Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-29-07
Happy New Year 2008
It is almost that time again, time to say goodbye to a full and worn out year and hello to a new one yet to be filled. December is so hectic with all the holiday parties, get-togethers that time slips away and here it is a new year stares us in the face.
2007 has been full of a lot of stress for our family, the loss of my brother in a tragic accident, loss of many neighbors and friends, the fire that led me to a new home in building #3, and a lot of soul searching as I got myself back on track after that fire. It seems when our lives do get hectic is when we turn to our faith that gives us strength to endure. I am so grateful I have a close relationship with my Lord. Hasn’t always been that way either. I fought for years to the yearning inside me, knew I needed something or some one in my life. I had many witness to me, I read books on faith and believing when I was hit with the blow of cancer and radiation treatments 15 years ago. I believed in God but that was not the personal relationship I wanted or needed to fill the void. Well, even hard headedness can be gotten through.
I finally realized I couldn’t make it on my own I needed help daily, yeah even ever minute, I needed to know where I fit in the big plan of my life. Once I realized God had a purpose and all I had to do was to learn to trust his lead, build my faith and relationship with his son, my Lord became real in me body and soul. I am not the person I was so many years ago and I am grateful for that. So as the new year comes in this lady will be counting blessings, not making too many resolutions, one will do it trust that one day at a time I will be filled with my needs. I need not worry I am being cared for way beyonds my abilities.
So, think of how you plan to fill this coming year with all its blank pages. I hope you know the love you receive when you help others, I hope you build your faith to that amazing comfort zone of giving over your trust in good faith with our Lord. Your life will take on a different meaning. Make the time to be grateful for time with your loved ones for family is a wonderful blessing. Till next year, stay well, keep smiling and make every day like it was your last, for it could be. One day at a time. Always, MOM
Tip of the week:
One’ ability is usually rated by what one finishes, not by what one starts
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-22-07
Christmas 2007
The first week of the Christmas season my church, GCC, had their Christmas Program. It was held on two different nights due to the size of our membership. It was quite a production and I am sure the rehearsal was intent for all.
One part of the program had a re-creation in the classroom of the youth department, which was completely redone into biblical times. The halls were darken, and then filled with peddlers and their wares. This was from vegetables –fruits to goats for milking. The peddlers were in costumes of biblical days and gave quite performance tempting us as we followed our guide.
Our group of 10 or 12 was led by a guide who truly made our trip back over thousands of years ago come to real life. Their costumes disguised their true identity--- (Shan, our pastor, eyes gave him away under his make up and moustache and beard.) But Shhhhh! I didn’t give him away.
As our group traveled through times stations of re-enactment, we soon became part of the story, companied by Dianna, my baby daughter and her son, Tom. My heart felt as it truly was preparing for the birth of Jesus when watching the nativity scene play out. When I approached the gym door window, I looked thru the glass to see the refreshments being served by church members and realized it was the real present world in there. I glanced backward to the scene of our Lord’s birth, I yearned to go back and bow to his presences and worship him. I have heard the Christmas story many times thru the years but could only imagine in my mind, but this time and place truly put me there, it reached the depth of my heart and I felt the beauty of that night so long ago in Bethelham.
The church sanctuary was full of rejoicing traditional Christmas songs—plus a re-enactment of our nursery departments toddlers dressed as animals to bring gifts to the baby Jesus, each being accompanied in costumes by a parent. Our talent and faith at GCC came thru all that participated. I was grateful to receive the gift to my heart and soul of that evening. I am sure Dianna and Tom felt the same. I hope wherever you are the warm loving glow of the love of our Lord’s birth is being felt a true gift to the world from our heavenly father God.
Merry Christmas Everyone, I love you all so, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Grandma’s cookies didn’t need preservatives……. they never lasted long enough to need them.
Amy had added GCC’s Home page link to my web page, along with Shan’s sermon. Go to: and look for the link.
** Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-15-07
** It was pointed out to me that my Mom's Thoughts ran parallel to the sermon at our Greenwood Christian Church this past week. I wrote MTFTW before I heard the sermon at church. Here is the link to the sermon. Sermon
This season of the year is so busy with family parties, work-employee parties, church activities, and all trying to fit in the normal daily routine. Can get quite hectic if you aren’t careful and schedule your time. I had two luncheons in a row with a birthday party thrown in too. Wow, I will look forward to January when we can go back to normal. Till then I am enjoying all the festive fun and great goodies. Christmas is the time to celebrate the birth of Jesus, and strange but we are the ones to get in the gift-givings to one another. Jesus doesn’t mind sharing his birthday with us, he blessed us going to the cross for our sins, he continues to give to us blessings too many to count daily.
In my pondering mind the other day I thought what a blessing we can give in service to our Lord is doing for others that crosses our path. I know I am blind to others needs at time, too wrapped up in my own needs. I bet you are like me many time passing the opportunity to help others. It may only be a smile to greet a stranger, opening a door for someone with his or her hands full, or give an encouraging word to a neighbor or friend who may be down at this time of the year. SO many things we pass up doing for others. A gift of service to others really is a double-sided gift. You may be giving but the reward is the warm feeling you get when you see your jester of kindness is so appreciated by the receiver. Life is full of give and take; we as adult’s form our personality and can change it for the better at any time.
Coming to my mind is one person; I like to think of as a mentor, one who practices what he preachers. One day I looked out my patio door only to see a man in a suit carrying a box on his shoulder and the words on the box said it was a vacuum cleaner. I smiled for I knew where it was going to my friend Greta, who had no way to purchase, and get one home. So, our pastor Shan Rutherford took the time in his busy schedule to go by Value City and get it for Greta. Not that Shan has free or spare time between hospital visits, sermon preparation, and funerals in his busy week schedule. I thought to my self, “Yep, he goes about doing good where and when he can, following the life style of our Lord.” Like I said he practices what he preaches and he can sure give a terrific sermon on any given Sunday.
I keep saying I am working on that crown of service I hope some day to receive, not because I am good and holy, but because I believe that is my purpose, reason I have been blessed with good health, talents to make afghans to keep others warm, chance to use my decorating skills and whatever need comes along. The pleasure I receive is so much fuller than the effort it takes on my part. Have you ever thought about if you pass that helping hand by to others, you just may have missed a chance to be used as the answer to someone else’s prayer. I know I pray for my prayers and needs to be answered and I see the Lord send others to answer those prayers, I can’t say thank you enough.
Accept a double-sided gift today, you will be blessed more than you can imagine. That is how gifts work the more you give the more you receive back unconditionally. Have a great week!!!! Always, Mom
How old would you feel if you didn’t know how old you were? I have used that to live by. Today I turned 69 and it doesn’t feel at all old. So guess I will stay young at heart and maybe catch up with Lois at age 93 one day. Thanks for the birthday cards all!!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-08-07
Each Sunday as some of you know, is special for us ladies after church. I take 3 or 4 ladies out for dinner following church. Usually it is for an adventure or place we have not been before. I have taken them to Garfield Park with there beautiful flower displays, to the circle downtown for a horse buggy ride on a beautiful day, McNamara to see their beautiful displays of silk and real flowers as the season changes with the store lovely items of the time of year, well, all this has been for the good and they have so enjoyed them along with me. I outdid myself this past Sunday and I am sure you will see why.
We had a nice lunch at Smokey Bones with our friend Rona, as a treat, she moved in with her daughter and we don’t get to take her with us on Sunday very often. It was pouring down rain was the bad of it and the traffic and parking required a lot of umbrellas and still getting soaked. All of us ladies don’t move, as quickly and briskly as we once did, so it really wasn’t a pleasant ride of the day. I asked Greta and Lois if being let off at the stairway entry would be the easiest in the rain and they could man the stairs for one flight. When they were trying to unlock the outside door, it became unsuccessful and they were getting wetter. Well even my attempt didn’t work so I ran in the rain to another entrance to get in the building. To make it a little shorter story, I was successful and let them in the door. I proceeded to get in the car and go to park and head to my apartment wing.
Well, my attempts led me to the manager’s door to see why the keys were not unlocking the entries. Roberta stuck her head out of the door and said this is my building #1 is why the keys don’t work. This ole drowned rat said “oh no, I have 2 ladies upstairs that don’t know it is the wrong building.” (Crestwood Village 7 buildings are identical in floor layouts.) Roberta and I made a mad dash for the elevator, only to be greeted by Lois and Greta on the second floor. Lois was terribly upset and understandably so, both realized their wreaths and names were gone on their apartments door. Oh Mercy me! Some one stole them, only to be followed by Lois saying her key worked and she got the shock of her 92-year life. All the furniture, clothing, everything was gone, the apartment was vacant she had been robbed. How the key worked we will never know and I am sure Roberta has corrected that by now. Lois said she almost had a heart attack and wouldn’t see her 93 birthday on this coming Saturday. Yep, you have it I feel terrible that I did this to her and Greta. Some adventure Jan, it almost turned into a nightmare for my two dear friends. When, we explained we were in the wrong building and we all calmed down, I told them to go back down the stairs to the A wing and I would pick them up and take them home. If looks could have killed I would be dead but bless their hearts even then they trusted me. Both agreed their own apartments looked so good to be home with everything in place.
We all three went through a fire near our home in building 6 and now we have survived another nightmare event together. I regret the mistake ladies and will make this statement now, if it is pouring cats and dogs on Sunday again, we will stay home and eat peanut butter sandwiches. I love you both, Happy Birthday Lois, you are a blessing to be in my life. Lois is like a proxy Mother to me for 7 years and Karen thanks for you sharing her with me. I am so glad we can all find some humor in this happening and blame it on the rain for mass confusion.
Happy shopping one and all. Remember the reason for the season is not us buying gifts, for the very best gift Jesus has been given to us freely by him. He paid the price of our sins for us. Thank him in remembrance of his birthday this December 25th. Love always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in their shoes, that way, when you criticize them, you’re a mile away and have their shoes.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-01-07
The Scott Family has really been quite busy this month. Getting two grandson’s hitched in married bliss took a lot out of this Grama. The wedding of Scott and Brittani’s on the 3rd of November was followed by Ashley and Kevin’s on the 23rd. Both are the sons of Dianna and Don Garvin, which really put a full calendar for them as parents too. They (Dianna & Don) started their 6th Anniversary on the 2nd of November. Can’t wonder but wonder what happen to the month of June being the month of weddings? I am so glad we have all these wonderful folks in love and excited about a future together. Congrads to you all, keep the happiness growing each and every year.
We also celebrated birthdays, Jodi & Ryan’s on the 6th, Rusty on the 9th, and Scott on the 23rd. It is for sure it is one thing we all have in common, it’s birthdays, and getting older each year. My dear Sister, Alberta turned the big 80 in October, Dianna had hoped to spend her birthday a day apart in Michigan with her. It didn’t turn out, but Alberta’s family, daughter and grandkids came from Indy to celebrate with her. Happy Birthday to you all and my good friend Sally in Alabama, she is trying on 69th to see if I want to wear it next month. Mercy Mercy time flies by.
We had our fashion show at Crestwood Red Hat Society on the 16th. I was given the chance to model 3 gorgeous outfits from the Dress Barn here in Indy. Mostly were dazzling holidays outfits. One little guest, our own Layla showed up with a cute little outfit with a French borrea red hat on, HaHa, out did us 7 models. Layla is not one to like to wear a hat; she promptly threw it on the floor when she sat down at the table. Well, she glanced around to see about 65 ladies sitting at the tables around her and all wearing red and purple hats, she grabbed her hat and put it back on to make sure that she was one of the crowd. How very quick we all learn to seek the approval of others and to be able to be part of a crowd. Even at 22 months she wants to fit in. Hope someone got it on camera, Pam, her Grama forgot she had a camera 'til later. Anyway our ladies all loved the miniature model. Thanks Layla for brightening our day.
I hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving, we all have so much to be thankful for daily but even more so when families get together. We missed The Rusty Scott family and Pam who had to work. I heard from Steve, Vern’s son in Denver, Colorado, he was blessed with the cousins from Texas for Thanksgiving. So glad, Steve you do a wonderful job as Uncle for Sarah and John. Your Dad would be proud. Janice and family are well in Georgia and missing my Sister Geraldine at this time of the year. The holidays are always time for some tears as we miss the voids of those who shared more happy times. It is okay to cry and get those depressed tears out and done for. Think on all the happy memories you have in your heart, recycle them, and thank God you have them to remember. Many have never felt the love of a family and good times. Remember we all have seasons of grieving because we have been loved so much by others who have passed. With the holidays coming in full spring work on keeping the joy in your life, look at the kids and they can always bring smiles to your face and heart.
Well the shoppers did their rampaging to the malls on the day after Thanksgiving. The helicopter circled over Crestwood at 5:00am in the morning, we are only one block from the mall. Mercy, can’t think of one thing I would be out there in the dark, cold air and in line waiting for a store to open. Thank God he didn’t make me a shopoholic. This lady doesn’t care for shopping. Have fun if you are out there early and shopping for those Christmas gifts. Till next week, I love you all. Always, Mom
A remedy for sadness is to recall a memory that makes you smile.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-24-07
Tranquil Thoughts
I have this week had time to watch the beautiful fall leaves fall, floating down off the maple in front of my balcony. They seem to float as they fall to the grown one by one, joining the pile of fellow fallen leaves. All come from the great creator of the Universe and their seeds come in family form, the mighty oaks, the soft and hard maples, there is some individual species that aren’t seen so often, gingko’s, elms, ash’s, and of course the pine which carries no leaves but pine needles. It was when I lived in Harrisville that I became more aware that God had created these in seasons as so many other things. (I love Ecclesiastes Chapter 3:1-8) There is a time for the maples to shed their leaves, I look over Crestwood property and notice that not only my tree is gentle loosing its leaves but so is every other maple of kind, here and in Indy. Last week it was another species, and the mighty Oaks has one that will keep their leaves till next spring when the new growth is formed. That must be why they are called the MIGHTY oaks, they withstand the winter storms of ice, snow, and gusty, blowing winds. The temperatures of frigid degrees make me shiver to think of the sub zero chills to come this winter.
While I was in Harrisville I had more time, mostly because my children were raised and I had time to ponder, I had a big yard full of flowers of all kind. I am sure this was my physical therapy while caring for Big Nanny with Alzheimer Disease. She never forgot the beauty of the flowers, the rocks, the animals of the wild life, though she often forgot my name and who I was. So any way back to the thought, I realized that the iris and lilies in my yard all had different times to bloom. They went by color, the purple would bloom at one time, then the reds all at one time, and next the yellows ones. This brings me to mind of the beautiful rainbows we receive, taking sunshine and rain to be created. My how awesome our God, no wonder he had to rest on the 7th day, all he created and planned in that one week we will never realize the depth and width of it in this whole world. Just the way our world has rotated on its axial for all these years without a mishap blows my little ole pea size human mind.
This week is Thanksgiving, I hope, while we are joining together with our family, we open our minds and hearts to the many things we have to be grateful for in our daily lives. Stretch your minds a little further and think of all the every day miracles that surround us. Awesome and Mighty is our God. Thank him for his faithfulness and love he gives toward each of us.
Have a great week; Santa is getting closer right behind the Turkey. I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the Week:
What you are is evident from what you do when you’re free to do anything.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 11-17-07
Today, I found a few rare minutes to play some of my music from the computer, which I downloaded from albums. It is relaxing to listen as I do my needed things in my apartment, some last for 6 hours and many hand chosen songs. I am sure most of you of Charlie Daniels, sings in a Country Western Band and some gospel. He is a large burly independent, powerfully full of strength man, certainly not one you would consider needing help to solve his daily problems. However, I listen to him singing “Kneel at he cross” and his faith strongly comes thru how much he depends on our Lord to help him each and every day, some times even every minute.
When I think of the price our Lord paid on the cross and it was for each and every one of us, I’m awed that I can simply bow my head and start to talk to him, knowing he will meet me there. He listens, he understands our needs before we even know them, much less ask for his help. It is not an easy thing to leave our worries, problems, and sins at the foot of the cross but that is what he wants us to do, trusting him to work out the solutions.
I am sure some of you think or feel “here she goes again on religion” I know you all have delete buttons on your computer, yes, you can delete me, but consider one day there won’t be a delete button there will only be straight talk between you and the Lord. We all have that promise ahead of us. I pray I never am face with the Statement from him “I know you not!”
My life gets hectic and full of daily activities. Always seem to be rushing. I am guilty of finding myself depending on ME and forgetting my continual need of walking, praying, and taking time for him. I always know it too because my life feels off kilter, not having the enthusiasm each day I have when I’m traveling with him and let him direct me. I may think I am doing for others, helping where I can, doing good work all in his name, but if I am not talking it over with the Lord first then I might be seeking glory for myself instead.
Inspirational music being sung or going thru your mind is considered a way of praying to God. I know when I sing I sure can’t worry and fret at the same time. I believe my soul likes to hear me sing, bad voice and all but in giving praise to our maker. I am thankful for he cross, thankful that the Holy Spirit is helping guide me each and every day. I hope and pray if your faith is not what it should be, that you will seek our Lord, I promise he is waiting for you at the cross. He will take your load of cares and make your days so much brighter. Try him!
Till next time, I love you all and want only the best for each and everyone out there on that Internet line. Smile God loves you and so do I. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
How come the person that snores falls asleep first?
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-10-07
Anniversary #5
Time sure flies by, and lately it has been doing it faster. I let the 5th Anniversary of Mom’s Thoughts pass me by on October 7th without knowing it. Hard to believe I have been writing the Mom’s thoughts that long. This pass year we had 50 Topics, they were: Harvest Moon, Goodbyes of love, Fallback, Pennies from heaven, Making a difference, Remind me Dear Lord, Thanks for the memories, Christmas Cheer, Joy & Fun, Christmas of the past, Christmas laughter, Merry Christmas 2006, Goodbye 2006, Reflections, What happen to--, Polar Bear Clubs, Super Sunday, Super Bowl Weekend, American Dreams, Week of Love, Old Man Winter, A Little Give & Take, Daylight Savings Time Again, Goodbye to Vern, Back Home Safe & Sound, Apartment Fire 4-20-07, Dianna’s Thoughts for the week, A good Listener (rerun), Mom’s Thoughts for Mothers Day Tribute, Jan Has Returned, World of Cardboard, Home Owners, Unvolunteered Changes, Flag Day Fun!, Driving Ms. Daisy! The Heat is on!, Good to Go!, Hot August, Changing of the Seasons, Good News/Bad News, Grandparents Day, Triskaidekaphobia, Changing leaves of Fall, 50 years later, AUTUMN, and Family Weddings.
Sounds like a real full year for this lady. One certainly full of circumstances and happenings in any lifetime. Along with many happy times came some sad topics over the sudden death of my brother, Vern. The grieving has been very hard to deal with; he left a large void in my heart and daily life. The apartment fire and having to relocate my home caused considerable stress, I wondered if I would make it though at that time. I have and I’m at home in my little studio apartment. Life is shattered somewhat at times, could be we need those times to appreciate the daily blessings God send us that we take for granted. Wake up calls show us the important things in our lives.
As always my family is an extremely importance in my life and so dear to me. I see growth in the family, new beginnings of wedded bliss for Scott & Brittani last weekend. Sweet Layla Brown, 20 month old, sweet personality came through as a very active fun child. She made her own rules as the flower girl trying to put the rose petals back in her basket off the flower of the church aisle. She is a delight to have around and watch. I am full of anticipation of the birth of a second time at being a Great Nana in the spring, by the O’Brien’s.
I was really blessed at Mothers Day with all your well wishes and words of praise in what Moms Thoughts meant each week coming to your mailboxes. It has been great to share my thoughts with you all and know them worthy of reading. I pray the Lord will continue to enlighten me and help me write interesting one for others. They come from my heart and are full of love.
So till next week, enjoy the fall weather that is nationwise, getting us all ready for changing to the holidays. Sure wish some one would find that Ole Man Santa, and keep him locked up till Christmas time. He seems to start showing in stores earlier every year. Love to all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Generally speaking, you aren’t learning much when your mouth is moving.
Mom’s thoughts for the week of 11-03-07
FAMILY WEDDINGS 
With the new month of November upon us, it will also bring some new members to the Scott Family. The planning of 2 weddings, Scott & Brittani’s on Nov. 3rd and Kevin & Ashley’s later in the month on the 23rd, has all of the family a hopping. Both being grandsons for me, son’s of the O’Brien’s and Garvin’s certainly have us all excited and happy for them. It is wonderful when you find another to share your life with. One you can plan and look forward to the future together.
Weddings are exciting times for families and can be hectic too; often there is confusion and misunderstandings among the 2 joining families on decisions to be made. I think parents many times have different wants than the children getting married. Might be because we have cared, nurtured, and made decisions for them in their child hood years. We as parents find it hard to be a listener for the bride and grooms wants. We should have the sense to zip the ole lip and let their wedding plans have priority. Being parents- we always want the best for our children- it is hard to see the best may not be the same best they have in mind for their own wedding. I think our job is to try and help there special day be as wonderful as they imagine.
I remember Grama Louise Lee telling me I wasn’t the one she wanted Dad to marry. I am sure it was disappointing when he brought me home, a stranger from Illinois who no one knew in Indiana. The main thing was he had decided I was the “right” one for him. Our wedding was simple but beautiful, as we wanted. When I think of our wedding, I remember one picture, us coming down the church stairs afterward, all was throwing rice and Dad was going one way and I was going another. Our marriage continued like that for about 8 years, but with God’s help, lots of maturing on our parts, we became partners working together. The adjustments can be rough going at first but if they’re faced together it will build a marriage strong and able to weather any storms coming a couples way.
Good Luck to our newlyweds---Our Family is happy with your choices and we wish all the happiness for the future. We will be here to help and support, as families should, yell if you need us.
Always, Mom (& Proud Grandma)
True Love is giving more without keeping score.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-27-07 (click to enlarge)
On my trip to Bargersville this week to meet my grandson’s, Tom, on the bus, I was in awe at the beauty of the changing colors of all the trees. Fall is one of my favorite times of the year. The color from God and his creation always soothe my soul and has a calming effect. Everything from deep reds, bright yellows, even the browns are wonderful to see, mixed with the greens of landscapes.
Have you noticed we don’t use the word Autumn but it instead has been replaced by the word Fall. Fall representing the falling of the leaves. Autumn in Webster’s Dictionary states “The season between summer and winter.” As with many things we have gone with the more casual versions on lots of things these days.
So Fall or Autumn it brings smiles to me, I think back to you children and the many times the falling of the leaves would lead you children to making fun out of work. Our home on Ripple Road had around 100 trees on our one acre of land. Oh, how you kids hated to rake leaves each year. I remember the work of raking soon turned to piling of the leaves close to the picnic table. Why? So you’d be able to jump into the piles from up higher. Crushed leaves in your hair, shoes, clothes, made no difference to you kids. I was glad when the pumpkin bag to put the leaves in came along. At least we got some décor for the yard besides the stacks of black bags for trash pick up after burning became prohibited.
Next week as Halloween brings Trick or Treaters here to receive candy from our Crestwood Building residents, I am sure I will have many memories come to mind of the days I took you children trick or treating. The crushing leaves under our feet, the rainy nites, many turning to bitter cold, and some that even snowed. Regardless you children were always ready to dress in costumes, get wet, drag that ole bag full of goodies received from the neighbors. Of Course, Dad and I were like all parents, we had to check out the goodies for your safety. Eating as we did. All kids hate for parents to get into their loot. Some things remain the same just passes on to the next generation.
Happy Halloween to all---- Enjoy the beauty of the Autumn beauty at its peak in Indiana. Always, MOM
Good friends are like stars---you don’t always see them, but you know they are always there.
Mom’s thoughts for the week of 10-20-07
Wow, talk about a trip into the past, last weekend was my 50th High School Reunion. I forgot that Glenview and Northbrook Illinois had changed as much as Indiana over the years. I really found it to be true when I realized Glenbrook South was not the High School I attended, but it was Glenbrook North. Both being miles apart and night darkness moving in, my high school buddies were unable to direct me on the cell phone to the football game and party for the reunion on Friday night. This mislocated confused Hoosier selected to go home to bed at 8:30 P M instead. I stayed at my Dad and Step Mom’s house though they were missed not being there which made it so emotional sleeping in their bed.
A nights sleep worked wonders and I found the Embassy Suite in Deerfield IL, to have breakfast with my ole grade school girl friends, Diane of NC, Gail of FL, and Sally & hubby Jim from Ala. Nothing gives you that warm and fuzzy feeling like buddies from the past. We quickly picked up where we left off. We have been getting together once a year since Sally and her computer finally located me in Indiana 4 years ago. All are very special to me and so grateful they found me.
If you get a chance to go to your High School reunions whether it is 10 years or 50, don’t miss it. As I began seeing faces from 1957 and school pictures on slide show, I also saw faces in the flesh, all older and little more wrinkled with age, but the same face from the past. We had a wonderful buffet dinner and time for prayer & silence for the classmates who had passed over the years. More than I like but it is life in action and one of the things that happen. As the laughter and fun progressed into the evening, it became all the more evident that I had missed so much, mainly the comradeship that the senior year brought to the classmates. I being immature and totally unwise at 17 dropped out of school in my junior year of high school. Only a few months later I found myself married to your Dad, relocated to Indy and within a year we began our family. I don’t regret marrying your Dad it was one of the best choices in my life. But I do regret not finishing high school with my friends and classmates.
Life is full of choices, some are made for the best, and some never work, and are regretted over and over thru the years. Strange but as you mature in life and grow emotionally things begin to look very different. I believe that is one must in life, learning to weigh all sides before making decisions that affect your whole future outcome. I have often heard bad choices come back to haunt you later in life and I believe it.
I don’t know where I’ll be in 2017 but hopefully it will be at the 60th reunion of Glenbrook High School. The 50th was superbly planned and I was happy to be there. Now, I am back to normal but busy with blessed weddings of 2 grandsons in November, Love is in the air!!!
I also welcome to the Mom’s Thoughts mailing list 2 more classmates, Carol & Sandy and one extended family member, Lee. Thanks for joining hope you find something that will help you with daily life journeys. Talked to Mary Lee, my recent jail angel who was release to the outside world a few weeks ago. She is well and trying to get settled in her home and begin her new life. May God bless you and keep your faith strong. All for this week, I love you all near and far. Thanks for listening, Always, Mom
Good judgment comes from bad experience and a lot of that comes from bad judgment.
MTFTW of 09-29-07
MY daughter in law, Jodi’s sweet note reminds me that fall is beginning; the trees are changing colors on the north side of Indy. They usually start about a week before us on the south side. I glance out the window to see the tops of our trees and lo and behold they have started to become a pretty golden yellow. Ahhh I love fall, the colors and the variety is certainly God’s pen a dipping in the rainbow of colors. The trees along with the sunset will be beautiful for the next 6 weeks. Don’t miss enjoying any of it I am sure it will be breathe taking.
I am due to work for the next 2 weeks for my manager in the office while she takes a much needed vacation on the beach of Florida. I have decided to not do Mom’s Thoughts till the 20th of October for my schedule will be really hectic. Crestwood has rent the first of the month of 80 residents here in Building #3, so that will be hectic following the Ole Fashion Days Social of this Saturday, with horse buggy rides around our campus, quilt displays, and Good ole fashion Beans and Corn bread. They will have a cakewalk and lots of ice cream cones for the residents. They do like to party around here and our manager’s sure get their exercise.
I happen to have the problem of fitting in my Glenbrook High School Reunion of 50 years in Illinois from the 5th to the 8th of October. I am so excited, will get to be with my good friends Sally from Alabama, Gail from Florida and Diane from North Carolina. We date back to grade school together and best girl friends from the real old days. Of course I am looking forward to the activities of the reunion and see how many folks I recognize from High School. Of course I am sure I have aged the least, HAHA. Bet we all will be looking pretty wrinkled and aged. I will let you know how it goes. Will also look forward to some time with my stepbrother Don and wife, Lee. It will be sentimental staying at my Mom Esther’s home and the pleasure of sleeping in her bed.
While I am in Illinois over the weekend, another fun event is happening, my jail angel Mary, will get her wings to leave at midnight on the 6th and come back to the out side world. Mary, I am so proud of you and just wish I could be there to get the first hug, but I know your family will be there with smiles and hugs. Mary has come a long way in her journey over the years and her faith has pulled her through the ordeal. You have earned it Mary so love and make each moment the most important for you and your family. Begin your new life with hope and love in the forefront. Please somewhere along the line let me know your new address so I can keep the Mom’s Thoughts going to you. God bless you my dear friend.
Okay, got to get a move on, so much to do and always so little time to do it. Take care and will be back in your mailbox on the 20th of October. I love you all, enjoy the fall. Always, Mom
It is possible to own too much, a person with one watch knows what time it is: A person with two watches is never sure.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-22-07
And I bet you think and what is that! Well, I thought I had all the phobias there were, but I learned of the above one, TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA, and I am glad it is one I don’t have. It’s a big word, but you may know someone who has TRISKAIDEKAPHOBIA. Want to guess? It is the fear of the number 13. (I beware of 666 because it has to do with the devil, it is called, HEXAKOSIOIHEXEKONTAHEXAPHOBIA. The fear of 13 may seem like a silly superstition, but just try to find a 13th floor in a major hotel. Big business men, hotshot executives, the cream of the intelligentsia, (another big word) stay there, but they’re not immune to the “silly” superstition. Many airplanes don’t have a 13th row either.
The 13 floor is actually the 14th floor in most hotels. This is done for the TRISKAIDELKAPNOBIAS. People are still afraid not matter how sophisticated they get. All this info came across my computer from Mountainwings, a daily message I get from a minister out of Georgia. He states his life has been full of 13’s and all good. He illustrated by saying “There were only twelve disciples and one master.” How many is that? Exactly 13!! I like to think on that one for it is by faith I get to face my fears in life. I am still working on my phobia, CATAPEDAPHOBIA; it is the fear of jumping from heights. I recall when your Dad, Dianna, and I went to Gatlinburg, TN up the elevator to the top of the Space Needle. As they went to the rails and looked at the breath taking view of beautiful mountains to see, I stayed back at the elevator waiting to go back down. Don’t know why I want to jump; suicide is the last thing I ever want to do. But the fear is there; I don’t like tall ladders as I again felt when I was in the fire and climb down one from the third floor.
I looked up GOOGLES list of phobias—GAD ZOOK people are afraid of everything from Air to the color Yellow, No “Z’s” were listed. I guess our minds of fears can be anything we talk ourselves into. I would rather concentrate on my Lord’s “Fear not, I will help thee.” (Isaiah 41:13) Here one that made me chuckle, RHYLIPHOBIAS, the fear of getting wrinkles---Opps to late Jan!! I wonder who has the time to name these thousands listed. Not me for sure, I just ponder and write Mom’s Thoughts once a week and some weeks don’t have time for that. Anyway, if you have nothing to do check out the word Phobias in the Google, it is good for a laugh for the day.
Have a good week. Love to all, Always, Mom
TIP OF THE WEEK: Make it short & simple or you run out of paper.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-15-07
Last Sunday was Grandparents Day and I was blessed with little Miss Layla and Master Tom to make it a special day. Both attended church with this old Grandma, along with Pam, Dianna, and Don. We had a great musical service of hymns, with the special selection our music pastor wrote for his Grandma who had passed. The sermon was special too, for it was “ I wish my Grandparents would.” There were a lot of suggestions from the youth in our church when asked to answer that statement for the sermon. As I heard them request they wish they had more time for them, they wish they would attend church with them, they wish they were better grandparents, and again spend more time with them. I have thought about that and pondered as I do since, I was not able to know my grandparents and my Grama Ella Thornton lived too far away and her age limited her involvement in my life. So I didn’t have the memories that are so cherished that Matt and Eric spoke of in their message on Sunday. It truly must be a special time spent between grandparents and grandchildren.
As I thought on, it came to mind the time that Grandma Fairy and Grandpa Pete invested the time they gave to you 3 children. They lived only one and half blocks from us when you all were small kids. So, you saw them daily. They always took the time to play games with you, card games called Horse, or Monopoly or Aggravation, but it was time well spent with you. They both had the way of make it fun and time to laugh while you visited with them. I am sure you remember all the wonderful food she cooked for you. They gave a wonderful gift of the legacy of love for you all to keep in your heart. I know not why they were taken so early in their lives as was your Dad. Seems there is a great supply of grandparents like Miss Layla, I think there is 7 if I counted right. And then like Scott and Tom their Grandparents on the O’Brien side was taken early so I ended up the only grandparent till Grandpa and Grama Garvin came along.
I know Dianna had proxy ones in Mrs. Wright and Kay and Virgil. They couldn’t do enough for Dianna when she was little, spent time with her, playing games, talking and letting her know she was loved. That love I am sure will be passed on to the new O’Brien baby, as Dianna becomes Grama. Pam has passed on Grama Fairy’s mentoring to Layla as she shares her time with her. It is never wasted time; it is precious as the church sermon indicated, memories so dear to our hearts then and years later.
I lost time while I was in Michigan caring for my Mother with Alzheimer for 9 years, time it was so hard to give up with my grandchildren, Tori, Scott, and Tom at that time. Visiting 2 times a year doesn’t make for a close relationship and you lose so much joy while they grow. I was blessed when I return to Indiana with effort I gained back some of the love and relationship with them. Then too, I gained more grandkids by new marriages, Natali, Ryan, and Kevin. My Mother always said” we take Grandkids where we can get them and then we keep them for life” They make life worthwhile, they keep the smiles a coming, and nothing can replace that “I love you Grama” on your heart strings.
Legacy that Grandparents leave can be very important to the generations that follow. I pray that I take my job more seriously every day, making time to enjoy them while I can. May I have the privilege to pass on the need for faith in God in their lives, and the need of the Holy Spirit as their helper to make them better adults in relationships and their lives while here. The realization we can’t do it alone is one we all have to learn. Also, you grandchildren out there have a job, to make time for your grandparents in your busy schedules. They are wonderful supply of past generations knowledge, they are great mentors of unconditional love and you’ll find the true feelings of what a hug is worth when their arms hold you. All too quickly they can be gone from your life.
Have a good week everyone. I love you very much. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Spend love extravagantly today and you will have more than ever tomorrow.
