before the next year mating season, so I could use my own back
door. They stayed right there the whole family, they too are territorial. I love
to hear the Doves early of a morning or evening with their cooing. I never
became a member of any bird watchers clubs, but they have the perfect past time
in my book.
Well, before you
think Mom has gone to the birds, I am going to close off. Have a good week, stay
cool in this July heat, and get out and get some fresh air. I love you all, keep
those encouraging thoughts coming. I love them!!! Love, Mom
Tip of
the week:
Mom's Thoughts for the week
A Letter From Mom:
I read this letter and thought I
just may have to change my style of writing. What do you think?
"A Letter from a Hillbilly
Mother to Hillbilly Son
Dear Son:
I am writing this slow cause I
know you can't read fast. We don't live where we did when you left. Your Dad
read in the paper where most accidents happened within twenty miles of home so
we moved. I won’t be able to send you the address cause the last family that
lived here took the numbers with them for their next house so they wouldn't have
to change their address. This place has a washing machine. The first day I put
four shirts in it, pulled the chain and I haven't seen them since. It only
rained twice this week. Three days the first time, and four days the second
The coat you wanted me to send
you, well your Aunt Sue said it would be a little bit too heavy to send in the
mail with them heavy buttons, so we cut them off and put them in your pockets.
We got a bill from the funeral
home, said if we didn't make the last payment on Grandma's funeral bill ….up
she comes.
About your Father, he has a lovely
new job. He has over 500 men under him. He is cutting grass at the cemetery.
About your sister, she had a baby this morning.
I haven't found out whether it is a boy or a girl, so I don’t know if
you are an aunt or an uncle.
Three of your friends went off the
bridge in a pick- up. One was driving, the other two were in the back. The
driver got out. He rolled down the window and swam to safety. The other two got
drowned. They did not know how to get the tail-gate down.
Your Uncle John fell in the
whiskey vat. Some man tried to pull
him out, but he fought'em of, so he drowned.
We cremated him, he burned for three days. Not much more news this time,
nothing much happening. Write more often.
Ma "
So what do your think? Should I
consider changing Mom's Thoughts? Seriously,
I guess I am who I am and seem to be content with it at this time of life. If
you got a chuckle or two out of this letter, then I am glad I shared it with
you. Have a great week, Smile God loves you and so do I. Always, Mom
Tip of
the week:
It is
not how much we have but how much we enjoy that makes happiness.
Mom's Thoughts for the
week 07-10-04
In step # 3 of the
12-step recovery program you learn to turn our will and lives over to the care
of GOD. It all begins with willingness. If we open ourselves to God he will
direct us in our lives. As I read this, the words from an old hymn, LEARNING TO LEAN ON JESUS, played on my CD
player in the early morning hours, during my quiet time with God. Yes, it was
then I realized it was to be the title for my Mom's Thoughts this week and
appropriately so.
Last Friday Tom, my
grandson, underwent a very delicate surgery, one that we all went into knowing
the very DOUBLE HIGH RISK stressed by the doctors from the beginning. The
parents agreed that Tom has no other option with his breathing getting worse all
the time from the spine pressure on the lungs, the surgery had to be done. The
doctor offered the worse case scenario from the beginning. I set up a prayer
list on the computer for Tom with the help of parents, friends, and families,
knowing we were going to need lots of help. Tom has the best doctors Riley
Hospital for Children offer, but when the bottom line is faced, we all knew Tom
needed the amazing and awesome touch from God.
As I watched Dianna in
the waiting room lean over and laid her head on Don's shoulder, for the needed
comfort, the feeling of security, and assurance that all would be okay. I
realized how we receive the same serenity when we turn problems over to our
Lord. During times of stress this is one of the biggest needs we have, to be
loved, to feel the support of being cared for, the need for serenity in our
Our faith gives this
opportunity to share this same feeling with our Lord. Close your eyes, see our
Lord waiting with his arms open, and a shoulder always available to us, to in
vision us learning to lean on him.
He can and does give all the same feelings to us when we let him in and give him
control of our lives. This is peace of serenity to our soul.
Proverbs: 3:5 Trust in
the Lord with all your heart lean not on your own understanding. In all your
ways acknowledge him and he shall direct your paths.
The enormity of needs
----daily in the atmosphere of a hospital--Riley for Children---reveals the
awesomeness of our Almighty God. He can meet all needs of all
his people. He is present with each and every one of us. His healing knows no
boundaries of limitation. This and so much more, has been felt by our whole
family, as we watched the miracle of healing with Tom this past week. Tom
surpass the expectations of even the surgeon, the nurses and continue to amaze
us all with his will to get better, to go beyond the pain reaching for more
challenges. The way it looks now, Tom may be home in Bargersville and out of the
hospital by the end of this week. No doubt in my mind, Tom has been touched by
God's Grace and Miracles thru this surgery. Thank you for all your thoughts and
prayers over the last week and encouraging emails, phone calls, we couldn't have
made it thru this time without you.
Have a great week! Learn to lean on each other and our Lord.
Always, Mom
Tip Of the Week:
Mom's Thoughts for the
of 07-03-04
Some times as
adults, especially parents, we may say, or do things around others, without
realizing the mixed signals we
are giving. With this weekend being
the Fourth of July, it got me to thinking. Pondering is something we all need to
do more of, it is hard to do, for our families are so busy with coming and going
for activities everyone is involved in. Seems like children have so many
commitments to be young children. They get involved in sports, musical
activities, scouts, seems there is always car pools or driving them somewhere.
Leaves little time for the family to be together as a unit, or to have direction
of guidance talks to them. As parents and grandparents it is necessary to
remember we are mentors for those around us. Do we send out mixed signals to them?
Many times as
a parent I remember trying to discipline you children for swearing, if heard,
usually the bar of soap came out and you all got a good bite of it. But the mixed signals were there. Cussing wasn't
allowed but I didn't always remember to say, " Sugar in a bowl" when I
truly meant something else. You kids use to remind me "That’s not really
what you were thinking". True your Dad and I had our times for cussing, mixed signals.! Many times you children were sent
to Sunday school but your Dad and I didn’t attend with you as a family unit. These and many more things I regret, I
can't go back but I knew I could change my example and my future actions. Which
I have tried to do, and still I have times of bad actions or sending out mixed signals to others. God is still
working on me for which I am grateful.
We all need
to know what we stand for and believe in, and rectify any mixed signals we might be sending to
others. I recently was sent a message written by a lad in Arizona, with the
suggestion of it being in a Mom's Thoughts one week. Not too long ago a bill was
passed to put the "Under God" back into the pledge of allegiance. I
truly hope one day soon all schools will return to the founding fathers of our
nations beliefs that the Lord's Prayer and Pledge Of Allegiance be in all
schools. Then, that we as American are taught to respect and honor ones own
choice of faith and beliefs and the right of the freedom we have in this
This is his
Now I sit me down in school where praying is against the rule
For this
Great nation under God finds mention of him very odd.
If scripture
now the class recites it violates the Bill of Rights and
anytime my
head I bow becomes a Federal matter now.
Our hair can
be purple, orange, or green. That's no offense; it's a freedom
For praying
in a public hall might offend someone with no faith at all, in silence we
must meditate, God's name is prohibited by the State.
We're allowed
to cuss and dress like freaks and pierce our noses, tongues
We can elect
a pregnant Senior Queen and the "Unwed Daddy" our Senior King.
We can get
our condoms and birth controls, study witchcraft, vampires and totem poles but
the 10 commandments are not allowed, no word of God must reach this
It's a scary
here I must confess when chaos reigns, the schools a mess,
So, this
weekend when you celebrate, fire works go thru the sky, representing the Flag of
our Nation in its Red, White and Blue, think of the ones still defending us in
Iraq, and abroad to keep our freedom and beliefs alive, ask yourself what mixed emotions are you sending to our
future generations with your actions, voice, and directions. Make your kids
proud of your integrity and faith; mentoring one they are proud to say he/she's
my Dad or my Mom or my Grandparent. The obligation is ours to do all we can do
to fill the bill of good example.
Our prayers
of the MTFTW family are going up for Tom's Surgery at Riley at 9 A.M. on July
2nd. May God be with him and bring him through like the brave trooper he is. I
will keep everyone posted. Thank you for your generous and loving prayers of
I love you
all, God bless each and everyone of you, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
What is before us & what is in front of
us, is small matter to what
Thoughts for the week 6-26-04
23rd Psalm & me:
it is great to be alive!!!!! This time last week I had gone through 3 days of
the "FLU". It hit me on Flag Day after marching with the Crestwood
Patriotic Seniors around the flagpole. All decked out in Red, White, & Blue,
they marched with pride and honor to our country and flag. Entertainment and
Strawberry Shortcake followed this for all. I passed up, and glad I did, the
strawberry shortcake. For from 2 to ll that day, this ole gal was close to
death. Even thought of dialing 911 and calling the morgue to pick this ole body
up. And just think I had a mild case, because I had my flu shots months ago. If
you have been there before, you know exactly how I felt.
recovery has come real slow and hard. Seems like when one is in a low dark time
of life, just making it minute to minute is one of the hardest things to do,
just to breathe takes all you can give. It is at times like this I pull closer
to the 23rd Psalm, it has over the years given me the strength I need when I
personally have none. My Lord has brought me through many dark storms of life,
given me the grace to recovering, not only health wise but emotionally. He gives
us the strength and walks us thru storms till we become able to carry the load
alone ourselves.
I am
fortunate, I can't stay down long in lows or depressions, this too, I count my
blessings for that my nature is such. Guess some call it giving yourself a swift
kick to straighten you up.
We had a misfortune in the family, Pam's daughter Tori's home, was broken into. In less than 3 hours of time she was away, her household possessions were removed, all things of value were taken, even the contents of the refrigerator, and her wardrobe of clothes, plus her roommates items too. A thief cannot only rob you of possessions they can take from you confidence, leaving you in a vulnerable and violated state. I remember when my car was stolen while parked at Meijers years back. We are grateful she wasn't home to be mistakenly defending her property and placing herself in harms way. Material things can be replaced, her life can't. May she remain strong in her knowledge that dark clouds pass and we do recover. Her attitude is the only thing she has control of in some circumstances of life.
coming week, July 2nd, on Friday at 9 A.M. my dear grandson Tom will have his
surgery at Riley Hospital for his back.
may be one of the biggest storms our family has had to work through. The surgery
is "Double High Risk" and a wonderful opportunity for Tom's surgeon
specialists to learn to a higher level, and correct Tom's physical disability.
Our God knows the outcome he plans for Tom, with his guidance and knowledge we
trust his direction for this surgery. There are no better hands for our precious
Tom and his future to be in. Thank you all for your continued support, love, and
prayers now and through the coming days. It will be a long haul but we are
pulling from a healing and loving God for our strength. I will try to keep you
posted with updates, as we progress.
Have a
great week everyone, I send my love and God's Blessings are being sent to you
and yours. Always, Mom
Thoughts for the week 06-19-04
last two weeks has brought a lot of past memories to my mind. Remember how much
the men in my lives had touched my world and still remain in my heart. I
received snail mail from Ashley: "Tell Rosalene to keep the funnies coming.
Laughter is good for the Soul! And we need that down here. I shared Moms
Thoughts with all and they really enjoyed Rosalene's " Pig Tale". From
Patty, the Mom's Thoughts brought tears to her eyes and she shared in return the
privilege of caring for her Dad in his final days before passing with Cancer.
These are encouraging to me, for I know my thoughts are not going in vain.
Hopefully they will help ease the heart of pain caused by the loss of these
loved ones so early in our lives.
I know
when Dad died at age 47 he left a large void in you children's lives and one to
be felt even by the grandchildren who would never know their Grandpa Russ. Your
Dad too, lost his own Dad at a young age of 13 when Grandpa Scott was killed
instantly as a lineman on the job. You children were blessed with the love and
guidance of PawPaw Pederson for a short time, due to his marriage to Grandma
Fairy. The time you had with him is greatly treasured, as it should be. He was a
great caring man and showed much love to us all.
I have
seen other children with their Dad's or Grandpa's as they shadow or mirror with
love and adoration those mentors in their lives. It is a sight to behold and one
preciously sent from God. It reminds me of how much Our God loves us; our
Heavenly Father created us and blesses us each and every day, wanting us to
trust him for guidance while on this earth.