Mom’s thoughts for the week of 09-08-07
Well, did I get some good news this week. You remember some time back when I was telling about the new babies in our extended families. I happen to say, “I wouldn’t mind being a Nana again.” As they say be careful what you have come out of your mouth. Yippee, it is true I am going to be a NANA again. I am informed the new parents to be are still in shock. Yep, I had 3 kids that way; nothing is a sure thing when you are exposed to the elements. We will believe it is God’s timing. Okay, the new parents are Scott and Brittani. I have been so proud of their growth, both have good jobs, just purchased their first home, and now, the changes will come. Things are surely different with a baby in the home somewhere around March or April. It is a wonderful thing, being parents, but along with it comes lots of responsibility for both. I remember it scared me to death to think I would be handling that baby and know it depended solely on your Dad and me. Thank goodness one does mature and grows, and what faster way than to be accountable for another human, your own.
I know Scott and Brittani have had some good parents to get them this far; they have great mentors of what marriage is all about, then too parenthood. Glad the kids have been listening. Dianna and Don are excited, as I am sure Steve and Peggy will be. Of course that makes me get older when my baby is now going to be a grandma. I love it, it is what its all about, carrying on from one generation to another. So congratulations to Scott and Brittni, I look forward to the wedding on my birthday, Dec. 15th. That too is Uncle Vern and Roxana’a Anniversary. We also have an anniversary coming up on the 22nd of this month; Ryan and Tori will celebrate their first Anniversary. Congrats, to you both keep making that marriage stronger each day. All us old married folks know that takes daily effort on both spouses.
The bad news, Miss little Layla said her first cuss word. I can only say “And whom did she learn that from.” Well Grandma Pam admits she needs to change her habit to “Oh, Shoot.” I remember I said a lot of “Sugar in a bowl” when you kids were little. I too remember the days I used bad words and then when you kids learned them I did as Big Nanny did to me I washed your mouth with soap. It is hard to learn that those little ones are learning every habit we have, whether it be walking, talking, actions of habits like twirling your hair, how you eat your food and all to many others. We really need to be more conscious of what we are passing on with habits. So clean your acts up kids, or this reform Nana will be coming with the bars of soap.
All have a great week, I am. Love always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Timing has an awful lot to do with the outcome of a rain dance.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 09-01-07
Changing of the seasons
Fall is just around the corner with the first day of September now upon us. I love the four seasons of life. Fall is one of my favorites. The beautiful changing of the trees to reds, oranges, burnt orange and of course the bright yellows. When I lived in Michigan I loved the mixture of colors in the country woods, bends in the roads, or over a hill mixed with the white ghostly looks of white birch here and there. It really can be breath-taking. Indiana does not have as many white birches as Michigan but their fall colors are just as brilliant to see.
After this extremely hot dry summer we’ve had, all of us will welcome some cooling of temperatures. The 95 degrees Indianapolis reached this week was just too much and with high humidity it made it even worse. I am sure September will still have some warm days but maybe not in the 90’s.
I actually look forward to this changing of the seasons, fall to winter, winter to spring, spring to summer, and back to fall. There are many seasons in ones lifetime. We are told in Ecclesiastes Chapter 3 that “To everything there is a season and a time to every purpose under the heaven.” (Verse 1). Our emotional life is affected by these seasons. Many are hard times to accept, Grief, death, loss, times of illness, they can be dark storms of life. These seasons can be replaced with joyful times, happiness, good health, birth of a child, marriage, new homes, etc. On all seasons the biggest accomplishment is making it through. I don’t know about you, but I have had seasons of my life I didn’t believe I would make it one more day but here I am on the other side of those times and alive and well. With it all came growth thank goodness, making me the person I am today, truly I made it only with God’s help. That is what makes it so wonderful I have never had to make it alone, I have his Grace.
Enjoy the days ahead and mostly make sure you have time for those beautiful fall sunsets. Make time to spend with your family, time passes so quickly. Till next week, Always, Mom
Experience is something you don’t get until just after you need it.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-25-07
Wow, Has this month of August been a scorcher. The Hot weather is enough but the wild storms, hurricanes, floods, and fires across the nation has made even more problems. When the temps get into the 100’s it is too too much. I have learned though as much as we complain that is one thing we can’t change unless it is in the control of our air conditioner or heat, any thing else is Ole Mother Nature and she is of a fickle nature.
The Comcast problems of NO Internet continue from last week. I heard complaints and agreements of sort from many of you faithful readers of Mom’s Thoughts. Well I was “Good To Go” on my computer then on Monday of this week, the lady in the below apartment had service by Comcast and after the serviceman left I checked my computer, “Too Late” it was no activity. Yep, that meant 30 minutes on the phone again with trial and errors, and an appointment had to be scheduled for service. It angered me for the soonest would be on Wednesday afternoon. Made no difference the man just left the parking lot. Mercy, the devil is riding right on my tail, really pushing my patience’s to the limit. Well, once again I am sitting and waiting for the call between 1 and 5 PM. Again it will be no charge for the service call, but pray tell isn’t my waiting time worth something. Just the aggravation tolerate should be worth millions. Yeah, good luck on getting it. I really don’t want much in this life, just want to get my Mom’s Thoughts out once a week. Oh well, if these flies once more you will know for the moment I am GOOD TO GO.
With all the complaining I have been doing lately I have had some good fun things this month. On the 2nd of August my daughter Pam turned the big 50, black balloons, over the hill cake and sweet Layla to help her celebrate big time. We had a pizza party for the family to help her get over that big hill. I know it meant the world to Pam to have all her siblings and families turn out for the occasion. It was fun though too hot for the park for Tom and Layla to play, but it sure felt good to me in the air conditioning. It was the first of my children to turn 50 so I had tears of joy and tears of old age. Really I am so glad all my children are alive and well, so I won’t concentrate on getting older my self. I love to go by the “How old would you feel if you didn’t know how old you were” I believe I am staying young at heart.
Been busy using my creative touches, just finished redecorating the men’s and women’s public rest rooms off the lobby of our building. Really love to create and stretch myself to come up with good ideas. Well, must have made it come together for everyone has been singing praises to me. It makes it worth all the work for sure. If you get a chance, come by and check them out. As for me I am off and running, working in Crestwood subbing. All take care, let you know how things go next week. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
When wrong be willingly to change----when right, be easy to live with.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 08-18-07
GOOD TO GO ~~~~ ! ~~~?
Have you noticed the most recent phrase that has become commonly used in our conversation? One of the latest is GOOD TO GO. Good to go where, I wonder? HMMMMMM. My computer has had problems lately and I wondered each week if Mom’s Thoughts would go out at all much less on time. This Dell XP is great but if it can’t make it to the Internet it is only like the old fashion typewriter. Well it is a process I don’t care for; it means a call to Comcast Cable to get some one out to check it out. This call immediately brings the request press 1 for English, push 2 for Residential, press 1 for Television, press 2 for High-Speed Internet, then the choice of talking to a representative or the Automated Faster Service, (tried that once and regretted it). Then you hold for the next representative for 30 minutes while listening to Comcast advertising. You don’t dare hang up or you end up starting the process over from the beginning.
Once you get a representative to speak directly with you, they connect you to the automated representative asking you to say “Trouble getting on the Internet” or “A new installation.” At this request you speak or yell your answers to a dumb machine that doesn’t recognize good English language. Then back to the “Troubleshooter” and believe me if I had a gun I would probably shoot my phone at this point. I finally got a representative to work on my service call. Their modem was faulty and one time I had 3 Comcast servicemen standing at my computer trying to solve the problem. 2 ½ hours passed and the remaining rep said, “You’re Good to GO,” meaning it is fixed! Yep, sure enough I was on the Internet, only the next morning I discovered after 30 minutes on the phone again--- my speakers were left unplugged and not reconnected by the rep. I crawled under the desk and found the unplug and once again I thought “Okay I think it’s fixed.” After working over the weekend I turned the computer on and so much for the “Good to GO,” I’m not connected to the Internet once again. Another 30-minute call and pushing buttons, waiting not very patiently by this time. I got an appointment confirmed between 8 AM and 7 PM—which is more than an all day waiting for his call to me. Should I not answer the call—I will then be automatically removed from the list for service repairs.
Some how I can’t see with all the improvements and quick Internet access that this modern day is benefiting me. At this point, I believe the latest “Good to GO” only means Good for Mom to go crazy! I really yearn for the old simple days when you picked up the phone and a true real person said “Number Please” and “Thank You” and quickly connected you to solve your problems. The days when service came first and customers were valued, representative and doctors weren’t overbooked, and you really got the feeling of being important. Is there any solutions or is it only going to get worse? If you try to call me really make sure it’s an emergency or I’ll probably loose my place in line as I hold---- thank goodness for portable phones you can take to the bathroom while waiting.
Bye for now “This Mom is GOOD to GO—or is that going? If you get this on the Internet this week. Then Mom’s Thoughts are Good to Go! Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Be sure what you sweep under the rug doesn’t come out the other side.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-11-07
There was a song called that not long ago, and boy, THE HEAT IS ON around here. It is an understatement for the weather we have been having. The weather report for the week shows the temps close to the body temp of 98.6. Man, that is too hot with heat indexes over 100. The late days of summer started early with highs in the 80's & 90's in July. Now here we are in August and the weather is continually HOT!!! HUMID!! And MISERABLE to be out in. I always feel compassion for the construction workers, road workers, or anyone working in the sun all day long. It has to drain you by nightfall. I remember my Grama Thornton wearing layers of clothing to tolerate the hot sun. I didn’t understand that, but guess the sweat can create a cooling effect that way.
This time of the year is called Dog Days of Summer! Thank goodness I don’t have to walk around all day with layers of fur or my tongue hanging out to cool me down, this time of the year is when the animals get the worse cases of fleas from the grass. I do remember sitting in front of the fan at home, most of the time pregnant and bare footed when Dog Days of Summer came along. We weren’t able to afford an air-conditioned home like most homes now automatically have like heat. Most of the neighbors couldn’t afford it either. I thought it was heaven when Dad got a small one for the kitchen window on Patterson Street. Most offices of work have to have it to make the employees comfortable to perform their tasks. Mercy--- in so many ways we are one spoiled nation. Having lots of blessings we take for granted and should be thankful for every day.
Over the years I have learn not to plan weddings during the month of August or September. Plus do not wear Chiffon dresses then either. I learned a lot at Diane and Steve’s wedding when the attendants were nearly passing out during the service. Pam and Rusty remember that one. I am sure we’ll get thru this hot time, we do each year, State and County Fairs will end, the kids will return to school and give parents a breather, the burnt-looking grass, and dead-looking flowers will once again be replaced with colorful mums and the cooler temperatures will occur and it’ll be Fall. So hang on all—THE HEAT IS ON but it’s not permanent. It’s all God’s season of life going on. Just make sure your permanent destination is not hot all the time in eternity.
Take care all of you, drink plenty of water, maybe some still have the hand antique fans of old church day around. Always, Mom
The mighty oak was once a little nut that stood its ground.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-04-07
Did you get to see the movie comedy “Driving Ms. Daisy” when it came out many moons ago? 1989 I think, it showed the relationship between a black chauffer and a senior white lady that lived in a nursing home. How their friendship was stronger than their employee/employer association. Lois asked me if I feel like a caregiver when I have 2 or 3 of them to help occasionally. I’ve often said I do because I can, someday I may not be able to drive, help with groceries, assist them getting in and out of the car at restaurants or doctors offices, etc. Then I know God will send me a helper, to me that’s what we all are to be “helpers to others”, of course the bible says servicing to the others for our Lord. It is a wonderful gift to give others with the reward coming back at you.
I may be some years younger than most of the church ladies on Sunday but I am not far behind them in age. I see the sagging, gravity sitting in my body, deep smile wrinkling grooved into my face, and the face I see has little resemblance to the “picture in my mind” of Jan. Even with the slower moves, the stiffness of joints in my knees and legs, I know this body and my friends have history “lots of good traveled miles.” I guess that is where the satisfaction comes from giving us peace of mind in our very soul. We’ve learned with wisdom what really matters in ones lifetime, moving closer to God and letting him lead or do the driving.
On Saturday we had a luncheon again with the youth ladies at church for a cookout. Once again they spoiled the senior ladies with great food, goodie gifts and the opportunity to share some of the stories in the history of our miles. We laughed at the stories told by young and old, but what really was the funniest was the squirt-gun fights that happen when we all realized our toy guns gifts were loaded with water. The “kid” came out with us all and eliminated the age difference. Such fun and action of friendship was a shown by all. A lot of happy souls I would say. When was the last squirt gun fight you had?
Put some fun, smiles and humor in your life, that’s what God has planned for us with “Rejoice and be Glad in It.” Till next week, God bless and keep you, Always, Mom
TIP OF THE WEEK: Maturity is the stage of life when you don’t see to eye but can walk arm in arm.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-28-07
You ever felt you were in the center of where things are happening? Have you ever had one of those weeks when you say, “Right God, I know now I’m where you planted me and why!” I certainly had one hectic as busy week but again it was a fun and fulfilling one. The managers and sub managers were busy readying the food for the Big Luau for all 7 building residents to be held under the 2 tents on the campus. There was Hula Dancers, male and female, from 6 to 80, some pros and some trying, door prizes from raffles of Hawaiian Plants, all attending receiving colorful lei’s and the food was at its best, BBQ pork & beef, salads, rice, fresh fruit and yes, Hawaiian pineapple cake with cream icing. Thank goodness the rain stayed away all day, raining in the counties around us. ALOHA!!!!
As always, one social activity follows another here at "Crestwood Wrinkle Village". On Friday I participated in a Style Show from The Dress Barn. I filled in for one of the managers so we were 7 busy folks changing our clothes and wearing outfits including jewelry all matched for us specially for size and occasions. All this was performed for an audience of Senior Red Hatters, count was 55 residents. These folks know how to have fun. The smiles, ahhs and ooohs made all the hassle and bussle worth it all for all of us.
The last event of the week was one very special for me; one I feel God let me be in on a special happening. You all know I send Mom’s Thoughts to my “Jailangels” and have for many years. Once they numbered 14 in different jails or prisons, but thru the years and hard work on their part all but 2 have returned to the “outside world” and their new lives. I try to be open to suggestions for blessings others. As Joyce Meyers says, “Don’t only pray for someone if you have the way to fill a need yourself.” Well God helped me arrange a visit for one daughter & her 2 year old son to visit one of my jail-angels. Believe me the 220 mile round trip was worth is all, when I witnessed the love shared as the 3 visited and played together. It was definitely a heart warming sight and one so appreciated by their thank you's. This gift was a bigger blessing to me than they could imagine. I know how I treasured my visits and hugs with Pam when she was a jail-angel. Pam has shared me with all 13 others as we write, encourage, and find the importance of God being in control and allowing him to put the craziness behind them. I anxiously await a copy of that 3-generation picture, it was all smiles. Oh yes God planted me there to also meet my other remaining jail-angel. A hug that meant the world to me. I am proud of them both and know their journeys will end soon.
Old Mom’s had a great week and I have been full of gratitude, as I have said “Thank you God for placing others in my world helping me to see the blessings he sends to me.” Have a great week everyone, till next week, and take care of yourself and yours. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Tears of joy are just liquid love spilling over.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-21-07
When I visit with my dear friend, Rosalene Wade, I always come away being reminded of two of life’s daily priorities, one the importance of God in our lives, and the love of Family. This lady is a deep Christian lady who lives her faith and is a Mother who raised a beautiful family, she happen to mention that there has been 84 descendants added since her marriage in the Wade Family line. What a beautiful legacy to leave one day to her family, the gift of her love and an example of Christian way of life.
Becoming parents is one of the biggest challenges God can bless us with. True the children are only on loan from God from birth till their death. Giving us as parents the opportunity to love, care, nurture, and guide them to become one-day responsible adults. How many of you parents remember the first glimpse of that new baby born to you, checking each finger, each toe, and all others parts to make sure God made them perfect and in working order. Blessings from heaven for sure, it always brings tears to my eyes, the awesome of it all. It can be a scary thought the responsibility we have for the future days, scary but a privilege too. We need to trust us like God trusts us.
This month, my dear friend Lois, became a great grand mother for her 12th time. A beautiful and perfect 6 lb 10 ozs, Mariana Rose Rutherford born to James and Tonya which made my pastor, Shan and Karen grandparents again. All are loving the chance to hold her, but have to share with her sister, Olivia. Congratulations to all. That child comes from a wonderful Christian foundation of a family.
Also this month on the 12th we had a new great grandson for my sister, Alberta. Benjamin Paul Johnston weighed in at 9 pounds. He is joining his siblings Emma, Hayden, and Samuel. We had prayers going for Nichol and Craig after his birth, when Nichol developed complications and was sent to ICU. God answers prayers, and brought them threw the crisis. All is well now and the family is all-together at home with lots of helpers from family, church, neighbors, and friends. These parents are working very hard to raise their 4 in a wonderful Christian family life, and doing a great job for the Lord.
I had a few hours today with my dear great grandbaby, Layla; it was a toss up between who laughed the most me or Layla. Such a delight! You know for whoever is listening I wouldn’t mind being a great grandmother again-----Whatcha think? Any volunteers? Sort of can hear my children doing their protesting. Haha. I know in God’s time!
Seriously I have lots of work to do to come close to the Christian legacy Rosalene and Lois has built up for themselves. Proud to call them dear friends and have them in my life. To others who are dealing with parenting, some days may be really trying, but stick with it in the long run it will all be worth it. I can remember the time you all crawled into my lap and said read to me Mom, or the last time you brought me a dandelion and thought it was a rose. Those days are gone but certainly not forgotten, only wished the last time had not come so quickly. I am grateful now for each hug as it comes and the “I Love you Mom”. Family is one of my priorities and may I take the time to give all the love I can. Till next week, love, always, Mom
Out of the mouth of babes come things parents never should have said.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-14-07
All to quickly vacations end and usually all can be heard saying, “Shucks, we didn’t get to do all we wanted to.” Ain’t that the truth? I have returned to my world in Indiana, coming away from Michigan with a souvenir, UGH!! POISON IVY. I was only exposed to the air by Sturgeon Point Light House, and then only as I sat with Tom at the picnic table waiting for Dianna and Don to climb the 82 steps up the Lighthouse. Well, anyway I have it on my right cheek, the same location I had it many years ago before leaving Michigan as a resident. My sister got the picture out of both of us with it after digging a malva flower out of the ditch for her flowerbed. It wasn’t this bad this time so hopefully it will be gone soon.
All I can say for my vacation in Harrisville Michigan is FANTASTIC! Alberta and I had a few days to enjoy the silence and each other before the crowd started coming in, mainly in shifts. We were busy in the kitchen cooking the one time a day meal, and seeing who was here and who had arrived or left for home. We made the most of each group as they came in, the Garvin’s, the Scott’s, the Russo’s, the kids of the Synestvedt family (Mom Esther’s kids), the McMillan’s, the Johnston’s, had lots of drop ins also. Some of these names may not sound familiar but just think family and fun and that is what counted.
My sister had done a wonderful job of making sure everyone was aware of all the activities in and around town. Newspaper clippings of events, Christmas gift game for the rainy day activities, menus with wonderful food of variety and with all chipping in to make sure we had all items ready for breakfast, lunch and dinner. All enjoyed the Lake Huron with its waves, sandy beaches, and cold water. The fireworks were great but some had delayed nights due to rain and malfunctions of equipment. I have to say our gang was pretty patient though. The parade on the 4th was full of patriotic kids and more kids, decorated dogs, wagons, bikes, and golf carts were wearing the red, white and blue that so is American and makes us proud. Would hate to try to head count all that was in the State Parks, campers in Aunt Judy’s back yard, ones at the crafters booths set up on the court house property. Lets say lots and it will be about triple that on the Labor Day weekend.
The reunion was wonderful to have what part of the family could make it north. But we really missed so many that couldn’t attend. So many that we only hold now in our memories due to their passing. They were in our thoughts and we remembered them in love and laughter of times past. We all thought of Timmy, Janice’s son who is serving our country in Iraq, we sang God bless the USA while the flag went by and said a prayer for his safety out of harms way. Our service folks should never be forgotten so far away from home.
Well I am home, busy as can be working at Crestwood this week. So I will close off and say thanks to all that spent the fourth with us up north, I know with the gas at $3.19 a gallon it wasn’t a cheap vacation but well worth every dime spent with love. To the rest hope you can make it next year. Love always, MOM
Make sure your loved ones know how much you love them each and every day, life is so short.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week 06-30-07 (reprint from 6-28-03)
This week I've had the chance, once again, to hear the waves come in on the sunrise side of Michigan. The WHOOSH of the waves coming in slowly immediately sends out "relaxation" to my memory bank of my mind.
It brings to mind my 9 years as a resident of Harrisville from 1987 to 1996, while caring for my mother with Alzheimer Disease. The separation from my children and grandchildren, in order to make a home for Mother, was a hard one but a necessary one. We “girls,” Aunt Jerry, Aunt Judy & myself, with the help of our brother, Uncle Vern, shared the care of Mother. We worked together, in order to keep Mother at home & out of a nursing home. All her life had been spent caring for her family, and it was the last gift we could give Mother, to care for her. None of us regret that decision and time, if nothing else it has become dearer to us since Mother's death.
Michigan is a beautiful place to be next to nature, the beaches full of soft but sinkable sand, the white birch trees mingled along with the tall graceful pines, and the evening rides to see the beauty of herd of wild deer grazing in fields and meadows. I recall my 5 miles daily walks was thru the state park, along the highways and took in all of the above treats and the time to get closer to God while appreciating God's FREE blessings, all of which seem harder to find in the fast pace of Indy. All 4 seasons always included more "freebies of nature", from the long winters and beautiful snows, the purple martin's return in the spring, the summers of 80 & 90 degrees in the sun, always could be found 65 or 70 in the shade with the breeze off the lake, and fall and cool weather always knew exactly when Labor Day arrived and you had better hunt a jacket!! Michigan's "up above" and "down below" reference to where you are from is heard all through stores and eating places. I am enjoying the tranquility of my visiting to Aunt Judy's & know when I return to Indy, through my memory bank I will be able to instantly "recall" the very special "feel" and "being there" in my mind, somewhat revisit of my spiritual home.
Home is the best place to be and everyone's own "HOME" is best for them. I am looking forward to my return to Indy and that small apartment I now call home. But I am taking Michigan in my heart and memory. Sort of like having the best of 2 worlds at my fingertips. I have received nourishment for my soul.
I love you all----Missing you a bunch. I will be seeing you soon in Illinois for the 4th of July re-union at Uncle Vern's. Love always, with good thoughts and wishes for a great week. Mom
"A perfect summer day is when the sun is shining, the breeze is blowing, the birds are singing,...and the lawn mower is broken." ~James Dent~
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-23-07
Last week with all the celebrations around Flag Day it seems we over looked an important holiday, Sunday being Father’s Day. So much attention is given to Mother’s Day and doing for her, presents, flowers, taking her out to eat, but it’s always lower keyed when it comes to Father’s Day. Strange, because we wouldn’t and couldn’t be Mothers without Fathers. To father a child is a big step for any man. It adds so much responsibility on a man’s shoulders. As we all know fathering a child is only the beginning. To be a caring father, one a child can see as a mentor, one they learn from, one they share time with, one that assures the child they are loved thru good and bad. All these things don’t come easy and many men miss the opportunity to help mold their children. So many times it becomes the responsibility of the mothers to raise the children without much help from the men. Times are changing and men are taking a much more active involvement in raising children.
I know Dad dying at age 47 certainly left a void in you children’s lives, our grandchildren’s lives, and now our great grandchild. The accidental death of Grampa Scott at the age of 37 when Dad was only 14 again made a void in the Scott Family. We have been very scarce of male men to mentor, enjoy fishing with, or story telling, even learning how to eat an Oreo cookie like the TV commercial or other neat things Fathers and Grandfathers are for.
Our family has been blessed with some men that mean so much to me and should never be over looked. I always have been grateful for the ways my son and son-in-laws have blessed me with children or bonded and blended their families all together. It is when the children’s welfare matters the most that true men step up to the plate and makes action count. These men have done just that!
No time is the right time or age to lose a man family member. It leaves a void that can’t really be replaced. So much is missed by their family, though their love remains in our hearts, we wish so much we could only have them back for a short time on loan. I miss my Dad, though our relationship was never a close one, I some how thought had cancer not taken him we might have had the chance to grow closer. May we all remember that the men in our lives are so important and not to be taken for granted while they are alive.
So, Happy Late Fathers Day Guys--- thanks for being in our lives and all you do for your families. Till next week, I love you all, Always, Mom
So take a new grip with your tired hands, stand firm on your shaky legs and mark out a straight, smooth path for yourself. (Hebrews 12: 12-13)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-16-07
Life at Crestwood Village South was full of All American Fun this week. We started off with a car wash on Tuesday with Justus Employees washing cars for residents with all donations going to the Heart Fund. It was fun but boy do the ole muscles let you know this isn’t in the normal daily routine. Almost had to find me a fella---you know Ben Gay!! We had about 25 cars in 2 hours with the donations totaling $225.00. Not bad at all!!
On Thursday our campus had their Flag Day ceremony around the flagpole, raising of the flag, bugle playing of God bless America, with many residents still able to wear their uniforms from serving our Country. One lady resident, Laura Salladay of my new building always looks distinguish and trim in her Army uniform. She was proud to serve her country. As usual, the residents love to have fun, so many decorated their walkers, wheelchairs, electric scooters and selves with Red, White and Blue. Many just waved the little hand held American Flags as they marched in the parade of residents from all 7 buildings. The parade was once around the flagpole circle drive before the ceremony began. Afterwards followed in the All American trend eating, we all gathered in our building for strawberry shortcakes and some lively music to celebrate. It certainly was a great day for remembering our service folks near and far, present, and past that have served under the American Flag, Old Glory. We continue to pray for those serving in foreign situation and are in Harms Way.
I always think so strongly of Grama Esther who’s birthday fell on Flag Day and also my granddaughter Tori, some 70 years later. Grama Esther was a true All American lady and so proudly stood for grace, pride, and dignity among our family. Tori’s birth cost Grampa Shellie $100 to Pam and Guy if the baby was born on the 14th and named Catherine after Grama Esther. My Dad said “The Scott’s would do anything for money,” Grama Esther remarked “Shelton pay up and learn a lesson.”
So, Happy 22nd Birthday to Tori, hope you’re enjoying the crocheted Flag Afghan this Grama made for you.
So, hope all had a great week and looking forward to the 4th of July Celebration and family reunion in Harrisville, MI. with Alberta. Till next week, remember I love you,
Always, Mom
Tip of the week: The quickest way to double your money is to fold it in half and put it back in your pocket.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-09-07
We all go along as routine normal everyday living almost like robots. Till reality of how unpredictable life really is happens. It’s a moment-by-moment happening with changes occurring around us but maybe unaware to us. Then at the flash of a second things change and so do we. Six weeks ago I never would have imagine that at 5 A.M. I’d be awakened suddenly to a change of my very existence. I never would have anticipated the overwhelming emotional effect of having lost one's home. When the fire occurred everything happened so quickly. The reality of our building being on fire hit me when I saw the rolling dark smoke in the hallway and was aware the balcony was my only way out. I think I was thrown into shock mode that remained with me for sometime. I can’t take myself fully back in recall to the reality of blazing fire and the death of 2 friends and neighbors. To hear a siren goes right up my spine, and the fear is still there. I do know that as the shock eased and I realized my home was no more, and my life had changed over night, I wouldn’t be the secure safe person that went to bed the night before the fire.
When my personal belongings were returned to me after restoring and cleaning, it was a mountain, a chore, or a job, I knew I had to do but the strength and will wasn’t there to help me deal with it all. All was too overpowering to deal with. I felt alone and many nights went to bed crying, even my attempts to pray weren’t with the needed depth. My ability to concentrate to read or watch TV programs weren’t up to par. My faith has been strong, and I was grateful to be alive but something was missing. After some quiet meditating time and lots of soul searching I found God was with me as He always promised to be, but I was looking at the problem and not concentrating on His promise for strength, His strength. He was waiting for me to straighten my priorities and let Him have control. I have always found that when I do something wrong, the Holy Spirit in my BUGS me to pieces till I straighten me up. But there are times the Holy Spirit remains quiet and waits till you ask for help and let his power work thru you.
As with my cancer journey, I couldn’t do it alone but God helped me thru the scare, thru the cancer surgery, thru the radiation and all these 14 years later of healing. I find getting back in touch with God and trusting my life to him is the only way to find peace and purpose. I feel my faith has been renewed, my life and home is mine again. I am down to only Christmas Boxes left to go thru to be settled completely. I can’t go thru the details of the fire yet, the words won’t come, but one day the Lord and I will walk thru the fear together in Mom’s Thoughts. For now I am keeping my eyes, my heart, and soul on Him for my daily strength. Hope everything is well in your corner of the world. Remember I love you all, 'til next week - Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Some days you are the bug, some days you are the windshield.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-02-07
As I’ve driven around town this week I’ve noticed home owners in their yard working to improve the landscaping or just maybe the weekly grooming. I am always amazed at the pride most folks take in their home and the end results, a lot do it yourselfers. That takes skill in itself. I bought a Better Homes & Garden do it yourself book while in Michigan caring for Mother. I even learned how to concrete steps, formation and all. I never messed with electricity though, too cowardly.
My grandson, Scott (Dianna’s oldest) last month became the new owner of a 3-bedroom house with a garage. This makes him the newest homeowner in the family. I am sure if he could see down the road all that will come his way he might have considered continuing to rent. HAHA. Seriously I am proud of him, preparing, saving, and working hard to obtain his goals and dreams. He is excited to have a garage; it must be a man thing, for your Dad always wheeled and dealed from his, (no, not drugs), just things he would buy and sell for more) that was his mad money. I run the house and he had his garage. So, Good luck Scott, your future looks brighter all the time.
Okay, I know you all are wondering about my boxes, started with 64 and I am under 25 left to open, unpack, sweat lots, sort thru and find new homes for many items. It is surely a Spring Cleaning big time. As I have unpacked, I have thought often of our many homes thru the years. Starting with a small trailer, to renting lots, to small houses, then to our 10 room house on Ripple Road, my favorite home that set on an acre of shade trees. Dad and I spent many good days there, and not enough years together, down to the last days before we moved to apartment so he wouldn’t have all the care and upkeep in his health. Our homes were many, lots of good and bad times, but most of all I cherish the memories for I still have them and they don’t have to be tended nor cared for. Just relive them and place them back in my heart for safekeeping.
Others are all in different phases of our lives but many of the roads traveled by us have been done over and over. So enjoy your earthly homes and make sure you include preparations for your heavenly home above. Our Lord prepares it for us but only each of us can be sure we receive our mansion in the sky. How’s your path a-looking?
Well back to the boxes, work an hour here, rest awhile, works an hour and little by little it will get done. Have a great week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Middle age is the time in your game of life when you tell yourself you better put it all together in the second half.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 05-26-07
BOXES! BOXES! BOXES!!!! Everywhere I look lately is boxes. I feel like I have become the new owner of a cardboard factory. When my things were delivered and the count of boxes alone was 64, not counting the furniture, computer items, (all bigger than a breadbox), that represented my whole worldly possessions, it was completely mind-boggling. I thought and it is me that has to go thru all this for no one else can make the decision what to throw away, what to keep, what I need, and what I may never need if I lived another 68 years. I once had a rule of thumb that was great when cleaning out, if I haven’t used it in the past year then get rid of it. Well, either laziness set in or I decided to become a pack rat, because I have enough for 2 homes. Well, maybe even one full house with 3 bedrooms. HAHA.
Okay, you all don’t be thinking “I don’t have that much” well, try taking everything in your closets and cabinets out, no hiding anything, and then you see where I am in a room of clutter. Layla came over the other day and as Nana pulled wrapping papers out of the boxes, she lit up and thought, “Oh Boy Nana is having a party and I get to play.” She laid down in all of it and started just a jabbering away. No didn’t get it on camera! She was so happy to see all her toys come out of the boxes and acted like it was Christmas. Thank God for babies to make us smile and forget our worries.
Lois, Greta, and I visited some friends in Building #6 who too were in the fire and had to relocate, they too are in the same cluttered world of being uprooted and relocated. All having the same problem, trying to make order out of our lives and lacking the energy needed to accomplish it. We all have strong faiths and know one day at a time and one box at a time we will make it thru this storm in our lives. Challenges that a fire can bring, but we all agree there are so many blessings in our lives that take priority right now. We are alive, safe and sound, have our loving families support and help if needed, we are all living in new clean painted apartments with new carpet. Great way to start the next days of our lives. Certainly not the case with the hurricane and tornadoes victims or even the mess left with a flood.
So, okay I have 45 more boxes to open, one at a time, look at the contents wrapped up as gifts of our past, some we keep, some we give to bargain rooms for others to enjoy, and some hit the ole trash can. Remember they are only clutter in our lives, and once done with this chore I will be organized and orderly. Maybe there will be a future need for my skills I am learning in this. Yes Lord, patience is the top one you have tried to teach me for years.
Here in Indianapolis we have the wonderful activity of the 500 race going on over Memorial Day. Lots of black and white checker flags, sharing the spotlight with the American flag of those who have served our country so proudly. Remember them and their families who have given their lives for us to be free. Pray for our service folks and families who are waiting here at home during the war in Iraq. Stay safe and sound Timmy, we love you so much.
All for this week, good to be back clicking on my own computer and knowing you are all out there somewhere safe and hopefully well. As always, Mom
On the voyage of Life, some people seem to go in sailboats, while the rest of us have to row.
Check out Jan’s web page and past weeks Mom’s Thoughts.
My new address:
C. J. Scott
8805 Madison Avenue
Apt. 208D
Indianapolis, In. 46227-6477
Cell phone: 317-223-9772
Mom's Thoughts for the Week of 5-19-07
I have returned to the world! The last 3 weeks have been a journey thru a nightmare, I never want to go thru again, to be burnt out of your home. It was a devastating event and one I will eventually do a Mom's Thoughts on. My biggest heartfelt blessing is to be alive even with all the occurring obstacles, I have dealt with since. The loss of two friends/neighbors lives makes me aware how close my life was in danger. God has brought me through one more time, making me aware of his plans for me thru his control. I've had to experience things I didn't feel I had the strength for. But I did and with His help I still survive.