I also
have thought of my own Dad, I was always a "Mama's Girl" and didn't
have the close relationship with my Dad my other 3 siblings had. My Dad became a
wonderful caring man in his later years not only to me but also to 3
stepchildren and their children. Soon to be the Grandpa that "pinched"
and "teased" with his attempt at showing love. My two sisters shared
closely the last days of my Dad's illness while he struggled with Cancer. The
gift of caring and making him comfortable showed him how truly much he was loved
by us all. Though my employment kept me from day to day visits to Illinois, I am
grateful he waited to say "Good-bye", on that snow blizzard night at
the hospital in March 1987.
sister, Gerry, gave me the following poem; I would like to share
with you all. Judd Connor in "Rhymes
of Aging" writes it, as follows:
Grandpa lets me wash the porch and carry groceries from the store.
He showed me how to rake the lawn and
sweep his workshop floor.
I help him do just lots of things, Like polish up his car
I watch for Grandma, while he smokes a big cigar.
And in another year or so, when I have
grown a bit, you see,
He's going to let me mow the lawn 'cause
we're buddies, him and me.
And after dinner's over and relaxing
time is here, He lets me fetch his
Slippers, and bring to him a beer.
He tells me all the things
he did, in years so long ago, and how the
Girls would follow
him, wherever he would go.
Grandma calls him
phony, mostly mouth and feet, She says that
He is full of
prunes, but I think Grandpa's neat.
Thinking of you all with love and
prayers. Always, Mom
Tip of
the week:
God can mend all broken hearts. You just have to give Him all the pieces
Memories of
This month is Father’s Day, June
20, 2004. This week and next I will be writing in regards to memories of Dads,
Fathers, and Grandfathers. We all have memories of the men in our lives and
family, whether they are living or passed. Seems Mom’s usually get the
attention, made over and spoiled, as Dad’s stand by with unlimited support,
superman strength and wise words of guidance to help the whole family. I like to
call them the foundation or backbone to most families.
I wrote one Mom’s Thoughts on
Dad being the Firemen, going around and putting out the fires of crisis that
come along each day in a family. Our family has missed our firemen, Dad; he was
one that could always find a workable solution to any problem arising. I see so
much of him in you Rusty, you are wearing the genes well with pride.
Every family has funny memories to
tell and retell over again for the future generations. Rosalene Wade recently
wrote about a happening with her husband from her memory bank. The minute I read
it I knew I had to share it with all my Mom’s Thoughts recipients. It is in
Rosalene’s all special humor and country inspiration. It is called “A Wild
Pig Tale”. Enjoy!!!!!!!
Do you remember when your baby’s were little and you recited the poem “This little piggy went to market and this little piggy stayed home”, as you counted each toe. Well, I’ll tell you a story of one big piggy that didn’t want to go to market. We lived on a small farm and had horses, cows, pigs, and chickens. One day my husband and sons were loading hogs to take to the Indianapolis stockyards. They had quite a bit of trouble getting them to go up the ramp into the truck. The Boys were on each side of the ramp and my husband in back trying to get them up the ramp. Finally they were all in except this one contrary big pig that really didn’t want to go to market, he wanted to stay home. My husband was in the back pushing and shoving the hog trying to get him in the truck, but half way up the ramp he turned around and flew down the ramp right between my husbands legs which thru him down on top of the hog and they took off across the barn yard going lickety split going about 90 miles and hour. My husband was riding backwards facing the rear of the pig. I laughed so hard tears rolled down my face. Finally, my husband turned loose of the pig and fell off. He told the boys to let that “blankety blank” pig go, they would take it the next time they went. So, they headed for the stockyards minus the one big pig who stayed at home. This is the end of the pig tale as seen by Rosalene Wade.
Thank you Rosalene for the
chuckles and all the visual imagination with your words. You are a blessing that
gives so much to this world and the ones around you. I will look forward to
hearing more, as will everyone else.
To everyone on my Internet mailing
and snail mail, think of your past memories, cherish them, for so many never
know or have them and the love that goes with them. Count your self as being
truly blessed, and never let them be the reason for depressions or melancholy
feelings. Our memory banks are gifts from God and should hold only the good
ones. Walk thru the bad memories and get rid of them, they don’t belong close
to your heart and soul. Have a good week everyone, remember you are all in my
thoughts and prayers, I love you all.
It is not how much we have but how
much we enjoy that makes happiness.
Red Rover, Red
Rover, send Jan over!!! The line of children holding hands in front of my eyes,
looked like walls of steel! I watched them grip hands even tighter; as they were
determined I wouldn’t get through their line. My mind goes back and visually
recalls this memory. As with life there is always a weakest link. These memories
remain so clear in my mind, along with many others. Remember, Red Light, Simon
Says, or Drop the Handkerchief? How about Freeze? How many times did you get to
be IT? Then you turn around and no one moved out of place. So you remained IT,
till you could find someone to replace you. Fun always fun, games as kids that
you played with your neighborhood buddies. Bet most of you don’t remember
OLLY-OLLY-OXEN-FREE, well maybe a few! There are lots I have not mentioned, but
you can think of some too!
Most of the games I mentioned were
played with someone being IT, some divided into teams, most of them didn’t
have a one winner or one loser. But I think the over all benefits of these games
were numerous. They joined together children in neighborhoods to learn to play
together, share time and fun, allowing you to make lifetime lasting
“buddies”, taught you everyone at one time or another has to be “It” and
the world does not have to come crashing down when It is you!! Therefore it
built our self-esteem and removed some of the “poor me’s”. These
activities of fun truly helped us to learn to play and work with others and the
sense of belonging.
Seems we have lost the era of the
Spanky and the Gang of the Little Rascal era, the Happy Days and more. I hope
some of these games continue on at recess at school but I think they have been
replaced with more modern activities. I think of so many of the children that
don’t have the companionship of their age group. Too many of this generation
now comes equipped with individual CD and Headphones, TV’s in auto’s to
entertain children in the back seat of cars, digital palm entertainment games,
and all start too too young in my opinion. Most of the children complain of
being bored-----Wow, in our generation our parents all too quickly assigned
chores if such was verbalized. Something
we learned quickly not to complain of being bored. I would love to see the
return of children using more of their imagination to occupy their spare time,
ahhhh, and the unlimited possibilities!
I hope parents and grandparents
will still teach these games and keep them alive for the future generations.
They teach good lessons to children and become part of their personalities,
helping them live in a world full of different people. But most of all they were
fun and you felt the need to belong and be accepted. Lets all meet in the back
yard and have a good time playing games!!! I will be there!!!
Have a great week! May God bless
you all with love, good health and self-happiness. I love you all.
Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
God’s love cannot be
explained--- it can only be experienced.
A few years ago
when I began to write Mom’s Thoughts each week, I began with my three children
on my mailing list. They were thoughts I could share, reminisce of the past,
give words of encouragement, and all on my newly acquired computer. This opened
a whole new world for me. I hadn’t typed in years, while caring for Mother,
Big Nanny to most of you, so my speed was SLOW.
Thru trial and
error on a lot of things, lots of changes in grammar and spelling, I kept
plugging away. I know you kids have roughed it with me. I am sure you’ve
thought “Mom you’re repeating”, “Okay Mom, you are rambling”, or
“Yes, Mom I got the lesson intended”. Of course, the verbal replies from all
have mostly been encouraging and maybe those negatives thoughts never got
verbalized. Thanks for being kind kids!!
The realization
of the mail I receive not only on the Internet but postal mail too has filled me
with awe. The words I have received have all given me the encouragement to
continue to write each week. The thoughts are now going to 23 email addresses on
the net, made up of kids, grandkids, siblings, nieces and nephews, some even
greats, and some special friends. They are mailed out to 4 correctional
facilities in Indiana and Ohio; to inmates I have been fortunate enough to
become friends and pen pals with. Where they all get passed onto from each of
you I don’t know for sure.
I feel blessed
with so much encouragement from these young ladies, as they share Mom’s
thoughts with their friends. Encouragement power is something that goes back and
forth, as I give encouragement to try to inspire, they return it to me again.
Most of them are where they are due to a mistake or bad judgment in their past,
but I see “there but the Grace of God goes I”. We all have faults,
weaknesses, times of bad choices, which gets turned around many times with
kindness and support of others. We all need to get back on track now and then. I
know I thrive on praise, kindness, compliments and others caring about me. But I
receive the most when I forget ME and put others needs first, and then I really
get that encouragement power back.
I don’t have
all the answers, I too am searching daily for the path God wants me to follow. I
do know he’s led me to all of you out there. If some thoughts shared or given,
offers a small glimmer of hope or encouragement then I am reminded again how
small I am and how big my God is, at this computer.
Again, I would
like to suggest everyone to try doing a journal of his or her own thoughts.
You’ll be surprised of the thoughts and words coming from you. Some may find
an audiotape easier for stories you want to share with those you love. You will find you will grow as you share
your heart. I am planting seeds, and believe me God is doing the rest.
Have a great
week!!! May is right around the corner with those “May Flowers” and the
excitement of the Indy 500, and sunshine and warm temps. Always,
Paul Harvey’s program often holds that phrase. Now here is THE REST OF MY STORY. Last week I shared my experience of Cancer & Radiation some 11 years ago. I ponder now on the cause and effects of the circumstances I ended up in because of my choices. I may step on some toes with my thoughts but you may need to hear the good and the bad of cigarette smoking. I remember at age 15 standing in front of the mirror trying to inhale my first cigarettes and coughing and choking as I went. WHY? Because it was the IN thing to do, everyone who was anyone smoked in the 50’s.
I later married a smoker also, I went through 4 pregnancies of my children, and most of the time 2 packs a day habit. Refusing to admit my habit was an addiction I passed on to the precious babies I carried through my blood supply. This lead to their time with cigarettes or marijuana as they became older.
I never realized the complete picture of the habit, cigarettes were the stylish glamorous traits for women, a way to relax, something to enjoy with that cup of coffee or alcoholic drink, or just taking a break from a busy schedule. The down side, breath that smelled of an ash tray, clothes & coats that reek of smoke, discoloring of the interior of your home, not even thinking of what it does to your lungs and body. What a nasty habit, and don’t think you are clean with your habit; there is no such thing with cigarettes.
Over the 38 years of cigarette smoking I became disgusted with myself for not quitting, trying many times to quit. I went though cold turkey, hypnotizing, cutting down, and all the games of quitting with none being successful, making even more anger in me. My life became more and more programmed by the “all need” for my nicotine fix; I was stuck with my habit.
When I returned home the day of my throat surgery I couldn’t wait to get me a cigarette. STUPID!!! Just to have CANCER removed from your throat and ready to jeopardize your future health once more. The realization hit “Jan, you’re an intelligent woman, if this continues you’re risking dying the next time.” I finally called the clinic and signed up for the stop smoking program by use of the patch. The next 3 months were the hardest time of my life; but one I did one day at a time. Learning my brain and body new habits and eliminating smoking wasn’t easy but necessary. I could not believe how much free time I had. The knowledge came as to how much control cigarettes had on my life and me.
Through the last 11 years and the Grace of God, helping me, I have found a new healthier life style. Not one time have I regretted all the effort it took to accomplish controlling my addiction. The need is gone from my mind and that 24/7 habit. I have a spot of Emphysema on my one lung. It developed at the same time the cancer was found. It will never leave but because I quit smoking it will never get bigger. Let’s face it, eleven years and many packs of them butts I would be dragging around an oxygen tank or I already would be dead. Instead I have another chance to make the most of my life and enjoy and love my kids and grandkids.
If you are dealing with smoking as an addiction, DON”T QUIT QUITTING, keep trying --- it is not easy but he NEXT time may be YOUR time like mine. It is a miracle worth trying for. Do it before it is necessary for you to face CANCER too.
I am so proud of you kids that have quit, and I thank God for each of you everyday. I love you all. Next week, Monday, I leave for 3 weeks in Georgia with my sisters, brother, and wife, fun for all. Good Lord willing and the creek don’t rise; the Mom’s Thoughts will be out on time. Have a great week. Always, MOM
Tip of the week:
It is not what happens that determines the major part of your future. What happens, happens to us all. It is what you do about what happens that counts.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 03-13-04
Eleven years ago this month I stood in Dr. Ohmart’s office totally unprepared for what he was saying, as I heard “I believe the growth on your vocal cord is CANCEROUS.” I hear the word, CANCER, it is something that happens to someone else, right? Not me. The shock, unbelievable numbness set in, his words all to quickly turns my mind to fear, with the fear comes the tears. I was unable to grasp the enormity of it all as I left his office to drive home. We all fear the unknown and the reality that we may have to face death. While young it is something so far from our minds, and we deem it something for when you get old, which is a long way off. But the reality is it can hit any time and at any age, and without warning.