This past Sunday, being Mother's Day, once again my family pulled off a surprise cook-out with evidence of their love and support. All have been there to help me from day one of my close call. There to support, comfort and let me ramble and cry my tears. The nightmares which follow a fire burn out are frightening and instant recall is hard to deal with. My family has supported my recovery and still know there is some hard humps and bumps ahead. Today, I had my "possessions" returned boxed, restored and cleaned. Some things weren't able to be re-stored. I will have to cope with the loss. I have to think, it's only stuff and Lord knows I have too, too much stuff. I am fortunate to have an empty apartment at my need, courtesy of Crestwood, to put my things in for the days ahead to sort, get rid of, and move only what I want into my studio apartment across the hall. I'm really thinking "SMALL" living, but I do believe when it's organized I will love it. It's just great to have a home once more and a real bed to sleep on and call my own.
I want to thank Dianna for so wonderfully taking over Mom's Thoughts for me the last 3 weeks. She's learned it's not all a piece of cake and often like writing and getting out a newspaper. Her surprise on Mother's Day, with responses about me and Mom's Thought thru almost 5 years on the Internet, really overwhelmed me. Lots of tears, lots of appreciation and honored by your words. Thanks to all for taking the time to respond. Dianna will be sending this one through her magic computer for me. I hope to get "a computer" up and running this week or soon. All my electrical toys were smoke-damaged and have to be replaced. I'm praying the heard drive is okay and I haven't lost all. 'Til next week, God's blessings and love be with you all. Enjoy the sunshine!
Note: The following is a compilation of "thoughts" and "memories" and gratitude for the author of the "Mom's Thoughts for the Week" column, Carolyn Jan Scott, as collected by one of her daughters, Diane Garvin, and published on Mother's Day via email on May 13, 2007.
Our Thoughts for Mom (a.k.a. MTFTW) for 5-14-07 Mom, Jan, Aunt Jeanette, Sis,
Can you believe that this fall will be the 5th anniversary of "Mother's thoughts". Well it will be and I have made a copy of the first one that was published on your web site:
We all have so many,,, but don't stop to count them often enough. We have all the wonders that God shares with us each day, the sunrise, the sunset, the beauty of trees, birds, and even rainbows on rainy days, etc. But on the personal side, I get to count MY blessings. My kids are my main blessing. They spoil me, humor me, encourage me, love me, tolerate me, try to fill my wants, needs and wish-for’s, given me super grandchildren, give me memories, make me laugh, even get me to cry usually with tears of joy, etc. My list grows as I COUNT and add to my list. Your Dad would be so proud of ALL of you and how you care for me. I am always counting my blessings, how about you? Have you started a list? Mom
Well all I can say is .... You've came a long way baby! I bet if you printed that out it would only be a 1/4 of a page and now you can't keep it under 3 pages. Well we all started our list... and it looks like you and your "Mother's thoughts of the week" made it on a lot of peoples list....
You have been a special, special friend. You have watched over me and taken me places and been someone I could always go to for help. You are truly a second daughter to me in every way. I will always cherish our special relationship. *** Love Lois (Indiana)
Jan, I am glad to tell you how much I have enjoyed your very creative writing. You are a special person and a special friend ...Karen (Indiana)
Jan has been my friend through many stages of both of our lives. We have shared things that even we can't believe we did. She is thoughtful, considerate and probably just about one of the finest people I have ever had the privilege of calling a friend. Although our lives have gone different directions our friendship has lasted over many miles and many years. She is never far from my thoughts and it does my heart good to know she has found her place to shine and she is blessed to have her family near. Whether we see each other in person or just by phone and email I hope she knows she will be my forever friend. *** Q, (Indiana)
"Hi. I have known Jan Scott since 1994, when I met her daughter Pam as well. Jan is one of the most upbeat and positive person I know! She will tell it like it it...shoot straight from the hip....make no bones about it....and laugh while doing it. Her sensitive reflections of Life's ups and downs, her devout Faith in God, and the strong backbone and matriarch to the Scott family of herself, Dianna, Rusty and Pam, grandchildren and one great-grandchild - has made a lasting imprint on my heart and soul.
She has always been there for me personally when I have called on her for advice - it hasn't been real often - but I consider her one of my spiritual advisors right alongside my sponsor and a few others that have passed through my life. I have watched her endure adversity, celebrate Life's joys, and deal with the bumps in the road like a real trooper. I am blessed to know her. I made a web page for her to upload her Mom's Thoughts for the Week to one of my web sites, and have been doing so since 2002. She then allowed me to make a personal page for her with some facts about her life and family. This is the link to that website: Her Mom's Thoughts for the Week are a link at the bottom of that page. I call her Mom2. Need I say more. I don't get to see her a whole lot at this point in my life, but she is in my heart and thoughts and prayers." Amy (Indiana)
Good Morning Diana, Sorry, but your mom as I remember, calls you Diana so I'm not out of the habit yet, so I guess I'd better start calling you Diane. Which is it by the way? You have done a good job on the Mom's thoughts and first I want to say about your uncle Vernon. Although he was older than us way back when, he still was around as I remember and we all called him the "Hunk". Course he never knew that and I had forgotten it til a friend of mine mentioned it. And I sure would have been embarrassed to say it at this day and age, but relayed it to your mom and she gabbed to Vern! Ha Ha, But I think it made his day, so I was glad I did before he died. Your mom, you know, I can't even remember which grade it was that I met her, either in 8th or a freshman in High school. I know I liked her immediately as she was friendly and at that time always willing to do things o n the spur of a moment. We double dated every weekend practically. I think those were called the good old days! Anyway, I'm glad I found her after 50 years and I know we will continue to be friends til we die. Someday, hopefully I'll get to meet all her kids as well. Glad she's situated pretty much once again in a new apartment. Hope she is over the shock of it all as well. *** Love, Sally (Alabama)
Jan and I were classmates when she lived in Illinois. I treasure Jan's friendship. When the hurricanes left me with having to replace my roof, Jan offered to help me out. I didn't need it, but will always remember her offered generosity. I love the Mom's notes and they always leave me spiritually uplifted and sometimes remembering the past. I'm thankful that Jan is OK and hope things will return to normal soon. --Gail (Florida)
SIS, I wish you a Happy Mothers Day! Yes, we miss our mother everyday! I'm proud of you, for these years, doing "Mothers Thoughts". You've been known as a good letter writer, so this has been an extension of that. You've given so much comfort at times, a good laugh at other times and a great recall of memories past. I love you, Sis. (Michigan)
When I found Vern, I found a family as loving and accepting as my own and in his sisters, I could see why he was so generous of his time, talents and gifts towards anyone that needed him. Jan dropped everything to come to Chicago to be with Vern as he visited one doctor's office after another, to be my extra ears and intelligence helping put all of the pieces together as best as possible. But more than that, I cherish the memories she has shared with me recently of just how much Vern loved me. I knew, and now I have that in print, to hold dear once in a while in my times of greater strength. Such a gift... ROXANNA (ILLINOIS)
where do i begin to talk about my i begin by saying what a great inspiration she has been to me? i to was a care giver for my mom (her sister) so many times I've called and she would listen to me and always helped me see things in a different way. She has grown so much in the past years learning to walk the path with our lord .she's such a strong person..this past year she has really been tested and keeps bouncing back..i take my redneck hat off to her and wish her god speed in the years to come... HAPPY MOTHERS DAY AUNTIE... WE LOVE YOU..
Just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed your weekly thoughts. I know we don't talk as much as we should but thru your weekly thoughts I feel we keep in touch. Thanks for keeping an eye out for Kathy, she definitely needs it sometimes. Thanks again for taking your time out to give us such comforting thoughts. God bless you. Love you............Nancy (Florida)
Layla tickles me when she starts saying Nanna, Nanna as soon as we turn into Crestwood. At one year she recognized the buildings. And before she started walking she would walk along the wall as fast as she could to get to Nanna's apartment. But there too, my mom spent every day with Tori at Riley after Layla was born until Tori was able to drive and walk from the parking garage herself. (written by her Grama Pam)
I don't know how God put so much love and care into one person, like he did with My Mother-In-Law. She is someone very special to everyone her life touches. The one thing that I admire most about her is the love she has for her family and especially her late husband. Thank you for being part of my life! - Don
Why I love my mother-in-law? She has the BIGGEST heart of any one I've ever met. She wrote me one of those "beautiful" letters when my mother passed, she assured me that she would always be there for me. She said "I can't replace her, but I'll be there for you." She's been very understanding and helpful, through my journey of life, and finding my spirituality!!!! She raised a very strong son who I proudly call my husband. I just hope and pray I can be half the mother and woman she is !!!!
Forever grateful and all my love, Jodi
I love how this once a week check in with us kids has turned into a nationwide thing. I'm not surprised because I think we were truly blessed to have our parents entrusted by God to raise. The support and encouragement given to all, but especially those women in DOC who she has never met is insurmountable. I have said before and I'll say it again, my Mom is as close to being altruistic as anyone I've met or read about. She has always been there for me through the trials and tribulations of my drug addiction (opiates for those who do not know), but it has been in her time, not in mine. I quickly learned to be patient and allow her the space she needed. Last week Mom had agreed to watch Layla on Tues from 2:30 til 5:00 when Ryan or Tori got off. She had to cancel because she was needed at Crestwood at the last minute. She kept saying "is there so and so..." and there wasn't, but I told her the same thing I told my boss... "When was the last time you canceled on me?" NEVER! or at least I can't remember the time. The restaurant where I work knows about the family commitment we have and don't question when I say I have to do something and will be late or what ever.
When Uncle Vernon died people were confused by my hurt over 'an uncle'. Were you close? To which I replied, "you would be hard pressed to find another family as committed to each other as we are."
Happy Mother's day to all.
Well this is Rusty, Jan’s son:
My mom made be a promise a few years back after I had moved her for the 10th or so time, that I would not have to do it any more. She said the next time she moved was going to be the grave ( which I had all picked out for myself next to my Dad and Grandfather, She went and had her name put on it so that I couldn't sneak in first ) So instead she sets the fire down the hall, just so she can move into a new place with someone else doing the moving! Thanks MOM love YA
Well, after all that what can I say that hasn't already been said? Not much. She is loved and respected by all. I just hope this helps her to realize just how important and valuable she is to all of us. The trials and tribulations she has incurred over the last couple of months are more than any one person deserves. I will continue to be here to help in whatever form I can. She's the worlds # 1 Mom, She is my mom! I love you! -- Dianna (As my mother calls me)
After 21 years of marriage, my wife wanted me to take another woman out to dinner and a movie. She said, "I love you, but I know this other woman loves you and would love to spend some time with you." The other woman was my Mother, who has been a widow for 19 years, but the demands of my work and my three children had made it possible to visit her only occasionally.
That night, I called to invite her to go out for dinner and a movie. "What's wrong, are you well?" she asked. My mother is the type of woman who suspects that a late night call or a surprise invitation is a sign of bad news. "I thought that it would be pleasant to spend some time with you", I responded. "Just the two of us". She thought for a moment and then said, "I would like that very much".
That Friday, after work, as I drove over to pick her up, I was a bit nervous. When I arrived at her house, I noticed that she too seemed to be nervous about our date. She waited in the door with her coat on. She had curled her hair and was wearing the dress that she had worn to celebrate her last wedding anniversary. She smiled from a face that was as radiant as an angel's. "I told my friends that I was going to go out with my son, and they were impressed" she said, as she got into the car. "They can't wait to hear about our date"
We went to a restaurant that , although not elegant, was very nice andcozye. My mother took my arm as if she were the First Lady. After we sat down I had to read the menu. Her eyes could only read large print. Half way through the entries, I lifted my eyes and saw Mom sitting there staring at me. Anostalgicc smile was on her lips. "It was I who used to have to read the menu when you we small", she said. "Then it's time that you relax and let me return the favor", I responded.
During the dinner, we had an agreeable conversation, nothing extraordinary but catching up on recent events of each other's life. We talked so much that we missed the movie. As we arrived at her house later, she said "I'll go out with you again, but only if ou let me invite you." I agreed.
"How was your dinner date?" asked my wife, when I got home. "Very nice. Much more so than I could have imagined." I answered.
A few days later, my mother died of a massive heart attack. It happened so suddenly that I didn't have a chance to do anything for her. Some time later, I received an envelope with a copy of a restaurant receipt from the same place mother and I had dined. An attached note said, "I paid this bill in advance. I wasn't sure that I could be there, but never the less, I paid for two plates - one for you and the other for your wife. You will never know what that night meant for me. I love you son."
At that moment, I understood the importance of saying in time, "I LOVE YOU" and to give our loved ones the time that they deserve. Nothing in life is more important than your family. Give them the time they deserve, because these things can not be put off till "some other time".
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Somebody said it takes about six weeks to get back to normal after you've had a baby... somebody doesn't know that once you're a mother, "normal" is history.
Somebody said "good" mothers never raise their voices... somebody never came out the back door just in time to see her child hit a golf ball through the neighbor's kitchen window.
Somebody said the hardest part of being a mother is labor and delivery.... somebody never watched her "baby" get on the bus for the first day of kindergarten or on a plane headed for military "boot camp."
Somebody said a mother can stop worrying after her child gets married....somebody doesn't know that marriage adds a new son or daughter-in-law to a mother's heart strings.
Somebody said a mother's job is done whe n her last child leaves home....somebody never had grandchildren.
Somebody said your mother knows you love her, so you don't need to tell her.... somebody isn't a mother.
Dianna's Thoughts and Request 5-7-07
Hi all, it's me again...Diane! Well I'm cheating this week and sending you all one from the archives. I thought this would be a good one to "re-send" to guys to get you in the mood... Well I am putting all of you to work for the "Mother's Day Special Edition". ...
A couple months ago my Uncle Vernon died as I'm sure you all remember from MTFTW. Well there is a web site that you could go to online to write your thoughts and memories of your loved one and compile to a book if choose too. He received many entries from family and friends all over the country. I remember reading those and wondering how nice it would have been for him, if he could have read them when he was alive.
Well that was my thought... Mom has been writing these Mothers thoughts for over 4 years now and I know that most have you have been blessed by those thoughts. I would like to make the Mother's Day edition of MTFTW a tribute to her.
Please reply to this email with 1-10 lines of anything you want. You can tell her much (or little I guess) you've enjoyed her thoughts. You can tell things or "short" stories of how she has touched your life. Whatever you want no matter how short or long (but please keep to a reasonable length). Pending on how many replies I get, I may have to do in multiple parts.
Be sure and include your First Name and State with your reply.
I look forward to your replies. Thanks - Diane
P.S. Mom is doing good today, her new apt is ready, the Dr gave her a clean bill of health, she got some of her own clothes from the dry cleaners, and as soon as she gets the rest and her furniture and "stuff" start coming back from the restoration people she will be doing even better. And yes to those of you who have been asking, she gets to go shopping to replace some things that were lost and "redecorate"! Things can only go up from here we are hoping... Thanks for all that have sent concerns and prayers and that have sent her cards.
I am sending this out by list on an old email, please forward to anyone I may have missed and please have them reply also :) And if I emailed you in error, let me know so I can remove your from future emails.
Mom's Thoughts for the week of 5-20-06 Oldie but goodie GOOD LISTENER
How often do you stop and listen to a friend, neighbor, loved one, and really pay attention to what they are saying? Most of us while listening to others talk, we are thinking of what we are going to say next. It is another one of those human traits that goes along with our feeling us number one & the big God has given all of us talents, though different from one to another. His purpose for us in life goes along with the skills, talents, and ambition we need to live the life he intends for us to live. Some have said this is a talent, writing my thoughts each week, I am thankful I am able to express myself and thoughts, though I find it is not always easy for me to listen. My mouth and need to talk gets in the way.
Six years in November I moved into Crestwood Village and across the hall from Lois Pratt. I have felt and Lois has to, that it was God leading me here so it has filled a need on both our parts. Mine for a sub-Mother and Lois for a sub-daughter and friend. Well she has become so very dear to me as just that, a replacement for my Mother and a wonderful friend. I admire her ability to be a Good Listener. She is a caring person who is always willing to listen when I need a friend or encouraging word. Not to mention the numerous times she has prayed for my family loved ones through sickness, times of crisis, my tears and other needs. Lois would say she has no talents or doesn’t do things for others, well I disagree. Her gifts are something that not everyone has time to or is willing to give to others. All her lo ve is given with compassion for others and using her talents freely.
Lois is a daily-dedicated reader of her bible; she has strengthened my faith, my daughter Pam’s, and all others who seek her out. I love to hear her read scriptures from the bible, a true inspiration. I feel so blessed to be her friend, neighbor, and have her daily in my life. This dear lady is 91 years young, sharp as a tack and can beat Pam in many games of scrabble; the Lord has blessed her with a thinking brain, no sign of dementia there. She indeed has my admiration and love.
I keep asking our Lord to work on my listening skills and help me to keep my mouth shut, thank goodness he is working on me full time. Maybe one day I will be a good listener too. I heard of this lady who lived with a quiet man of few words, at a discussion group, she asked why didn’t you speak up, you know a lot about they topic of the subject? His reply was I know everything I know, I was trying to learn what the rest of the folks knew! Wow, that says a lot to me and sure makes me think of that we all are in learning process, but not always so eager to listen to others instead of ourselves.
Have a wonderful week everyone, remember I love you. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Don't let your worries get the best of you, remember, Moses started as a basket case.
"Dianna's Thoughts" for the week of 04-30-07's Dianna's Thoughts for the week........
Hi all, this is Dianna, Jan's daughter. I'm subbing for my Mom. Probably more like little Jeffrey, when he substitutes for his Dad in the "Family Circus" cartoon in the funny paper. I won't even begin to think that I can fill her shoes...
I want to start this out by letting you all know that Mom is fine and trying to get herself settled into a new apartment and her computer is currently at the cleaners.
A week ago, Mom's apartment building caught fire. The fire started only 3 apartments down from her, but lucky for her there were fire-walls and her apartment only suffered smoke damage and no fire or water damage. The fire started about 5:15am Friday the 20th. It was very dramatic for Mother as well as the other tenants in her wing. I'm sure this will make a good Mothers thoughts for her when she gets back to her writing... Starting with the excitement and fear of trying to get to Miss Lois (92) who lives across the hall and not being able to get out of her apartment due to the rolling black smoke that filled the halls, to having to evacuate by way of her balcony from the 3rd floor, waiting there for 30 minutes to be rescued by a ladder that had "NO BUCKET" on the end of it (Mothers biggest fear in life is HEIGHTS). She could only have made it out on that ladder with the help of Angels and God, cause no one could have paid her to do it. (We won't mention that she was still in her night gown). Well I'll leave the drama and details to her, but her and Miss Lois made it to the ground safely along with I think 3 others. 2 ladies where hospitalized and I believe are doing fine now. And unfortunately and devastating for Mother, she did loose 2 good friends, Don Osborne (75) (who died of cardiac arrest and smoke inhalation) is believed to have been knocking on doors to evacuate the floor and Herchell Privette (91) who died from cardiac arrest also. This was a devastating loss for everyone in their community and they will both be missed. Well... thanks to the wonderful aid of the property owners, everyone in the first and second floors where allowed to go to guest suites to stay until it was safe to move back into their apartments which has just been in the last few days. Everyone on the third floor has readily agreed to reloc ate to other apartments in the complex.
So as for Mom, she stayed here with Don and I for 4 days until a guest suite was available for her. She was due to sub manage that week for a manager going on vacations and Mom being Mom...showed up 9am Monday morning to do the job. Guess it kept her mind off things, but allowing her to oversee the happenings at the same time. She is now staying in a guest suite until all her belongings go through the restoration process and are returned to her and her new apartment (hoping to be within the next couple weeks). Don and I actually enjoyed having her here with us during those 4 days and already miss her. I especially miss seeing her on my buddy list on here. That was always our way of communicating 1-2 times a day. (I'm sure her phone bill will go up now...ha-ha).
So that brings you all up to current, so hopefully as soon as she gets into her new apartment and gets a new computer set up she can get back to writing you all herself. :)
Here is her new address and please feel free to snail mail a card to her. You can always feel free to reply and I will be glad to print out for her.
Hi to all that actually know me and Don and hope all is doing well. 'Til next time....
Have a Happy May and don't forget Mother's Day is a couple weeks away.
Jan Scott 8805 S. Madison Ave. (3) Apt 208D Indianapolis, IN 46227
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 04-14-07
Back Home Safe & Sound
WOW!!! I survived the vacation and am home again in Indiana. Can’t say the welcome home was great, windchill of 10 degrees. BRRRR!
Have to say it was not just Indiana, we went from 80 degrees on Monday in Georgia to, 50's in Huntsville Alabama and then finally the 30s in Indy. Old Man Winter came out of hiding and shocked us all into freezing weather nation wide. Hopefully now we can look forward to changing back and maybe spring will be here to stay.
Both my sister and I feel like we went thru a space tunnel in a daze the last few weeks. Some call it a vacation but this year it was a push come to shove for us. Going to Illinois for my brothers memorial service was one hard call for us. Beautiful as it was to his memory, it was a shock and hard to over, only with a few days in between to head south for our annual reunion. We had a safe trip to Huntsville Ala. And visited over night with Rob and Sheri, Alberta’s son and girl friend. Talk about spoiling, that they did with a quick cookout before we headed to the motel. We ventured on down to Mobile Alabama, our first visit there with Sally and Jim, high school friends of mine, a friendship with them is so special for it is one you pick up where you let off regardless of the time in between. They were wonderful hosts for two nights to weary travelers. I pulled one of my travel sickness, so lots of time in bed, but recouped to head on to Georgia.
We arrived safe and sound to Brunswick Georgia to stay with Janice and family. My sister Geraldine certainly raised that child to be a care giver of love. She treated us as Queens, tired ones at that. We told her we came for TLC like she gave her Mom so beautifully. A word to you all, if you ever need help and loving care Janice is the one to yell for. We had a week there to rest for the reunion of the Thornton Clans on March 31st. We took advantage of time with her and Brian her son. The missing of our sister Geraldine who passed in July of 2006 was felt deeply by us all. We know Vern and Geraldine are together in heaven and one day, we too will be with them. Amazing grace of God.
Let me tell you when southern folks get together for a reunion, it is one of the greatest. Our grandparents Ella and Burley Thornton would have been proud to see all the descendants that have branched from their wedding vows. We had about 65 this year, and all came with southern dishes and plenty of chances to visit with kinfolks. The gospel singing from cousins, memorial time for Geraldine and Vernon and others who have passed was full of love and memories, gifts were given as door prizes for those who attended. The McCall's and their families certainly put a lot of work and love into it for us all. Next year another branch will host the reunion, surely new face will appear with some of the older ones who remain. Our Mother would have been proud to see the reunions continuing for family always was so special to her and the chance to get together.
We my sister Alberta and I so appreciated the love and care we received on our trip, some 2500 miles , thanks to you all, for your love, TLC, great food and cards of sympathy from those we didn’t see. Family is what it is all about, make yours special and let them know how much you love them while they are here with you. Those great memories will keep you going in days to come.
Have a great week, glad to be back and returning to the normal routine. God is good and blessings come everyday. Hope your Easter was a great one with eye opening blessings. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Forget health food. I need all the preservatives I can get.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 03-17-07
GOODBYE TO VERN 
It’s hard to grasp in my thought system that Vern is no longer at the other end of my phone line. We always called day or night just to say, “I love you.” Many times he might be up a ladder working but he took the time to chat. Vern had an amazingly simple phone listing for us sisters; numbers were by Sis, Sis, and Sis. He’d click on one and when you answered he’d say, “Oh, you’re the one I called.” Most of the time he would go ahead and call the other two, always treating us all equally. Many times he would give us “adult sisters” a dollar each to go to the dollar store. Even prior to his death he had bought birthday cards for Alberta and I, he might have forgot to send them as he often did but the envelope would be addressed, just his memory would be short, always had his mind on thousand of thoughts at one time. I thought with him and Roxana marrying on my birthday would help, nay, he would call and say this is Mom’s birthday isn’t it.
Vern and I go back my whole 68 years, always-called kid, and usually one step behind him tagalong. When we moved north with Mom and Dad, I was maybe 7 years old and him 12, we found ourselves in Yankee territory, with us “southern hicks” took a lot of razzing from the kids and teachers. Vern was my defender, my protector, and often in the principals office for fist fighting. This continued thru high school, always protecting this kid from being mistreated by boys. When we both married and separated to begin our own families, the bond held strong, again the phone line and often the visits kept us close. I have some precious memories of time spent with Vern, his continual support thru credit cards to carry in case, to him being the only one that got thru the snow storms when my loved Russ died, to watching sunsets outside of Menard, to collecting rocks on Lake Huron when I only wanted one, but he said they were so pretty I ended up with a trunk full and still have on my balcony.
In the last year or so, Vern faced near death health wise due to a rare fungus that caused devastating conditions in his body. My trips to Illinois gave me that precious time at the doctors with him while they treated him, the strength and courage this man showed amazed the doctors and nurses, as he told his stories always ending in a humorous laugh. I cherished that laugh still holding it dear, as we jokingly tried to out tell stories to each other. He even got me to write the check for the toll of 80 cents because it was my car he was driving when HE passed and didn’t pay. Yeah, they even cashed that check too. HAHA.
Yes, dear Vern, God blessed me with the best big brother in the world, your 73 years on this earth couldn’t have been better exampled as to how to treat and love others. You had the knack of seeing others needs everywhere you went, friends, neighbors, family and yes, even if possible you changed enemies to friends. You lived life fully, to the max and then stretched to go further.
Rest well Vern, we all loved you ----- I know that you finished your life happy, happy to be married to your soul mate for 9 years, Roxana’a love was your reason to breathe, you were happy to be fortunate to have a dream to work to completion, your tragic accident was an untimely end to a full life, but had to be the end to God’s plan for you, he saved you from a life of disability of unproductive existence. There is no doubt in my mind, God’s angels gathered around you to take you home to Mother and all the others who so loved you. The blessing is we will see you again one day, our Lord promises that, we are our Mother’s children, and her wonderful faith lives in us all.
Rest well on your precious land where your ashes will remain, I share this bible verse God gave me while praying for you thru surgery;
“Ye, shall walk in all the ways, which the Lord your God hath commanded you, that ye may live, and that it may be well with you, and that ye may prolong your days in the land ye shall possess.” (Deuteronomy 5:33)
I thank everyone for his or her love and prayers this last week. I couldn’t have made it with out you all, Jodi, and Rusty thank you for supporting Alberta and I thru the weekend in Illinois. I will be in Georgia for the Annual Anderson-Thornton Reunion from the 19th of March to the first week in April. No Mom’s Thoughts but I will return to the computer in April. All take care, I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
The important think to remember about the future is that it arrives one day at a time. Thank you Lord for holding my hand each day!
Vern’s Memorial link with Legacy. Com: Obit notice Guest book
I wrote a Mom’s Thought on 10-23-04 on MY BIG BROTHER; go to and scroll down to 10-23-04.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 03-10-07
Well how well have you all been sleeping since we changed back to the winter hours? I have slept wonderfully well, 8 hours at nite and feeling great all day long. Well we have that turn spring forward coming up on the 11th. Yep, “they” somehow got it moved up this year on the calendar. Our church bulletin last Sunday said don’t be late for church, set your clocks back one hour on the 11th.
All is well and good, ONLY I heard by “them” folks voting to make it early it has not only messed with Jan’s sleep pattern, “they” forgot that the computers that run this country, oops I mean world, are not set to recognize that Day Light Savings Time is going to be earlier. OH MY!!!! All the computers and cell phones are not going to change and go one hour earlier. That could be a dilemma from hospitals, to planes, to work clocks and everything else the world runs on. The news stations said our geniuses are working on correcting the problem. I certainly hope so!!!
I only have 2 clocks and 1 watch to change no biggy! My computer hopefully can be manually changed, if it doesn’t fight me like it sometimes does. It at times makes me feel like a first class idiot, telling me “You can’t do that”! The cell phones I can manual change by taking it off Day Light Savings Time. I wonder who “they” are so I can send a time bomb to them and wake them up. “They” should know nothing is simple in this computerized world any more and all have consequences just waiting to happen when you do something wrong.
We will all have to wait to see what happens on March 11th. Could be like when the world was to end when we turned over to the 2000 mark, could be all this worry for nothing, lets hope “they” get it fixed by the deadline midnight March 10th. As for me, I believe I will have to go buy a dark mask for my eyes to sleep, or be sleep deprived for 6 months till time to change the clocks again. A dark room is one of the requirements for getting a good nites sleep and I believe in it. So getting dark at 10 at night is not for me, being I am in bed at 9 P.M.
Have a great week and pray your Mom gets her sleep, cause she ain’t nice otherwise. I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
There is nothing like a good crisis to increase my energy and remind me how much I need God.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 03-03-07
I delight in being around a young baby, growing into a toddler. Their newness of adventure is in their eyes in all they do; sparkling with the knowledge “I can do that.” From day one Layla has made this ole NANA smile regardless of my mood at the time. I have loved each of you as babies and my grandchildren and do still, BUT that Great generation really delights me. Must be the oldness looking at the new, plus I now have the time to enjoy the fun and can send her home. HAHA.
Layla is at the 1-year stage, almost walking alone, and watches every action you make so she can learn it too. This week we worked on “thank you.” She offers me or others a toy she has or something she is eating, only to pull it back and not let go if you reach for it. And even saying “thank you” doesn’t release it. She wants to share but not quite sure she wants to give it away. I have to smile; it is so hard to learn to share. Aren’t we adults the same way at times?
It also reminds me of my worries, I often have, I take them to the Lord in prayer, and sincere and trusting to him that he is in control. The peace that follows, and then sleeps comes only from getting things off my shoulders. Being this human being who’s a creature of habit, I find myself taking all them worries back in the morning. Sort of like Layla--- I want to give them to God but only if he can solve them---Haha. I know he is the Creator of the Universe, and I question his being capable of handling my problems. I believe it’s time this Ole NANA learns along with Layla. Faith takes lots of trusting in those we love and the willingness to share with others. So simple “Let Go and Let God”, that is what he is trying to teach us. I am again reminded of (Jeremiah 29:11) For I know the plans I have for you, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Trust!!!
Layla is in the process also of learning the word “NO” and like all you kids, she gives me that sheepish grin like “You don’t really mean I can’t touch that?” So I smack my hands together, haven’t yet been able to smack her hands but it is coming. “She says NO to any and everything now. Oh, more fun ahead for sure. So, goes the learning process, parents have to teach children right and wrong, so one day as adults they will respect God’s rules for their lives also, it is a hard call.
March, a new month, just that much closer to spring. Hang in there!! I love you all,
Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
A baby is God’s opinion that the world should go on. -Carl Sandburg-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 02-24-07
It’s for sure Old Man Winter has played catch up on the snowfall totals in Indiana. This month of February has received 17 ½ inches as of the 18th and more in the coming forecasts. Snowfall is peaceful and beautifully glistening while it silently falls slowly to the ground. But all too quickly it can change. Last week we had one of the worst snow blizzards we have had in some time. Some Valentine present huh? Lots of cars, trucks off the road in ditches and many accidents all around town, we are talking for days, and thru the week.
Well Old Man Winter sure dealt a hard hand for us at Crestwood Village South, sidewalks with ice and snow, snowed in cars and residents unable to get to them. I chose to walk the whole week to my sub-manager job in Building #3, of course with snow boots. We also had the death of that Managers husband; he was also a maintenance man, to deal with in Building #3. The office staffs were great to drive cars to the funeral home for the residents, when the bus was unable to run that day. I was glad to have the Crestwood bus running by Friday to ride over to the Red Hat Breakfast for the ladies. Our maintenance group worked long hours, dark-to-dark, trying to “dig us out.” Even some of the managers pitched in with shoveling, moving cars for snowplows to clear, mainly for residents with doctor appointments, kidney dialysis treatments, and emergency. We had our share of 911 calls for fallen seniors in the parking areas. Thank goodness they weren’t any severe. Our EMT’s and Firemen’s are fantastic to come to our aid. I am sure it was the same all over the state others helping others when they could.
You know winters are extremely hard on seniors, the pneumonia, heart attacks, trying to shovel cars out, and of course the flu that comes along and hits unexpectedly. The residents with family have had help coming in for their needs, but all too often there is no family available. Our residents here are known for helping each other. When one is in need, you may see food being shared and delivered down the hallways to friends, or mail being picked up (a plus is they are inside), they often check on each other when papers don’t get picked up in the mornings. That is a true plus here with 80 or so residents in one building.
This life is truly meant to care, to share, and to give helping hands to others. Life is so much more than “just what about me?” Friends I have heard are the best fill-in for families that can’t be close by. Take time to look around and see the needs of others. I love the words of (Matthew 25:35-36), it is the life my Lord wants from me and you to do by example.
Don’t let OLD MAN WINTER get you down, get a good book and curl up in that favorite chair. Remember the Ground Hog says Spring will be coming sooner than you think. Under all this snow the flowers are growing roots to come popping up at the right time, God’s time! Have a good week. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
A smile is the lighting system of the face and heating system of the heart.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 02-17-07
“Love is in the air” and wow is it!!! This week was Valentine's Day and everywhere is filled with Love, Hearts, Flowers, Candy, and Sexy Nighties in all the stores. The retailer’s brainwash us customers especially when it comes to the ones we love. Ever notice in the grocery aisles you hear on the PA system, “Natural Woman” Celine Dion singing, “Because you love me,” how about “when a man loves a woman”? It is a proven fact women/men buy more to make the people they love happy. The way to a man’s heart is thru his stomach! Remember? Even the Internet Netscape radio was taking special requests of love songs for Valentines Day.
Valentines Day makes even us not in love wish we were! There is no feeling more special than to feel the love of another, for you, as your are, unconditionally, be aware that person only wants to make you happy. Dr. Phil, on TV had a few points on LOVE that are my favorite and are worthy of mentioning.
1. First thought of the morning should be how could I make today special for my spouse?
2. Get to know the inner thought of that one you love, what’s the first thoughts she/he has in the morning, when she daydreams what does she/he visualize.
3. Lastly, can your mate walk into a room full of people and feel there is no one in this room loved or treated better than I? Man that is LOVE!!
Your Dad and I fit like two peas in a pod! For most of our married 26 years, we slept in each other’s arms, I’d snuggle to him, somewhere in the night, we’d turn, and he would snuggle to me, our body mirrored each other. It was almost like we hung on so the other couldn’t get way or disappear. As the years progressed, mainly due to his hospital stays and his health, we didn’t always sleep that way. Maybe we finally found comfort that the other was in for the long haul and not going anywhere.