CANCER can and does change who you are and does it instantly fast. In the next three months of my life I traveled through one of the hardest times of my life. My sister, Alberta got me on a daily walking program to help build my lungs up for the surgery I faced. She walked with me and gave emotional support with each step. Surgery was scheduled two weeks later, faster the better odds, with a lot of paper work the State of Michigan gave financial aid for the 35 radiation treatments to follow, mounting up to over $20,000. Another stressful situation removed from my shoulders.
Because of the location of my CANCER in the throat is one of the tenderest areas of the body to have radiation. It “Sunburned” my throat, which made eating food impossible. Liquid diet is necessary but never satisfying. I found the length of the treatments was just enough time for me to recite the 23rd Psalm. This gave me the calming of the fear, replaced with strength and the promise of hope. The time slowly moved forward to the end of the 35 treatments. Upon completion of the 9 weeks the doctors were able to give me 98% sure I would be CANCER FREE. With follow up visits and checking my throats over the years with the specialist, of course, each time tends to give you the dread and fear till you hear “everything looks good.”
Today, 11 years later, I can look back; I am a CANCER survivor but not one who has done it on my own. I had the plan of God in action from the time it was found through the skilled and knowledge of all my doctors and nurses at St. Mary’s Cancer Center, the encouragement and support of my siblings and my extended families and friends. I have witnessed the hand of God as he has molded me and led me through it all. I truly am a Child of God he gives such wonderful care to us. I cannot even comprehend how I would have made it on my own. Life is so very precious, something we should not take for granted. The strength, endurance, courage and knowledge to handle a devastating situation is there for the asking, don’t overlook it in your life. Trust God with your problems, hopes, dreams, and future, when you do you can never go wrong.
I am so grateful to have the last 11 years with you all, grateful to have you in my life. May you all know how much I love you each and every day. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
God’s word is for you: “For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “Plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (Jeremiah 29:11)
I glanced back over the Mom’s
Thoughts of last year for the beginning of the holidays, I wrote of “Home”
& “Parenthood 24/7". Both brought back memories of holiday’s past,
thank God for our ability to instant recall! The good memories have helped to
make us who we are today. The bad memories have even given us room for learning
and growth.
My nighttime prayers and the
continual on going ones through the day, often place you children & my loved
ones in God’s care. I have prayed for each of you through good, bad,
and given thanks for your continual spiritual growth.
Both the Garvin and Scott families
have taken on the enormous task of merging 2 families together thru marriage. I
can see & appreciate all you have done through, the ups, the downs, crisis
that even I may not be aware of. Both families “homes” now show a loving
working relationship full of respect and that’s not easy with teen-agers. Your
blessings are many and I am so proud of each of you!!!!
God has taken a hard learning
lesson in Pam’s life and is turning it into a spiritual growth journey for
her. He is redirecting her life for the future. I am very proud of her and her
strength to correct her mistakes and go forward.
Amy too has begun a new life, a new career, for which she is excited and
feels challenged for opportunity to grow. (Amy you are still part of this family
and will continue to be so.) Pam and Amy are in God’s care, I know he
will direct their way.
As a family, we have one who has
chosen to distances herself from us. Tori needs all of our prayers for
her safety, her growth through the school of hard knocks, help to realize family
& God is the backbone which we all need to get through this life. God never
leaves us alone.
My spiritual growth since I moved
to Crestwood 3 years ago has been absolutely “awesome”. I prayed long and
hard before I moved. I felt God had different plans for me. The fellowship of my
friends and neighbors has given me the needed “social life” and opportunity
to share myself with others. He has guided me to my neighbor Lois, who has
become a proxy Mother for me. He has led me to her son in law Shan, and her
daughter Karen, who are active ministers of Greenwood Christian Church. Shan has
been counseling Pam and myself through her time of crisis, this I am most
grateful. I began going to church with Lois on May 4th, the twins’
birthday. I have felt completely at home there. Last Sunday I made my decision
to join the church. I had realized without the direction of my path in the last
few years, I would not have been able to face the stresses of this last year
without God’s so wonderful care and direction.
Am I sure I am in God’s care?
You answer that question for me. If while standing in church during the decision
call, an unknown illuminated cross-appeared in front of you on the carpet, only
to linger and then slowly fade, would it be his confirmation only for your eyes? Am I in God’ care, YES,
he has showered me with blessings.
I am so thankful to him!!
Happy Thanksgiving to All!!!!! I love you.
Always, Mom
Tip for the week: Get use to the idea that God does a better job of running your life than you do.
Book of Karen Casey’s
If you have known the effects of having an older brother or sister, you often find they tend to be bossy, though lovingly, pick on you because you’re younger, often blaming you for things they should have owned up too. Well, I have been blessed to have 2 sisters and a brother older than I. Being the baby of the family isn’t always what it’s cracked up to be. (That may be another Mom’s Thoughts.)
I have found my oldest sister, Alberta, Judy,
or Hon, as Uncle Bob called her, very often “passed it on down”
to me quietly and angelic like. So much so that I didn’t realize she has
passed the buck till I find myself doing it. She once said why don’t you write
on “Belly Buttons”, so that week I did write on that profound subject. I now
find myself with another subject, just as profound, at her suggestion.
Have you ever heard of a PERDIDDLE? My
thoughts go back to my teenage years of PERDIDDLES. A PERDIDDLE is a one head
lighted car you may observe at night while driving. The game was the person
seeing it first got rewarded with a kiss. It was wonderful to be on your toes,
for kisses as a teen is so special with a date. Later, after I married your Dad
he changed the rules to if he was first he could take back any kisses he had
given to you. Hey, I couldn’t lose! It just meant more kisses. Pardon me, make
a note: He was a great kisser!!! Haha. Soon the game was passed on down
to you children, making fun to collect PERDIDDLES. Then PERDIDDLES have passed
on down to grandchildren. They sure hold good memories to re-live.
There are other things that I recall too, passed
on down generation to generations, “The Itsy Bitsy Spider game”,
the song “Little Fishes”, I can still see my teenage friends and I singing
in rounds about the fishes going over the dam or the bottle of beer on the
walls, at the top of our lungs. Fun and good memories do get passed on down
through families, like card playing, quality time together, habits, good and
bad, we pass love, dreams, the way we walk gets passed on down to our
children as they mimic our every move, or how we talk. I get a kick out of
watching a father and small son walking side by side, mirroring their movements.
The same as a young girl’s tossing of her hair in duplicating her mom’s
actions. We all mirror those we respect and love.
Thanks Sis, keep passing on down,
I’ll tackle a subject once with this idle brain of mine, regardless of what it
is. Let me hear about your PEDIDDLES games in your life. Those that have not had
that fun----add the game, sure way to have fun and one way to enrich your life
with kisses!!! Have great
week, I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: If you want to test your memory---try to recall what you were worrying about one year ago today!
How many times have
you heard or seen the Serenity Prayer? The words are:
"God grant me Serenity
to accept the things I cannot change, Courage to change the things I can,
and the Wisdom to know the difference".
The 12 steps program
for recovery of alcohol, drug, and other addictions has printed cards with these
words on them, to symbolize a new way of thinking in your life. As I looked at
one of these cards recently, it book marks my bible, the 3 words stood out so
boldly printed on the card & in my mind.
SERENITY: Dictionary
describes as peaceful, acceptance, or calm. It is true when I
think of things I can not change, as the sun coming up, the sun setting, natural
current of rivers, the 4 seasons of Mother Nature, the birds instincts of when
to fly south or fly back north, and many more. All are things God created to
flow thru our world every day, such as the earth's turning in perfect precision,
as Pam recently pointed out to me, never missing or losing one second of time. All things are
designed in true awesome perfection. Yet, we as
humans go daily into battle trying to change, control our own world & lives
of those around us, when we may not have our own under control at all.
That is where WISDOM
comes in: The dictionary says to understand right, true, or enduring good
judgment. Wisdom is something you learn lots of time thru trial and error,
mistakes or choices of good or bad, consequences, surely can bring an education
of wisdom to all of us. That is why we're always told to learn by your mistakes,
do better now that you know better.
The word COURAGE
is described as: mental, or moral strength to face danger without fear. Wow!!!
That’s a scary thought in itself; most of our self-esteems aren't high enough
to make us feel courageous. I am constantly encouraging myself to do better and
even attempt things I don't feel adequate to tackle. With trying these new paths
or avenues, we do build up courage and strength. Then to our surprise we may
face changing many enormous mountains in our lives, as faults, addictions,
dependences, mistakes and our ability to handle what life brings us. Then we
learn that with God's help all things are possible.
Through Wisdom
& Courage comes
the changes needed for our Serenity of life. Serenity is what
we all want and strive for.
God has given this to each and everyone of us. Don't waste it on
foolishness of this world.
Are you busy trying to change the wrong things in your life?
Though no one can go
back & make a brand new start, anyone can start from now, and make a brand
new ending!
Have a wonderful
week, all my loved ones near and far. You mean a bunch
of love and blessings to me. Always, Mom
On a dark country road with only myself in the car, it is raining, I wonder what I'm doing out, as a chill goes up my back. I notice a light in the darkness ahead illuminating Honey Creek Cemetery on the right of the road. I want to slow down & go the other way, the coward that I am. But instead I slowly move closer, lightening strikes overhead, I jump a foot, near a white monument headstone, I see movement, a woman in a long white dress with a white veil draped over her face. She moves quickly, from one head stone to another. I freeze where I am & glance at the car with headlights beaming and wonder is that a ghost in the cemetery or my imagination, I nearer the car & see movement in it. The driver is capturing all this on a video cam! I wonder could that white figure be the ghost of Catherine Scott from the 1800's, but no , it can't be, another crack of lightening, the face in the car shows clearly, -------it's my daughter Pam, and the long white gown is being worn by my granddaughter, Tori, both in the process of doing a geneology report at school. This tale really happen, though I was home waiting for the police to call & say come get them or they will be locked up for trespassing. They got the video and lots of watchers, and a A on the report at school.
The Scott family are known for being unique! I remember to get Tori, Scott, and Tom over being frighten of the dark, I would take flashlights & set in the dark closets looking for Mr. Jack-o-lantern for hours.
I have had some scary, spooky happenings though, when living on Ripple Road, I became real sensitive to communicating with folks who had passed on, I had experiences with Grama Fairy riding with me in the car after she had passed, Grampa Pete coming by at exactly 10 A.M. for weeks for coffee, as he did prior to his death. I had one friend who died sudden in a car accident. She was one who loved life to the fullest. Her death, was so quick they say she didn't realize she was dead. She could not have her voice heard, I felt her presences in the house & it always came thru as anger from a spirit. This really frighten me, never experiencing anger or evil before. (Note this was way before John Edwards on TV or Sylvia Brown with her books of spirit world) When I felt this anger I could only recite bible verses out loud and it would leave me alone. Finally I was told to get her to go to the other world and leave earth bound, I would have t tell her what had happen to her. After weeks of this, I mustard enough courage to tell her out loud, she was dead and had to go on to the other side, others would show her the way. I was never bothered by her again. She is the only bad ghost I have had to deal with, My mother still comes around me always as finger nail polish scent. Most of the others have been the scent of their colognes when they were on earth & it is only a quick passing thing.
I remember when the movie "Psycho" I came out, Pam roomed with me at Marten Manor in 1984. Every time I would get in the shower I'd visualize the scene from the movie, the knife coming thru the air and blood splattering every where, blood whirling down the drain. It was so realistic, that I would make Pam stay home when I took showers so I would know no one was in the apartment. Then she could go out!!!!! Or I went dirty, afraid to get in the shower.
Dianna & I watch scary movies the same way---with both eyes covered and peeking out during the blood, guts and gory parts. She too flicks to a different channel in the scary part and back when it is over.
Dad talked me into going into a Horror House one time, we were in a boat, going thru would be easy, he said! After we got into the dark part, the slimy things started bumping into us, the witches laughed, the bats came out of no where's, the dangling things hung so our faces had to touch them. The music was scary enough, but even closing my eyes did not help. By the time my boat got thru the tunnel & out in the light, I felt like the 1/2 dead of fright person I was. Never again!!!! Your Dad laughed and laughed, Yeah the joke was on me!
But who was the joke on the night he woke me up, and said make my mother get off the end of my bed and she had already passed on. Haha. I am not sure if the imaginary things are worse than what is on the movie screens or not. Most of us are frighten of the unknown. I don't trick or threat anymore, I've become the candy lady & stay inside on Halloween nite. Trick or Treat everyone, don't let the ghost and goblins get you!!!
Tip for the Week: Don't drive faster than your guardian angel can fly!!
Love always, Mom
There's a strange expression, one I've heard a bit lately. One could mean to knock yourself unconscious. This expression is one of the latest verbal "fads" to go around. We've had "get a life", "been there done that", "get real", "break a leg", and too numerous ones to mention now, so etc., etc.
Last week, Dianna delivered to my apartment, 1 dozen pink roses and 2 dozen white roses all long stems. (I do love her working at McNamara Florist) Her comment, "There Mom, Knock yourself out". She knows I love to share with the many ladies in this senior building. I get the pleasure of the thank-you's & the hugs, and the smiles when they see the rose and bud vase and know it is for them. I believe the appreciation is way above the time and effort of kindness spent.
I had a Mom's Thought moment , when I pondered on those words, Knock yourself out. Our lives become so complex and fast paced, we sometimes don't hardly take time to rest & sleep until our bodies become exhausted & we fall into the bed. We can be so occupied with trying to control our lives & make things to work to our advantage. Many times we fail & have to face disappointments. This may result in down time and depression for us to deal with. Then and only then, might we resort to praying. Okay, we say, let's get God to change things for us. We humble ourselves and admit I have done all I can----I need to turn this over to you, God.
Another light bulb moment, I visualize God, who is there 24/7 every moment & loving me unconditionally, looking down, as I work my way through my life and growth, he comments with a smile, "Go ahead Knock yourself out! You will remember I am in control sooner or later"!
Oh, if only we would remember that & save ourselves from worry, stress, fear, anxiety and self-doubt, surely the wrong way of knocking ourselves out. Try practicing every morning the realization God loves us, is there to help us, and wishes us a Good Day! He is waiting for us to ask for his help.
I heard a rumor that next week, the wicked witches, ghost & goblins are to be turned loose on our world for Halloween---are you prepared? I have some ghost stories I may have to do for next week's Mom's Thoughts. Have a wonderful end of Autumn week. Love that fall colors on the trees and gorgeous sunsets. I love you,
Always, Mom
On Tuesday, I like many other folks in the surgery waiting room, at Methodist Hospital, did just that waited for the words their loved ones had come through without complications. The number of people around me, the faces of concern, the stress felt for their loved ones, to have the nurse or doctor say "they're doing fine, all is well". Thus relieving the minds of all the imaginary wrongs we had been thinking could go wrong in surgery.
I sat with awe, at the realization of the surgery performed on my son, Rusty. Just the medical wonder that a part of his hip bone could be placed into the herniated disks of his neck, & correct all the painful effects of pinched nerves. Only a few years ago this procedure would have been deemed impossible. Now, it is treated as a common daily procedure. I bet I could return today and see a repeat of yesterday's waiting room Monday thru Friday. People going thru surgery, recovering all so quickly due to our improved health practice, vitamins, more nutritional food, and life styles for longer life spans.
Lois, my dear neighbor, this Tuesday also under went cataract surgery on her second eye, to restore her vision to 20/20. Only a few minutes of laser surgery and the sight will be as though the cataracts never existed. A few weeks of eye drops and the fear of blindness due to growing older has completely been eliminated.
Yes, I feel awe, all this & so many other surgery's performed, open heart, knee replacements, and more are now treated as everyday happenings. I pray we don't become nonchalant and treat this as ordinary events. The blessings our God has given doctors, teachers, educators, staffs of hospital are true gifts of God's abundant generosity. Mankind does not believe the words "it's impossible". Our world is proof of what can be accomplished through faith, believing in dreams, self discipline & education.
Rusty, may you have a quick recovery and be back up & about real soon. Our prayers were answered that your problem was operable by a wonderful skilled surgeon. Should any of you find your faith has weakened or is lacking daily prayers, look around you, God leaves his awesome touch everywhere! Don't be too busy to see it! Remember he always has time for us and our dreams. It has been a blessed week and on top of that, I have the love of all you wonderful folks in my life.
My love always, Mom
I love the fall season and all the beautiful colors of the changing leaves. When living in Michigan I often walked the paths of the State Park just to take in wonderful colors of God's nature at hand. I am sure science has all the explanation and why's and what for that changes the colors, such as certain temperature changes, so much sunlight and dark. But in my mind it is easier just to say "Well, God you out did yourself again". I don't want to miss any of it, and try to take the time to enjoy his artwork around me.
The Autumn sunsets add even more beauty to the colors, some of them last over a half hour with brilliant colors of red, pink, and orange. I have watched some of the prettiest sunsets since moving to Crestwood Village South, my balcony has a perfect view of that western sky. Tori and I have always shared our love for sunsets, rainbows, and have some wonderful pictures of them and even have them on my computer screen saver.
Tommy and I use to go every year to the pumpkin patch and get his pumpkin from the fields, of course the fun was the wagon ride, Grama always had trouble getting up and in and then out. But in the field, Tom would always have to find a big one for him and a little one for Grama. Dianna always took lots of pictures for our memories books. Autumn Fun!!!
Thinking along the line with the fall, autumn leaves, and pumpkins in the fields, being carved for the later in the month, Halloween, I ran across this lately and want to share with you:
A woman was asked by a co-worker, "What is it like to be a Christian?". The co-worker replied, " It is like being a pumpkin, God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He then cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. and then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside of you to shine for all the world to see."
God wants everyone to shine his light in this lifetime, giving you peace, happiness, and unlimited blessings. Don't miss out, let him rid you of the yucky stuff too. God loves you and so do I! Have a beautiful Autumn week.
Always, Mom
One year ago on Oct. 6th, I started Mom's Thoughts of the Week, hoping it would be a way to stay in touch with my children in this busy world. The first one was Tough Get Going, followed by Practicing Buts, Counting Your Blessings, Time of Crisis, Today's Gifts, Gratitude, Parenthood 24/7, Home & Music, Christmas Time, Snow, Lee's Christmas Fun, Coincidence, Happy New Year 2003, Test The Unknown, God's Rainbow, The Little Things, At Times Like These, The Columbia, Ecclesiastes 3: 1-8, Hugs & Love from Georgia, Disappointments, Sunshine, Inheritance, In Harm's Way, America At War, Family Reunion, History Repeats Itself, Holy Week, Potpourri, Computer Mama, My Mom's, Cycle of Life, Why, Memories, Mom's Pride, Do It Your Self Project, The Gifts of Time, Thoughts from the Shore of Lake Huron, Harrisville MI., Pondering on the Shores of Harrisville Harbor, Sisters on The Go, Clouds, My Family, Belly Buttons, Wisdoms of Love, Prior to the Dawn, Firemen, That's God, A Mother's Tears, Beyond Human Strength, and last weeks Lightning Bugs.
So hard to believe it's been 52 weeks, 52 topics/subjects, and soooo much pondering. I don't know if I would have ever began my search for my inner thoughts, much less putting them into words and down on paper, had it not been for Pam's insistence of my having a computer in my home, Dianna's help and teaching computers knowledge, and Rusty's recent surprise of a brand new Dell computer with Windows XP, and all answering those computer questions Mom has come up with over and again.
I've had help for my topics, most of the time comes Wednesday, I have no ideas and then on Saturday the thoughts have flown through my, at times, cluttered mind and brain. I hope I've made some sense, projected what is in my heart and the enormous love for my family. I feel how very important my growth with God has become over the last year. This I hope has shown in my writings. I find I know my inner self more today than ever before.
I highly recommend writing of one's journey through life, be it by a daily journal or in letters to loved ones. I have recently come across letters of loved ones I have lost over the years, to only see their handwriting, read their words and have felt their memories become more alive in my heart. What a wonderful awesome legacy of life living on. When words reflect one's heart they also reflect one's soul, which will live on through eternity and never die.
Thanks to you all for traveling this last year with me, making my thoughts part of your life. I hope they have helped you along the way also. I am excited about year 2 and what the new topics will be. :-) !!!! I love you all, Have a great cool fall-time week.
Mom/Sis/Grama/Auntie Jan
As I watched the television news this week, seeing the damage from Hurricane Isabel on the east coast and inland pathway clear to Michigan. I see flood lands, homes destroyed, damage done beyond their repair, even though they had time to prepare for a hurricane, some things in life are un-preparable.
The sights of this loss brings back recall from one year ago today, September 20, 2002, when 5 tornadoes hit Indiana, with their pathways being straight through Indianapolis.
I had a doctor's appointment downtown when the first tornado hit the area where I worked. On my way to work, I quickly was rerouted due to the areas the rest of the tornadoes hit. You talk about feeling like the devil was on your tail, by the time I reached where I couldn't move my car any more, on 31 and Stop 11, I had just missed 2 areas of the tornadoes touchdown. I truly was working my guardian angel overtime keeping me out of harms way.
Immediately, the electrical power was gone, cars were in traffic jams, cell phones stopped working and everywhere I looked was destroyed stores, gone where they had stood, rain damage, people standing in shock of their surroundings. All was overwhelming frightening, terrified by the radio reports, I left my car there in a parking lot at that shopping center and walked home, crying, worrying on what I would find, hoping my home, families and friends had not been destroyed. Somehow Crestwood Village had been spared by only 2 blocks. The pathway was over 100 miles and wiped out, apartment complexes, homes, trees of over 100 years old, cars uplifted and set down distances away. The whole sight was unbelievable to the eyes, utter shock that this was happening.
Now, one year later, as I look and still see signs of those 5 tornadoes damage, some structures have been replaced, some haven't, people lives have continued, I relive again the blessings, all that damage and not one life was lost. Those that were affected have re-kindled their spirits and returned to everyday living, going beyond human strength. All having survived not only the tornadoes but the events of the 9-11-2001 and the falling of the Towers in NY and the aftermath of devastation. God takes us beyond our human strength!!!!!
I notice people are more aware of family, their meanings of what is important, the words "I love you" are heard more on cell phones, and when departing from each other. They seem to have learn an important lesson------ material possessions can be replaced, restored, and survived without. But to keep their FAITH alive, to come back strong after defeating events as one year ago, it is truly the beyond human spirit of our American people as they show it again and again. Our counting our blessings truly keep all of us inspired, uplifted and continues positive action.
Remember the importance of your loved ones in your lives today and everyday. Keep them in your heart, prayers, and thoughts. Those whom we love are what matters always.
God's Blessings to everyone in our family!
Always, Mom
To a mother, each child is an unique blessing. Her love for each glows with a radiance that is like a precious gem. I have a Mother's Ring that Dad bought me for Mother's Day one year. It has 3 birthstones for our children born to us. It should be 5 but the twins were never added to this ring, though they have a special place in my heart. Never could I have envision all that life would hold for my children and me. A mother can deal with hurt, pain for herself on an individual basis. You can say straighten up and fly right allowing no time for self pity, and think more positively.
Ahhhh, but when it comes to a mother's child, the world changes, the pain and hurt goes clear to the soul. To see our children hurting and feel helpless to change the circumstances for them is frustrating, and a terrible devastating occurrence. A mother's tears can go to the very depth of her heart and soul. The heartache is exactly that, you can physically feel the pain in your heart like a knife cut. I have felt pain & tears this week not for myself, but for my child, Pam, knowing the fear and doubt of the future she may be facing with the beginning of her uncertainty of her journey in prison. True we fear the unknown as humans.
A mother loves, she feels the struggles for her children, the darkness of fear and uncertainty, she wants to remove these burdens from her child and carry the load herself. This is not possible and she knows this, as another tear falls from her eyes and slides down her cheeks. Through the window of her soul you find a broken heart, more mother's tears may fall as has happen millions of time over, at one time or another, with all mother's. My mind can't even comprehend what our Lord's Mother, Mary, went through to see her son unjustly treated, abused, enormous suffering and betrayal, and finally to die on the cross not for his sins but for ours.
A dear friend, Brother Jack shared with me this week, in part, the following regarding tears: "Stress causes toxins to build up in our bodies & tears of frustration, or hurt contain many toxins. Crying cleanses our bodies of these toxins and let's us feel a bit better. First and foremost, God understands our tears. God is such a marvelous designer."
From the Mountainwings daily message this week: "A woman's tear is her way of expressing her joy, her sorrow, her pain, her disappointment, her love, her loneliness, her grief, and her pride."
I in no way, want to lessen the love and caring of Dads or Fathers, for they feel pain and love like us Mothers. I am reminded of our heavenly Father who gives us the gift of his love, guidance, and mostly the hope to live by for the future.
There is no stronger felt love, full of hope, full of faith, that through this darkness comes the promise of a new and brighter tomorrow. The pain will turn to joy, happiness, for my child is God's child. His promise and word tells us this. It is truly where our tomorrow will come from, our lives are in his hands. I have witnessed proof that he is with me and Pam, his footprints and touches have been along our path as we walked.