Dad wasn’t the most romantic man on earth but he usually would get me a “non-mushy” card, along with a gift, could be candy, jewelry, never clothes, even one time I received a button hole attachment for my Sears sewing machine. Hey, that was okay; I needed one for I made you girls’ clothes back then. The main thing he always made me feel loved and special. He did GOOD!! The memories are still there in my heart some 25 years later.
LOVE it is so very special! Not something to be taken for granted! I rode with Dianna some years ago when she delivered flowers for McNamara, Dianna’s cell phone rang while she was out of the truck; her caller ID said “incoming call from my sweetie”. Yeah, that is what it is all about, LOVE.
Don’t be afraid to let that Love of your life know just how special he/she is. If you don’t have a spouse or someone special in your life currently, give your Love to those friends or family around you and let Love flow back to you and see how blessed you feel. Keep Valentines Day alive all year. I am so thankful you are all mine. I love you bunches. God bless you, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
There are moments in life when you miss someone so much that you just want to pick them from your dreams and hug them for real! (God bless you Russ we all miss you.)
Updated version from 02-14-04 because I subbed at Crestwood all week. See ya next week.
Mom’s thoughts for the week of February 10, 2007
In the last week the State of Indiana Hoosiers have been watching an American Dream come true. All sports fans know the ultimate goal in football is to become the Super Bowl Champions. A dream of Jim Irsay was presented to Tony Dungy 5 years ago to become coach of our Indianapolis Colts and put that dream into action. A lot of hard work, seeking to make a team effort come together all for the same goal, thru ups and downs to create the champions, Coach Dungy with his Christian faith and strength accomplished the dream. Many said it couldn’t be done but the drive of “I think we can” stayed with Dungy and the Colts to make them the ONE TEAM of Super Bowl Champions. Coach Dungy is a mentor for all to follow.
On Monday 52,000+ blue shirted Hoosiers filled the RCA Dome to welcome their winning team home to Indiana. The zero weather and 12 below wind chill didn’t slow down the parade or rally to say “Thank You” to this team. You would have to been out of this world not to know the Indianapolis Colts had beat Chicago Bears in Miami, Fl. at the XLI Super Bowl with a score of 29-17. The electricity excitement generated here in the air was catching whether in the Dome, on the streets, or watching on the local television stations. As much as the fans wanted to show the pride for Coach Dungy and all the Colts, the team was wanting to show their pride for the support of all the fans.
American Dreams live on, Martin Luther King, Jr. certainly had a dream, and it is alive today and is still bringing equal rights for us all. It takes dreams and big ones to keep things growing and changing for the better. When Coach Dungy was asked, “What’s next?” I loved his reply “I’m going to Disneyworld”. Talk about American Dreams, WOW, look what happen when Walt Disney dared to dream----who would have thought-----only God could see and imagine the American Dream that Disneyworld would create nation wide. I still get encouraged when I hear them sing “when you wish upon a star, dreams come true.” No wonder children’s eyes sparkle and dance while taking in the sights and sounds at Disneyworld. Our kids are positive thinkers if they aren’t constantly told they can’t do. We need to encourage with positives “You Can” and “Go for it.”
Dare to dream, it changes your outlook and opens the doors for God to go into action with the plans he has for you.
Remember I love you all, till next week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Far too many can never see where they should or could be…because they are blinded by where they are.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 2-3-07
Wow, what a crazy and wild 2 weeks Indianapolis is having after the Indianapolis Colts won their game on the 21st. Every where you look is the blue and white colors either on a person or a building, elevators are full of GO COLTS posters, the mayor has pushed support for the Colts state wide, our local televisions stations are now reporting news live from Miami, FL, bringing the Colts action LIVE from there to home. We Hoosiers don’t want to miss a thing. The Colts will be playing the Chicago Bears for the championship in one great game.
I once lived in Northbrook Illinois a suburb of Chicago. At that time I wasn’t interested in football, nor was your Dad when we married in 1956. So I didn’t establish a support for the Chicago Bears, many Hoosiers did because it was prior to the Colts coming to Indianapolis. So we now find many Hoosiers are fans of Chicago Bears of long standing. As we all know each game played has to have a winner and a loser such is the way of life. With the professional standings of each coach and the team efforts displayed over the last few years we are all guaranteed a GOOD GAME of FOOTBALL. Even if you aren’t a fan of football you need to turn in on Sunday the 4th of February, for the skill of team efforts for each reaching this level of achievement.
Personally I will be wearing the blue and white to Greenwood Christian Church for the service, permission has been granted by the pastor. We should all be supporters and if some Chicago Bear fans show up we need to show the Christian support of them having the right to root for their team. But I am all for the Colts sending the bears back to the Chicago woods!!!! So sports fans to your corners and we will see who yells the loudest to be heard all the way to Miami, Florida.
Love to all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
It is not if you win or lose in life, it is how you play the game.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 1-27-07
“GO COLTS” “GO COLTS” !!!!!! That is what is being said all over Indiana and the signs and decorations of Blue and White around town are celebrating their win of the AFC Championship last Sunday. It was a super day and a super game to top off a year for them. Their efforts have been tough over 2006 and previous years, but it paid off for them for they now are going to the Super Bowl to be # 1. The game coming up on February 4th in Miami against Chicago Bears will be a super test of sportsmanship and skill. Us Hoosiers will be supporting the Colts all the way. They even have this great grama as a fan!!
On last Super Sunday, we had a wee Super fan in the making. Our little Layla has become a great Colts fan, her watching the games with her parents have her now, raising her arms to cheer on a TOUCHDOWN. She was doing that with her Colts shirt on and very busy crawling to chase the balloons on the clubhouse floor for Layla Belle Brown turned 1 year old. The Colts may be going for number one but our Layla has achieved being one. She got off to an early start as a preemie with stomach surgery at Riley Hospital when 10 days old, but she has become a healthy, active, happy lady of personality. Of course I am blinded by love for this God’s child, but so is everyone she meets. She thinks getting on an elevator with it full means a party going on, HAHA! So she comes alive with her unique smile. So practice up Miss Layla Belle for the Colts will need all the cheering they can get to pull off the Super Bowl. They have worked hard, learned hard, and even prayed hard, so GO FOR THE WIN, COLTS !!!!!
Have a good week one and all, Always, Mom
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 1-20-07
Did you happen to see Polar Bear Club mentioned on your New Year favorite news media on TV? There is many around the nation with a full membership of active daring folks. This past New Year was the 104th event for the Polar Bear Club in Coney Island, so this has been going on for quite a few years. Their events are usually scheduled every Sunday from the months October though April. They winter bath in the Atlantic Ocean. These events aren’t without purpose, thank goodness. Most choose charities, like cancer to raise money for.
One article stated the Coney Island Polar Bears of women and men plunged into 48-degree water, 300 people raising $25,000 for Camp Sunshine for children. These events some times even mean cutting holes in the ice when frozen and plunging into the water. Thank goodness this winter has been extremely mild and they have not had to deal with frigid temperature.
I had to laugh as I thought back to many New Years Eve with your Dad. I do think he could have been a member of these Polar Bear Clubs. Though his was always on New Year Eve and at nighttime, he chose to go in his birthday suit in lieu of a bathing suit. Dad and I usually attended a party at our friends and neighbor the Matthews. By 10 or 11 pm Dad usually had some of the festive drinks for the occasion and into having fun. So it became a tradition for the skinny-dipping to occur at midnight, one of those I dare you to things. Well over the years Dee and Dewey joined him. Many times they had to break the ice in the White River to get to the water. Many times the temperatures were zero and below. Dad’s polar bearing only occurred on New Years Eve praise the Lord. He wasn’t a heavy drinker, mostly on social activities once or twice a year. I think he had a guardian angel for he never caught pneumonia though he should of. He was a fun loving guy and not always too bright exhibitionist.
Even though the clubs are worldwide now and they do help fund charities or causes for worthwhile purposes, I do think I will pass on joining. I’ll take my dip in my bathtub with warm water and keep crocheting my Afghans for the Riley Hospital for children going thru chemo treatments. I am all for comfort, and not cold water of cold temperature air. Most of all I don’t have that dare double dare seed in me, you kids better watch out it is in your genes.
Have a good week, how many resolutions have you broken so far? Hope they are working for you. Hang in there they will get easier!! Changing habits take time. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
GUILT is concerned with the past.
WORRY is concerned about the future.
CONTENTMENT enjoys the present.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 1-13-07
It sometimes amazes me how things change over the span of time. Some can now start their car while in the comfort warmth of their own home, with the help of a remote. I know with my Buick I can access a opening to the trunk from my apartment, lock or unlock the car using my remote key chain, the lights automatically turn themselves on and off. Some cars are equipped with TV’s, DVD’s, Trip calculated programs and many more extras. All the comforts of home.
With all the modern conveniences lets refresh our memory where only a short time ago our cars represented a whole different vocabulary much less a different level of status. How many of you know about an accelerator being called foot feeds, or have the memories of running to meet Dad up the lane to ride on the running boards of the car to the house? Ahh, some of our seniors remember those days in the 20s thru the 40s.
Maybe I need to bring our thoughts forward to days our cars had fender skirts, curb feelers, continental kits to make the car cool like a Lincoln, would all put you in the 50s and 60s. Most of the cars had steering knobs, AKA suicide knobs, or we called them necking knobs as teens. Whatever happen to the emergency brakes, they took the adventure out when they made them parking brakes. I often visualized going down a steep hill with your brakes gone and you at last get to use the emergency brakes you were warned about. Haha!!
Here’s some other thoughts for you: Gone is the phrase store bought, brassiere, picture show now known as a movie, percolator became coffeemaker, coast to coast is now world wide, and all those wall to wall carpets are now replaced with wall to wall hardwood floors.
Time keeps passing and along with it brings new and we change without even a mere thought being brought to our attention. I remember my grandparents complaining of lumbago----and I don’t hear that any more. Maybe the castor oil they use to have to take cured their pains. My mother gave me Castoria every day, she said it made us better behaved kids, no wonder we were too busy sitting on the pot to get into trouble.
Yeah, times change, I liked it when the stork brought babies, and everyone didn’t know about others sex life and unmentionables weren’t on the TV commercials. We shouldn’t have to explain to kids what they’re advertising and sex education at the same time. They call us living in the modern days, but I still like to remember the old fashion days. How about you?
See ya next week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
A good sermon is one that leaves you wondering how the preacher knew all about you.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 1-06-07
This has been a week of reflecting, with the beginning of a New Year plus the death and memorial services for our 38th president, Gerald R. Ford. The television networks covered all of the memorials. They were simple but prestigious to honor a man who once led our country as president. His life of achievements was reviewed over and over by the news media with 4 memorial services held and 6 days of honoring but hardship for the Ford family, friends and our nation.
It is true, we none of average middle class will have such an ending gloriously reviewed to our lives. But we will have our lives reviewed by God at our death, and be asked what we did with it. It might be a good idea to review or reflect on what our life purposes has been on our journey. Does it reflect kindness, friendliness to others, helping where we could, or does it show selfish individual thinking only of oneself? I like to think God has helped me to become more the person he created me to be. I know he has placed others in my life for his blessings to happen whether it’s by giving or receiving. Both actions are equally important in our daily lives. I’ve always found giving the easiest of the two, but here lately God has showed me it is necessary to receive so that a giver can receive the blessing intended for them.
I write on and keep my desk calendars back way before your Dad died. I have had the chance to go thru them over the years looking for a time or happening. Each time it makes me realize the growth in me, when looking at a past Jan and the now Jan. As Joyce Meyer says, “I may not be where God wants me to be, but thank God I am not where I use to be.”
Aunt Judy writes everyday on her calendars what happen and often I do ask her to look back and see when things happen in the past. She details more than I do, so she can always refresh my memory. Lois Pratt, my dear 92 year old friend and neighbor, told me over the holidays she reread some of her dairies/journals back to when her children were small, seems she had forgotten all the activities she once did over the years for and helping others. Her age may limit her from doing all she once did, but the main thing is she did it when she could. I guess we all too often, being human, forget our past till they are brought to our mind. We aren’t to live in our past but it’s wonderful to look at it and see our growth and maturity. Remembering we are not always the same we do change over the years.
Take time this first month of the New Year to reflect a little on where you have been, where you are now and where you hope to be in the days ahead. If you are growing in your faith then it will bring you closer to the path God has planned for you. You may need some changes in your spiritual journey. Only you and God can make the life and legacy you want to leave to others when your life ends on this earth.
Have a great week, keep smiling. Always, Mom
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-30-06
WOW!!!! I don’t know if anyone feels the same as I do, but I am ready to get rid of 2006. It has been one year that has wore this gray haired ole lady out. We started off with a blessing called Layla Belle, she came into this world at 3:02 pm on January 21st weighing 4 lbs. 2 ozs. And 16” long. A little pint size baby, but came with a big spunky spirit. Born with her intestine partially on the out side of the stomach she was off to a rough start. With God leading the doctors her surgery was done on the 30th to correct the problem and she has been a blessing everyday since. I know this child is God’s Child when I see the personality, cheerful with all smiles and brightening all’s days when they see her.
With a new birth came also the death of my sister, Geraldine on July 21st. It was hard to lose a sibling after all the years since Mom and Dad died. We miss her daily with her untimely phone calls, which we all chuckle over. She loved everyone and stayed in touch with family. I am so glad Aunt Judy and I traveled to Georgia in March each year and spent the month with her. We have some great memories in our hearts to remember now that she is no longer with us. The past holidays were hard for all who loved her and there was many.
We also felt the loss of another in our extended family, Barbara Garvin, Don’s Mom on October 16th. Her journey with cancer was long but her leaving was all too quick for us who miss her so much. I continue to pray for her husband Don s. and 3 sons, Don, Dave & Doug and families.
We had what we call mixed blessings, smiles for Tori and Ryan getting married on Sept. 22nd, Jerusha and John were married on the 10th of October, I passed my colonoscopy with flying colors on August 23rd, Scott and Natali, made this Grandma proud by graduating from High School in the spring. So we all have so much to be grateful for, it wasn’t all negative. All families have mixed blessings, good and bad.
I believe my new year resolution will be to improve my attitude to try and remain positive, remembering even the negatives are meant to teach us and make us stronger, wiser, more patient, and less self-centered. Also on helping others to be happier. To all of you, I wish you the very best in 2007, make every day count. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
Mom’s Thoughts for 12-30-06
WOW!!!! I don’t know if anyone feels the same as I do, but I am ready to get rid of 2006. It has been one year that has wore this gray haired ole lady out. We started off with a blessing called Layla Belle, she came into this world at 3:02 pm on January 21st weighing 4 lbs.2 ozs. And 16” long. A little pint size baby, but came with a big spunky spirit. Born with her intestine partially on the out side of the stomach she was off to a rough start. With God leading the doctors her surgery was done on the 30th to correct the problem and she has been a blessing everyday since. I know this child is God’s Child when I see the personality, cheerful with all smiles and brightening all’s days when they see her.
With a new birth came also the death of my sister, Geraldine on July 21st. It was hard to lose a sibling after all the years since Mom and Dad died. We miss her daily with her untimely phone calls, which we all chuckle over. She loved everyone and stayed in touch with family. I am so glad Aunt Judy and I traveled to Georgia in March each year and spent the month with her. We have some great memories in our hearts to remember now that she is no longer with us. The past holidays were hard for all who loved her and there was many.
We also felt the loss of another in our extended family, Barbara Garvin, Don’s Mom on October 16th. Her journey with cancer was long but her leaving was all too quick for us who miss her so much. I continue to pray for her husband Don s. and 3 sons, Don, Dave & Doug and families.
We had what we call mixed blessings, smiles for Tori and Ryan getting married on Sept. 22nd, Jerusha and John were married on the 10th of October, I passed my colonoscopy with flying colors on August 23rd, Scott and Natali, made this Grandma proud by graduating from High School in the spring. So we all have so much to be grateful for, it wasn’t all negative. All families have mixed blessings, good and bad.
I believe my new year resolution will be to improve my attitude to try and remain positive, remembering even the negatives are meant to teach us and make us stronger, wiser, more patient, and less selfcentered. Also on helping others to be happier. To all of you, I wish you the very best in 2007, make every day count. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Treat a person as he is, and he will remain as he is. Treat him as he could be, and he will become what he should be.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-23-06
Merry Christmas 2006
Wow, I don’t know if your week has been full of Christmas making memories or not, we had our Christmas Brunch for the Crestwood Village Employees, great food, good fun and thankful thoughts of working with good folks which so many are friends. Takes me back to the wonderful friends I have had over the year and worked with. Memories of the Indianapolis Pyramids, the women I worked with in the Auxiliaries of Rocky Ripple, my time at Meijers, all bring back memories of the past and how blessed I have been to make such great friends as I journeyed down life’s road. I hope they all know how much they enriched my life, probably helped to make me the person I am now. I try harder now to let folks know how much they mean to me, and regret those I didn’t who have passed.
This is a wonderful season, one of counting blessings and most of all to be reminded of our dear Saviors birth and the reason we celebrate Christmas in the first place. Oh, what a glorious night it must have been, we can almost feel it as we have read the story through our life. A truly wonderful gift to the world, none can compare to the gift from God to us, his son to atone for our sins, the thought is awesome, unselfish, unconditional, undeserving and what the true sense of Love is. LOVE as we have never known before and one that is never ending.
As I listen to the Christmas music, going through Christmas memories with all you children, grandchildren and now a great grandchild Layla born this year. The fun of Christmas Eve’s with Dad, opening of one gift, hamburger balls with cheese, and sharing time of love together, I get those warm feeling in my heart. My heart is full, full of love, gifts of family, gifts of friends, blessings too many to count, it is wonderful to be so very loved not only this week but every week of the year.
I am overflowing with one of my greatest gift of all, HOPE, that our Lord’s birth gave each of us. May 2007 be full of blessings of HOPE, contentment, good health and happiness. I love you all to the MAX!!
May Santa bring you lots of goodies. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Life isn’t a matter of milestones, but of moments!! -Rose Kennedy-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-16-06
This past week has been full of laughter and lots of fun activities. On Friday nite our Greenwood Christian Church honored our pastor and his wife, Karen and Shan with a celebration of 30 years they have been with GCC. The celebration covered the years with pictures, videos, play skits of Karen and Shan in the beginning, roasting by the Elders of Shan as “the BOSS” but also followed with admiration for their service and dedication over the 30 years. The two being the great sports they are, joined the almost non-stop laughter of the large crowded audience. We so love these two and appreciate all their love and caring in serving the Lord. Their service is unlimited to us all. Congratulations Karen and Shan, we love you!!!
The celebration was enlarged by Lois Pratt, Karen’s mother and my neighbor,who had her 92nd birthday, with honors on the stage and the congregation singing Happy Birthday to her. What a special party for Lois, such love and admiration was felt coming from all for this special lady. She often hears the comment of her appearance being like the Queen Mother of England, elegant and regal. Happy 92nd Lois and May you have many more. We all love you!!
We laughed so hard and were able to continue on the next day. What happens when you get about 40 ladies together in the warm homey atmosphere of one of the church members? Lots of Laughing. The young ladies in the Cornerstone Ministry gave a lovely brunch for the Sisters of Christ Bible Class. You would never have know there was a generation apart with these ladies all together in the home of Kathy Britton, which was beautifully decorated for the holidays. The sharing of warm memories of Christmas past, though completely different in years brought tears and mostly lots of laughter. I have always heard laughter is good for the soul, it was very apparent of love, joy, and hope coming from all these women young and old. I might mention Karen has been the teacher of the Sisters of Christ class for all the years at GCC. They have lost many of the class in the last few years due to ill health, but the memories of their sharing go on and the promise one day in heaven they will be reunited again. I teased Karen that she may have to have more learning in order to teach up there. HAHA.
We all left with tummy’s full, goodies bags in our hands and a heart full of laughter and memories to take home. All Sisters in Christ with no generation gap due to age difference all by the Grace of God.
Hope your holidays are enjoyable and shopping hasn’t worn you down. Remember the reason for the season is our dear savior’s birth; don’t let the commercialism let you forget that. Always, MOM
Accept the gift from God, fill your hearts void, and find his peace.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-09-06
On Saturday I spent the evening with the Garvins, of course it was Christmas celebrating everywhere. I went to one of my favorite towns, Franklin, In. they had their Lightening of the town Court House and many fun activities for families near and far. The only thing missing was snow, to get in the mood. Six of us had dinner at Don and Donna’s Restaurant across from the courthouse with the lightening to be at 7 PM, they had horse driven buggies around the square, everywhere was children bundled up and loving every minute of the fun.
The treat of the night (tickets furnished by my son in law) for all of us to the Artcraft Theatre. This one is from the past, with all the decorations of trees, toys from years ago, showing their age some, but still the nostalgic feeling of being there. The movie of the weekend was one from 1983 which I had missed seeing, called A Christmas Story and based on a family in the 1940s at Christmas time. The main character was Ralph, narrating the recall of the year he wanted a “Red Ryder BB Gun.” Our audience of 500+ was filled with families, adults, seniors, and kids all laughing at the antics this young lad could get into, at school, home, and hanging with his friends. It was a good ole clean movie, enjoyed by all because it showed what goes on in this child mind at Christmas, trying to get a A on his theme, trying to convince his Mom that he wouldn’t put his eye out if only he could have this “Red Ryder BB Gun”, his last resort was Santa Claus, so he over came his FEAR of Santa to get his request made and added to Santa’s list. The point that Mother was his best friend came out loud and clear, but in the end Dad came thru with the BB GUN. Ralphie was one happy kid.
Aunt Judy said she remembers Linda and her family watching this movie at home and laughing together with all the happenings. We do have some good movies out there that can’t been seen too many times. From what I heard in this movie theatre all families’ love this time together especially in this busies hectic world we have going, all the violence around us on the TV and in the real world. If you live anywhere near Franklin, In. make it to the matinees or evening movies on the weekends, tickets aren’t that expensive and the entertainment is really great. This weekend is “White Christmas” of 1954, maybe by then we will have snow. Have a great week everyone. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
A HUG is a perfect gift for Christmas; one size fits all and it’s easily returned. –Evelyn Beilenson-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-02-06
HO HO HO, It is time to get in the Christmas spirit if you haven’t already. I certainly got started on the season this week. Our church had a Christmas Tea with some 500 + women in attendance. There were over 80 beautiful, elegantly decorated tables of each being at the hostess’s theme, all with candle lighting. It was beautiful done; the music went along with the Christmas theme. It was so amazing to feel the love and joy of our savior’s birth in the atmosphere. Remember it is the reason for the season. What a gift to the world is he!
The second event was really a treat, my sister; Alberta (Aunt Judy) my daughter, Dianna, Lois, my neighbor, and myself took on the Christmas Open House here at Crestwood. All the buildings, 7 in number had tables set up of goodies, items for Christmas giving, and all so wonderfully priced for all our shopping. We hopped on the bus, and traveled to each building, buying and even got our lunch and desserts. All buildings were decorated with so much Christmas in and out. If you didn’t get into the spirit then you really are missing it. Sure beats the mall and the crowds of shoppers, and guess what the best were most were priced under $5. Love the dimes and quarter items, the peanut butter and chocolate fudge from Rosie, one of our managers that does it from scratch. She also did homemade coconut meringue pie that I had to bring home. MMMMMMMM. Don, I am going to ask Rosie to make you that chocolate meringue pie, she does one for the bus driver here. The pie I bought for Don on Thanksgiving was BAD, so he said. Sorry my dear son-in-law, I will try to make it right.
With Thanksgiving behind us, I hope you all had your hearts full of gratitude; this Mother had her whole family together for the first time in a long time. I was and am so blessed. God is so good to the Scott Family. Have a great week all you great friends and loved ones. Enjoy the cheer and joy of the Christmas season, may it be full of laughter.
Always, Mom
Tip of the Week:
Life is short; enjoy it. (Ecclesiastes 11:7 to 12:8)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week or 11-25-06
As I prepare the traditional apple salad for my family, this being the only thing I have continued to keep doing at Thanksgiving and Christmas, the memories from the past flow thru my heart. This week has been full of the aroma of pumpkin pies, turkey in the ovens, and all the wonderful foods we tend to have along with the bird, but these aromas have been in the deli’s of the store I was in. I loved cooking for my family over the years but as the years have come along this Mom has downsized and no long do much if it won’t fit in the microwave.
The memories go thru my head of gathering together and all in a circle of pray would tell what we have to be grateful the most in the past year. The response from the little ones can be wonderful and totally unexpected but oh so more important than our adult ones. They know how to express thankfulness and we all benefit from this.
Crossing my mind of holidays past when you children were small. Thanksgiving was always so special as we traveled south to Trafalgar to the Buckner home to share with all the Lee Family gathering from near and far. Grama Fairy came from a family of 7 siblings, Frances, Ruth, Elizabeth, William, Helen, Fairy, and Kathleen. Some how the reunion always was held at Aunt Kack’s and Uncle Keith Buckner’s. As families started to gather, arms full of each selected food and specialty. Grama Fairy was always Heavenly Pies, Noodles made from scratch and peanut butter fudge. The variety of goodies was enormous, a banquet for a king or queen, certainly more than one stomach could hold. The word Homemade certainly reached new heights. The atmosphere of love, warmth, visiting chatter of talking, and most of all lots of laughing made you feel so at home.
When we were all stuffed like turkeys, the serious and rowdy card games began, the children went off playing with cousins from a far, and those that didn’t play cards got the job cleaning up the dishes and visiting, catching up on what went on thru the past year. As I think back I realize how much I miss the Lee Family reunions. I was blessed with the love, fun times, and my heart is full of each one who has left the world. Our families are continuing to pass the same blessings of love thru each generation since. I so wish they could have known those loved ones. That is why it is important to let our loved ones know they are loved and appreciated while here with us. The ones in heaven continue to live and look down on us with love, they still are with us. We are promised we will see them again on that glorious reunion our Lord promised us. That promise fills us with HOPE.
My world holds the love that has blessed me to be the person I am, with so much to be thankful for, my cup overflows continually. I hope all had a wonderful Thanksgiving that has made your heart overflow with family love and will continue through the holidays. Be careful if you go out in that shopping madness that started the day after Thanksgiving. Love till next week. Always, Mom
If you have a talent, use it in every which way possible. Don’t hoard it. Don’t dole it out like a miser. Spend it lavishly like a millionaire intent on going broke. –Brendan Francis-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-18-06
Listening to the Happy Goodman Family singing “Remind Me Dear Lord” made me think of the time of year when we are full of turkey and Thanksgiving. Makes us aware of how much we have to be grateful for but so many times forget because it is so routine in our daily lives. Humans forget so easily.
Remind me Dear Lord when I take a breath—how small it may be to me but one with asthma or emphysema it is enormous to be able to take a deep breathe.
Remind me Dear Lord when I try being the “All perfect parent” with my children, that I am human, as they are and only God made the perfect child his son Jesus. Our children were his before we received them and are on loan. Our prayers and the help of God above will help them to become all HE wants them to be in this world.
Remind me Dear Lord to be more grateful for my blessings and to complain less each day.
Remind me Dear Lord to time with my elders, the loved ones who feel so distant from the happenings in the family world due to bad health and mobility, remind me a little of my time means so much to them.
Remind me Dear Lord to encourage and take time to teach the younger ones---silly songs---silly games—just how to laugh, for they don’t get near enough of that from us grown ups.
Remind me Dear Lord that while gathering together with our families, over the holidays, to remember those that have passed with gratitude for they are the ones whose prayers helped us to be come the adults we are today. Can any of us actually count how many prayers known and unknown have been said for us by others? If you have grandparents and parents then you have been blessed with prayers to guide your paths. We none have made it all on our own.
Remind me Dear Lord to take that time needed to keep our relationship growing each morning and night even when I am rushed.
Remind me Dear Lord to look for your touch in this world, miracles still happen everyday, I just need to open my eyes and heart.
Remind me Dear Lord that even though the stores are full of Christmas décor and gift buying is being advertised, that Christmas doesn’t follow Halloween but Thanksgiving does, and it is time for us to be so grateful and say Thank You to you for being faithfully there 24/7 for us.
Remind me Dear Lord that when you feel so distant from me, that I am the one that moved away, you remain the same, with us always.
Happy Thanksgiving to all my family, you all are so dear to me.
Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Don’t be so busy adding up your troubles that you forget to count your blessings.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-11-06
This week held 2 important days, our Americans day to vote on Tuesday, and on Saturday our honoring of our American Veterans. I appreciate my right to vote in our elections. It is a right that not every country offers to its citizens. To vote means to give your vote voice in how our government is represented from our state to national affairs. Not everyone gets out to vote----many feel their one vote can’t make a difference in the total count. I have over the years working at the polls and just when I vote only, seen many elections won by a party by one or a few votes. What makes a difference is our forefathers have fought to see that we stay free—free to voice our beliefs in the American way. Many of our loved ones in past wars have died just for our rights to be protected.
Here at Crestwood Village South they always take every opportunity to honor our Veteran residents and in special ways while I have lived here 6 years. This Saturday being Veteran Day once again we will have a ceremony and flag raising for the residents. This will allow our residents to honor the veterans and our country. In America these servicemen and women have made a difference protecting our freedom and beliefs. Many will have another chance to wear those uniforms, yep, they still fit!! Others maybe can’t fit in their uniforms but still represent freedom for us. They recall the sacrifices of comrades who gave their lives in the wars we have fought in. Our losses have been many – but we are still a free nation, a unique country in this world of which we can be extremely proud.
Our service people being in Iraq and helping to fight has cost many lives again, this has made a large difference for this election year and decisions of the voter. Many feel we shouldn’t be over there and many feel we are defending our country’s future freedom. I don’t know as I write this the outcome but my vote may make a difference and it will give me the right to voice my opinions. I always believe if you don’t vote---then don’t complain about who gets into office and the results.
Remember the Veterans in your life—say “Thank you for their making a difference.” Also thanks to all that responded to last weeks Moms Thoughts, it was a fun subject. See you next week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Don’t be afraid to go out on a limb---that’s where the fruit is.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-04-06
While talking to my sister, Alberta, or Aunt Judy whichever generation you come from, she said she was cleaning out dresser drawers. HaHA, this is the lady that throws away nothing, she might need it someday. Well lo and behold she was actual throwing away some things. She reread letters from Big Nanny and me to Uncle Bob. Let that be a lesson to all of you, don’t put in writing what you don’t want to be read later by someone else, guess the same applies with emails also. She said there was a lot of history in them; Uncle Bob was stationed on the ships around Cuba at the time of crisis. True, we were close to war and lots of things could have gone wrong at a split second, closer than what we all knew at the time. Any way I am grateful I could help to encourage him thru a terrible time for any serviceman. Of course, I wrote novels even back then as letters to all I wrote to and in those days you even had those who would write back.
While going thru the papers she found this poem that made us both think of Mother. I want to share it with you all, see what memories it may bring back to you, it is call A PENNY:
“I found a penny today just laying on the ground.
But it is not just a penny this little coin I found.
Found pennies come from heaven Grandpa told me,
He said angels toss them down, oh how I loved that story.
He said when an angel misses you they toss a penny down,
Sometimes just to cheer you up, to make a smile out of your frown,
So don’t pass by that penny, when you’re feeling blue, it may be a
Penny from heaven that an angel tossed to you.”
Our Mother never passed over any change she saw on the ground as she walked, be it a penny, nickel or dime, and often a quarter (when Uncle Bob dropped them for her to find). Mother always said people should be more careful and sew the hole in their pockets. Mother, in the last years of Alzheimer collected any money on the ground she saw. There is a little change purse at Aunt Judy’s that belong to Mother and all the pennies and coins from heaven she received. She never would spend them, said they were special. Those are sweet memories for us, cause since she passed we find those pennies from heaven and know where they come from, especially when us 3 sisters would be together.
I have watched many a folks pass over a penny on the ground like it had no value, sure it won’t buy much in these expensive days, but they do add up, and they may mean those special messages from heaven. I use to know the saying of how a penny landed tails or heads meant bad or good luck. Well I never believed it for I am not one for luck to get me through this life. But those that are superstitious sure wont pick them up. I have many a penny in my empty wine jug that others wouldn’t pick up. Finder’s keeper loser’s weepers! So when you see that penny on the ground next time think before you pass over it. It may be tossed down with love from someone you love in heaven.
Thanks Sis for the note and the poem you sent for my Moms Thoughts.
All for this week, all take care, I love you, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Time may be a great healer, but it certainly is no beauty operator.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-28-06
Where does the time fly away to? Six months ago I started complaining at Indiana’s first time change on the clock. We turned out clock’s one hour ahead---Remember SPRING FORWARD for daylight savings time. I remember I complained and couldn’t go to sleep when it was still light outside at 9 PM. I complained for many a day to anyone who would listen. Most everyone had the same problem adjusting, so I had company to grump with.
Well don’t know when the complaining ceased and I finally adjusted to going to sleep with the daylight shining in my bedroom window. But, it happened! And now it is time to change again, on Sunday we change by FALLING BACK. Wonder if our clocks get confused too!!!! We finally get the hour we missed in the spring back. Again we will have another time of complaining for a while. I am sure my ole body has adjusted to the summer schedule and not going to like the winter schedule at all.
Aren’t we creatures of habit, some good habits and some bad habits. We sure don’t like to have our scheduled days interrupted with change. Aunt Judy and I keep saying we’re flexible. Seems like getting to the senior years requires that. I use to get up in the morning with my day all planned, then as quick as a phone call would change what I was doing. So learning to be flexible keeps my moods more pleasant when plans are changed.
I always love to spend time with my family, even though I know you all have full lives with schedules too. One of the problems I have found in becoming seniors is we end up with time on our hands, not being in the work force can make for idle hands. We become limited a lot on what our activities are due to our changing bodies. Most of us find ourselves visiting the doctors more, going to friends and love ones funerals. Yes, time change, and we have to go with the changes or be miserable. So I will be saying my prayers like:
“Lord, remember all the complaining I did in the spring? Well, I am getting ready to do it again when our clocks FALL BACK. I will find my self awake a lot and adjusting. Help me Lord to appreciate I’m alive and well, I have many blessings I need to be counting instead of sheep when I can’t sleep. Thank you Lord for giving me back what I complained about 6 months ago---My prayers were answered---help me to live with them. Maybe I learned about complaining!”
So here is the end of October, the leaves are changing and dropping with the recent frosts and cold nights. Most everyone watches the wind blow and the leaves head down the street, we think oh boy, I wont have to rake them, then the wind changes and here they come back. When the kids get out for Halloween trick or treating they love going thru the piles messing them up for the rakers. Still can see in my mind you kids all diving in the big piles and laughing as you went. Enjoy the kids as they come around in the costumes; pretend you don’t know them even if you do. That is the fun of it all. Parents don’t sample the kid’s bags of treats for the good stuff while they sleep, if you do shame on you.
Tip of the week:
Some cause happiness wherever they go; others whenever they go.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-21-06
Much of this week has been spent at Community South Hospital, trying to be of support with love for my son in law, Don, and his family. They have been dealing with the hardship of saying good-bye to Barbara, Don’s Mom, who’s ending her cancer journey. Barbara is a beautiful lady at 73, that has been a loving caring mother who with her hubby, Don Sr. have raised 3 men that they’re very proud of, have grandchildren and recently became great grandparents. They certainly have taken Dianna’s boys on as their own grandchildren from day one. That is Love,
It is a very hard time for any family with the situation of losing a love one, friends, or even just an acquaintance. There is pain, loss, and grief we are forced to face in life. No one who loves get exempt. Some may think to never love would exempt them from being hurt and lots of emotional grief, but it would be a lonely selfish lifetime. Loving others makes it worthwhile. God created us to love, that’s one of our main purposes. To love some one may be hurtful with a loss but the good memories and love in our hearts help to keep us going on.
Don Sr. and Barbara have been married for 52 years. They think as one---a team---it will take a longtime if ever before one feels whole after losing a spouse. I still miss your Dad’s strength, support, and the comfort of just knowing he was there. Alberta says she feels like a leg or arm is missing since losing Uncle Bob. I know even after 24 years of widowhood I still talk to your Dad as if he’s by my side. I like to believe he is, as much as our two worlds will allow us.
The song “Thank You for the Cross” has gone in and out of my prayers all week. If not for the cross, our savior’s death, the Resurrection, and the promise of eternal life, where would we be? Our Lord promises we will see our loved ones again one day. I believe Barbara has already had her loved ones welcoming her to the other shore---escorted by angels. She will be missed in our world but the beautiful memories of love remains with us, the knowledge “She Loved.” Barbara passed on Monday at 10 pm with her family by her bedside.
Remember the Garvin Family in your prayers this week and days to come. Grieving is a slow process when losing one so loved. I send my blessings and love to all of you. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
God knows your name, he created you----He sent his son to redeem you—he places the Holy Spirit in you to guide you, That is LOVE!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-14-06
“Shine on, shine on harvest moon, up in the sky. Shine on shine on harvest moon for me and my gal.” In the last two weeks you couldn’t miss the beautiful harvest moon coming up in the east. My sister, Alberta said she was having trouble watching both the harvest moon coming up over Lake Huron, and the gorgeous sunset in the west out of the other side of the house. It might have been easier if she had been outside. Haha. God knew what he was doing when he made the Harvest Moon so big and beautiful. It reminds us all that the fall is meant to gather the crops in the fields, because winter is not too far behind.
While in Illinois, Vern and I had our breathe taken away as we came out of Menard’s store, the sunset was gorgeous, gold, pink, and lavender and filled the sky in the west. We stood for some time to watch this glorious sight in the sky. I favor sunsets over sunrises and my glass doors face the west, so I get to enjoy them all. So the Harvest Moon wasn’t in my constant view but I did get to see it set in the west in the wee hours of morning. Still big and attention getting.
Thanks to the farmers for their continually planting of seeds in advance so we have the fall harvests of plenty. We too can plant seeds, maybe not of eatable items but seeds of kindness, seeds of loving, seeds of giving, in our everyday journey. Faith process follows that, and the harvest like God promises will come back to us in the future. You cannot receive what you can’t give away to others.
Enjoy the gorgeous fall colors on your coming and going. Might even say a prayer of thanksgiving to our wonderful God for the beauty we get to enjoy and other blessings of which we are unworthy of as gifts.
Have a great week, love you all! Always, Mom
Tip of the week: There is something beautiful in each day, all we have to do is look for it.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-07-06
MTFTW Anniversary # 4
Wow, can’t believe I have been doing these weekly thoughts for 3 whole years but that is what the ole calendar says. This last year titles we covered:
This one is #196. Mercy, that is a lot of thinking and clicking of the keys on this ole computer. I have enjoyed sharing my thoughts with you kids, friends, family near and far, and probably a lot of those I don’t know or where these end up. The ones I send to my jail-angels get read and posted and then passed on. I am so grateful to having given some insight, inspiration or hope to all the girls over the past years in Correctional Facilities. Many have served their time, resumed their lives, and are doing well; most of all they are able to spend time with their families once again. Lots of things they once took for granted, now becomes very precious in their lives and the desire to “Go Straight.” Second chances are gifts of God.
Being I have been spending time this week with Uncle Vern and doctors, my time is rushed. I looked back to October 27, 2002, and found one that is short, haha, can’t believe they were so short but sweet back then. I think this one should be shared again.
In time of crisis, we can feel overwhelmed, as we can’t find our way out of the darkness. But if we can just remember all those times when we were strong and made it through our troubles, we will feel a ray of hope. And that ray will soon turn our dark night back into a sunny day.
Thanks to all of you for hanging in there each week with all my many thoughts. I hope it has helped me to grow, and maybe made a difference to you also. That is what life is about one lesson after another. None of us are exempt crisis, they come by, and we never are ready for them. But isn’t it great to look back when it is over and you can say, “I came through all that, and I am still here.” Give yourself a pat on the back. I love you all, till next week, check out the beauty of the coloring trees we get to enjoy in the fall. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
FAITH is the bird that sings in the light of dawn after the dark of night.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-30-06
Twenty-one years a go on the last day of December (they had to get in on the eligibility for tax credit) I found myself babysitting for Victoria Catherine, my first granddaughter. She was about 6 months old and her Mom, Pam, and Dad, Guy were busy getting married.
Well, last Friday, Sept. 22nd I found myself baby-sitting Layla Belle, 9 months old, great granddaughter in the afternoon. Her parents were doing last minute details as bride and groom. Ryan and Tori elected to be married by the justice of the peace at the courthouse. Our sweet Layla Belle was the flower girl, she tried to eat the flowers, and with Grampa Carl being the best man and babysitter for Layla. Though we couldn’t all attend the ceremony, we certainly wish the family of 3 all the blessings of marriage and family life for the future.
Ryan and Tori have become a great Mom & Dad for Layla, who presents to all her happy personality full of fun. She came into this world a preemie with problems with gastroschisis and a 7-week hospital stay. But she is has been a strong fighter from day one. She’s also been one of God’s miracles. I like to think she came into our family with a purpose of making good changes and bringing joy to those around her. She could have been named Joy for she always is be it when waking up, or going to sleep always smiling. Now that Tori and Ryan have married and made a commitment to each other they face a future together. Both come from parents whose marriages ended in divorce, thankfully all have remained friends, which isn’t always the case. Whether it was lack of immaturity, obstacles of indifference or what, it left Tori and Ryan with divided family lives while growing up as children.
A committed marriage is no easy task. Making babies is the easy part, the work comes when the baby arrives and marriage takes a day-by-day “unselfish act of work.” My Dr. Phil’s suggestion says it all---“First thing each morning ask, what can I do today to make my spouse happier?” Yes, it’s unselfish to place them first but it is what it takes. Making the word LOVE more than just saying “I DO.” True commitment is doing your damnedest to fix it, repair it, going that 150% marriage requires of 2 people. The Browns can change generation-to-generation repeating “Divorces,” and stop it from happening again.
My prayers will be for their commitment to each other that will hold them together in rough times. Even more so is the need to know God is helping you each day---with him--- it’s easier. Russ and I had some hard roads before we realized we needed a Higher Power ‘s help, we even considered divorce, but our family of 3 children held us together. We finally accepted the challenge to make our marriage work, both maturing and becoming responsible adults building on what it was for 26 years till he died. It is hard for young folks to admit they are powerless in this crazy mixed up world. It is a hard learning lesson of life, but one that has to be made to make marriage succeed.
Best of everything to the Browns, and to you other married ones out there. Be grateful for your time together it is precious time.
Till next week, I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
If you do not change what you are doing today, your tomorrow will be no difference than yesterday.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-23-06
Fall is in the air and I’m loving it!!! Had my balcony door open today, with the 60-degree weather filling the apartment. Great time for switching my clothes from summer to fall/winter in the closets. Of course, I’ve decided I have enough clothes for 4 people or more. I must have switched my addictions without knowing it. I use to be addicted to Goodwill and buying enough sets of sheets for the whole family and friends. God finally put on my heart I needed to share my enormous stack in the closet. When I did I somehow overed that addiction. All that remains is the love of a nice looking bed, fresh sheets, with pretty colors to crawl into at night time, and I have 4 extra sets to rotate weeks with. I have seen some folks beds in such a tossed up array, I wonder how that represents REST to them at the end of the day. Isn’t it great how God make us all different, with different wants, needs and habits.
This Friday the 22nd is the official Fall begins day, football’s back in schools and on the TV, plus too the new line up of all the new TV programs after a summer of repeats or no TV. It’s this time of year I think of many Octobers coming up with vacation time in Michigan with Linda, Alberta’s oldest daughter. We anxiously awaited the sound of “fish on” on the shores of Lake Huron. Linda took her fishing seriously and could out fish most men fishermen in their waders at the harbor. Linda and I got many laughs because salmon for some reason run best at night in the dark or early day break. Being women among so many stranger of men, we often would quietly wade into the water, dressed in layers of long johns, big parka coats and orange hunting caps on our heads, wasers, not talking, we would fish, get the limit of 5, string them and head back to our car. We’d yell back “Good Luck guys” and you would hear, “Hey those guys are women—and look at the fish they caught!” Haha. Bet Janice remembers her time at hauling fish too!
Linda loved to out fish as she could and why not, she was self-taught. She even had me recovering from emergency gall bladder surgery on the cold wall at the harbor because Lin couldn’t fish alone. (her parents' rule) Lots of good fall memories there, canners full of jars stuffed full of salmon for the family. I really miss Linda, my niece but mostly my friend, left this world too early in life, 8 years ago. She had a life she filled to the brink at age 50 though. She always told me I couldn’t take vacation till the maple tree in front of her house was bright yellow, then the fish were in and I could come north.
So the next time you want to catch some big fish----- head up north in October, the falls up there with the colorful trees are truly God’s Country. All you kids still love to get away and enjoy a few days along Lake Huron and of course, spend time with “Aunt Judy.”
So enjoy the fall season wherever you are. Enjoy the changing colors of the trees, the big ole Harvest moons at night, a bonfire with so mores, marshmallows, and hot dogs a roasting. May even make a hayride or two. Those cool nites are great for cuddling - don’t waste them.
Have a great week! I love you all. Always, Mom
P.S. Uncle Vern checks into the hospital on Sept. 25 and has open-heart surgery on Sept. 26th. Keep him in your prayers.
Latest Update - I found out this morning Vern’s Surgery for next week has been canceled by the doctors. The last tests done on him this past week shows the vegetation on his heart valve has been decreasing. Meaning the anti-fungus medicine is working on it along with the rest of the body. Our prayers have been answered and our God does hear prayers for healing. The Infectious Disease doctors will be monitoring him and he will continue the anti-fungus med for another year to clear it from the body. Just had to let you all know and say thank you for all your support and prayers. I will not be going to Illinois as was needed to care for him. Vern is doing well and out working, as he feels so much better after being so sick for so long. He has the new house to finish so they can move into it. I pray our God lets him finish all his planned dreams.
Tip of the week:
That frown you’re wearing is blacker than the bottom of a dry well at midnight!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-16-06
Uncle Vern and Me
The last week has been a full one----safe sunny beautiful trip up to Uncle Vern’s on the 6th. Glad to have that day for the weather sure did change for the worse. Some one opened the clouds and rain poured like the ole cow on the flat rock Dad always talked about. Even 465 interstate around Indy welcomed me home with a non-visibility down pour when I arrived home on Tuesday of this week. Tired and in a bad need of a good rest and my bed.
Uncle Vern and I spent our days with doctors, blood tests, x-rays, parking garages over charges even with a senior rate, not even considering the cost of all the medical charges, for Uncle Vern just wants to get well and able to do regardless of the cost. You can’t buy good health but you can seek help from the specialists and pray a lot. The good news is the expensive medicine for the fungus in his body is working. He is still having a high level of fungus showing in his urine, but all blood tests are showing normal and this man at 72 has a blood pressure at 110/70 with no medication. (Yeah, Rusty and I wish ours was that low instead of the meds we have to take.) He has improved his over all tiredness is less, less sleepy and even feels better. The Lungs still are holding water in the linings, but they only had to remove some water a month ago, none lately.
He currently is in a holding pattern waiting the future date for open-heart surgery. That news is not something we neither one want to hear. The problem is a vegetation matter is growing on his heart valve—the whys and how’s—no one can explain but it needs to be removed ASAP and the only option. The risk factor has been decreased to 5 %, which is wonderful progress for the medical field.
As I listen to the doctors, my thoughts returned to the 70’s and your Dad’s heart disease and problems. Back in the 70s open-heart surgery was in the pioneering field and not an everyday option for most hospitals and doctors, many patients had nothing to be offered for recovery. Your Dad had a severe damaged heart from past heart attacks, diabetes and heart disease. The doctors here said there was nothing that could be done for him by Indiana doctors. Our only hope was Dr. Michael DeBakey in Houston, Texas, who was perfecting open-heart surgery doing by passes to the heart. We flew down to Texas for the appointment that only God could have gotten with such a high esteemed specialist as Dr. DeBakey. A true miracle occurred with his statement “You need 3 by-passes and I can do it.” The next week was a stressful but positive journey for your Dad and myself miracle of your Dad’s recovery enabled him to walk around downtown Houston 7 days after surgery to sightsee. Our God is awesome when he helps us through situations in our lives, making the fear less, the hope and strength more and our TRUST in him all that matters. Your Dad was able to live 7 years longer and to a more productive life in them. Was it worth it, yes, and we praise God for the medical knowledge to help patients like your Dad.
Well here we are in 2006 and open-heart surgery procedures are treated almost routine. Just the risk factor being reduced to 5% is awesome. Will it be a hard time full of stress for Uncle Vern and Roxana, Yes, but so thankful to be in the modern day with all the breakthroughs.
So when my Buick heads north again, we’ll need lots of prayers for healing for Uncle Vern and prayers for patiences for Roxana and me, for care giving. Will keep you all posted when the surgery is to be.
Till then all take care, remember I love you, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
I wish they had a knob on the TV that could turn up the intelligence. They have one marked “Brightness” but it doesn’t work. –Gallagher-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-09-06
Well here we are into fall, cool weather, a day off from the work world, and followed by a short week on top of it, where did the summer go? This being a short week will be one reason the MT’s are out early. The 2nd reason is I will be spending 6 days in Illinois with my brother Vern and his wife, Roxana. So all will be receiving MT’s earlier than usual. Hopefully I will be back on track with next weeks. Thought this might be a good time to catch everyone up with the Scott Family and offspring.
Lets start with my brother; Vern’s been having troubles with illness for over 2 years. The doctor’s, extreme is the number, the tests, extreme is the numbers have finally gotten some results and clues to the problem. Seems there may be a fungus near the heart and may be cause all the fever and pain spells he has been having. He still has 3 more doctors and tests to go to next week, so I am heading north to Illinois to go with him for the appointments. (Roxana is back in school and teaching Math.) We will accept all prayers of positive solutions for him.
Alberta is doing much better after her anemia spell and a liter of blood. Rusty and Jodi took her home to Michigan this weekend. Home will give her the rest she needs and back under her doctor’s care. The stress and trip at the time of Geraldine’s, my other sister, death was hard on her and tiredness slowed her way down. Rusty and Jodi needed a few days break and what better way than on the shores of Lake Huron.
Rusty’s recent doctor trip showed his Hepatitis C is no longer in remission but showing high levels in his blood. We hoped the rough year of treatments had beat Hepatitis C but we are still dealing with it. He is on Milk Thistle, an old herb remedy for treating the liver back to health. They say this has awesome results along with prayers, and working with the medical treatment his doctor can offer, hopefully it will be a Win Win situation for him.
Our wee little Layla Belle has been down with the flu bug along with her Mom, Dad, and Grandparents. All are better now, so I am hoping to see her when I return to town on the 12th of September. My working as sub-Manager here in Crestwood the last few weeks has cut down on Layla and Nana’s playing time.
Through all our trying times it is all so very clear God’s blessings are still with us and he strengthens us to endure trial times. Our walk with God lessens the heaviness of our loads. My Colonoscopy last month was a breeze---not the ole dreaded procedure I had anticipated. The results were all positive, no cancer, no problems, all clear. To God I give the Glory! I had put it off as long as I could which was wrong---All three of us siblings have had one with blessings of no problems. So guess what kiddos? It is your generation next. Smile.
I am looking forward to fall, the turning colors of the trees is one of my favorite times of the year. The colors are beautiful as God dips his brush in the paint and gives us an awesome display of beauty. He has this world on such a perfect schedule. Mother Nature knows when to change the seasons, the birds know when to head south, squirrels know when to gather their “stash” for the winter. I noticed out the window the honey bees are flying agitated, means the Queen Bee has left their nest and return to the Beekeepers homes. Why are the honeybee workers agitated? Because when the Queen leaves they know they will die soon, they can’t make it on their own. Makes me think of my Lord, and me only I have the promise I don’t have to die, but it is for sure I couldn’t make it with out him.
Have a great week everyone. Stay well, healthy and most of all be happy. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
I know God will not give me anything that I cannot handle. I just wish He didn’t trust me so much. –Mother Theresa-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 09-02-06
Everyone has one thank goodness, it is important for us to know how wonderful it is to have one; some folks have the misfortune of losing it to cancer. Another one of those things we take for granted, well lets see, I know it helps one get the food from the front of the mouth to the back of the throat to the digestion process. It helps us take our food from one side of the mouth to the other while we chew; also the cow uses it to chew his cud. Animals like cats, and dogs use theirs to clean themselves and even to heal wounds, it works too.
I noticed this week, the Bible has 36 verses where the tongue is mentioned in my King James Family Bible Concordance. The Bible speaks of holding your tongue, which lots of folks should do and don’t most of the time, Hiding something under your tongue also. How about a tongue is like a sharp sword? Also many denominations speak in tongues meaning gibberish that is not understandable but only to God and our Lord. Another is refrain your tongue from evil but use only for good.
There is a hymn that says, “O for a thousand tongues to sing my great Redeemer’s praise!” Don’t know what I would do with a thousand tongues my self; one tongue is enough and often gets me in trouble. My favorite verse is Roman 14:11 Every tongue shall confess that Jesus Christ is Lord. I sure hope I am around to hear it too!
I have heard of people who teach themselves some unique ways to use their tongues when limbs have been eliminated in birth defects or accidents. My admiration goes out to them, one used his tongue to read a Braille Bible, another, Joni E. Tada uses her tongue to paint with a brush beautiful cards and paintings to support herself. She also speaks to others words of Christian encouragement. Maybe you too have received some of her cards in the mail.
My last visit with Layla Belle, my great grand 7 month baby, I noticed she has learn something new, she does raspberry’s with her mouth and I have been trying to get her to click her tongue but she hasn’t mastered that, but now she does a swirling noise with it. She gets it going and almost sounds alike a cat purring. Such a silly but lovable baby.
I guess our tongues can be used for others non-productive ways, I laugh thinking of some of my gal friends trying to no handed tie cherry stems into knots with their tongues. Mercy, what we do when we are bored or drinking. I know too tongues can be used by more than the French for so called French Kissing. UGH!!! Okay getting too personal there.
Wouldn’t it be great if we would all stop and think before we speak with our tongues? Too often things are said in haste that are not easy to take back, hurting others as the words roll of their tongues, So many feelings would be spared from hurt and friendships not interrupted.
Hope your use your tongue this week with words of compliments, encouragement, and praise for others. I will be anticipating what tricks little Miss Layla has learned this week with her tongue. Keep you all posted. Love ya all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Love is a language that can be heard by the deaf and seen by the blind.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-26-06
“The wheels on the bus go round and round, round and round” Tommy, my grandson and I often sing together. It’s one of his favorite songs all the way back to his early day of school. Now at 15 he still loves to sing the song when we are together. I recently shared with Tom that we had about 5 children on our church bus on Sunday who were not being very nice to us seniors. These children weren’t regulars and quickly decided from the rear of the bus to test the nerves of the “old folks.” This became apparent when they with loud and annoying voices sang the second round as “the old folks go shhhh, shhh, shhh, and shush.” Very impolite and disrespectable to all us seniors on the bus. The bus driver quickly took mercy on us and took the children home first instead of last on the regular route. Ahhh, the silence was golden!!
This week most of the school’s had their first day of attendance for students. I personally have included the bus drivers and teachers in my prayers. They need all the help they can get, they must be a special breed of folks made by God for they truly have patiences of saints to deal with the youth of these days. I wouldn’t last one day as a bus driver, I’d hunt me up a good paddle and escort these kids home to their parents, with orders when they could behave they could get on the bus again. Yeah, I know, I’d be sued and in court for abusing their “rude angels”. That’s why I won’t be applying for that job as a bus driver or teachers aide even.
You know I remember in my 2nd year of school, I was talking too much in class, my teacher after reprimands being ignored, punished me with a few slaps on the palms of my hand with a ruler. I don’t believe it killed or injured anything but my pride and embarrassment of having it done in front of the class. It did teach me respect for silence in class—but it didn’t slow my talking down---I still do talk too much.
This week, the parents of children have to be admired for their children going to school costs about triple what it has in past for school supplies and books, gas for car-pooling. It is expensive to raise children now, I for one am so grateful not to have to work for that income to supplement the family’s outgoing expenses. A Childs education doesn’t come cheap these days!!
So if you get a minute add those teachers and bus drivers to your prayer lists. Be happy it’s not you listening to boastful children singing, “ the wheels on the bus go round and round.”
Have a great week everyone. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
We would learn a lot from crayons: Some are sharp, some are pretty, some are dull, some have weird names and all are different colors, but they all exist nicely in the same box.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-19-06
Recycled Smiles
All Mom’s love to recycle and this one does it all the time, cards, clothes, other peoples junk or knick knacks. So many of my thoughts come from a daily Mountainwings Message I receive on the Internet. Tuesdays was on “ The Deepness of Silliness” it made me smile and your Daddy came to my mind. Okay, I know you kids may not immediately identify your Dad with silliness. Probably because you were the child and he was the disciplinary figure when he was living. All too quickly at the age of 47 he was gone----so in the last 24 years you may not have the things he teased, joked about, but I do. I like to think of my memories of fun times we had as “recycled smiles.” Your Dad was a fun-loving practical joker who loved nothing better than a good laugh---especially when it was on someone else and not him. (Hmmmmm, do you hear Rusty in there?)
There are lots of folks like that, they can be counted on to cheer you up when you were going through life’s valleys and usually found something to smile about even in the worst times. (Brother Jack, if the shoe fits, WEAR IT!!!)
Have you ever thought about fun times, silly times as something reminds you of a memory from long ago----a smile returns to your face----there it is a “recycled smile” so much sweeter the second time around. What a gift those kind of folks give to us. Sure helps us to lighten up in this hard-core crazy world. The television news these days are depressing with killings, muggings, wars going on here and over seas, very little to smile about, causing frowns and wrinkles to our faces. So smile my dear ones when you can.
This Mom’s Thoughts may trigger “recycled smiles” of your Dad or loved ones you had forgotten. I would love to hear about them. Dad was a tease, I recall him putting a small garden snake in the glove department of his car, then asking Paw Paw Pete to get something for him and stood back and laughed when he found the snake and couldn’t turn loose of it due to fright.
Your Dad use to tease me about my jealous streak, believe me I had one too; truly I believe I got over it so he’d not receive so much pleasure in teasing me. I do believe he invented the term “Gotcha!!” Of course I told you of his teasing Grama Lee by smearing her eyeglasses as she napped with them on. Aunt Judy recently found a letter he wrote to Big Nanny telling of all the mistreating I was doing to him and how she needed to talk to me, and straighten me out. He also ended it with telling his Mom in law how much he loved her and he meant it.
What a gift I see now for him to give us, though he is not here physically he still is part of our lives while he remains in our memory bank and gives us those “recycled smiles”. We all get too serious and really need to loosen up. So smile, enjoy the day God has given you. Take time to watch a sunset or sunrise, watch the birds be silly, or watch an ant bed or bees at work, you will be glad you don’t have to do there work. So much to give us pleasure, we miss and let it just go by.
I love you all, have a great week. Oh, I took Tom to the farm to ride Jessy’s John Deere tractor and visit Miss Judy before school starts. That always makes him smile. We really made it special we had Dianna, Pam and Layla Belle join us. It was family day for the Scotts, finishing at Dairy Queen. I always enjoy spending some time with Miss Layla Belle she builds up lots of smiles for this Nana, she can take away tears so easy. God sure has blessed this family and allows us all to get love from that 13 pound almost 7 months baby. Whose turn is it to baby sit next week while Tori and Ryan works? Such love is great!! Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Don’t cry because it is over, SMILE because it happened.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-12-06
Rain and Kids
I received a message this week about rain and kids, do you remember back to being a child, getting out in the rain during the summer months? I remember I would always take off my shoes and run thru the rain and usually singing, it was fun. The kids always got their bikes and ran thru the puddles with the bike wheels, you’d hold your feet up so the puddles wouldn’t get you wetter. Ha Ha that didn’t make much sense for you were already soaked to the skin. Nothing like a warm rain to make the days fun and exciting for children. Lately we have had a lot of rain, the soaking kind with lots of puddles.
Another thought, how often have you been in the rain down pours and reached over to speed up your wipers so you can see where you are driving? We sort of take for granted that they’ll work going back and forth, clearing our view. I have had a few vehicles the wipers motors were burned out on them and the wipers didn’t work at all. I always became angry or annoyed when I’d have to pull off to the side of the road or even get out and clean off if it was snow, off the windshields my self. Windshield wipers are another one of those things we’re conditioned to having and get inpatient when we don’t have them.
Jodi sent me an article about a child and windshield wipers that will always make me thinkof when I see them going back and forth again. I have found children are the innocent ones, trusting and can see most things clearer than us adults do. We may think they’re playing or preoccupied but all too often they are witnessing everything including our actions. Any way,This father was driving his car in the rain noticing his daughter was quiet and studying the wipers go back and forth, Upon asking what her thoughts were the daughter said, “The wipers make me think of God when they clear the windows.” Saying how is that, she replied “The rain is like sin, we keep sinning and God keeps forgiving us all our sins and wipes them away.”
Pretty much sums it up for us and the mistakes we make daily, God does forgive us when we ask. He wipes that windshield clean for us to see a new future ahead. If a small child can see how much God loves us and trusts God to make it right, why do we find it so hard to forgive ourselves of past mistakes? Matt: 18:3 says, except ye be converted, and become as little children, ye shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven. The simplicity of children is what we need more of in our lives, our hearts, the joy God wants for us, the laughter, and fun of simple things and pleasures. If you are lucky enough to share your life with children around you, take the time to watch them play in the rain, or even better go out and run through the rain with them. The love, innocents, carefree ways of children is blessings from God. I count my blessings all the time for the love of you children, grandchildren and my great grandchild. Remember I love you all and so does our God. Till next week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
In order to see the Rainbows we must first endure some rain.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 08-05-06
Farewells are always hard when they’re with those we love. They are even harder when one passes from this world and seem so final. My attending my sister, Geraldine’s funeral in Georgia was indeed hard but the peace of mind I felt at the funeral was beautiful. The farewell Geraldine’s family gave to her was so much like a party. All her children and some grandchildren were at the bedside during the nite before she passed. Lovely gospel hymns and songs were sung gently and peacefully along with many prayers of safe journey for her all night long. Us siblings were able to say our Farewells to her on the phone a few hours before she died which we were all grateful. Vernon joked with her about Ollie was waiting for her money cause he lost his in the card games in heaven, Alberta who is the oldest teased her about getting to be first and I told her we needed her wings cause I was tired of fussing with the airlines and to hug Mom and Dad.
Too, all of us who one day will be faced with saying farewell to our family here, oh but the peace in knowing on the other side is all the smiling loved ones, peace and happiness with our Lord. I can only imagine as the song says---I am sure it will be awesome and unable to speak while at his feet we bow. Glorious Day for all!!
I was so proud of Geraldine’s family and the care they’ve given to their Mother. It was a beautiful service they prepared for her, I am sure she heard her granddaughter Tammy sing “Heavens will never welcome a sweeter Mother.” Pastor Toby Gale gave the service with admiration and pride of his Mother’s life and her love for her family, noting what a beautiful example she mentored for them all. Toby’s walk in his faith showed his growth over the last few years. I know his Mom and Dad from above agreed with all of us, it came from his heart and soul. Brian, a grandson, spoke such loving words of his relationship with Granny. Together this family may hurt and grieve but they have so much to build on and help to remain knitted together for the generations ahead. Should you in the Gale’s Family need us please remember we are only a phone call away.
Farewells, yes, they are hard, they hurt, but the steps are easier with our Lord by your side guiding you, that way you will know there will be reunions of souls to look forward to one day. I was able to visit my Mother and Grandmother’s grave in the cemetery outside of Ritch Church. We joined cousins for a wonderful pitch in dinner, the custom on 5th Sundays at Ritch. They too shared the grief like us and their loved ones they have that passed also. Death touches us all but it can be peaceful, loving, comforting and even encouraging to know one day we will see them again. It is not a final Farewell but a blessed Farewell till a later day.It is a guaranteed promise that only each of us can accept for ourselves. Alberta and I also visited 4 cousins Gospel Sing and of course we got to hug Brother Jack’s neck, DJ from WYNR radio station. Brother Jack and Geraldine were “Buddies” and he too sang his wonderful “Windows of my Soul” for her services. Yep, not a dry eye in the funeral home, between, Toby, Jack and Tammy’s talented voices. Comforting wonderful memories for us.
Almost forgot to share the ant bed adventure I got into at Mother’s grave, they got stuck in my panty hose legs, talk about beating them off. Still have bites all over my legs. Those Georgia ants don’t like Yankee blood. Had to get Alberta to kill a spider for me, don’t think I will move to the south country. I remained a Yankee for a reason.
Good to be back home in Indy, hope to see all around here soon. I love and miss you all here or far. Till next week, stay cool and may the sun and moon shine brightly at your home to lighten your path way. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
If your life is on a treadmill—you’ll get your exercise, but you won’t go anywhere.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-22-06
On Sunday upon arriving at church when I entered the sanctuary I noticed we had our candelabras in all the aisles. They usually are used at Christmas Eve Communion Services, Ladies Christmas Tea, and weddings. I thought Hmmmm, Shan, our pastor, must be planning a candle light sermon to dramatize or make emphasis on his Baptism sermon. As I watched ushers make the candelabra’s disappear, I learned the 9:30 AM service had a power outage. Though the outage was short lived, Shan had only removed his jacket and not anywhere close to doing a strip act. Praise God! The rest of us might have wanted to do the same. HaHa.
All with a chuckle, made me think how grateful we should be for air conditioning in the heat wave we are having in Indiana and most of the country this summer. I think back to the church that once (& some still do) only had hand fans lying on the pews for keeping the congregation cool during church. You remember them, they were made of cardboard with usually an advertisement for the local funeral home on the back of it, never made the connection till now, In case you died from overheating. HaHa. They had wooden handles and you set the whole service fanning and sweating, trying to keep your mind on the sermon and not how miserable you were. The summer revivals outside always had ample hand fans available. The heat was less under the trees and under a tent if the church could afford one. The folks then placed worship or praising God at the top of the list and over riding their own comfort.
As I ponder on this I think we’ve become a blessed nation with all the modern conveniences of air conditioning, electrical this and that, cars, etc. And that is not a bad thing either. But you would think we would be in state of continual gratitude, instead of lazy, complainers and ungrateful as we some are. Even our farmers now have air-conditioned closed in tractors with modern stereos and TV’s to make their day of work more comfortable. Many farmers still struggle fieldwork and growing crops to make a living without all the comforts. Construction workers too have learned how to condition their bodies to the heat and the required water so not to get dehydrated. SMILE- makes me think of Grama Ella Thornton, she lived to be in her 90’s, don’t remember her complaining of the heat. She always wore layers of clothes--- for warmth in the winter and cooling effect in the summer when you sweat. She’d spent many years cooking and canning for her family, hours over a wood-fed stove in a kitchen of heat in the summertime. Pam mentioned last week that her job, working in a restaurant kitchen at night in heat they were coping with temperatures of 110 degrees on the meat thermometer. My balcony thermometer on Sunday said 120 when the sun was hitting it, but thank goodness I wasn’t on it. Yep, I’m inside where it’s cool with the a/c going and yes, I have said quite a few prayers of thanks. How about you all?
Have a great week drink lots of water and stay in out of the hot sun. Pray for all of us that are going to be at Crestwood’s Luau Friday evening, it might not only be the pig that’s roasting. That is for sure!! Always, Mom
Tip of the Week:
Quite griping about your church, if it was perfect, you or I couldn’t belong.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-15-06
Dance Steps of Life:
I have a picture of Dianna that I love, it’s her as a little girl standing on her Dad’s shoes in a green velvet dress, it was taken at Pat and Paul’s wedding in Michigan. She is looking up into her Dad’s face with adoration of his tallness and strength. Some words in the Better Homes & Garden magazine I was reading reminded me of this picture. They stated in the article that Dad does not mind the scuffs her small feet are leaving in the mirrored black leather of his freshly polished shoes. It is a small price to pay for these moments when he is teaching and sharing a dance with his daughter.
Dancing is a language of its own, one whose vocabulary comes from graceful sway of the body, the coordinated movements of arms and legs, the precision of step, all intended to make a statement to our audience. While we may have no formal dance training of our own, the dances of our family serve the same purpose. To cut the rug with our kids, or our spouse while kids watch and laugh (or groan) is to send a message of love and trust no words can convey. It is a message our children remember from their earliest days, when we picked them up, held them close and swayed to the whispered turn of a favorite bedtime ballad.