Thank you all for bearing with me and helping me through this week. For my high school friend Sally and hubby, Jim, who just happen to be here when I returned from court on Monday, just when I needed their words of comfort and understanding. For Amy, her standing beside me and Pam in court with support and love. God has truly blessed me with all of your love and caring in my family.
Have a great week!!!!!!!! Always, Mom
In the past I have written on Disappointment, Whys of Life, and Coincidence, but this week I received a message that came at the right time and said just what I was needing at the time.
As you are all aware the last 6 weeks have been very stressful for us, with lot of devastating happenings in our family. Those we love have been affected, and needed encouragement in trying times. I have pulled strength from this message and feel it is noteworthy at this time. It goes as follows:
Have you ever been just sitting there and all of a sudden you feel like doing something nice for someone you care for? THAT'S GOD!!
He talks to you through the Holy Spirit. Have you ever been down and out and nobody seems to be around for you to talk to? THAT'S GOD!!
He wants you to talk to him. Have you ever been thinking about someone that you haven't seen in a long time and then, the next thing you know, you see them or receive a phone call from them? THAT'S GOD!!
There is no such thing as "coincidence"
Have you ever received something wonderful that you didn't even ask for, like money in the mail, a debt that had a mysteriously been cleared, or a coupon to a department store where you had just seen something you wanted but couldn't afford? THAT'S GOD!!
He knows the desires of your heart. Have you ever been in a situation and you had no clue how it is going to get better, but now you look back on it? THAT'S GOD!!
He passes us through tribulations to see a brighter day. In all we do, if we remember to give total thanks to God, our blessings will continue to be multiplied. I count you all among my greatest blessings!! Thinking of you and hope this brightens your week! Love Always, MOM
And I will send showers, showers, of blessings, which will come just when they are needed. Ezekiel 34:26
PRIOR TO DAWN: Lately, I have found my night's have been interrupted a lot. I have been learning LOTS of new things on my new computer. It has been fun but the using of new brain cells or awakening of old brain cells, it's quite hard to turn my thoughts off at night. I hope the things I have been dreaming ALL night are correct as they go into my memory bank! :o)
The nights I have been awaken at 4 A.M. finds myself tossing & turning, even getting frustrated because I need 8 hours of sleep each & every night. I recently received a daily message in my Guideposts that I can relate to, even turn into a "bright AHHHA moment" to me, may we ponder on it together?
Could these early wake ups be times I need to quietly sit, listen to some soothing music, say some family prayers, sit on the balcony and look at the sky full of stars, moon and the awesome awareness of our creator. My wake up calls prior to dawn just might be my lord needing some time with me and me with him.
We all get so busy in or lives with everyday routines, solving the problems of the world, working, family needs, maybe we forget to have that spiritual refreshing time for our soul. Often quick asking for blessings of everyone is about what we do take time for. The next time I'm awaken at 4A.M. or so, I will smile and say "I need time with you too, Lord".
Have a fantastic week, don't let those little problems in your life own your thoughts and time. Where ever you are always remember I love you and you are in my thoughts and prayers. Always, Mom
Yep, you read that right! Aunt Judy
suggested the topic so don't yell for the
straight jacket team yet. Of
course, it makes you wonder about her...........
Belly buttons, some
protrude and are called "outties". Some are indented
being called "innies."
Have you ever noticed how quickly a baby
finds his/her belly button when it
becomes in sight, only to stick their
finger in it and giggle.
No two are alike, they come in different shapes
and depths......we all have
one........some even decorate them with piercing
and jewelry.......we all start
our lives the same way. Which brings a
question up to ponder, "If God created
Adam and Eve, then did they have
belly buttons, or because he wasn't there
Mother would only their children
have began the belly button tradition, What do
you think?"
pondering took me back to prior to my birth. When I was conceived by my
& Dad I began my existence with joining to my mother, the umbilical cord,
making her my lifeline for survival. For 8 months the blood supply
of oxygen,
nourishment and all well being was from my Mother. That bond
remains forever
strong between a Mother/Child even after birth. What an amazing
my birth happen, the umbilical cord from my mother was cut, which gave
me my
belly button. I was born in Jesup, Ga. hospital, all my siblings were
at home, my parents being Willie Mae and Shelton Thornton. I was
a blue baby, had not developed to full term. The top of my head was all
spot and the brain could be seen thru it. My Mother heard the nurses say I
not worth saving, which my Mother then took me home, there I was fed with
eye dropper in order to keep me alive for weeks. My Dad wouldn't even hold
guess I was a pitiful sight! What greater love can be found that sizes up
a Mother's love for her child. "A mother's love perceives no
check that belly button out....it is truly a free miracle from God. Would
to hear what your answer is to that question on Adam & Eve. Thanks for
with me again today. Have a great week! I love you all. Always, Mom
My Family:
Pulling together this week as a family has
once again made me proud to be the
mother of this brood of mine. The
stressful situation of Pam's incarceration
and the domino chain effects of
unsettling stress, has made it necessary for
us to pull together again. It is
not easy to have loved ones in bad situation
whether by choice or of their
own makings. I know we need to be supportive but
sometimes each person
has to do for themselves, and face the circumstances of
actions they created.
Our love doesn't stop or change but none or us has a
magic wand to make bad
disappear either.
Life is a process that includes problems that can't
always be easily
resolved. It is refreshing to learn that not every conflict
has to be resolved on the
spot. Sometimes it is best to step back, let them
be, relax with peaceful
thoughts will ease the stress. Again remember who
controls all and our future. It
is in Gods hands and he will care for
As a family I know we all love Pam and Tori, we are hoping and
praying that
this can be a turning point into a better way of life. Amy
has taken on an
enormous task of handling Pam's affairs in her absences.
Inheriting legal
responsibilities of others is not easy task and I am most
grateful for all your
efforts Amy! If I or any others of the family can
help let us know. I am adding
Pam's mailing address if anyone wants to send a
note of encouragement to her, I
'm sure it would mean a lot!
Johnson County Jail
Attn: Pam Scott, #033878
Franklin In. 46131
A final thought, a quote I want to
Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take
but by the
moments that take our breath away.
(author unknown)
Have a good week, I love you Always,Mom
On my return trip to Harrisville this week, I
had a chance to day dream and watch the clouds go by. As I drove north on 75,
where the cars WHIZ by at a speed limit of 70+MPH and the number of cars in 4
lanes are too numerous to mention, I wondered if any noticed the beautiful sky
and clouds. Have you ever laid on the grass, maybe as a kid, and watched the
clouds roll by above you. The view can be almost awesome!
Today the
clouds are the big puffy fat ones I love, Cumulus, like huge rounded
marshmallows with the big blue sky filling the wide open spaces from ceiling to
ground. I think of the view from an air plane---the clouds look like angels
should be floating on them, so very heavenly. I have seen some pictures taken of
magical spiritual clouds that shapes looked like angels. That has to be
something to really see. The ones before me look 3-D at times, in layers of deep
depths, but transparent, yet a few feet over the clouds blend together in a
blurred vision of nothing impressive. There is a huge dark cloud full of rain,
which reminds me of the storms of life we face, yet behind it and coming to the
forefront is a enormous white puffy one with rays of sunlight and hope.
recently purchased a CD of Margi Harrell's on lite keyboard, which I now have
playing in the car. She plays her own composed piece of melodies titled,
MEMORIES, DREAMS, HOPE, MEDITATIONS OF SOLITUDE, and these are mixed with soft
various old gospel hymns. The music and the clouds blend together. Today they
are perfect for calming me as I drive. The Garvins have teased me and called
this music "funeral Music", but to me it is music for my spiritual
Your Dad would have especially like the PIANO CONCERTO-21. He liked
piano music and we spent lots of time relaxing to his favorite music, some
classical, for he was a fan of Mario Lanza's (opera tenor).
As I neared
Harrisville, MI. I realize I've gone thru 1 1/2 hours of music and am almost to
the end of my trip today. I see a song listed on the CD which makes me smile,
"SONG OF THE MOON". I remember my Mother telling me the man in the
moon is washing his feet in the full moon, can you see that? Maybe we will
have to ponder on the moon next!!!!!!
Have a great week, Remember I love
you each and every one of you. Always, Mom
Sisters on the Go:
On the return trip to Michigan,
after the 4th of July reunion, my sisters and
I once again found ourselves
traveling together. All of us while younger had
married, gone on to raise our
families and care for our husbands. Never
thinking that one day, our children
would be grown, our husbands have all passed
away leaving us grand old
widows. Once a year now for 4 years, we have traveled
to Georgia and spend
the month of March with Aunt Jerry in her home. We from
there have been able
to visits relatives, friends and pretty much go where we
want to. This
is continually amazing to us as we each have commented "who would
ever thought we would be doing this."
Our Mother was named Ramblin'
Rose, by Uncle Bob, because she truly was a
traveler. Taking turns to
be with each of us for grandchildren to be born,
surgeries and any other
required occasions. Dad too, when he moved away from his
home of Georgia to
Illinois to find work in 1945, faithfully made the trip twice
a year to visit
his Mother in Georgia until her death. Could be we were
meant to be
gypsies at heart, and it is in the genes.
As I think of us being
together, I am so very grateful that our parents
raised us as they did. We
have never stopped talking to each others during the
years, as many siblings
might do. We have always joined together to care for our
parents, not
worrying that one may have a heavier load to carry at one time or
True I have as the baby of the family, at times threaten to throw
Aunt Judy
and/or Aunt Jerry in the Lake Huron or put either out of the car for
directions when I drive.
Mad scratch that I am, I am always sorry when
I cooled down. I keep trying
to work on that temper and so is God, trying to
teach me patience. I would
say over all we get along well together,
and that includes our one and only
brother too.
I plan my trip
back to Michigan next week, so I can spend more time with my
sisters, before
Aunt Jerry returns to her home. Our days are not the most
exciting but
we fill the days and enjoy being together, jig saw puzzles, garage
sales, and
of course seniors for that one balanced meal of the day. We have all
forgotten how to cook, except for microwaves. That seems to go
along with old
age after all the years we did cook 3 square meals a day.
I think about
how in the past with all that has happen, my bout with cancer
of the throat,
Aunt Judy for all purposes died on the table with her surgery
many years ago,
and Aunt Jerry with her numerous surgeries, which doctors said
she shouldn't
have come through, I guess we are tough old birds. God intended
for us to
support each other through these senior years of our lives. God is
if I haven't said it enough to them, I will take this chance to say
you are the best and I so appreciate having you in my life." I count you
one of my true blessings. So lets keep a going as long as we can, maybe we
buy a motor home for traveling!
Thanks for listening to my thoughts
and as always, have a good week. I love
you all very much. Always, Mom
Pondering on the shores at Harrisville Harbor:
again I am lucky enough to be looking out at
the big beautiful deep blue
waters of Lake Huron.
The temperature is a lovely 72 today, the sky above is
a beautiful blue with
large white cumulus clouds. The wind is blowing causing
the big white caps on
top of the waves. I have been mesmerized by the
amount of them out as far as the eyes can see. As the
white caps
come to shore rushing angrily, only to turn
into sheer gentleness when
reaching the beachy sands.
Then they return to the vast amount of water that
makes Lake Huron. Makes me
think of the tranquility and peaceful calm of my
soul, when I
let God guide me.
Many times our lives are just like the
angry rush and roar of the waves
hitting the rocks of the harbor or
beaches. All of ours are worries of every day
stress which can create storms
and rough waters in
us. We look and the hugeness can be overbearing at times.
we can release these worries to the one who is in control, by letting go
letting God handle them and their uncertainties. Then we can be like the
on the beach filled with calm and tranquility of the waters.
is a hard lesson in life to learn. We so often think we can solve any and
things, so we worry and stew and wonder about solutions. Try "Lord show me
solution and your way in my life." Then listen and pay attention. We
make it alone, and he knows the way, he doesn't want our lives to be full of
stress, anger, and hostilities. He truly wants us to enjoy life, he is
waiting for us to trust him and let our worries go!
I prepare to leave the lake this week, it comes to
mind many years ago, in my
life with your Dad and a smile comes to my face.
He finally promised me
a romantic night on the beach. So we set out with
blanket in hand and NO
kids, you all were left at the Boda's. I can still hear the
sounds of
the quietness of the waves coming in, in the stillness of the night
as we
fell asleep. I was awaken by your Dad with the
statement, "If someone
rides a motor cycle along the beaches here they will
never see us, and run
over us, so we better go home." Yeah, so much for romance
on the beach!
We picked up the blankets, full of sand and headed for the
house. Now
come on, what is the odds of either one of us dying that way? I
chuckle and smile when I think of some of the gullible things he expected me
believe. SMILE !! Hope your memories hold some of him you can smile at
Have a great week and keep yourself calm and tranquil like the lakes waves
the beach. I love you all. Good to be back home again in Indiana.
Always, Mom
Hello everyone from Harrisville, Michigan:
Here it is
Monday and I decided to combine my Mom's thoughts for the week and my general
update emails for friends and buddies, The weekly mailing will be early but that
is what happens when you vacation. The time has gone all too quick since I
arrived on last Tuesday. We have been busy with sales, doing tasks in
Sis's home which she can't do alone. Seems like the older you get the more you
need two to accomplish anything. She is loving her new look to her bedroom,
curtains, border trim, new bedset with the new bedspread. We will be tackling
the bathroom today with wallpaper and shelves and curtains. Then of course
we take off to seniors for the one time a day good eating. We have had the daily
walks around and over the blocks and believe me Harrisville has changed since I
was here as a resident. The ole movie theater has been turned into a shopping
mall, small size to go with the town uniqueness, we will check it out today too.
leave tomorrow for Illinois and the reunion at our brother's Vern's. It
will be great to see all you kinfolks that will be there from GA, CO, IN, NC,
and wherever and who else else comes. I wish you all a wonderful 4th of July. Be
it with friends, and family, picnics, cookouts or just being at home and being
thankful for all your blessings. What ever it is enjoy. Be grateful for
being in this wonderful free country of America and don't forget to pray for our
service folks and their families. May God bless them and bring them home soon.
I love you all and will have you in my thoughts. Have a Happy safe fourth. See
you on the internet in about one week. Always, Mom
This week I've
had the chance, once again, to hear the waves come in on the sunrise side of
Michigan. The WHOOSH of the waves coming in slowly, immediately sends out
"relaxation" to my memory bank of my mind.
It brings to mind my
9 years as a resident of Harrisville from 1987 to 1996, while caring for my
mother with Alzheimer Disease. The separation from my children and grandchildren,
in order to make a home for Mother, was a hard one but a necessary one. The care
of Mother was shared by us "girls", Aunt Jerry, Aunt Judy &
myself, with the help of our brother, Uncle Vern. We worked together, in order
to keep Mother at home & out of a nursing home. All her life had been spent
caring for her family, and it was the last gift we could give Mother, to care
for her. None of us regret that decision and time, if nothing else it has become
dearer to us since Mother's death.
Michigan is a beautiful place to be
next to nature, the beaches full of soft but sinkable sand, the white birch
trees mingled along with the tall graceful pines, and the evening rides to see
the beauty of herd of wild deer grazing in fields and meadows. I recall my 5
miles daily walks was thru the state park, along the highways and took in all of
the above treats and the time to get closer to God while appreciating God's FREE
blessings, all of which seem harder to find in the fast pace of Indy. All 4
seasons always included more "freebies of nature", from the long
winters and beautiful snows, the purple martin's return in the spring, the
summers of 80 & 90 degrees in the sun, always could be found 65 or 70 in the
shade with the breeze off the lake, and fall and cool weather always knew
exactly when Labor Day arrived and you had better hunt a jacket!! Michigan's
"up above" and "down below" reference to where you are from
is heard all through stores and eating places. I am enjoying the tranquility of
my visiting to Aunt Judy's & know when I return to Indy, through my memory
bank I will be able to instantly "recall" the very special
"feel" and "being there" in my mind, somewhat revisit of my
spiritual home.
Home is the best place to be and everyone's own
"HOME" is best for them. I am looking forward to my return to Indy and
that small apartment I now call home. But I am taking Michigan in my heart and
memory. Sort of like having the best of 2 worlds at my fingertips. I have
received nourishment for my soul.
I love you all----Missing you a bunch.
I will be seeing you soon in Illinois for the 4th of July re-union at Uncle
Vern's. Love always, with good thoughts and wishes for a great week. Mom
Once again, the daily Mountainwings
inspirational message
I receive on my computer, hit my pondering soul.
The question
was "What do you value most?" The message
reflects on people
in your life that influence it more than you may realize.
One of
the most valuable gift is the time you give to others. But in
end the gift of their time may have influenced your life without
knowing it.
I was a child of age 10 when I met Helen Gary, a 70 year old
lady, living with her son, Jim, in our neighborhood in
Wilmette, Illinois.
Jim wasn't home much due to being the owner
of an antique shop. I would see
her sitting alone on her porch
and I would wander over and visit when I
could. I shared many
hours with this lovely lady. It was a treat to go
through her home,
looking at the beautiful things she had, mostly antiques.
I rem-ember she
always had time to listen to me, she made me feel
she gave of her time and knowledge. Mrs. Gary was the
one to teach me
to crochet. I was the typical klutz in the begin-ning, all
thumbs. She
patiently continued to encourage me as I learnt that skill. Of
course, as I
grew older, my friends and activities changed and I saw less and
less of
her. Not because she didn't have
the time but I didn't. Though I often wrote
to her for
a while, I never saw her again before she died. Now, I wonder if
realized the large influence she had on my developing my
crocheting skills.
She often referred to them as God given talents.
She was right, my hands
may be busy but my thoughts quietly
converse with God, as I use this time to
relax and ponder. My
crocheting has become a beneficial one for sharing, from
afghans (one year the count was 80+) for the Crestwood seniors
nursing homes, to bright colored crib afghans for the cancer
kids at Riley
Hospital going thru chemo, to the "new kids to the world" baby
and of course the many many for family
members. My crocheting has given me so
much pleasure, with the stitches being
done with love and prayers they will
be enjoyed.
As the yarn keeps coming to me, (I find bags full on my door
of my apartment) I will continue to stitch my way to heaven, one stitch
at a
time. I hope somehow that Helen Gary, the time
she spent with that little 10
year old girl, knew what a gift she
had given to me, THE GIFT OF TIME!
next time someone says thanks for your time, ask yourself
was I an
influencing factor in their life or so what factor? Did I
listen or did
I do all the talking? Your own answers might surprise you. Do
have a Helen Gary in your life? Someone that showed you the value of time
spent? One who influenced you to be the person you are? If so, tell them
made a difference to you..
Thanks for listening to me pondering through
my thoughts on
paper. You all have made a difference in my life and for the
Have a great week everyone. Love you lots and lots, Mom
An elderly carpenter was ready
to retire. He told his employer-contractor of
his plans to leave the house-
business and live a more leisurely life with his
wife enjoying his extended
family. He would miss his
paycheck, but he needed to retire. They could get
The contractor was sorry to see his good worker go and
asked if he
could build just one more house as a personal
favor. The carpenter said yes,
but in time it was easy to see that his heart
was not in his work. He
resorted to shoddy workmanship and used inferior
materials. It was an un-
way to end his career.
When the carpenter finished his work and the
builder came
to inspect the house, the contractor handed the front door
to the carpenter. "This is your house, "he said, "my gift to
What a shock!! What a shame!! If he had only known he
building his own house, he would have done it all so
differently. Now he had
to live in the home he had built none too well. So
it is with us. We
build our lives in a distracted
way, reacting rather than acting, willing to
put up less than
the best. At important points we do not give the job
best effort. Then with a shock we look at the situation we have created
find that we are now living in the house we have built. If we had
realized that
we would have done
it differently.
Think of yourself
as a carpenter. Think about your house. Each day you hammer
a nail, place a
board, or erect a wall. Build wisely. It is the only life you
will ever
build. Even if you live it for only one day more, that day
to be lived graciously and with dignity.
"Life is a do-it-yourself
project." Your life today is the result
of your attitudes and choices of
the past. Your life tomorrow will be the
result of your attitudes and the
choices you make today. How is your
do-it-yourself project coming along?
a great week, take time to smell the flowers, check out the green grass,
singing bird in the morning or evening, see a sunset with your family,
most of all remember I love you! Always and forever just me, Mom
Last week I wrote about memories that we
make in our lives.
I had some good memories made in May that I don't want to
over look. I have
had a few days to rest, recoup my forces, and gather
my thoughts. I'd like to
share with you my pride.
First, I know the
sudden appendix surgery of Dianna affected many. I am proud
of our family for
pulling together to get Dianna thru surgery, back home and
up on her feet
again. God is good and does answer prayers!!!!!
Secondly, our
family had a wonderful event with the Graduation of the Class
of 2003 from
North Central. I am very proud that our own Victoria Catherine,
was part of that special happening. She walked beautifully, head high
pride, and full of grace as she received that diploma.
Had it not been
for the wonderful "taking in " and "taking care"of Tori for
last 90 days of her senior year, this would not have been possible. Rusty,
Natali, and Ryan, thank you for your generosity, compassion and sharing
home with Tori. The cooperation and love from Guy and Pam, as parents,
Tori's welfare first, made all this possible. Amy, thank you for your
and support with the transition during this time, I know Guy and Pam
this too.
The graduation at the Coliseum, the Graduation & 18th
birthday party at the
Lakewood Lodge Club House, joining of her families
& friends, to express love
and good wishes will be memories Tori will
have to go forward into the second
part of her life. We all wish her well in
her future endeavors, college and the
becoming of a professional chef.
I sound proud I am! Of all my family, for their love, support, and
thru this time. This Mom is truly PROUD of her clan! Have a wonderful
everyone! I love you all very much.
Always, Mom
I believe there was a song which a line said "memories are made of
this." We make memories everyday, every hour, and every minute.
Some are good, some are bad, but we have the ability to "instant
recall" maybe by just being reminded by something, some one,
some smell, all can trigger our memories to come alive from the
I tend to forget bad memories, maybe due to hurt feelings, pain
or suffering once felt. I also tend to remember the good memories of folks in
my past. As an example, I find as I think of your Dad
at times, it seems like he gets closer to SAINTHOOD all the time.
As with all marriages we made some good and some bad memories, but now going
on some 22 years since his death, I forget more of the bad habits, traits that
drove me up an ole tree. Yeah, that sainthood is a false one, for
he was
human and made mistakes like we all do at one time or another. I do treasure
memories I have with Dad and still miss him.
Dr. Phil talks on the subject of people that live in the past and
place memories on pedestals, making them all important. They
can get stuck in the past & let the future waste away. It is up to
us to create our future memories. We can only take from life
what we willingly put in to it. We make our own good times and
memories. We can't go backward but we can & do have the ability
& capacity to move forward.
So, make some memories today! Make them GOOD ones so when
they cross your mind again they will give you that smile on your
face. Making you proud & happy to have in your memory bank.
YEAH TEAM! Indianapolis had a DRY 500 race this year. I think
there is a song about that too, "It don't rain in Indianapolis in
the summertime." There I go pondering again! Have a great week!
I love you all, Mom
Subject: WHY
Only 3 letters to that word but it sometimes fills our thoughts to maximum
capacity. I think of Tommy, in the span of the last year and half, his WHY
to another WHY and continues on & on with replies or answers to once again
the question WHY? It seems like WHY is the most used word we have in our
questioning of life's happenings.
This week's activities included Dianna's emergency appendix surgery,
cancellation of Tori and Grama's Louisville, KY college registration,
cancellation of
Rusty, Jodi's and my trip to Harrisville, MI. The question WHY--WHY
things go on as planned? We are human and can be selfish to the point of
wanting our way and never very patient either!! I have finally come to
that God's in control and knows what is best for me. I once questioned
"WHY me"?
probably when I was in my 30's, feeling very put upon and not getting my way
with life's circumstances. A voice so clear (my holy spirit voice that is
right next to my conscience), said, "WHY not you " True, WHY did I
believe I
should be exempt from suffering, pain, embarrassment, or troubles in
life. Didn't
our Lord suffer all the punishments on the cross and he truly did not deserve
any of them.
I have taken on the concept that when things change plans, it's usually for
the better. I believe delays in time may help me to avoid an accident, a
decision or choice I made could have been destructive for me, or I was meant to
some place else for a better purpose. Life can have many disappointments in
attaining goals we have set, so, if they aren't successful, then trust in faith
that God may be trying to show you a better way.
Aunt Judy and I have learn to be very flexible at this time of our life, for
our plans change often very rapidly. So much so that we some time think we are
in a wind tunnel as things whirl around us. So, Mom's final thought on
word WHY, learn acceptance, trust and faith, we may be lead to another path to
travel on our journey of live. So, chill out, be still and listen!!!!!!!