I have always loved to dance, often with you children as partners; Dad did not share my dance love. He took Pam to her Father-Daughter Dances each Valentines Day, grumbled some, but always came through. I am sure both Dianna and Pam have these shared memories very much still alive in their hearts. Music and dancing is an activity that can change your mood from bad to good in a heartbeat. I sure can’t imagine my life without music in it. I have even read that music is an emotional means of worship and prayers to God. Although I don’t dance as much as I use to, I still love the feel or the flow it gives even if I am dancing alone. What a great tension releaser!!!
I recall years that Dad and I got into the “square dance swing” with a large group of friends, later joining a club that moved around different towns. Talk about a work out, sure didn’t have to worry about an exercise program, you stayed in good shape or got run over on the dance floor on Saturday nights. All were truly lively people, and always fun to be with.
If dancing isn’t a part of your daily lives, try moving around that living room floor with one of your kids, or your spouse. Make it slow, you’ll be guaranteed extra hugs, and your mood will truly improve. Don’t be surprised if it brings back some memories of the past with Mom and Dad. Have a great week, love you all so much, and thanks for the time you share with me in reading Moms Thoughts. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: The best things you can do for the future is to live with everything you have right now in the present. - Reprint from 01-24-04 -
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-08-06
Life Changes
Last week I experienced a happening, which brought to my attention I have changed and in the process grown in correcting bad habits. I was on my way to visit with Pam and Layla. Timing became a rainstorm, it began to down pour, raining cat and dogs, and even hail and high winds. I was dong great to be able to see and navigate the Buick to stay in my own lane, guessing where the lines were. All the streetlights went out and were blinking only flashing yellow, meaning caution RIGHT!!!!! I stopped at the intersection to see what right of way was progressing in all 4 directions, planning to take my turn RIGHT!!! I was shocked when the car behind me proceeded to push my bumper and me right out into the intersection, in other words putting me right in a dangerous place. My SAFE THOUGHT was to get out of the intersection full speed ahead before an accident occurred. My ROAD RAGE THOUGHT was to stay where I was, call the police, get out of the car, and make the jerk even madder! All this could have done was create an accident involving others and got me soaked.
I was so shocked that another human being because he was in a hurry felt he had the right to infringe on my space, my area or rights. And talk about rudeness and disrespect for others---I am sure in his strange mentality he had the right to decide what actions “ I” needed to take. What happen to the rude driver, he came around me and went speeding on his way, I am sure his brazen rudeness will violate others who may cross or get in his way. I pray not causing some innocent person’s death or injuries.
As I said, I am grateful I have changed; I’m more relaxed, not as rushed and definitely not as explosive as I use to be. Others and mine safety was more important than giving a rude person who wouldn’t have listen any way, a piece of my mind. Changes affect all of us, they can be good, and bad, the ownership belongs to each one of us. I look at each morning as a new beginning, a new day, one that can leave bad habits or traits behind and turn over a new leaf. Is it easy, NO, change is hard and you need to work on it till it is accomplished. We all have actions in us we don’t like and that needs to be improved on. It may take asking a friend for help; find a talk group with others to learn how to change old behavior and habits. I have written Mom’s Thoughts before on the Serenity Prayer; to me it is the best helper for changes next to God and prayer.
“God grant me Serenity to accept the things I cannot change.
Courage to change the things I can and Wisdom to know the Difference."
Take it one day at a time; make changes needed to help you in your traveled path. Just remember you don’t do it alone and you will receive help to rid yourself of bad habits, anger, depression, jealousy, and other negative things. Be your own best friend, work on it, God loves you and so do I.
Till next week be careful on the road, practice a prayer for safety as you get behind the wheel or in the car with others. AND should you be one of my kids with the IDIOT type behavior you better hope it is not this Mother you are pushing. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Opportunity may knock once, but temptation bangs on your door forever.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 07-01-06
4th of July
July 4th week-end always takes me back to the past, beautiful fireworks in the night sky with ohhs and ahhhs from the on lookers. They seem to appear from a rooftops of the downtown buildings, skies over White River boaters, even now they can be displayed in your own back yard. Don’t forget the fire crackers snapping and popping , or the sparkling sparklers for the small kids. All adds to the fun of the holiday weekend. They’ll be family picnics planned, cook-outs in the back yard and parks, cold watermelon with seeds & maybe even “seed spitting contests.” Don’t forget the good ole “homemade apple pie” that usually goes with the 4th of July celebrations.
All the memories --- can’t help but take my memories back over the years. Fun has always been the # one purpose with lots of sharing time with loved ones, and friends. Most of the 4th of July’s have included the 90’s & 100’s degree temperatures. Guess that is why you might hear folks say the expression “Hotter than the 4th of July.” It always makes it perfect for the dips in the pools or in Georgia the dips in the creeks. Here in Indiana they say the fields of corn are to be “knee high by the 4th of July.” Should be with all the rain we have had this spring!
Fun of summertime was & is great---time to be out of school and just pal around with the neighborhood kids. I don’t see the outside activities like we once had, probably dating myself now, but remember jumprope, hop-scotch on side walks, volleyball, and really going back in time to Red Rover and team competitions like Simon Says, even the school activities at school recesses don’t look like the same activities going on outside as we once did. Our kids really need not only physical exercise but the wonderful mind exercise of IMAGINATION.
Our generation now seems to be so much more electronical oriented. Computer games, TV games, and only the abilitity to ge able to “click on the icon.”Don’t get me wrong I love my computor and the wonders of it. It’s great for us seniors to keep their minds working when so often our physical activities have lessen with our age. But our kids should be much more active than we are due to their age and energy levels.
Get out and enjoy that family get together with the activities of the 4th of July. Summer is here, enjoy and have fun!! Even a little sweating is good for you---open them pores up and makes our skin glow. GLOW—there is another fun summer thing, look for those glowing fireflies or lightening bugs like you once did as a child.They can brighten up things for you. You don’t have to be a kid only once, life is for living at any age. I am still in my first childhood, and may never grow up.
Have a great week. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Life is what you make it, kinda like play-doh!!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-24-06
This month has been full of events and new changes affecting our lives. I personally have had trouble telling if I was coming or going.
Two of my 18-year-old grandchildren graduated from high school. Reviewing their childhood with them has made lots of melancholy feelings in this Grama. Both accomplished receiving their diploma with pride from the family. They are looking forward to their future and beginning with moving out to their own first apartments this month. Good Luck Natali and Scott, our Graduates of 2006.
My first grandchild, Tori turned 21 on Flag Day the 14th. Yeah, I still think she’s just past changing her diapers, time has passed so quickly, and we now find ourselves changing her daughter Layla’s diapers. Tori has grown into a lovely lady and her mothering skills with her baby make me so proud. Happy 21st Birthday Tori, welcome to adulthood.
On the 18th, Kevin my grandson turned 18 years old. He has begun a new adventure ahead of him. He begins his army basic training at Fort. Benning, GA. What a wonderful world ahead of this young man. Along with the army will be his finishing his senior year of high school. Good Luck Kevin, make your future work for you!!!
Another event happen, two friends and residents here at Crestwood began their life together with a second marriage for both of them. Its wonderful God led them to each other to sharing the rest of their lives. Congratulations Nancy and Don!!
So many changes, endings, new beginnings, seems to be what life is all about. Some changes aren’t always easy to face and deal with, as parents you’ll find that “Empty Nest” finally happening, the inner fear of losing a child happens, but it’s only the time to let go and let all your teachings over their childhood take effect. We raise children to be independent and then they are and we might become panicky. The role changes some, they don’t need daily instructions, but they do need to know you are there, to listen, to help if asked for, otherwise advice should be given as to an neighbors child, when they ask only. Letting Go is a rough one but a necessary one to have a healthy relationship with your adult children.
That seems to be how Grandparents get to enjoy their new babies so much. These babies have so much to learn that is new and exciting, learning to reach, learning to crawl, walk and talk. Its newness rekindles those memories in our heart of our own children. As grandparents we can devote our time to loving, nurturing, spoiling and then return to the parents for discipline and raising. Grandparenting is great!! The reward of surviving raising children.
Changes in this busy world, changes we all need to take time to enjoy. As all your families adjust to the newness of changes, I commend you all; you have done a wonderful job raising these kids. Relax, and enjoy your time now. Till next week, I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
When you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-17-06
Okay, trivia question for you all, I know my sister Alberta knows, when does the sun start heading back to make days shorter? Is it the first day of summer, which is June 21st, or what? Answer will follow later to make sure you read this all the way thru.
I have really found myself in a dilemma lately. The whole thing boils down to adjusting my body to this new daylight saving time. I have been a Hoosier since 1956 and always believed the reason Indiana didn’t change time in fall and spring was because they were lazy and didn’t want to be bothered. Well, since our “New” ruling of Indiana’s going to Daylight Saving Time on April 2nd, and we sprung forward, I have developed greater respect for the “Old Die Hards” that voted against it all these years. Maybe they knew what they were doing.
We now have it still daylight at 9:30 at night. One finds yourself wanting to go to bed at 9 pm and the sun’s still shining. So, you force yourself to stay awake, once the sunsets you go to bed and can’t go to sleep. If this “OLE LADY” is having a time, think of all the parents who can’t persuade their kids “it’s bedtime.” Which finds all kids impossible to get up at 6 am in the morning for school. I find myself who’s habit was up at 5:30 to 6 am now not wanting to wake up till 7 am so I can get my 8 hours of sleep.
I try to get along with changes in life the best way I can and keep a good attitude. But, this is really turning me mean and ornery! Of course I realize we will FALL back to the old time. Again adjustments to make for the next 6 months, till we SPRING forward AGAIN. I do wish we could go back and vote on this topic one more time. I for one would head up a “one woman” campaign to stay with the way things were. I have heard many times “If it ain’t broke, don’t fix it!” I know I was a much better disposition ole lady when I had my routine, stable, comfortable with my body telling me what to do, you know time to eat, time to sleep, time to get up and didn’t have to depend on someone changing the dang systems and clocks.
I don’t ever remember having trouble with the time changes when I lived in Michigan for 10 years. I must have been “dog tired” from working in the yard or chasing Big Nanny, at the end of the day and not noticed, surely it couldn’t have been because I was younger, HA! Should anyone out there have the secret to adjusting to this “time thing” please let me hear from you.
Daylight Saving Time State bills have been a problem in lots of other states too, creating controversy for years from Middle East terrorism, to feuding twin cities, voter turnout to time change riots, radio stations to trick-or -treaters and opera performances to manslaughter charges. And of course, one MAD Mom in Indy. The candy manufactures will be happy this year, time changes at 2AM on the last Sunday of October, which is Oct. 29th, given the kids more daylight time on Halloween for trick or treating, which is 2 days later. The official time for Spring forward is 2 AM on the first Sunday of April, this year April 2nd. Okay Trivia guessers: The first day of summer on 21st of June is also the longest day of the year, so the sun will start going back to make the days longer again. HOORAY!!! One good plus for the time changes is it is a reminder to change your smoke detectors batteries also. We want everyone to be safe.
Okay, enough complaints from me, hope you learned something at the same time. Love you all, always, Mom
Tip of the week:
The person who rows the boat doesn’t have TIME to rock it!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 6-10-06
We all want a quick fix when problems come in our daily life. Many times after you worry and stew and seek solutions for 24 hours to correct a problem after 24 hours you feel that you’ve had this problem ALL YOUR LIFE! We are inpatient humans and often forget to see things are happening in God’s timing not ours, and that might be only a flick of the eye, instead of 24 hours, a week or month, as we feel it has been. I so often tell myself the 4 words that have gotten me through so many situations, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. Even though I tend to get earth bound and forget THIS TOO SHALL PASS works. Mountain wings reminded me of the Mom’s Thoughts I wrote 11-13-04 on this topic. Those four words need to be part of your thoughts too. May I remind you again?
When you are on top of the world, that is but a fleeting moment, things change, also, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. When you’re in the pits, all nights are followed by day, at your lowest moments remember also, THIS TOO SHALL PASS. All external circumstances and material things change. No matter what your circumstances, remember THIS TOO SHALL PASS. We all need the ability to recognize the fleeting temporal things of this material world from the truly eternal things. Most of the things that you worry and gloat about are temporary and those situations truly SHALL PASS.
We all will find we worry less if we quit worrying and concentrate our thoughts on living life right and be grateful for the eternal promises from God. When I think of my lifetime, IT TOO SHALL PASS,--- am I ready? We won’t get a second chance then to do right. Don’t let your time left pass you by. Make changes today to become the person you and God wants you to be.
Another week has passed also, so till next week, remember I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Forbidden fruits create many jams!!!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 6-03-06
During the 500 race this year many found out what the ole temperatures of 90’s and 100’s were really hot. Some folks like it hot instead of the cold frigid temperatures of winter. Both can be to the extremes either way and make you miserable uncomfortable. I for one have trouble with both in the last few years.
This spring we have had rather cool temperatures and seems like we might never get out of jackets, coats, and sweaters here in the Midwest. Well, Mother Nature changed giving the 500 race one week end of great weather, plenty of sun, no rain, unusual for Indy in May, race fans always get ready for any weather, come what May! Well, they got it hot, some folks were sent to the hospital for care due to the heat in the 90’s. Just imagine the heat in the racecars—or working in the pit crew team around the heat of the cars had to be over 100 degrees. Lots of sunburns too, I bet.
Our maintenance man, Cliff, here at Crestwood Village South also received a work out due to the heat, all 3 days replacing the faulty air conditioners for seniors in the 7 buildings. I was blessed with an A/C keeping my apartment nice and cool. I did say some gratitude in my prayers. I can remember back to lots of summers of extreme heat and we’d all huddle in front of our fans with only the kitchen having air conditioner in the house on Patterson St. Sure sapped all the energy out of you and caused many sleepless nights.
Easy to understand why we spent most of our summer days at the public swimming pool in Broad Ripple. You kids love to swim, all 3 of you like fish in the water. I’m sure you inherited it from your dear ole Dad who was a lifeguard at Franklin Pool while in High School and College. He loved swimming, diving, and even water skiing.
My thermometer on the balcony reached 110 degrees today in the sun. HOT!! Sure looks like summer is here early, enjoy your air-conditioner and be happy we aren’t in those pioneer days or even the fan only ones. Get a cold glass of iced tea and a good magazine or book and stay out of the heat when you can. Those of you having to work in the heat, drink lots, buy a good deodorant, and keep the showers going. Love to you all, always,
Tip of the week:
Live so you wouldn’t mind selling your pet parrot to the town gossip.
-Will Rogers-
for the
week of
often do
you stop
to a
one, and
to what
they are
Most of
us while
talk, we
of what
we are
going to
next. It
one of
with our
one &
the big
“I.” God
all of
from one
for us
in life
with the
we need
to live
the life
for us
to live.
this is
week, I
I am
able to
though I
find it
is not
easy for
me to
My mouth
and need
to talk
gets in
the way.
years in
I moved
the hall
Pratt. I
felt and
Lois has
to, that
it was
me here
so it
filled a
need on
both our
Mine for
and Lois
for a
Well she
so very
dear to
me as
that, a
for my
and a
I admire
to be a
She is a
who is
when I
need a
Not to
she has
for my
times of
my tears
say she
has no
well I
that not
has time
to or is
to give
All her
love is
Lois is
of her
she has
and all
who seek
her out.
I love
to hear
her read
from the
bible, a
I feel
to be
and have
daily in
my life.
lady is
91 years
sharp as
a tack
and can
beat Pam
in many
games of
the Lord
her with
no sign
has my
I keep
our Lord
to work
on my
and help
me to
keep my
he is
on me
one day
I will
be a
too. I
heard of
lady who
with a
man of
at a
up, you
know a
topic of
was “I
I know,
I was
to learn
what the
rest of
says a
lot to
me and
makes me
think of
that we
all are
but not
so eager
Have a
I love
Tip of
let your
get the
best of
as a
for the
week of
Day 2006
year in
May we
our love
for our
in many
ways how
much we
her. I
do a
job of
me feel
each and
day of
year. I
as you
over the
now with
in so
and not
so much
we are
only for
we don’t
how much
we owe
till we
are one.
I think
Ryan and
set of
how much
in the
last 3
birth of
tried to
them how
much a
mean to
have the
have, so
you will
get 8
hours of
all that
with all
3 of you
night I
in there
to see
if you
you less
needs of
begin to
so many
and then
In my
that was
always a
but not
as large
as the
love you
over the
you all
and now
my great
All are
on loan
God, and
one day
I will
have to
give you
back. I
pray I
for you
all. I
like the
us to
our days
that we
may gain
a heart
We may
live in
but with
help we
when we
need it
for our
It all
and ends
To all
you are
for all
the love
you have
made for
I hope
you know
you are
Tip of
Love is
like a
it has
and no
It keeps
comes in
Thoughts for
the week of
As I think
back this
Mother’s Day
on the 14th,
I find the
memories of
my self as a
stands out
in my mind.
wasn’t what
would call a
at that
time. After
many years
of my
process of
life, I
realize it
happens to
the majority
in their
teen years.
It’s hard
those 13 to
19 years of
age, while
we females
decide who
we are—and
often times
we do it
toward our
Our hearts
holds love
on the
wanting to
come out,
but often
our mouths
and quick
get in the
way. The old
saying “we
always hurts
the ones we
love the
most” could
apply to our
at one time
or another.
My Mother
was my
friend, the
one I
admired and
the one who
gave me
values to
live by.
Most of this
has been
since her
death in
1995, I am
starting to
see my
Mother in me
clearly. For
one I find
since her
passing to
be with the
Lord, that I
often on
things she
instilled in
me through
my childhood
and even as
a grown
adult. I
learned to
say please
and thank
you, I learn
to give
others a
chance in
to try to
see the best
in people,
and overlook
faults, for
I too am not
perfect, she
taught me to
the laughter
or smile of
a baby and
to love the
moment. She
taught me to
stop and
smell the
roses, enjoy
the sunrises
and sunsets
and thank
the Lord for
his beauty
given to us
daily. I owe
her for the
fun and
that comes
at Christmas
time and
parties, the
enjoyment of
the 4
seasons with
open eyes
and marvel
at their
newness, how
to pay a
to others.
taught me to
care for
what I have,
and most of
all to share
with others.
One of the
golden rules
is family
takes care
of family.
I find her
love for
finding 4
leaf clovers
in the
shades of
purples, and
always love
being a lady
with pretty
clothes and
jewelry. I
find more
traits in me
that reflect
her as I
age. She
made me a
person in
many ways
for the
things she
taught me.
was one
shown and
not one that
made you
aware you
were being
preached to.
I hope as a
myself, I
ideas and
traits in my
Some day
they may
reflect and
the same
came from
One thing we
talk of so
often is the
They’re full
over flowing
with tears
at any given
moment and
mostly when
we are
trying to be
so strong.
The best
things, the
always make
us cry.
bonds grow
from infancy
thru good
and bad
times, we
storms with
taught for
and passed
on down. We
each other
through love
as friends.
This love
isn’t unique
to only our
When a
mirrors her
Mother, the
heart swells
with loving
To the new
with little
daughters I
pray you
will know
that God
miracle you
have in your
life, the
to love, to
cherish, and
to teach the
child that
looks to you
as a role
model. Make
it traits
that you
would be
proud of.
Mothers Day
this month
and every
day of the
year your
Mother is in
your heart.
Tip of the
A Mother is
not a person
to lean on
but a person
to making
--- Dorothy
Mom’s Thoughts
of the week of
My church friend
Marty blessed me
with a bouquet
of freshly cut
lilacs from her
bush at home.
The wonderful
aroma has taken
over the air in
my apartment and
touched my
memory bank and
nose. The treat
of lilac aroma
only comes once
a year and a
short span—but
worthwhile while
Last week I
heard a robin at
6AM singing his
song at the top
of his voice
range—it was a
non-stopped till
noon. Had to
close my balcony
door! I enjoyed
it for a while
and then enough
Must be one of
those mixed
Speaking of
birds, one
pastor on Sunday
said “It’s for
sure we can’t
stop birds from
flying over our
heads, but we
can stop them
from building
nests in our
hair.” (Ponder
on that one for
a while!!) I
recall one bird
that made a
deposit on your
Dad’s head as he
over---“Ugh, bet
he wished he had
a hat on!”
When I think of
spring I will
always think
back to living
in Michigan.
Alberta and I
loved the
blooming of
tulips in our
yard as the
first appearance
of spring. We
had the troubles
that rabbits and
deer would get
them in the dark
of night and
“nip them in the
bud” which
eliminated the
pleasure of
blooms for
another year. I
recall our cure
was mixture of
cold water and
raw eggs beaten
together till a
paste like. I
would then truck
out in the cold
and spray each
tulip as it
started to come
up from the
ground. (I read
rabbits and deer
are vegetarians
and won’t eat
protein). We
felt so smart
when we would be
able to look out
the windows and
see our tulips
of color and
know we had out
foxed the wild
life. Of course
we had to do the
same with the
lilies in due
season. A spring
job that we went
thru dozen of
dozen of eggs.
Years ago we had
a charming and
gentle activity
tradition, on
the night before
May first, the
custom was to
place a basket
of flowers or
goodies over
door handles it
was done to
greet new and
old neighbors.
It was a really
nice touch of
spring custom of
friendship, and
called “a—maying.”
Sorry we have
lost that spring
tradition. An
offspring of
that continues
now with young
children taking
baskets of
flowers to the
nursing homes
for the seniors
during the month
of May. Even
bouquets of
dandelions bring
smiles to many
Mothers when
specially picked
by children.
I have enjoyed
the blooming
fruit trees,
bushes and
flowers, touches
of spring that
adds a little
spring to our
walking steps.
Have you noticed
spring in the
air at your
home? Enjoy it,
it only comes
once a year, tis
the season of
new growth and
hope. Always,
Tip of the week:
You may be only
one person in
the world, but
you may also be
the world to one
Layla Belle is
on Grama’s web
page, click on
the link below:
Mom’s Thoughts for
the week of 4-22-06
This week
one of my daily
Mountainwings on the
Internet was on an
interesting subject:
Comments made in the
year 1957.
Such as: “If things
keep going up it’ll
be impossible to buy
a week’s groceries
for $20.”
And: “If cigarettes
go over a quarter a
pack, I will surely
And: “The post
office is thinking
of charging a dime
just to mail a
And: “Who would
think gas would
someday cost 29
cents a gallon.”
And: “If you think
I’d pay 50 cents for
a haircut, you are
Lastly: “A contract
for a ball player
making $75,000 a
year is impossible.”
Comments so
lightly made in 1957
now finds us with
$20 buying little at
the grocery store,
cigarettes now $3+ a
pack, wishing stamps
were a dime and not
39 cents each,
paying $2.70 a
gallon of gas, Wow
and we thought $1.00
a gallon would be
out of sight. Who
would have thought
ball players would
be getting millions
a year to play
Lot of
things change and
become acceptable to
us without us really
paying much
attention, cause the
changes are gradual
and not on a daily
change or jump. One
of our pastor’s
messages at church
was on this subject
a while back. Shan
illustrated how
easily we take
things as acceptable
that in past years
we wouldn’t have
considered morally
or within our
culture standings.
When we find our
families involved in
porno, x-rated
materials, and
behaviors we wonder
how it happen. We
need to be aware,
alert, and not so
complaisant in our
daily lives.
In many
ways we have come a
long way in the name
of progress in the
last 50 years. Some
good, some bad
changes, the
wonderful thing is
we can choose and
make the choices of
what we accept for
loved ones and
ourselves. Allthough,
watch your
comments---- for you
too may have to eat
your words in years
to come.
On this
April 4th
your Dad and I would
have celebrated 50
years married.
Though he has been
with the Lord 24
years, I feel we
have been together
and would have loved
each other more as
time passed. I have
had fun pondering on
the last 50 years
and sharing with you
all. God bless you
and have a great
week. Always,
Tip of the week:
When God measures
us, he puts the tape
around the heart
instead of the head.
Mom’s Thoughts
for the week of 4-15-06
Back home again in
Indiana! WOW, traveling
surely wears you out!
Especially when you are
traveling ahead of
tornadoes, one day ahead
of them. They caught up
with us the next day,
but thank goodness no
serious damage near my
home. Wonderful to see
spring in bloom here,
and yes, I am taking
credit for bringing it
north with the warm
Our annual trip to
Georgia gave my sister,
Alberta and I some time
together. We mostly hung
out with my other
sister, Geraldine, as
she was taking radiation
treatments the month we
were there. Our brother,
Vern drove down for the
family reunion with some
of his family from
Illinois and Colorado.
They do a great job
supporting the reunions.
We always enjoy being
together even when it is
a short visit.
Our “Luau” Reunion was a
wonderful success, 90+
attended. It was
wonderful to see the
bright Hawaiian shirts
worn by so many, even
matching ones to
identify family members.
The Odom Hall was decked
out with Hawaiian
flowers and music,
bright colored food
containers with food
keeping with the luau
theme, salads,
beef-kebobs, pigs in a
blanket and of course
lei’s for all to wear.
The kids were
entertained with hoola
hoops, kites, and the
playground and sunny
weather to be out in.
Great Hosting to the
Gale Families.
Next year we will return
to the “Southern Style”
bring a dish and
celebrate “Ole Fashion
Days.” The Farmers at
heart were great to
participate so willingly
in the Luau, to most of
us it is the closest we
will get to Hawaii.
As so many have said
before “You can’t go
home or back in the
past.” The memories of
places we lived in
Georgia were in our
conversations though. I
was really too young to
remember a lot, but I
enjoyed hearing my
kinfolks talk about the
swimming in the creek,
picking cotton and
tobacco and yes, even
memories of snakes and
bugs. So many of our
loved ones have passed,
but our love continues
in our hearts. The
number of cousins of our
generation at the
reunions is getting
smaller but the newer
generations are now
coming to the fun. I
truly hope the reunions
can continue on each
year, it would really
please our forefathers
that gave so much to
family and the land they
worked. Grandpa’s place
is gone, even the woods
have dwindled down. I am
sure it’s hard for our
kids and grandkids to
imagine picturing the
visual memories we hold
in our minds and
thoughts even with them
being so dear to us.
We have to keep telling
the stories, tales of
family pasts so they
don’t vanish with the
houses, churches, and
landmarks being torn
down and replaced for
more modern buildings
Today is Good Friday; I
am reminded of Grama
Esther’s passing 3 years
today. Our family misses
her, but remember the
blessing she was to be
in our lives. As I watch
the trees with the new
growth of leaves for
this spring, I ponder on
how much it is like the
Resurrection of our
Lord, he took all our
sins away, and gave us
his Grace in a new
beginning and the
promise of eternal life.
Make Easter renew you
and your life purposes.
Happy Spring and
remember I love you all.
Cherished memories keep
us in touch with
yesterdays we loved so
Thoughts for the week of
once again it’s time for my
escape from my world and
make my annual trip to
Georgia. I always look
forward to traveling and
being with my sister,
Alberta, on our almost 3,000
miles round trip by car. We
leave Indy on the 13th of
March and will be back
around the end of the first
week in April. I again have
decided to stop the Mom’s
Thoughts during that time
and vacation the old
computer. I will be leaving
behind our dear little Miss
Layla, who is 6 weeks old
today. She has been a
delight to watch her heal
from her beginning in this
world, growing healthier
each day, and giving so much
love to us all. Her doctor
is well pleased with her
progress thus far. So, I
leave her in God’s care and
her Mom and Dad’s hands,
with lots of grandparents
helping along the way.
(Internet friends: You can
go to my (Jan's) personal
website at
Then click on
at the bottom of the last
column of my webpage. It is
linked to the Layla's photo
album.) Looking forward I
will have time to relax,
enjoy visiting with my other
sister, Geraldine. She too
has had a long journey this
past year with cancer,
chemo, and now currently
going thru radiation. She
continues to amaze us all
with her strength, endurance
and the results are all
looking positive. We are so
thankful for God’s healing
and the miracle of modern
medicine treatments. Our
trips always include family
reunions with kinfolks we
know and lots of new ones
yet to meet, family dinners
and lots of gospel sings.
So, even though I won’t be
here in my world, I will be
reachable, thanks to my son
Rusty, thru my cell
phone#317-223-9772 which is
a local call for you all in
Indiana. I will enjoy the
warm temps, the warm
southern hospitality and of
course the beautiful spring
flowers of the south for you
all. I will try to bring it
back with me, spring that
is. Thinking of you all with
love, Always, Mom
Tip of
the week: There’ll be 2
dates on your tombstone, and
all your friends will read
em. But all that’s gona
matter is that little dash
between ‘em.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week
of 02-25-06
Years ago, in the pioneers
days, our ancestor Mom’s
found themselves, cooking,
driving a team of mules or
horses, along with caring &
nursing a baby, who was
placed in an open-box bed in
the back of a wagon or
buggy. Also in those days,
the Indian Mom’s carried
their babies as papooses in
containers strapped to the
backs, like back packs,
while they did their daily
chores, laundry done on
rocks at ponds, helping
their mates with hunting in
wilderness. I recall the
next generation of Big
Nanny, working doing laundry
on scrub boards, and cooking
for her family with the baby
always close by. Us children
were often placed at the end
of the rows to sleep or play
while Mother worked the
fields along with Daddy.
Each generation has brought
changes to the Mom’s. When
you were babies I had a
small sleeper basket and a
diaper bag full of bottles
and diapers to transport you
in traveling in the car.
Somewhere between my being a
Mom and your generation
becoming Mom’s major changes
happen & the safety &
convenience of “THE BABY”
occurred. (I think the
Federal Government got
involved with regulations.)
I recall one trip of Dianna
bringing Tom to see Grama in
Michigan, Tom still being a
wee baby, Uncle Rusty began
to unload the van while
Dianna carried Tom in her
arms. Well, here came the
car seat, the eating chair,
the sleeping bed, and the
swing, to be used when he
wasn’t content in the
sleeping bed, box of
assorted bottles & food
items, and the diaper bag. I
couldn’t believe it took ALL
these items for one tiny
My memory had failed me
again, it’s been 15 years
between grandchildren and
great grandchildren, this
week I realized the time
span for sure. The new Mom,
Tori, and myself, the out of
experience Great Grama
tackled the first outing to
the doctor for Layla Belle
Brown. Oh my, it would have
made a funny movie had we
both not felt so frustrated
& all thumbs. Tori left many
things out of the diaper bag
in preparing it, the milk
pump attached to Layla’s
feeding tube decided to die
from not being charged(the
doctor had an emty bottle to
the rescue), putting Layla
in the car seat going to the
doctor was easy. However,
at the parking garage, we
neither one knew how to
detach the car seat base to
enable us to place it in the
buggy, when we got it,the
buggy, out of the trunk. I
am so glad we didn’t see a
camera in motion anywhere!
Tori finally said “Hold
Layla Grama so I can SLAM
this carrier in place.” It
is all laughable now to
Tori, and me but at the time
you had 2 frustrated women
and 1 sleeping baby. I am
sure Grama Pam has
instructed Tori on how ALL
these things open, lock and
all. Sounds like on the job
training to me, we had the
car seat backward. :>)
I realize the safety of the
baby has become top
priority, as it should be,
but the “Modern Mom’s” has
to have muscles, strength,
and endurance or one Daddy
to go along when
transporting the modern
baby. I am so glad I am not
eligible to become a “Modern
Mom”; my energy level is too
Have a great week
everyone------God loves you
and so do I.
Lively infants can make days
shorter, nights longer, love
stronger, bank accounts
smaller, and the future
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of
Barry Manilow has a beautiful
song called “One Voice” that is
one of my favorites. I enjoy it
and its words. This week I read
an article by David Faust, the
words jumped out of the page,
“Thank the Lord for every
one-of-a-kind voice he has
created. You are fearfully and
wonderfully made, (this is
printed over Layla’s crib by
Grama Pam) and those words
include your vocal cords.
I have 2 tattoos of x’s on my
neck over my vocal cords; the
radiation after my cancer
surgery was injected there in
1993. The doctor said I would
have them forever. I realize I
came very close to losing my
right vocal cord by smoking. The
doctor told me “You wouldn’t
have liked your voice minus a
vocal cord.” Through the Grace
of God, he didn’t choose to use
my voice minus a cord to teach
others. The radiation did change
my voice to a unique one. I
rarely have to identify myself
on the phone to others, they
hear and they know it is me.
That reminds me we each have
“one voice” like no others.
Just like fingerprints are
unique to everyone, same is the
case with our voice. I recall in
my mind Big Nanny’s, Grama
Fairy’s and others who have
passed and I don’t hear
regularly anymore, but I still
know their voices. Though I
hear similarities of Grama
Esther’s in her daughter,
Sandy’s, or mistake Pam for Tori
on the phone, it still remains
each has that unique “one
voice”. I listen to Tori talking
to Layla (4 weeks old today) or
singing quietly while holding
her at the hospital, makes me
smile. All babies are always
soothed by their Mom and Dad’s
voices. They are comforted and
feel safe. That is why Dr. Phil
says, “When parents argue in
front of children, they change
who the child is, and it is
never for the better, but it
places issues for the child to
deal with later on.
God knows our voice, when we
call to him. He mistakens us for
no other. What I like even
better is his promise, “my sheep
know my voice.” It is true sheep
know their shepherd, and his
voice. I have found in my
journey to growing in
Christianity, the Holy Spirit in
us leads us with his voice. When
we listen, there is no other
voice to be mistaken for his, it
is unique also. God uses that
Holy Spirit as his vocal cord in
us to lead us toward the purpose
he created us for. God
encourages till he makes us the
person he wants and where he
wants us in our life. These are
my thoughts but the comfort and
safe love is there for all to
Remember we are each and
everyone specially made even in
our vocal cords. Have a great
week everyone. I love you all,
Always, MOM
Tip of the week:
Always keep your words soft and
sweet, just in case you have to
eat them one day.
Thoughts for the week of 02-11-06
again it’s time for that special
time of the year, February and
Valentines Day. The time of the year
when you feel LOVE in the air.
Dianna at McNamara Florist it means
2 weeks of mad-rushing to please
orders of Love. She gets in the mood
and gives service above and beyond
Rosie’s (her boss) call to duty.
Their store is like so many others
with the feeling of “Love is in the
air.” It’ll be time for buying that
special valentine heart shaped boxes
of candy, special jewelry, stuffed
animals and any other trinkets of
love. I do believe sweethearts
overlook anniversaries or birthdays,
but Valentines Day there is no
EXCUSE for forgetfulness, especially
for women.
Valentines makes me think back to
grade school, when there was a
decorated box in the classroom for
all to put their valentines for the
class in. Then they would be
delivered on Valentines Day to your
own desk. I, as any others, would
daydream of that “handsome boy”
sending you a mushy valentine
declaring his undying love. He was
always the most popular boy in the
class, (nothing small on my
daydreaming!) I was the over tall
for my age, big buckteeth, and all,
so the chance of him even looking my
way was slim. Usually I got
valentines from girl friends but few
boys. Talking about a major let down
and bubble busters of daydreams.
Crushed again, at that time no one
could tell me that he would grow up
to be an adult called “a Nerd.”
Would he attract my eye today? No, I
doubt it, but back then it was a
one-sided love affair. We have lots
of hurt feelings to learn and grow
in through our maturing years.
of us have had to learn that we may
fall in love with a person and
daydream him to be what we want him
to be, thinking we can change or
mold him like play-dough. Won’t
happen----Changes start with
ourselves, only God can change
others. Often changes bring about
different traits of personalities,
making the person not the one
we feel in love with. Love is
tricky, so be careful what you wish
for. As a Garth Brooks song says,
those unanswered prayers can be
blessings. We don’t always know what
or who is best for us, but God does.
Valentines Day to all, Love the one
you are with. Always,
Tip of
the week: Don’t go
for looks, they can deceive. Don’t
go for wealth; even that fades way.
Go for someone who makes you smile,
because it takes only a smile to
make a dark day seem bright. Find
the one who makes your heart smile.
Mom’s Thoughts for the
week of 2-04-06
been tackling some first of the year
cleaning lately; yesterday I went to the
storage area to put some things away. I
flipped on the light and realized I
wasn’t alone. There halfway up the wall
was one of those long bodied thousand
leg BUGS.
first reaction was to RUN—but the
realization if I left him alive I’d
never know where he might turn up. So, I
quickly but fearfully hit him with my
shoe. He fell in a crack on the floor
and looked dead. So, I went ahead doing
the storage thing only to turn around
and there he was again half way up the
wall. Okay, I hurried to get the can of
bug spray---states KILLS DEAD ON
CONTACT—well that was a lie as he headed
straight for me. I used the ole size 10
shoe once again to finally kill him; by
this time my nerves are completely shot.
Nothing is worse for a woman than a
spider, Gail, my friend, abandon her
garage for one, a mouse (I’ve sat on the
back of a couch screaming at a mouse
trying to come around a corner of the
living room, after 4 or 5 tries he
finally went back out the hole he came
in the house, better than being in there
with that crazy woman.) these are
certainly fears for most women.
of women are Mother Bears protecting
their cubs, when it comes to protecting
their children. Mother Nature tends to
give us unknown strengths to overcome
our fear. As a Mother I have memories of
fighting of yellow jackets chasing Rusty
as a child, and a neighbors angry
rooster pecking at Rusty’s heels.
Frightened of both the fear vanished to
take Rusty out of Harms Way.
single lacks that secure “Call your MAN”
he’ll take care of things, especially
creeping crawling things. One reason I
decided to give up home-ownering was an
incident I had while in a mobile home.
Your Dad tried to teach me to be
self-sufficient remember? Well, one
winter the furnace stopped working, I
equipt with flashlight, and matches
tackled to light the pilot light on the
furnace. Every time I put the match in
the fire would go out. So I took the
flashlight and looked to see if I could
see anything in the hole that might be
wrong. Well, there was 2 eyes starring
back at me. Yeah, I screamed---the
flashlight flew—after jumping up and
down a few minutes, I called the
neighbors MAN. He couldn’t come over but
said hold the flashlight in front of the
hole and what ever it is will come out
to the light---well DAMN that is a scary
thought, thanks a bunch!!!!! So. Nerves
shaking I did what he said, and after a
few minutes out flew a bird. Thank
goodness it wasn’t a bat, I had 2 chase
me before in my life. Okay, bird is out
of the furnace but creates another
problem ---- he is flying into the
mirror—knocking over things in the
house. So, I grabbed a dish towel, I
remember Mother always waving one at
what ever she was trying to direct
someplace. I fan the towel and shooed
him for almost ½ hour before he finally
found the door and went outside the
house to freedom and a way from that
screaming crazy woman. Even after all
this I had to call the furnaceMAN—he
found another dead bird inside the
furnace. He removed it and lite the
pilot and got me some badly needed heat
in my house. Had to have a screen put
over the chimney pipe so the birds that
got up there to stay warm didn’t fall
into the furnace again.
I now
can call the maintenance MAN for major
repairs here at Crestwood. It is nice to
not have the worries of being a
homeowner. I know women want to be
independent, capable of handling life on
their own---but it is so nice to have a
MAN to fight the big monsters in a
woman’s life----spiders, mice, creepy
crawling bugs and women don’t blend
together. So ladies if you have that MAN
appreciate him for fighting the dragons
for you, and ladies that don’t have that
MAN, just think you are strengthen your
lungs capacity when you scream.
care, love you all, till next week.
of the week: Experience
is that marvelous thing that enables you
to recognize a mistake when you make it
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 01-28-06
Sweet Layla Belle Scott-Brown
click pix
One thing about being a senior is your
life’s pace slows down to match your body
energy supply. Around Crestwood I have
plenty of energy and pep to handle daily
situation and crisis. Then bang-----The
shift to being a Great Grama happens---the
wonderful miracle of God’s blessed birth of
Layla Belle Scott-Brown. Our dear baby was
born on Jan. 21, 2006, at 3:02 pm weighing 4
lbs. 2 oz and 16”long. We immediately had
proof of her being God’s child with no
respirator but breathing on her own, she’s
progressing daily as doctors and gravity
care for her gastroschesis easing the
intestines back into her stomach.
The nurses are delighted in ICU with her
feisty temper and strength, little but
mighty. Grama Pam has placed the verse,
Psalm 139.14 on the head of her bed, “I will
praise thee, for I am fearfully and
wonderfully made.” Her prayer family
continues to pray for her surgery next week
to close the stomach wall opening. Layla
Belle is a beautiful perfect little angel
sent to brighten all our lives and she will.
We are so blessed to add another new
generation to the Scott Family.
Tori and Ryan are doing frustratingly
excitingly well as new parents, so much to
learn, so much to do and the room at the
Ronald McDonald house near Riley Hospital
will help. Great Grama’s been on duty as all
grandparents work during the days. So I look
forward to the weekend off from my new job,
to restore myself with some energy. Pushing
a wheel chair, seeing to Tori pumping
Layla’s milk and also eating for Tori,
walking halls and more halls, driving back
and forth has let me know this wee young
lady has aged me. I love it but if anyone
out there has any extra energy I could sure
use it! Ahhhh, to return to sitting in my
rocking chair and watching Dr. Phil, I never
was bored with senior life-------but life
can change in a flash and you better be
ready. One small baby can change a lot of
people’s routines. (Smile) Love
to you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Don’t be so busy adding up
your troubles that you forget to count your
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 01-21-06
As I awoke
this morning, 2 hours later than usual, my
tiredness is felt. Aware that often it happens
when I get off my scheduled daily routine. I
think of my tiredness and say a prayer for Tori
who is in labor now almost 24 hours. Now that is
tiredness, giving birth to a baby. It is work!!
Any mother that heard her moans yesterday
quickly remembered being there and feeling pain
and tiredness when giving birth. It’s a woman’s
job and like no other. But a very worthwhile one
when they lay that baby in your arms.
We have all
been concerned with Tori and Layla through this
pregnancy. It may have its complications but I
was reassured this morning with a song that was
running thru my head as I awoke. Do you remember
singing, “In His Hands?”
He’s got you and me brother, in His Hands,
He’s got everybody here in His Hands,
He’s got the tiny little baby in His Hands,
He’s got the whole world in His Hands.
Once again
God reminds us he is in control. He is the
beginning and the end----He’s an Awesome God as
I wonder, “Does God ever get tired?” No, surely
not physically tired like we do. But maybe tired
of some of our choices and how long it takes for
us to learn one of his many lessons of life as
we practice free will.
So, trusting
that tiny little baby “in His Hands,” I am
looking forward to becoming a great grandmother
this weekend. You my children become another
step of life and become grandma, and great aunt
and uncle. There is no event to top the birth of
a new baby, a new life beginning. And we all are
apart of her life. Keep your prayers going for
Tori, Ryan, and Layla; they are in God’s
Hands. Always,
Tip of the week:
What most families need are fewer rules and more
good examples.
Mom’s Thoughts of the
week of 01-14-06
Biblical Marriage &
My oldest sister, Alberta, often gets me into
strange subjects for my Mom’s Thoughts. I really
think she should do her own, but I usually take her
challenge, and this week I will again tackle her
“here see what you can do with this one.” Watch out
married folks, I am thinking.
In the bible under Proverbs 21:9 you will read the
following verse,
“It is better to dwell in a corner of the housetop
than with a brawling woman in a wide house.” Ahh,
nagging wives or ones with tempers is a subject I am
well versed on. My temper and raging anger kept Dad
and I going most of the time in our early years. I
once was one to throw things in anger at him, though
he learned if he stayed stationary I’d never hit
him. Even went thru a time I’d slam out the door and
get in my car and drive. Yeah, not a good solution
“anger under the wheel” and certainly didn’t do a
thing to help our marriage. Dad most of the time
responded little, cause he knew I’d calm down
“sometimes” and until then he’d have some peace and
A smart wife learns she never accomplishes anything
but wearing her tongue out. Hubby’s soon learn to
turn a deaf ear, this truly is not the way to good
communication. I don’t remember your Dad ever
resorting to dwelling on the rooftop of the house to
get away from me. He had his share of being in the
doghouse with me. That reminds me of the plaque we
had on Ripple Road, it was called “The Scott Dog
House” and had a big doghouse that you could place
the dog with its name on it, meaning which one of us
was in trouble for that day or week. I do believe
majority of the time Dad or Rusty was the one in the
doghouse. Don’t know what happen to that plaque got
lost in the moving from house to house I guess.
All marriages have times of disagreement and it can
keep marriages interesting to say the least. I ran
across a prayer from a wife it reads:
Lord, I pray for
wisdom to understand my
man, Love to forgive him, and patience for his
moods, Because, Lord, if I pray for strength, I’ll
beat him to death. Amen! By Regina
Yep, I remember those times and I am sure your Dad felt
the same too. Marriage can be testing to ones patiences,
but in the end it is worth it all to have that one you
love to snuggle with on a cold night, knowing he is
there because he loves you even with your faulty
tempers. We do learn the hard way and it even goes back
to biblical days.
I am glad we
don’t live by the description of a good wife in Proverbs
Chapter 31. I’d never measure up. Of course it’s Old
Testament and thoughts and ways changed some with the
New Testament, and even more so in this day and age.
Have a great week everyone. Sun is shining as I write
this, WOW it is great too.
Love always, Mom
Tip of the week:
When a man
marries a woman, they become one, but the trouble starts
when they try to decide which one.
Mom’s Thoughts for the
week of 01-07-06
Over the holidays I drove down to the Garvins in
Bargersville, seeing the country is not like it was when
Dad and I first married in 1956. Two lane highways from
Franklin to Indianapolis was considered to be some trip
well over an hour and half one-way. Back then the
country was really country; most land owned by farmers,
either fields planted with crops or livestock. This
dated back as a way of life passed on from our
pioneering Scott’s and Lee’s ancestors back 250 years
ago when they settled in Johnson County. These farmers
founded this land for us, preserving it, & passing it on
to the generations to follow as a way to care and
provide for our families with pride.
As I ponder and remember
back, I traveled the same roads here 50 years later and
see the farmland have now become big grocery stores,
shopping malls, condos, or apartment complexes. It seems
few farmers remain, many have been forced to sell out
and seek incomes elsewhere to support and care for their
families. In my opinion, our nation has dropped the ball
somewhere. Too many of our needs now come from other
countries & not our own. I remember the Farm Aid
programs that tried to assist our Farmers and asking for
protection and support from Americans. It is sad to see
this change happen, knowing we do have to accept changes
do to growth, knowledge and modernizing. Tho, it is sad,
it is a big loss to our inheritance.
Farmers then and now, show
such faith in their jobs and way of life. They plant
seeds in the ground, trusting and knowing God’s laws of
the cycle of life will bring them to maturity. The seed
is not guaranteed to grow, but with fertile soil,
watering, and weeding, God will make it grow to a crop
to be harvested. The farmers’ job is to cooperate and
trust God to make it all work. Talk about faith the size
of a mustard seed, wow, wouldn’t we all benefit to have
faith as the farmers have always had, imagine what we
could accomplish.
I am proud some of our
Farmers remain, trusting God, trusting the cycle of
nature, and preserving our founding Fathers legacy. Our
family has some farmers that continue this legacy, the
Johnstons in Michigan, and so many of my cousins in
Georgia. They are unique, hardworking, good Christian
folks. May God continue to bless them and their
harvests, giving them strength to continue this legacy
for future generations.
Have a good week to one
and all, maybe the sun will come out and stay for a
while. Sure has been gloomy
here in
Indy. Love always,
of the week:
BIG BOOK is like a cookbook----you can read it all day
long and starve, You have to take action.
Thoughts for the week of 12-31-05
Counting Blessings of 2005
Once again I find myself
sitting and watching the snowfall outside my balcony doors.
Something about snow that gets me in the mood to ponder and
write my thoughts. As I think of a brand new year to begin
next week, I find myself looking over the events of this
year, as many of you may be doing also. I’m sure not too
much that happen would be recorded in our history books. But
to me each and every day was important because it included
my family and friends.
As with all families the
holidays brought memories of those we miss that have passed
away over the years. This year I lost some friends here at
Crestwood, lost some in the Thornton family and Sandy
(cousin) in the Lee family. With the loss of loved ones
always come the blessings also of new lives beginning. We
welcome to the family Samuel, son of Craig and Nichol in
Alberta’s family and Ainsley, daughter of TJ and Laura in
Geraldine’s family. It’s the cycle of life God created for
us all, a time to die, a time to be born (Ecclesiastes 3:2).
Our family has been
blessed through 2005, Alberta came through eye surgery with
flying colors, Rusty finished his weekly shot treatment with
Hepatitis C, Geraldine is doing wonderful with her Cancer
chemo, and Tori & Layla are under the wonderful prayers of
others to bring them to a successful pregnancy and birth.
All with the blessings surrounding us with the medical
knowledge and healing from our awesome God. We have come so
very far through the years of medical results.
Things continue to change
one day at a time, but the days turn into years all to
quick. Speaking of quick----I had two grandchildren reach
the age of 18 this year, I’m so proud of you Scott and
Natali, I’m looking forward to your graduation from High
School in the spring. You’re both turning into adults with
bright and full futures ahead of you. Congrats to their
parents for getting them there alive!!
As we look forward to the
new year 2006, look at it with hope and confirm verse of
Jeremiah 29:11, “I know the plans I have for you, declares
the Lord, plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to
give you hope and a future.” WOW, and we have a new year
ahead of us. Go into it with a positive attitude and know
life can be unlimited for you. Don’t fill it with worry,
stress, guilt, and all those negatives. That is not what God
has promised nor wants for you. Trust his word!! Instead
look to it with excitement, joy, satisfaction you will do
your best, be happy and most of all put some fun in your
I am wishing you all a
Happy Good and Blessed New Year in 2006. See you next year.
Always with love,
Tip of the week:
Yesterday is so far in the past I can’t see it. Tomorrow is
too distant in the future to be seen. So, I’ll take a good
look at what I can see—today!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-24-05
I’m watching the snow falling softly out my balcony doors. By softly meaning slower than usual, and creates a peaceful serene feeling to my heart and soul. On the radio I hear Christmas music telling of our dear savior’s birth and the joy of the Holiday season.
It makes me wonder of that night in Bethlehem, the songs tell of peace, goodwill, silent night, wondrous, holy, all because of Jesus’ birth. God’s gift to us on earth. Our Lord came to us as a babe in a manger. What an awesome God we have, his perfect way to illustrate to us PEACE in a sleeping baby.
I saw the newest commercial of PAMPERS this week with the only words at the end of the commercial being “PEACE ON EARTH.” The whole commercial showed about 10 different babies sleeping in their beds or cribs. The message was loud and clear in the silence, what sight is more peaceful than watching a baby sleep. A new baby is an awesome beautiful sight to behold, tiny perfect fingers, tiny little feet and toes, softest skin ever, dimples where they should be, and eyes that would melt anyone’s heart. To see the contentment of those wee ones sleeping, tummy’s full, warm, comfy, snug, and satisfied can bring smiles of joy to us looking on.
I recall when my brother Vern, took 2 or 3 hours of Sarah, his first grandbaby sleeping on a video. Not moving, just sleeping and Vern kept saying “Isn’t she beautiful?” and continued to sit and watch.
Proud Grampa yeah, as we all are when we see our own flesh and blood created in a baby. Awesome and Beautiful!!
When we first heard of Jesus coming as a baby to be born of a virgin and in a stable, could we have truly realized what the words savior or redeemer really would mean to us and our lives. Our bible tells of our gift being everlasting life and its meanings to us. No, I don’t think we could comprehend it all, think of a wee baby sleeping so soundly in peace, not a care in the world. That gift is ours today, tomorrow, forever, all we have to do is accept it, and that is how we can be. Place your future in his hands and offer to serve him, he’ll show you what to do next. Welcome his guidance in your life.
I wish all Peace----- real PEACE, the kind you feel all the way into your heart and soul. Peace reflects happiness, contentment, self worth, and most of all love to one another.
Keep CHRIST in your Christmas this week and heart each day ahead. Blessings and Love, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Having spent the better part of my life trying either to relive the past or experience the future before it arrives, I have come to believe that in between these two extremes is peace. –Anonymous-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-17-05
Here at my Crestwood home I recycle Christmas cards each year, not because I am cheap, but so I can give wishes to all in the residents in building #6, total 65. (Tip: Cut the backs of the ones you receive and you have a new recycled card and free, give with or without envelope) Along with these cards I hope the receiver will recycle their own memories of Christmas’s past. All of us have that recall in our hearts, gifts, fun, love, and warmth shared with friends and family.
I have thought back to Christmas’s and the best gift I received as a child and meant the most to me, was at age of 11 or 12 when I received my very FIRST store bought doll. Over the years, I remember most of the Christmas’s I was fortunate to receive a doll Mama had made herself and often made of feed sack cloth, as was many of my clothes. We always considered the stockings full of fresh fruit, candies, and nuts as a big gift. Things have really changed over the years, majority of the kids of this generation would feel cheated. When parents do the best they can, no child should ever feel anything but grateful. That is a lesson taught and learned with experience.
My precious doll was destroyed by Pam, my first child, age 2, when myself as an over anxious mother, couldn’t wait for her to get older to appreciate it as a gift and take care of it. Respect and ability to care for ones possessions come from being taught or we often have children who grow up unappreciative and greedy.
When Dianna married my son-in-law, Don, I was immediately impressed with his collection of his childhood toys. He had cared for and protected toys for many years in the original wrappers and all. (Not saying how many years Don!) Dianna and Don now have collections through their home plus have their own store on E-Bay of purchases they make at flea market and garage sales of quality items. This has become a profitable business for them both. Don’s pride and care for possessions makes this mother happy to have him in the family, for he cares the same way for my baby daughter and her boys, protective, caring and puts lots of effort to preserve them for their betterment and future.
I’m sure you all are thinking of Christmas pasts and some wonderful memories. We are blessed to have them to recycle. Be Blessed in your thoughts and caring to keep others close in your heart.
Get that shopping done, those of you suffering from winter colds and flu, hope you’re better real soon. Sending my love to all,
Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
I don’t live in the past…… I just like to visit it once in awhile. :<)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-10-05
Shop, Shop, Shop, shop till you drop going on at the malls and stores lately. Shoppers anxiously hurry to finish that shopping list finding the perfect gift for each and every person on their list. Nothing wrong with that but it seems Christmas has become so commercial and the importance is often placed on the cost of the gift we give to others and what they give us back.
Don’t get me wrong----I loved the days when you children would get up on Christmas morning with excitement in your eyes of all the gifts that were under the tree. Children’s wishes being shared with Santa always was captured by pictures, showing your glow or even fright of the white bearded man that scared you but brought gifts on Christmas mornings. There’s always an electrical feeling in the air at Christmas time, and even more, when it snows on Christmas.
The GOOD NEWS is we can have all the spirits of Christmas due to the real gift God gave us, his son, Joy & Peace came with the birth of Jesus. We too can share FREE gifts with our families, friends, neighbors, and even strangers. These gifts the Holy Spirit gives us, sharing encouragement, compassion, love, caring, thoughtfulness, with others our paths cross. To some holidays often cause depression, of memories of loved ones who have passed, or even when dealing with their failing health, dealing with cancer and other diseases. My dear Sister, Geraldine is working very hard now to win her fight with cancer and the effects of cancer and chemo. Her strength and faith is an inspiration to all of us in the family. “Keep up the Good work, Sis!!!”
So many need gifts we can pass on, a smile, helping hand, a word, or two of encouragement. Any of these could make a big difference to folks during the holidays.
I watched Channel 40’s reruns of The Andy Williams Family back in the 50’s the other night. (They sure were young and time has changed their looks) The show generated warmth, peace, and joy of the heart even now years later. All that and more, Christmas makes us aware of, yes, it is “GOOD NEWS,” and we can pass it on to one another.
Last week’s Mom’s Thoughts told of “Layla Belle,” my great granddaughter and her mom, Tori. I had the awesome view of Layla in her ultrasound at the doctors. I will be sharing this with you all soon, but for now, I ask you for your continual prayers for Tori and Layla during this pregnancy. She is “God’s Child” and that is GOOD NEWS.
Give some GOOD NEWS to others this week. Pace yourself on that shopping. I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
People who are late are often much jollier than the people who have to wait for them.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 12-03-05
This week begins the Christmas Season, already the stores, radio and Television are playing holiday music. One of my favorites is the loved “Mary, did you know?” by Mark Lowry. This song gives us wondering thoughts of the preparation of our Lord’s birth into the world. I am sure Mary who was the vessel used to bring Jesus onto the earth, had many thoughts while she carried this baby boy of God’s making. “Mary, did you know the child you deliver would one day deliver you?”
“Mary, did you know that your little boy is Lord of all creation?”
“Mary, did you know this child would be the Great I Am?”
All Mother’s wonder about the purpose and future of their unborn child. Though there is no birth to compare to our Lord & Savior, Jesus, all babies are conceived and carried by a chosen Mother. The wonderful anticipation of the future and what it may hold in the life of the child is unlimited and fills us with awe.
Like Mary and other expecting Mother’s, Tori, my granddaughter, is now being blessed with a wee little girl baby, Layla Belle and the thoughts of her potential birth and future as “God’s Child.” Women have such a wonderful privilege to be the vessels to carry an unborn child and give birth into this world. It may be determined as “a Job” with weight gain, discomfort of morning sickness, physical movement and a foot under your ribs, kickings, all happenings while carrying a baby to birth. That wee one rules as it lets you know it is time to lay down so it can stretch out too. (Smiley) Ahhh, Motherhood all becomes worthwhile even after a painful birth, when you see your baby’s face and she/he is placed in your arms, you forget all the discomforts you went through for nine months.
Layla Belle will hold all the genes, some traits, and some appearance of her parents, Tori and Ryan, also ancestors of years passed and present in her bloodline, what a mighty God we have to create in such perfection. We have no way of determining the purpose of Layla’s life and who’s lives and where it will lead her. As parents, Tori and Ryan have to instill in her to everyday do her best following God’s path he has for her future. The possibilities of it all are mind-boggling. We all have that unlimited potential as “God’s Children.”
As you hear the Christmas music this coming month, remember how blessed we are to have our savior’s birth to remind us of hope, promise of our future, and the saving grace that will be with us forever. You too may be asking, “Mary, did you know?”
Have a great week all my children and loved ones. You are all very special to me, I appreciate you listening and reading my ponderings through each week. Blessings and Love, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Feeling gratitude & not expressing it is like wrapping a present and not giving it. (Wm A. Ward)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 11-26-05
Not too many weeks ago, Rusty commented on my Mom’s Thoughts “You’re getting mighty religious aren’t you lately? You aren’t the Mom I had when I was younger.” I said “Oh, do you mean the one with the temper, flaring at the drop of a hat, the one that cussed, the one that drank and smoked too much, is that the one?” Of course, I had to follow that with “And which would you rather have?
I hope over the years I have changed and for the better. It’s what I think our purpose in life is, about growing, maturing and when we get our priorities straight we try to become the person God planned for us to be. Experience through years helps us to learn valuable lessons in life. If we pay attention to the many mistakes we make, we profit by growing ourselves to become better people, more Christian like, and trying to weed out our weakness of selfishness, greed, and jealousy. I don’t think for a minute we can become perfect, only Jesus is the perfect being. I thank God I am not the person I use to be, and I’m sure I am not near the person he wants me to become. He is still working very hard on me, a daily project, one I have to repeat many times to learn and get things into my stubborn head, but mostly in my heart. I am grateful for the changes in my life.
I asked Rusty if he was the same person he was 10 years ago---after hesitating he said, “No, I too have changed.” He has become less selfish due to the addition of a wife and a family; he has had to turn to God for his own journey through Hepatitis C. We all change when we realize we can’t do it alone, and accept the Holy Spirit as our guide instilling in us the need to do better, to be more responsible. That spirit in me lets me know when I am headed in the wrong direction, almost before I do anything. Some calls that their conscience---I ‘ve come to know and believe God leads us if we listen and pay attention.
I am not a spring chicken anymore--- more like an ole hen, I know I don’t have much time remaining, and certainly none to waste before I meet my maker. So, I need to change for I haven’t always been proud of my actions, or my lack of considering others needs. I am proud there is a noticeable change in me. Rusty too will not be the same in another 10 years, if he grows closer to God and keeps himself growing “religiously.” We have a void in us till we realize it is God we need to seek to complete us. Others nor any thing else can fill that void. The more we learn from God’s Word the more our purpose makes sense.
I think too of Dianna and Pam and I see religious growth in them over the past years. You children make me proud, we all still have growing room, toward each other’s and to our selves. Only by this way can we pass on to the coming generations, our faith, and our love for God keeping it going.
Have a wonderful week, as we get ready for the month of December, the holidays, and family gift sharing, but mostly for the celebration of our savior’s birth on Christmas Day. Where would we be had our Jesus not been born for us in Bethlehem. One awesome gift from God! I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
A soul is like the surface of a lake….when it is still, it mirrors the beauty all around it.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-19-05
Many years ago I learned I couldn’t “do it all,” even at times I could do nothing but “PRAY.” I ask for God to put his arms around my child individually or all of them at one time. As parents we often feel helpless to physically help our family. I learned then to pray continually from waking up to going to bed, though I think I may even pray in my sleep. I often awake in the morning with peace that only is generated by God to us. I think prayer communications with God needs to be 24/7.
Last night Pam called to say Tori was in stomach pains and at the hospital. Of course, we immediately thought of the baby. Pam said she would call when she had more info at the hospital. Her last words were “PRAY.” Later the call came back the baby’s OKAY, Tori has a bladder infection causing the pain, they will treat it with antibiotics and let her go home.
We have one AWESOME God, he is always there!!! 24/7 and we most of the time ignore him or are too busy to talk to him, but we fully expect him to answer our “quick due to needs prayers”. He must truly love us unselfishly, unconditionally even though we often take him for granted. Why do folks have to be panic or frightful to realize how we need God’s help in controlling our lives? He sees what is happening today, tomorrow and next week and knows the plans he has for us in the future. (Read Jeremiah 29:11) He is so worthy of our trust daily not just when we yell “help.”
God’s blessings are there for us and we just need to open our eyes---make time to include God in our days---we all have so much to be grateful for. Thank him for the beauty in this world, thank him for the blessings he gives us when we don’t even ask for them, thank him for saving us from many mishaps we would have been in had he not changed our plans at the last minute. With all the recent natural tragedies happening lately, hurricanes, tornadoes, and floods causing losses we forget to thank God for all those he saved or put out of harms way. He is there always caring for our welfare and us.
So with Thanksgiving week coming up maybe we all need to pray 24/7 and include those prayers of gratitude. Keep that line open with God, you’ll find your days go so much better while you are thanking him. I love you all, and Have a wonderful plentiful Thanksgiving with lots of prayers of gratitude.
Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Give me a sense of humor Lord, give me the grace to see a joke, to get some humor out of life, and pass it on to other folks.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-12-05
Fall, hasn’t the trees been gorgeous this year. Wednesday evening of this week, I watched the sunset and was just amazed at the colors in the horizon. The sunset was red-orange-yellow, as the sun went down the trees in the horizon of various shades enhanced each other. The vivid reds in the sky remained long after the sun had set. Yes, I do love the Autumns in Indiana. The trees must have billions of leaves on each tree regardless if they are oak, elm, maple, birch, or what.
That makes me ponder and remember that kids are made to have fun and leaves make great fun-makers. I think back to you children and my own childhood, nothing was more enticing than raking up piles of leaves high as you could pile. Then if lucky you had a rope tied to a limb that would swing over the pile, you could drop right in the middle of it. It matter not that you might be buried alive, dirt in your hair, mouth or eyes. Yes, kids can always find fun in whatever others call work. Of course that may not rid the yard of the leaves, but what memories. Carefree Drive home of mine had 3 soft maples that covered the yard & always required zillion bags to fill to be rid of those leaves. I’d have callous from the rake handles. WORK I guess so, when you finished here comes the neighbors, blowing over.
Down in Greenwood the residents blow them to the streets in piles, the Fire Dept. come along and super suck them up to a trailer truck, from there they compost or recycle for residents behind the fire house for the residents to collect as compost next spring.
Leaves and more leaves, I know Rusty remembers the leaves on Ripple Road. Our acre had so many trees that when the leaves fell it was a month’s job getting rid of them. Rusty had a riding mower he tried to use as a mulcher but it was prior to the mulching mowers and it was almost impossible to make any leaves smaller much less mulchable. Didn’t even work trying to float them down the canal either.
Yep, I love the fall, how about the big Oak trees that keep them leaves all winter, storms come, snow comes and nothing can blow them loose- but come spring when you’re not looking all of a sudden their leaves are all on the ground. Still thinking, City ordinances pretty much forbid you from burning the leaves like all the years we did. You’d rake and the smoke would follow you (use to say smoke followed beauty) haha--- you’d rake and the smoke would get in your eyes, and then your clothes smelled like smoke. Ugh!! Leaves may cause WORK but doggone they make good memories to recall.
Enjoy Fall, the leaves and all while you can all too quickly we’ll see snow fly and the temps drop & Old Man Winter will be here!! Blessings and Love, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: My grandfather once told me that there are 2 kinds of people: those who do the work, & those that take the credit. He told me to try to be in the first group; there was
less competition there. –Indira Gandhi-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 11-05-05
You know we often go along in our rush rush world everyday living, almost like being on a non-stoppable treadmill. So many small things become our priorities of things that matter and accomplishments we must do that day. Then we may get a jolt in a phone call or happening, which puts things back into reality for us, these can make us realize what is important.
My brother-in-law Stan, had the task of calling me with the sad news of a family cousins death, Sandy Walker at only age 63 had died suddenly on Tuesday of this week. I was shocked speechless and unable to grasp the news, as I am sure many others were also. Sandy was always full of energy and love of life. Her death makes it even harder to deal with and accept the loss.
I recall back when Dad & I as newlyweds first went to Aunt Kack’s and Uncle Keith’s farm home in Trafalgar, In. Dad had been since a small boy part of that family and the farm life. He was there any chance he could be. That home I found out was always full of love, laughter, smells of good cooking coming from the kitchen. Kathleen was a true homemaker and took her job seriously. I was 17 when I married Dad and the first time we visited this home, I immediately bonded with Nancy and Sandy, both in their early teens. They made me right at home and never as an outsider. I cherished and still do this bond we established through the years.
The Buckner Family always welcomed any and everyone coming along to be fed. Always plenty was their tradition. I noticed Sandy too, had become very much like Aunt Kack in her ways, witty with humor, always making room for one more at the table, care giving when and where needed. Her love always showed deep into her children and grandchildren and too back from them to her. She will continue to live in the special genes that will pass from generations forward. When they say the good die young it has been the case with so many in the Buckner Family. My heart goes out in prayers for strength for all of the family in the days ahead dealing with this loss.
I have been blessed with good times and memories I shared with them. So many were laughing times and the kind that remains in your album of heartfelt love. Life is one precious gift from God that all to quickly can be taken from us. Remember what’s important and don’t get caught up in earthly matters, and forget your time with family.
Enjoy the warm days this week, check out the colors, and take in the craft fairs which will be starting the holiday season all too quickly after Halloween. I love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Birthdays are good for you. The more you have the longer you live.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-29-05
Autumn out my window
Today I was fortunate to allow myself time to sit, do nothing, and look out my window at the beautiful art work of Autumn. The gorgeous color of the trees, as they near their peak for the season. I have the same beautiful maple red in color out my balcony door that is now fantastic in color. What a peaceful atmosphere for me this morning. I think back to October and Novembers of past, once again reliving those great memories of trick or treats, getting pumpkins from the pumpkin patch with Tom, the fun of carving the most scariest face on the ole pumpkin, Halloween parties of bobbling for apples, seeing who had the neatest and scariest costumes, and don’t forget the donuts and apple cider. Wow, it is great to have such good memories to enjoy in my mind.
It wouldn’t be fall, autumn, or pumpkin time with out me thinking once again of this writing I shared with you all in October of 2003. I think it is worthy of repeating:
A woman was asked by a co-worker, “What is like to be a Christian?” The co-worker replied, “It is like being a pumpkin, God picks you from the patch, brings you in, and washes all the dirt off of you. He then cuts off the top and scoops out all the yucky stuff. He removes the seeds of doubt, hate, greed, etc. and then he carves you a new smiling face and puts his light inside of you to shine for all the world to see.”