Finally, remember our servicemen and women this Memorial weekend, make it
more than just a 500 race in Indy. Your prayers might be what the servicemen's
family needs. God bless you Timmy and Your family! We pray you will come
safe and sound soon. To all have a great week! My love always, Mom
CYCLE OF LIFE: I don't know anyone
who doesn't like John Wayne, he was
loved by all and the hero of all the good guys. His movies have been seen by
many repeatedly. One friend recent stated "oh, that movie I have seen it
times." This special man's legacy continues on with much admiration from
This quote is from John Wayne, stated after he stopped making movies due to
age and health; He simply said "The older you get, the further out you go
the more alone you are." It came from his soul. The real thoughts of
inner man. He was a man who had "everything" but as he aged, he said
"Now all
my earthly 'Stuff doesn't
John Wayne's statement got me to thinking, it's true about aging. My own
faith in God has increased as I have grown older and hopefully wiser as to
the importance of what material things I have in life. A quote I read
That which I have will one day fade into dust, that which you do for others
will live on.
Because I found God, as I go along and get further out God
increases EVEN as
everything shrinks, and yes, even I will diminish into obscurity and
nothingness. The "DUKE" was right but we aren't alone for
eternity. The
comfort is in knowing that our Lord is beside us every step of the way
through our cycle of life here on earth and there after. Ashes to Ashes and
Dust to Dust doesn't have to be sad, it is a completion of ones
Have a good week! I love you and keep you in my daily thoughts and
Always, Mom
Happy Mother's Day all this week, everyone has been thinking of what to get
Mom for that special day of the
year. Mother's Day need to be every day and she needs
to be told how much she means to you. Wish I could now!
I count my self extremely blessed for sharing the word "Mom" with 3
exceptional women.
MOM #1 Willie Mae: She carried me as part of her body till my birth, she
gave me life, loved and cared for me thru my childhood, carrying my problems
thru my life as her own to solve. She gave me the discipline, the direction
of what is right & wrong. She was there always when needed. Yes, I was
blessed to taught love by my mother of who I once survived off her lifeline
and heart. She knew and loved me as only a birth mother
Mom # 2 Fairy Grace: This lady came into my life when
I was a teenage bride. I lacked maturity, knowledge, the ability to cook
care for a husband much less a family that followed. This Mom helped me from
day one to become the homemaker I became over the years. Not once did she
treated me as a daughter in law, but always as a daughter. She helped my
marriage to succeed. I was so blessed to have her in my life, and at her
early sudden death, I knew I had lost a best friend.
MOM #3 Esther: My Dad married this lady only 2 days before Rusty
was born
in 1959, 43 years is a long time to some but to me it's not long enough. When
Mom Esther
died in April it became even more awarding how very special she was. She came
into my life after my parents
had divorced. From day one she began in her own special way, helping my
parents to bring their family
together. Her
intentions always were
to love us as her own. This she accomplished and so much more. She showed us
love, taught us respect, dignity, self pride, importance of choices
in life, and was always there for us.
Yes, I have been so BLESSED for these 3 ladies, who have left a beautiful
legacy in our family. There has been others no less important in my life,
that in many ways could have
been called Mom also. All have given me beautiful memories and life sharing
lessons that I will never forget. One may only have one birth Mom-----but the
heart holds an enormous space for the love of Mom's who are in your
life for your benefit. Thanks for listening to me and my
thoughts today. It helps to remember, cry at few tears and most of all to
feel so grateful to God for life. Happy Mother's Day to all and I hope
have a great week ahead. Love, Mom
POTPOURRI: Spring is in the air......thoughts of potpourri
comes into my
mind. The word potpourri comes from the old French words meaning literally
"rotten pot." Before refrigeration, foods spoiled quickly and left
odors in the home. A pot was left on the stove and the homemaker would add
apple, orange, and other fruit peels and rinds, dried flowers and fruit,
scented leaves, spices and other handy ingredients. The pot was then heated
to a boil to release a pleasant mixture of scents and was wither left on the
stove or taken throughout the home to leave the home with a pleasing
Have you walked into a home where a fresh delicious apple pie has recently
been baked? Or how about the aroma of freshly baked bread? Nothing gives you
more of that homey warm & fuzzy feeling in your soul. I love to burn
candles, vanilla being my favorite, as my cologne, I have a potpourri pot
simmering in my apartment. Guess our moods are effected by all of our
senses, smell, seeing, hearing, tasting, and feeling.
The many blessings from God are ours FREE everyday. Try not to forget to say
Thanks for the blessings to God for creating us to enjoy warm and fuzzies
when we can, they are FREE! Stop and smell the lilacs, lilies, and spring
blossoming trees, they are
Have a wonderful week and as always I love you all very much. (I love
replies and your thoughts too.) Thanks for sharing. Mom
Did we have a reunion on March 29, 2003, in Screven, GA!!!!!!!
The annual gathering of decedents of Burley & Ella Thornton and offspring,
at last count was 90+. Heads are still being counted as to who came and who
didn't. The last surviving Aunt from that second upper limb of the family
tree, Susie Lee Anderson is currently in a nursing home and was unable to
attend. The family reunion tradition has been passed on to the siblings of
next generation in
We did what families have done since there were families, talk, make music,
and get re-acquainted. When our grandparents joined together in marriage long
ago and produced five children, who would have guessed all the families
growth to branch out in so may directions. The number that filled that
was only a small hand full of the true number of decedents by blood. The
feeling of kinship was felt with those that did attend-----"cousins"
The music was truly Southern Baptist Gospel, performed by those who have sung
and played instruments since wee childhood days. The food, mostly homemade by
cooks using recipes from the past. So much love and warmth was felt. The
mingling of each other, the words "How are we related"? as they
looked at the
pictures and family tree sketches on the wall was repeated often. I truly
felt proud of my heritage to have come from such a humble and strong
FAMILY is a word we all need and want to be a part of. There's no other
feeling like it. I pray the tradition in my grandparents homeland of Wayne
County continues---as the younger generation become involved in the planning
of the next re-union, I believe it will. As they watch from above I am
they do so with pride and love. I truly feel blessed by being there with
kinfolks and plan to be there once again next year, to see if we can top that
To my children, remember you come from a wonderful line of survivors who
place their importance on family, love, and religion. All hard working folks
and that is true on both lines of heritage Scott-Lee and Thornton--Anderson.
That makes you all very special and true winners in this life time. I love
you all very much, have a great week! I hope to see you all soon. It sure
good to be home again.!!!! Always, Mom
Our nation last week began an undertaking of trying once again to bring peace
to our world. I think of the old movies of the John Wayne era, the good guys
always after the bad guys and winning in the end. Wish it was always
We once had the blessings of living next door to a beautiful and educated lady
born in Scotland, Isabelle Bracken. She had come across the ocean to this
country as a "wee girl" with her family. They came because this
country was the "land of the free" and held a dream of opportunity
for her family. Isabelle and her hubby, Joe, had a legacy
which continues to grow thru 9 children and grandchildren. You children
all knew and loved them as did your Dad and I.
Isabelle often talked of the wars our nation had been in, most for the benefit
of other countries and our preservation of freedom. She had lost a brother, as
well as Joe in the World War 2. She often spoke of the loss of a loved one and
the hard effects of the family and grief. For as any war there is so many who
lose their lives fighting for what they believe. She spoke of the wonderful
blessing that America had never experienced war on or homeland. She once asked
me "if heard a knock at your door, only to answer and find the enemy there
asking Do you believe in God? knowing your life depends on your answer, What
would you say?" . This happens overseas and other countries all the
time. That really makes one ponder on ones beliefs and commitment to
We have men in our armed services willing to place their lives in danger for
what they believe in the words of peace, freedom and the United States. They
and our President Bush need our support with positive prayers, belief full of
HOPE and encouraged endurance. Americans are STRONG and our home land ground is
worth fighting for and to continue to HONOR those who have lost lives for this
country, that it not be in vain.
Thinking of you all, pray you too are safe and sound. Have a good week. I love
you all very much. Always, Mom
A Mother 's greatest prayer is for her children to be safe and sound from
harm's way. I have prayed so often for our lord to place his arms around each
one of mine in time of troubles. A Mother may feel that harm is coming
their way. We can't prevent things from happening in this life and on this
planet earth. If that had been possible, then all the prayers Mothers
said for their loved ones would have had a different outcome and so many
wouldn't have died on 9-11 or other times of
I can recall all the prayers with each of you children, we said so much
together, saying "I pray the Lord my soul to keep and if I should die
before I wake I pray my Lord my soul to take." As a Mother I can
pray for protection from harm but maybe I should be praying as the children
prayer did even more for the souls of the ones I love. I thought about that
this week and how long it has been since I prayed specially for their souls. In
my faith, I know it is a promise of our Lord, our soul's shall not die, but be
safe with him above. I find comfort that we may lose loved ones but we will be
together again., our death does not end it all.
We have many young and dedicated service men going over seas to defend our
country and keep it safe from Harms Way. We pray they will be safe and sound
and return to the families who love them so much. Let us also pray for there souls
to keep in the safety of God's hands. The family is in support of prays
with your family Geraldine, Janice, Timmy and your loved ones. Remember we love
each of
Have a safe and sound week, I am missing all of you, Always, Mom
INHERITANCE: to receive, to
acquire, to be remember in ones will of estate. When I use to hear the
word I would think only in terms of money to receive for relatives at anthers death.
Many build up wonderful estates of wealth to pass on to the next generation. I
have been pondering on the word all week, and have changed my own
thinking. My sisters and I have made our first of the annual visits to
our Mothers and Grandmas graves, in Screven, GA. In so doing, I began thinking
of the inheritance from my Mom and Dad's estates. Both were from poor
background of farmers family. Our Inheritance was financial small, though not
considered poor, they were not rich in material ways either. They passed
on to us 4 children an inheritance we all treasure and appreciate today.
Our inheritance was being taught right from wrong, how to work for what we
want, never to be afraid of hard or dirty work, to care about others before
ourselves, and that giving can be better than receiving. The gift
of honesty, being true to oneself, giving the best in any
and everything you do will develop self pride in ones self. They gave us FAITH
to help us through life's problems and the promise of eternal life. SPIRIT
that keeps us going and enjoying what we believe in. Spirits of Forgiveness
and compassion for others. God's SPIRIT working in me
is a priceless inheritance. These and many more traits instilled in us
from birth are inheritance giving by caring and loving of our parents.
Material things are just that, things we enjoy while living. As the old saying
goes, "you cant take it with you." The inheritance we leave with our
loved ones can be a much richer legacy than dollars can buy. I believe in the
old one, "Money cant buy happiness." I hope I can pass it on thru the
up and coming generations and keep my inheritance going. What will you leave in
Have a great week and remember I love you, Always, Mom
Sunshine: Ever
notice how after a long winter or cloudy days for a long spell effects your
mood? The lack of sunshine can make you cranky, depressed, out of sorts with
the world and down right unhealthy. Sunshine can brighten your spirits, lift
your mood, put a bounce in your walk, and make your body healthier. (Unless you
get tooo much sun---Sunburns are painful!!!) Sunshine is again is one of those
free blessings from God, his gift is so often un-noticed, un-appreciated,
and most of the time ignored by us taking it for
Norman Vincent Peale wrote: "In moods of discouragement or despair, never
forget that the sunshine will ultimately come back, that its absence never is
permanent. Hang onto your faith, knowing that soon you will rise into the
My days in Georgia, has had few hours of sunshine in this week. But all have
been enjoyed. The warmer temperatures have been great after the Indy
cold. With every spring comes the sunshine, the beauty of new flowers and hope
returns to the soul. I wish you all hope, love and warmth of the sunshine. God
bless you all-----remember I love you.
Have a great up and coming week, Always, Mom
HUGS AND LOVE FROM GEORGIA: Our trip to this destination was safe and sound. Thanks to
all the wonderful family and friends we had praying for our safety. We left
Indy in the bitter temperature of zero but the day was safe and sound with Russ
and Bob holding the ice storm off till we made it to Memphis, TN. When we awoke
on Wednesday morning our Mabelline, the car, had been turned into an ice cube
or igloo. We had a wonderful visit with Carolyn and Dick Boda, Food 3 squares a
day and a bed to sleep in. We believe in the saying "Fish like
guests go bad after 3 days". Our trip into Alabama and Georgia
brought on the spring. Daffodils, flowering trees in bloom, but plenty of
rain. Our trip held one accident but thank the good lord it did not
involve us, and all involve were able to get out of their cars. We
certainly were protected by the angels around our car.
I am so grateful for the chance to be with my sisters, which we had so little
time together over the years we were raising our families. It was hard to leave
Indy, but I knew Janice was excited to have her caregivers in route. I
have not left all my loved ones uncared for, all are very fortunate to have
ones who love them deeply. I know out family will pull together as they
have in the past in my absences. This is a true blessing for me and not one I
take for granite. I thank you all for your emails that were waiting for
me. I will answer each one this coming week. Janice has a beautiful computer
world here and I am learning how to use it. Only lost Compuserve 3 times so
far. Take care of each other. The phone number here is 912-xxx-2224 and I
have my cell phone with me. Rusty would appreciate if you call me at Janice's
number, LOL> All take care and as always I love you all and hold you close
in my heart. Always, MOM
DISAPPOINTMENTS: an article by Judith Newman in January 2003
Housekeeping stated disappointments is:" A sign of our humanity, of our
ability to look into the future and imagine something better for ourselves.
We are disappointed only to the extend that we dream. And we all want to be
able to
When the world lets you down, you can pump
yourself backup. Letting go of disappointments and moving on is required for
seeing something better waiting for you down life's roads. We all
disappointments in life. They can hurt severely for a while, one may feel
betrayal or rejection, but it is up to us to keep going forward as we only
can do for our self. Our deepest expectations and those of others are not
always of the same measured height. Jessy Scott once said "expect
and you will never be disappointed." The simplicity of that statement is
be admired and not a bad way to live, if you can. But, I believe, dreams
always help you to over come disappointments and look to the future with
promise and rays of hope. Dreams are a GOOD
As I head south on my 7 weeks of travels, I will keep you all in my heart and
thoughts, though I may be miles away you are really right there with me.
love you and pray for a safe and sound week for us all.
Love, Mom
This has been quite a week, so much to ponder on, digest,
worry and fret
about, Valentine's Day, war issues, life's ups and downs in general. Once
again I find a favorite verse to help me through, maybe it will be of help to
To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the
heaven; A time to be born, and a time to
A time to plant, and a time to pull up what is planted; A time to
kill, and
a time to heal; A time to break down, and a time to build
up; A time to
weep, and a time to laugh;
A time to mourn, and a time to dance; A time to cast away
stones, and a time to gather stones together; A time to
embrace, and a
time to refrain from embracing; A time to get, and a time to
lose; A time
to keep; and a time to cast away; A time to rend, and a time
to sew; A
time to keep silence, and a time to speak; A time to love, and a
time to
hate; A time of war, and a time of
Ecclesiastes 3:1-8
Time is, at its core, a gift of Love. One of the easiest ways to show someone
how much you love them is to give them your time. Time is a precious gift
from God, and you in turn can give to others, your gift of time. Have a
great week!
I love you all and love sharing my thoughts with you. Thanks for taking the
time to listen. Always, Mom
"At times like these" was the daily mountain wings
message I received on
Monday on my computer. Those four words really hit home for
All of us have had "at times like these" moments. Times when we have
not done
all that we could, and even times when we have done all that we could, but it
just doesn't seem to be
It is "at times like these" we are at our weakest. They are
because we are human and life has stuff. No one gets exempt from those
Try to remember that every person you meet, in every place you go, will have
times like those too. There is no way you have of knowing whether they
going through one of those moments. We need
understanding from others and
so may they need our understanding. So, before reacting, remember they
may be
having an "At
times like these" moment and need a friend in you, instead of
Have a good week and remember I love you, Mom
About a year ago Grama Esther sent me the program where she
was voted the
Super Senior of the Year 2001 at the Glenview Senior Center. Of course we
know her as the Super senior of every year. She was so excited to be in the
Glenview parade and all and awarded in front of the whole town. She is
a beautiful and distinguished lady. The program had a poem I would like
share with you
The Little
It's the little things in life that count, the little thing of every day;
Just the simple things that we can do, The Kind words we can say. The
things like a friendly smile For those who may be sad, The clasp of a hand or
kindly deed To help make someone glad. A knock on the door of lonely
Of flowers bright and gay For someone to whom you might bring cheer with just
a small bouquet. Just the little greetings here and there On which so
depends, The little pleasures that all can share, The joy of making
By Virginia Katherine
Have a great week and as always remember I love you
all. Love, Mom
I like the following poem, author
"I learn as the years roll onward and leave the past behind,
That much I
had counted sorrow, but proves that God is kind.
That many a flower I
had longed for had hidden a thorn of pain. And many a rugged
by-path led to
fields of ripened grain. The clouds that cover sunshine--they cannot banish
the sun. And the earth shines out the brighter when the weary
rain is
done. We must stand in the deepest shadow to see the clearest light. And often
through wrong's own darkness comes the very strength of light.
Keep looking for the rainbows and their colors so bright. There are always
better and brighter days in life. Have a great week! Love you
all. Always, Mom
Have you ever thought about the trust and lack of fear a
child has when he
learns to walk. All he needs is his parent/loved one there holding their
arms out and assuring him it is safe and okay. Usually there is no fear
that baby tries its steps forward to you. If he should fall, he may cry
with assurance he is up and tries again. Life continues in much the same
way. Many times we attempt new challenges or projects and the new
may make us frightful and uneasy. That is when the trust in yourself
in to play. I can do this is a good phrase to practice saying. Or We can
this, with God's help. It works, That’s how your past successes happen. Don't
let fear spoil your chances in life to advance. Take the first step and Test
the unknown. Have a good week and remember I love you, Mom
Hazelden Message 1-10 was: Just for today, I shall stay focused on the big
picture of where I am going, knowing I can climb toward my goal, a step at a
Happy New Year 2003: A whole new year of 365 days. We could
look at it as a
journal with blank pages. We are all on our journey of life. So, why not
look toward this new year as our chance to choose whether our days will be
full of good or bad, happy or sad, positive or negative. Each day is a
from God and he allows us to set the mood. The outside world only
us 10%, with things that is fated to happen. The other 90% is up to us, we
have the choices of life and we can be the author. to our own journal. So
don't spend those 365 days, complaining, resenting others, and down right
gripping. Make this year YOUR year full of love, your dreams, hopes to
accomplish, and time for yourself. You cant give to others what you
give to yourself first. Always remember I love you. HAPPY
2003. Mom
Merry Christmas this week. I had 25 years of sharing family
traditions with a
very unique family, the Lee's, and their offspring's. Louise and Otis Lee
had one of the most loving and fun bunch of children around. Frances, Ruth,
Betty, Helen, Bill, Fairy and Kack. Seven children that I was blessed with
knowing, and grew up with in marriage. Not a Christmas goes by that I don't
think of Thanksgiving and Christmas spent with all of them. We started
going to the Buckner farm when Pam was a baby, then later they moved down
town Trafalgar, after Uncle Keith died. At Christmas time we would rush
around to get the presents open so we could get out the door and on the ride
30 miles south. Well, after all the complaints about having to leave the
toys, we soon got the dinners changed to later in the day. When
that family
got together you never knew what to expect but it would be fun. Dinner
always consisted of delicious homemade cooking, all good cooks, and desserts
out of this world. Fairy would cook for weeks before to have enough for
places. Once the food was out of the way, the cards went on the table,
were all serious card players. I always got stuck with dishes cause I didn't
play cards. I remember the wrapped gifts of gags Fairy and Bill always
exchanged, you never knew what was going to be all wrapped up. You have
remember it was before Spencer gifts and all the artificial poop was
Nothing stopped those two and you soon learn not to sit next to them, for
anything could fly out of the boxes. Someday I hope to get the slides
developed onto CDs, where there are some pictures of the bunch of Lee's and
Christmas. I remember most of the drives home where spent laughing, while you
kids slept, exhausted from being with your cousins, first, second or
third. I
have a lot of beautiful memories of growing up with those special people. I
was only 17 when I married into the family, and I miss them all now.
Harold at 91 is the only one of that generation left. They are for sure in
all your memories too. Just remember the fun, the laughter, the enjoyment
life, they were beautiful examples of getting the most out of life with the
least. Bet they are having one hellava party up there for Christmas this
year. As you spend Christmas with your families, I hope you are making
memories too. Merry Christmas, Hope Santa's good to you. As always
I Love You, Mom
Snow, we seem to always love to have snow in December. More
so than any other
time of the year. Snow is magical, as each flake is different, no 2 are the
same. Some of us have found that snow can be the answer to a prayer. "I
it would snow," only to be surprised when that prayer is answered upon
first look out the window the next morning. Nothing is more beautiful and
peaceful than to watch the snow fall on the night time. The street lights
create a sparkle and glitter in the snow. I don 't know if it snowed on the
night our lord was born, but I like to think that is where the warm peaceful
glow in my heart and soul comes from. That is my thoughts on
the snow, I also recall in my memories another thoughts, Your Dad's: He
prayed for snow too, but only so he could go play in it. He drove the tractor
with a snowblade on it for the Rocky Ripple Town back in the 70s. He would be
up all night, cause that usually is when it snows the most. He would bundle
up and away he would go. While others slept he would be standing, up on that
tractor, had to see what was ahead of his blade, zooming up and down the
streets with the plowing. He would be covered with snow, mustache would
iced stiff, all you could see was his eyes that twinkled and showed a kids
delight. You could hear the roar of the tractor but only a white streak as he
went by. Often he would stop only long enough to have a cup of coffee
neighbors and get warm inside. I have that picture in my mind, of a man that
loved life and enjoyed it to the fullest. But he was so funning looking when
he came in after plowing snow all night, The true SNOWMAN in human form.
still laugh at the thought of it. Enjoy the snow whether its looking out
window, walking in it, having a snow ball fight, or cleaning the walks
The beauty of it covers a lot of dirty world out there. "I wish it
snow." Be careful driving this week, and remember I LOVE
YOU. Mom
Christmas time, always such a busy time. We get so busy we
forget to take
time to enjoy the warm quiet evenings, the calming effect of the snow
falling, the Christmas music in the background. Brings back so many
to me of days gone by. I always loved to walk in the snow about 9 at
and see the lights in the neighborhood all aglow. Your Dad would join me many
times, but his enjoyment always came from getting out in his truck and doing
wheelies in the snow. Then gripe because my car would slide more than his
truck and I wouldn't let him take it out. Such an over grown kid. I think
the year I came down sick and was bedridden from November thru Christmas,
don't remember what was wrong. But your Dad had to be Santa and do the
shopping for Christmas. He tried, but I remember all of you kids said
"Please don't get sick again, Mom, Dad makes the worse Santa
Claus." Makes
me laugh to reminiscence about those times. Bet I can thing of more for
week. Till then enjoy the holidays, your families and always remember I
you. Have a great week! Mom
There is no perfect parent on earth, regardless of what you may have
heard. Parenthood comes with the miracle of the birth of a child. Thereafter
it is life in motion. I know of no book written, which tells the right or
wrongs of the decisions that will bestow on you. As parents we want to be
there for our children 24/7, to help, to guide, to encourage, to love, to
reprimand if needed, and all the other needs a child may have. You will
to do the best you can dealing with each crisis as it occurs. Remember just
because you become parents, it does not change that you are human and may
make bad decisions. That is a golden moment, to realize you were wrong and
try to correct that with your children. Let them know they are loved and you
do care about them and their future. 24/7 is a mighty full time job, but
results of an independent, loving, caring, adult makes it all worth
Remember: God listens 24/7 and as our loving Father, he tries to lead us
each day, take time to tell him you are listening. I Love you, have a
good week. Mom
Dr. Phil says We should not spend our time in the past
worrying about
mistakes which we cannot change. Nor should we live in the future worrying
about what may never happen. So where should we spend out pondering time
within our selves. Have you ever thought about TODAY being a Gift from
that is why it is called PRESENT. We receive a gift each and every day. All
63 years of my life I had never really connected the two, God's GIFT is
TODAY. Life is precious and too often too short, the choice of being
is your gift to YOU. Have a great week, we are blessed. Mom
We all have so many,,, but don't stop to count them
often enough. We have all the wonders that God shares with us each day, the
sunrise, the sunset, the beauty of trees, birds, and even rainbows on rainy
days, etc. But on the personal side, I get to count MY blessings. My kids are
my main blessing. They spoil me, humor me, encourage me, love me, tolerate
me, try to fill my wants, needs and wish-for’s, given me super grandchildren,
give me memories, make me laugh, even get me to cry usually with tears of
joy, etc. My list grows as I COUNT and add to my list. Your Dad would be so
proud of ALL of you and how you care for me. I am always counting my
blessings, how about you? Have you started a list? Mom