Autumn out the window, don’t let it pass you by, take time and take time to ask God to rid you of the yucky stuff that is messing up your life. Have a great week. Love you all, Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Our neighbors window looks much cleaner if we first wash our own.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-22-05
The Miracle of Babies
This week I received a phone call from Tori, my 20-year-old expecting granddaughter. She had finally had the ultrasound at her doctor’s, the one that was to tell all. You know the ALL, when, what, and how the baby is. Her excitement all too quickly past on to me as the new to be Great Grandma. Well, the scoop is she is 19 weeks pregnant; the baby should be born the first part of March 2006, not able to see if a girl or boy, the doctor is leaning toward it being a healthy normal little girl. She now weighs, 7 oz. though I misunderstood for a day or two that she was 7 lbs. Gads talk about senile, the baby would be the high weight of an elephant if Tori had to carry it another 5 months. (Smiley)
I think back to when I was having my babies, we had to wait all 9 months to find out what sex we were having, always a beautiful surprise. I was blessed with 5 beautiful healthy formed babies, and my pregnancies were so easy, a walking baby factory on two legs. Tori has had morning sickness since day one of being pregnant. She has made the statement “Grama I never knew carrying a baby would be so hard.”
Wisdom comes from experience and maturity. The journey ahead of her of motherhood is a wonderful blessing from God. Not one to be taken lightly, nurturing, and raising a child. My prayers have been for Tori and Ryan to pull together to love and be responsible for this baby in the future times ahead. With God’s help they can do it.
I didn’t realize till later, the answering machine taped part of our conversation. As I replayed it I heard the excitement, the voices of joy, we shared. She told me the ultrasound could now show the face of this unborn child clearly as in a photo, she was awake and had her eyes open. This is so awesome; I started to cry as I thought of her Great Grandpa that this child and Tori, her mother never knew. He would have loved them both so. It gave me strength knowing that Russ and mine blood has traveled through Pam, to Tori and now another generation. My days of having babies have past, but there is a continuing legacy of bloodlines flowing to the new wee ones. God has blessed me so richly.
May I never take for granted each new arrival in our family. I am so excited and hope all of you give thought to how God has blessed you. Till next week, I send my love and God’s blessings to you all.
Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Love is like a baby; it needs to be treated tenderly.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 10-15-05
Fighting Hepatitis C
My dear daughter in law, Jodi, invited me for dinner on Monday to help celebrate the finally shot for Rusty’s Hepatitis C shots. I was delighted to be there and got the honor of administering the last shot. Rusty didn’t appreciate the mischievous twinkle in my eyes as I prepared to hold the needle like I was throwing darts. (It always gave me practice giving Dad his 2 times a day insulin shot.)
Rusty said “Okay you can give it in my stomach, or upper legs” but not my butt. Well that disappointed me, as I thought of all the misery and pain he caused me when he was growing up, and thought it is pay back time. Anyway, I chose to give it in his stomach, which is a mass territory and I’d be less likely to miss. As I alcoholed the whole belly, Rusty said “Mom you only need a small spot,” I was making sure I got it all sterile. Jodi took the proof picture of what I am talking about.
Seriously, the program Rusty participated in was a one shot a week, along with oral medication for 48 weeks. Many began this program with Rusty, and dropped out with the severe flu side effects, but only a few finished with him. Rusty went into this with NO guarantees all the pain would have the end result of curing him of Hepatitis C. He felt he had to give it that chance of working. Now that he is finished with the shots he will have to wait thru 4 months to see the results, as the medication leaves his body day by day.
I too was given the 98% cure 13 years ago with my throat cancer and radiation treatments. The pain one endures, the stress on the family, is hard to endure but is all worth it. Nothing is as precious as life, when one faces the reality of one’s death; we all want more time with our loved ones. It is human nature in us to fight for life and survive.
Congratulations again my son, and your wonderful family, Jodi, Natali, and Ryan for sticking through the thick and thin with Rusty. We will all be praying for a complete cure with God’s healing grace.
Have a beautiful Fall week with the trees beautiful colors surrounding us. My love to all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week: Yesterday is a cancelled check, Tomorrow is a promissory note, Today is cash in hand, Spend it wisely.
Mom’s thoughts for the week 10-08-05
My friend from High School, Diane shared with me her thoughts after last weeks MTFTW. She said “When I asked God to show me my weak spots and what I should get busy improving on them, I didn’t know I needed a makeover then.” I think once you have accepted that God is in control of your life and ask for him to change you, you do become a new person and are made over. We think we haven’t changed but when we look back on things we realize there has been growth in us, and we are better person than when we were younger, some coming with maturing and life’s experiences.
I chuckled when these thoughts took me instantly back to a recent message on Joyce Meyer’s television ministry. As only Joyce can do, she got our imagination going as she described God changing us. Picture God with pruning hand snips, and trimming us like a gardener trims a bush in his landscape. He says “we will take a snip off here; maybe that small branch should come off to make the bush look neater in shape”. The things standing in the way of our makeover to be a better person, easily gets snipped away, our faults like complaining, envy, poor me-ism, jealousy, or whining. Then when the work gets harder to get rid of our evil ways, God gets out the hedge trimmers, and really makes us over. I don’t know about you, but that makes me laugh, cause God has had major big trimmings in my life. He truly is still working on me, helping me to become more like our Lord snip by snip. Taking the me, me, me out of priority and helping me to put the focus on others first.
Changes in attitudes, learning to forgive, learning that big one --patience’s, and other insights all come so much easier when we learn that God has all things worked out for us, we just have to be willing to let him do the makeover and quit fighting him in our day to day life.
Hope you are loving this cool weather and watching the changes in the trees as we leave summer and come into the colorful autumn time of the year. Take care, remember I love you all. Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
Someone may need your compliment today!
Added note: My son Rusty completes his year of shots on Oct. 10th. I am so proud of him and his journey with Hepatitis C. There will be celebrating on Monday in the Scott family. Good Job Rusty!!!!
# 3
I have
me a
a 3
to a
# 3
I am
I am
for the
week of
While in
I came
Side of
Life,” a
in the
me of I
had only
that she
use the
to quiet
her kids
Lets see
what you
me using
that you
said you
say to
your own
SO, or
And when
it came
to your
the one,
or DO
Then the
to which
send it
to them,
I don’t
want to
eat it.
Or the
are the
But if
in the
when I
you in
What a
for a
Yeah, it
and not
one you
have to
go to
kids and
If I
any over
it is
needs to
what an
job we
Love it,
it, all
with us,
so bad
Have a
Love you
Tip of
bird may
get the
but the
gets the
for the
week of
when I
Mi., I
the ROAD
It can
if you
are near
when we
wheel of
of our
take. We
have in
hands a
2 tons +
and can
up to
miles an
hour, it
can make
us feel
When I
Tommy at
games at
you know
put 50
comes on
and take
and you
are in
Prix. As
is doing
80 MPH,
as he
to talk
to me.
is it
to say
won’t be
for a
WOW what
a scary
Tommy in
a real
car on
:>) As
we sure
need to
sure our
wee ones
on the
road is
not a
of a
to us by
How are
wheel? I
go into
times I
they get
ahead of
me. I
as they
angry at
So many
or stop
It is
for sure
we need
for this
One we
all need
as we
enter a
after a
bad day.
I try to
start my
with a
in their
Then I
music on
or CD
mood can
create a
out of
us, even
if you
have had
a bad
day or
I hope
to a
or they
fist or
saying a
They may
if they
know you
and got
can’t be
proud of
Have you
cuts in
and out
for you
at the
when you
to be
and be
so get
the slow
ride. I
Fall in
and I
love you
Have a
week see
you next
Tip of
hold a
guy is
for the
week of
I am home”
as Shania
sang or
Dorothy in
Wizard of Oz
“There’s no
place like
home.” My
run along
that same
line. After
2 weeks in
with my
eye surgery,
enjoyable to
be together,
even if time
was spent at
the doctors
and eye
drops every
4 hours.
Thank the
Lord all
went well
and the only
bad thing is
she now can
see the
wrinkles on
her face.
And to think
she tried to
blame the
doctor for
putting them
there during
surgery :>).
I tried to
enjoy the
laid back
feeling for
the quiet
hush of the
waves coming
on the
beach, the
sun rising
over the
Lake Huron
horizon &
looking like
2 suns
rising and
my leisure
walks in 70
with the
the feeling
when I
arrived home
is one we
all feel for
our own
little nest.
During my
time up
there I
became so
grateful for
my HOME to
return to.
Katrina has
made all of
us face the
reality and
blessing of
having OUR
home safe.
All the
coverage on
can’t even
begin to
feel the
of those who
lost their
homes. Our
should make
us aware how
much those
needs our
Whether it’s
donations of
items to
that are
helping, or
time to
your talents
to help, we
all need to
act some
way. I think
there but
for the
Grace of God
it could
have been us
losing our
and home.
What a time
for us to
count our
We are
beyond our
way too much
to find
of petty
things in
our every
day worlds.
victims of
Katrina, not
only lived
thru the
they still
will live
and relive
daily in
thoughts. It
is wonderful
to have the
give such
coverage of
It has
brought out
the worse
and the very
best of the
people in
our world.
hesitate to
turn off the
TV after
while, or it
may turn
thoughts to
and sad.
Instead I
choose to
turn to
prayers and
Trust our
God to make
GOOD out of
all the
losses. New
Homes, New
Lives, and
Futures full
of Hope.
Be safe
to all the
list. Love &
Care for one
another and
remember the
survivors in
Have a great
I have
missed you
Always, MOM
Tip of
the week:
should be a
trademark of
for the
week of
I was
able to
a 100th
for one
of my
here at
#6. Yep,
I said
100, a
of a
young is
of what
a great
can do
lady is
spry in
and most
of all
that she
to have
to push
even now
on her
of her
life has
been one
of the
live in.
Think of
days to
car, the
that she
has gone
all the
way to
and of
to the
of the
age. It
to think
of the
of her
have had
to. So
in so
One day
all of
us will
have to
meet our
and have
our life
We all
to make
for the
good and
one day
of it.
If you
back at
now, do
you see
and the
or do
you see
of only
or just
a rotten
such a
gift as
make the
most out
of it,
become a
giver to
of being
I am
taking 2
off to
go to
of Lake
Huron in
22 to
and it
is a
time for
me to
with her
and the
pace of
I always
love the
of the
boats as
into the
walks in
and of
of white
types of
All is
So no
till I
I don’t
to waste
one day
there, I
will be
of you
you, but
mostly I
enjoy it
for you
Have a
I love
you all,
Tip of
Hope is
to be
Thoughts for
the week
The Long &
Short of it
I have often
wondered how
folks coming
to our
country ever
learn our
language. It
is so full
of slang and
but in many
cases they
are better
or at least
I think so.
I have
always hated
the words
“Shut Up” to
be used by
anyone. It
can reduce
you down to
being stupid
and feeling
others. So,
the “ZIP IT”
says it
short and
sweet. It
can be used
with out
feelings and
works so
much nicer.
How about
the “NIP IT
that works
before they
go to far or
I sit here
and think of
some of the
ones I have
heard over
to years and
I know you
kids have
some of the
newer ones I
heard. But
lets try
some of the
oldies, “IN
meaning to
complete the
hardest part
of a task.
UP” meaning
an angry or
mood over
Here is one
for you
rapidly, and
some would
say what is
a throttle.
meaning to
accomplish a
meaning a
stern way of
saying come
here. Boy, I
have used
that one
with you
Brings a
smile to my
tho, I am
sure my tone
was harsh
when said.
another one
doesn’t mean
hunting for
an animal
but means
ready for
coming. How
means to
an error or
mistake one
made. Here
is one for
meaning an
person. “ON
CINCH” means
easy, did
you know
that old
one? And
last but not
least the
old one
meaning to
Well, I am
not trying
to make this
into a “CAN
for you
children to
figure out
as a
Just trying
to put some
humor into
the week,
and the next
time you
hear someone
trying to
learn our
“JIVE” go
easy on him
or her, try
Have a great
week; God
Loves YOU
and so do I.
and Love to
you all,
Tip of the
Tip It, Zip
It and Nip
it in the
bud, don’t
say unkind
things you
may surely
regret one
day. Learn
to be a
Mom’s Thoughts
for the week of
Good Laughter
or Bad
How often have
you heard the
expression “Last
Laugh”? Usually
folks refer to
that as playing
a prank or joke
on someone and
we end up having
our way in the
end. So many
times things are
said to make
others laugh and
they have the
end result of
hurting others
feelings while
getting that
laugh you want.
Sometimes we
need to take a
look to see if
it is good
laughter or bad.
From my Daily
Bread this week
I read, “The
Spontaneity of
humor reflects
the way God
created Man. It
is both
physically and
Laughter can
keep a tense
situation from
ending in bitter
words or hard
Laughter can
break many
tensions, win
others over to
your favor and
it is always
good for your
soul. Laughter
is the best
medicine. there
is no
I love to tell
the folks jokes
at our Coffee
and Donuts
Meeting; we all
love the kid’s
jokes the most.
You can release
a lot of
feelings and put
a little bit of
fun in your
laugh by
laughing. How
long has it been
since you had a
GOOD laugh, you
know the one
that comes all
the way down in
your heart? I do
believe we are
all too serious
and need to
loosen up abit.
God I am sure
made laughter
for us to bring
us through our
problems and
give us a good
I remember the
fun times and
laughs your Dad
and I shared,
and very little
of the memories
of bad times,
even after 23
years of being
apart. We did
that, Laughed a
lot together.
“Give us a sense
of humor, Lord,
Give us the
grace to laugh
and smile; But
check our lips
from needless
jest that we
speak may be
Have a great
week, watch some
funny videos
that will make
you laugh down
in your soul.
Make you happy.
Love always, Mom
Tip of the
week: How long a
minute is
depends on what
side of the
bathroom door
you’re on.
Mom’s Thoughts
for the week of
Let Your Little
Light Shine
Summer all too
soon will be
coming to a
close as we
approach August.
We all hate to
see warm weather
end and cold
weather begin to
return as our
seasons change.
While pondering
on summer, I
thought of the
fun and joy that
children, you
all included,
always received
when at dusk you
with jar in hand
attempted to
catch those
lightening bugs.
Always giggles
and smiles when
your jars began
to glow with a
number of “bug
friends” inside
and lid in
Lightening bugs
have been known
as proof of
God’s sense of
humor. They have
rear end! What
was God
thinking? I
think he created
some things just
to make us
He created
everything from
us, to giraffes,
to even “glow
stage of the
fire flies) and
“fire flies” is
what the
lightening bugs
are sometime
So I ponder
on-----where do
they go at the
end of summer—we
know the
hummingbirds go
south for the
winter, I
believe to South
America, the
butterflies go
down to
Mexico in
groves, they say
the sight is
beautiful as
they flock
together, as
illustrate. As
the song says,
each year, March
the Swallows
return to
Calif. That
being St.
Joseph’s Day. I
am not sure
where they have
spent the
winters, seems
we have the
Northerners from
snow country
that flock also
to Florida for
the winter, all
these birds are
not all birds
but in human
These humans are
called Snow
Birds. I know
you know some.
Strange how
instinct tells
all us creatures
timetables and
routines to
follow. As with
the birds, bugs,
humans, we may
not always been
the same to
return each
time. The
lightening bugs
only live for a
short 3 months,
but they lay
their eggs and
generation is
born to continue
to lighten the
dark meadows and
back yards of
America. Making
more happiness
to children who
them. Such
a sight to
Remember ?
We in so many
ways are the
very same
passing on to
the future
generations our
legacy. Do you
remember in
Sunday School
singing the
“This little
light of mine. I
am going to let
it shine.” How
about the hand
signs that went
with the song.
We have had the
little ones at
church get up on
stage and sing
that, what a
sight to behold,
3 & 4 year old
letting their
lights shine. We
do have a light
shining from us
as Christians,
and those around
us can see God’s
Love in us with
our actions and
how we treat
others. I hope I
too have passed
this love in me
to my children
and all in the
near future I
will be passing
on that song to
a wee one of
Tori & Ryan’s as
comes along.
So, be happy to
see the
lightening bugs
in the dark,
enjoy, smile,
and sing a song
along with me. I
love you all,
have a great
week. Love,
Tip of the Week:
God often
empties our
hands to fill
our hearts.
Mom’s Thoughts for
the week of 07-23-05
Brook’s song
“Unanswered Prayers”
of a few years back
was a big hit for us
all. It’s lyrics
told that
prayers can be God’s
greatest gifts for
us. Some times we
ask for what we
think we need and is
best for us. Then
God in all his
wisdom overtime
shows us down the
road maybe it wasn’t
the best for us. I
have often thanked
him for not giving
me what I wished or
prayed for. Remember
the old saying, “Be
careful what you
wish for, you may
get it.”
This week
while visiting at
the hospital with my
cousin Ellen,
another “Mom’s
Thoughts” happened.
In life, we often
find ourselves in
situations, which
we’re not sure we
can handle
emotionally or
financially without
help. We may ask for
God to bless us with
answers to our
prayers, believing
thru faith he will
provide. Once said,
we go on about our
merry ways and often
don’t recognize help
when the seed of
giving is placed in
others hearts. Have
you ever told a
friend, family
member when they
offer to help “Oh, I
can’t let you do
that!” or “I can not
take your money!”
Well, what
planted those seeds
of giving with
others in their
hearts to help them
share, and as an
answered prayer for
you. God’s ways are
mysterious, and if
we aren’t careful we
miss them by our
“foolish pride.”
Some how it
is easier for all of
us to be generous
givers to others but
don’t want to be the
gracious receivers
God wants us to be
also. He uses us all
when we stay open to
his lead. My brother
Vern, once again
came across with his
generous heart of
sharing, in my mail
was a check to cover
meals at the
hospital for us,
plus gas and parking
fees. Pat and Jessy
too offered lodging
at their farm or any
other way they could
help Ellen and her
family. Kinfolks are
great in times of
need, but even
better is the Family
of God working
Tony and
Ellen have been
released to return
home on Sunday. Have
a safe flight home;
Good Luck Tony and
family, may God
bless you with a
healthy future
ahead. To everyone
else, Have a cool
week; stay in front
of the a/c and out
of the 90+ heat. See
ya next week. Love,
Tip of the
Faith can
move mountains, but
only if you lay down
the shovel and stop
trying to do it
Mom’s Thoughts for the
week of 07-16-05
This week I
found myself in the
surgery waiting room of
IU Medical Hospital. My
cousin Ellen and family
from GA arrived here for
very intense and
critical surgery for
Ellen’s 30-year-old son,
Tony. I became aware of
the families, in
groupings, waiting for
word on their loved ones
condition. It brought
back memories of a year
ago when we were faced
with the Tom’s severe
back surgery. I recall
his doctors and nurses
comments of God working
his “miracles” during
surgery, and then onto
recovery with no
complications. The
prayer warrior chain
successfully has him
doing great & stretching
those muscles to make
them him stronger every
Somehow we get
so involved in our daily
routines, schedules, and
rushing world that we
overlook miracles
happening, till we are
placed in a life-death
situation of hospitals.
In those waiting rooms
with stress, fear, and
tears over loved ones
health being placed at
jeopardy, we know the
true importance of
prayers. The prayer
warriors that support
the family at this time
may come from family,
friends, and neighbors.
Then the guiding hands
of God help the surgery
group perform “His
Miracles.” In Tony’s
case, one diseased
kidney being removed,
the cancerous tumor
removed, aorta being
rebuilt, and re-routing
blood flow with his own
veins and arteries. With
time to regain strength,
the outlook is
unbelievable as Tony’s
future will be
Only a few
years ago this surgery
would have been
considered inoperable.
The advancement of
medicine is something
none of us should take
for granted. But we need
to be aware and thank
our God for his healing
touch in all the
hospital happenings
daily in our world.
I was so
grateful myself to be of
help by chauffeuring
Ellen’s family. It
helped me pay a debt I
owed. When I had my
cancer surgery and
radiation treatments I
was helped by so many,
financially, emotional
support, the amazing
hospital staff, and most
of all with prayers. The
St. Mary’s Cancer Center
were angels in disguise
as they helped me face
an extreme dark time of
my life. The thank you’s
I voiced could never
repay their help and nor
was it meant to. We
don’t get to repay we
only get to “pass it
on.” We don’t know who
will be placed in our
paths and may need help
in a like situation. So,
you “pass it on” to
those you can help.
That’s the way it is
meant to work.
Tony too will have the
chance to one day “pay
his debt” and God will
direct his path to whom.
We just have to be open
to those whispers and
nudges from God.
work!!! There are
miracles happening every
day, everywhere and to
everyone. Don’t let
yours pass you by!!!
Happy to report
the puppies of Stormy
are growing and doubling
in size. It has been a
fun but demanding
happening for Pam and
Stormy, so at 3 weeks
she is moving them on to
puppy chow to try to
speed that placing in
new homes. 9 Puppies
with eyes open, standing
on their legs and moving
in all directions is fun
to watch but lots of
police trafficking. I am
so blessed to live in my
little ole apartment,
and just collect the
needed newspapers from
my neighbors. (Smile)
Have a great
week everyone, enjoy the
summer heat. Always,
Tip of the week:
A truly happy person is
one who can enjoy the
scenery on a detour.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week
of 07-09-05
I truly believe God
places things in our lives
to make us feel love,
laughter, and hope for the
future. All 3 can bring a
magical air to our lives,
with the magic is the
giggles of children,
snickers of adults, don’t
forget chuckles that reach
the soul. Magic is in the
air lately for the Scott
Family. About 2 weeks ago,
Stormy, Pam’s dog, mothered
11 puppies; lost one at
birth, the delivery in
itself was an amazing sight
for Pam and Tori to share
together. Stormy is a
beautiful German shepherd,
so most of the puppies have
her markings, however, there
is a “wolf boy” and one “Roitty”(all
black). They are all
delights to watch, as they
nurse and sleep, as they are
trying to stand on their
legs, like swimming, and the
eyes are trying to open
finally. It is laughable as
Pam brings 5 at a time to
Stormy to feed making sure
they all get their “fair
share.” Stormy for the first
week kept bringing puppies
to Pam in the night to her
bed, I laughed and said
“Stormy knows she doesn’t
have enough faucets, so Pam
could feed the extras.”
Puppy Food soon, weaning to
follow, but 10 new homes
can’t come fast enough for
Pam and Stormy! Needed:
newspapers everyone!
Well, as live often
does, things often present
themselves in masses. I
learned Tori is pregnant
with my first great
grandbaby. It was a true
shocker as my response of
“OH, NO!! illustrated. My
temporary shock was only due
to bad timing. Tori is
returning to college in the
fall----a pregnancy will
only cause it to be more
difficult for her with a
full class load. As parents
and grandparents we always
want those perfect storybook
lives for our loved ones.
You know, Love, Marriage,
planned children and
Happiness ever after. Life
sometime through our bad
choices can through curves!
Those curves can be God’s
way to make opportunities to
put us back on track.
I think back to
myself at a naïve and
immature age of 18, when I
found out I was pregnant
with Pam. The excitement is
wonderful as you and those
around you help celebrate
the news. It can be a scary
time when you think of a
little one's total
dependence on you. You read,
talk, and try to learn all
you can on babies and
raising a child from every
direction. From the first
“Flutter” of movement to the
actual day of birth you feel
that baby is part of you and
an awesome Gift from God. A
Mother’s love is so special
to experience; it is 9
months that truly needs to
be shared with the father
also. Ryan is happy about
this news along with Tori, I
am praying that they will
make the future of this baby
their top priority. The Gift
from God can only become a
maturing journey for you
both if shared with our
Lord, and the direction God
has planned for this baby.
Ryan and Tori you can do
this only if your
responsibilities are taken
seriously and responsible
for the future. Grandpa and
I were green kids, and we
made it, raising responsible
adults though the going
wasn’t always easy. We
learned it was easier with
God helping and we couldn’t
do it alone. Parenthood is
an awesome adventure and one
that continues through your
lifetime, making each day
count to the fullest
Our family will
share with you the love,
supportive actions, and
willingly share this new
life with you both. The
magic will hold some
wonderful memories for us
all. I am excited even
though it is one more step
up in the Golden Years for
me, my children will become
great-aunts and
great-uncles, and as we know
life is so precious. Love to
everyone, Always,
Tip of the week:
Happiness comes
through doors you didn’t
even know you left open.
Mom’s Thoughts
for the week of 07-02-05
Lazy Days of Summer
Indiana has been hit with the
hot, humid days of 90’s +
weather the last few weeks. It’s
the time of summer when everyone
feels its work just sitting in
the heat much less getting up
and moving around to work. When
I complain in my mind to the
heat, I always say a prayer for
the construction workers,
highway crews, firemen,
policemen, and all others that
have no choice but to work in
the heat. That must
develop a tolerance I sure don’t
have. Myself, every time my air
conditioner lately comes on and
gives me cold air, I say “Thank
you Lord.” I recall the days
when you kids were young, when
we only had a fan, we all tried
to sit in front of it when even
breathing was an enormous
effort. Do you remember those
days too, when everything seem
sticky, sweaty or hot to feel?
Along with the heated
temperatures, corn fields
working on the “knee high by the
4th of July” rule,
lightening bugs after the sun
went down, and the family
reunions come along with summer.
The Thornton off-springs, all
descended on my brother, Vern
and Roxana’s home last week-end
in Kingston, Illinois. Vern’s
home always is a wonderful
campground with great
landscaping of flowers and
trees, a river flowing thru it,
and includes 2 additional
beautiful designed homes being
built in the process by them.
The man knows how to dream and
even more important, how to see
that legacy of dreams become a
reality. He planned all this
when he purchased the farm with
all the acreage years ago.
Both Vern and Roxana’s latest
“custom blueprints” have
produced a high quality of
Elegant Living for sure when
they are completed.
All who attended the reunion
reaped the enjoyment of mingling
fun of family, delicious food
including the watermelons,
peaches, and cantaloupes of
summer treats. Our picnic of
approximate 50 was smaller than
usual, so many unable to attend
were truly missed, but we all
hope to see them next year. No
place was selected as yet
Lastly on the reunion subject, I
have to say when jobs are past
out on working to help out in
the kitchen, be careful what you
volunteer for. The 5 lbs of
chicken quarters I
cleaned the fat, livers, from
will last me for the next 100
years. It’s at the top of the
“Don’t want to do” list for this
ole city girl. UGH!!!! I never
learned to do much in the
kitchen for I was going to have
a maid. Your Dad always said
when I cut up a chicken he never
knew what part he was eating.
last thought, I remember summers
that we sat in our chairs
outside, watching a mole tunnel
underground in our yard. Seems
he always had to go forward
exploring new ground, maybe
because he left dirt enough
behind him and couldn’t return
to old territory. What a smart
animal, he learn the keeping
yourself going forward to new
goals, new adventures and keep
your eyes off the past.
Have a great week!!! Enjoy the
summer and have a firecracker
good time. Love you all. Always,
Tip of the week:
The way to happiness: Keep your
heart free from hate, your mind
from worry, live simply, expect
little, give much.
Thoughts for the week of 06-25-05
don’t believe you children remember
the days of BLACK and WHITE movies
or TV shows, but I do. The big event
of the week was Saturday, no school,
movie matinees with chocolate candy
bars, jujy-fruit candy and popcorn.
It really was our entertainment for
the week. We only later when I was
in high school were able to get a
television at home. I
recall when they came out with
Wow, what a treat, did it change our
whole visual concept and open up a
more pleasurable world of sight and
feelings on the screen. The bright
brilliant colors were like magic
being added to a drab boring world.
folks keep their lives full of drab
colors with the BLACK, GRAY
emotional states they stay in. The
emotions of jealousy, desire, anger,
despair, and taboo feelings can
control their outlook on the world
around them. How about RED with
anger, GREEN with envy, BLUE with
sadness? There are PINK clouds of
recovery when we practice keeping
our emotions on a positive level
helping us to be happier. We need to
keep our experiences full of rich
colors making fuller lives. Are you
living in Technicolor? As a
Sagittarius, I love Deep Rich BLUE
but I really like all bright colors
for clothing to wear. To be BLUE or
depressed is something I tolerate
briefly in my day to days. As the
saying goes, can’t stand hanging
around with me down and out.
living next door to Isabelle
Bracken, she made me aware that each
person generates their own Aura.
AURA is a bio-energy field around
and in your body. Everything has an
Aura, plants, animals, and us
humans. Isabelle could see the rays
of energy coming from others by
focusing on their shoulder (either
side). These rays of color would
change with our moods. I really
tried to learn how to see Aura’s and
even learned once in awhile to see
them, though I did not practice like
I should have to become an
accomplished reader of Auras. Never
could I read Dad’s and his was the
one I wanted to read. If I’d seen
BLACK, GRAY, or RED from him I would
have know to stay out of his way
early. HAHA. (You can try to read
your own, stand in front of a
mirror, focus on the shoulder, and
the rays should become visual).
world is full of God’s beauty in
colors. GREEN grass, BLUE sky,
wonderful color of rainbows after
rain, sunrise and sunsets that
illuminate the skies. Even WHITE can
be outstanding pure and brilliant.
Stop, Look around, don’t miss Life
in Technicolor.
Blessings and Love, Always,
of the week: Take a lesson from the
grass. No matter how many times it’s
cut or trampled on, it rises again &
continues. So get back up my friend,
and rise again!!!
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-18-05
The Apple and Me.
Most all of you know about Mom and her
apples, I average at least 1 a day, and
sometimes 2 a day. I had always heard an
apple a day keeps the doctor away. I
never concentrated on eating them
regularly till I heard of the 3 a day
diet on the Internet. The apple, walking
2 miles a day exercise, and eating a
balanced 3 meals a day helped me lose
the 20 pounds I accumulated. I am
grateful to have kept it off also
because the apple does burn fats from
other foods you eat. I really thought by
now I would be tired of eating apples,
but the benefits way out way the
routinely habit. As I quartered and eat
each apple I can see how Johnny
Appleseed decided to plant those seeds
to make future trees for more apples.
Wow, one apple has a lot of seeds, what
a waste not to use them. As always, Mom
ponders on such thoughts.
Have you ever thought how much we
resemble the apple core in our very
being? The core being our soul/heart of
our body. God has planted in all of us
the Holy Spirit to give us whispers
and/or nudges from him to direct our
life’s paths. When we are busy we may
ignore either one, but he will keep
after us. Our nudges can be to do or say
something that may take us out of our
“comfort” zone. I think of these as time
we can plant seeds. It maybe seeds of
love, a compliment or encouraging
others, seeds of faith, letting your
strength and hope be given to others in
need. I love the seed of laughter; I
enjoy hearing others laugh or maybe even
just a smile. There is a seed of trust
we can offer to others, listening to
their problems as a trusted friend.
Life is not all about me, myself, or I.
Others matter; we touch other lives each
day. We can plant those seeds, or we can
go thru grumping planting a bad
seed----so people don’t want to be
around us.
I think of you 3 children and your
spouses, I am proud to say you all
have the knack of planting seeds, I
see it in your lives and actions of
doing for others. Yet, being human we
miss many nudges or whispers to do
something we wouldn’t normally do. That
is when we need to speak, smile at a
stranger, or helping someone with a good
deed, getting the importance off of
ourselves. Plant those seeds of
good, not only will you feel better,
your life will be blessed more. Only God
can count the seeds coming from the core
of our heart and soul.
Have a good week, and eat an apple or
two! (Smile) Always,
Tip of the week: A smile is an
inexpensive way to improve your looks.
Thoughts for the Week of
“Beautiful” Pictures
My cousin from Georgia emailed me this
week, Lainer and her brother, O’Quinn
are going through their Mother’s home
and belongings due to her death. Aunt
Susie Lee was the last of the Anderson
clan of that generation. It is hard to
lose those loved ones and the stored up
information of the past years in the
family. It becomes a vault of
information that can’t be replaced.
Lanier brought a chuckle and smile to my
face with a comment about finding
“beautiful” pictures of us kids. WOW,
it’s true of any and all families when
you go thru picture boxes or albums,
they always contain those awful looking
school pictures. I wonder did the
photographers take lessons on how to
produce the worse looking sights
possible? And they want parents to pay
for them and usually outrages prices.
Could it be the ages 10 through teens
God is working on our looks and the
finished picture is not completed yet. I
think of mine, 3rd grade I
was all teeth, should have been happy
for 1st grade the front teeth
were missing and I had none. How about
those awful pictures that shows the
results of falling on the bikes, fat
lips, black eyes, or scabs that always
happen at picture time? Rusty, I know
you have some that you wish “dear
Mom” would lose. {Smile} How about those
family group pictures, there’s always
one who decided to stick out their
tongues, or cross their eyes---making it
impossible to use that picture as a
family portrait.
Of course, there is always the camera
bugs like Steve who like the
“unexpecting shots”, so the victim is
shown with a scared look, a mouth full
of food, or mouth open and eyes closed
look. I think of one of me that comes to
mind, it’s of me about 11 or 12 with a
hair do of “over permed hair” of fuzz,
and standing with a swayed back ole
mare. Mercy, it was a toss up on who was
the worse looking the horse or me! Talk
about bad hair days, come on, you all
know what I am talking about!! In my
case the perm was done in the days the
perms were electrical, plugged into
outlets and to the curlers with hair.
Yeah, something to look at!
To all mother’s I believe we treasure
each and every “school picture” of their
children. I have all of yours, and
proudly display your graduation
pictures, though I don’t think you all
see the sentiment in them I do. We all
have pictures we would like burn, or
tear up, (how about old boy-girl friend
ones) but they need to remain as part of
history of our family. My family has one
of “Aunt Polly,” the homeliest lady I
have ever seen—but all who knew her said
she was the kindest and most wonderful
person around. So, guess the “pictures
speak louder than words” isn’t always
telling the complete story.
I emailed Lainer and told her to save
those “beautiful” pics in an envelope or
box and we’ll get them in March next
spring when we return to Georgia. I’m
sure Aunt Judy wants them for her
Genealogy books---so some day some one
will look at us and enjoy a laugh, and
be glad they didn’t inherit that look.
Have a good week, stay cool and drink
plenty of water, I love you all. Always,
Tip of the week:
The smallest deed done is greater than
the best of intentions.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 06-04-2005
Generation Ties
A plaid and checked tablecloth bought by
Dianna recently, took Dianna, Pam and myself
back to a buried visual memory of a dress
our dear Fairy Grace, your Grama, wore in
the 60’s & 70’s. It was a moment we all
loved visualizing her wearing that one
dress. It in a flash brought her back to our
present lives, as we remembered the picture
of her holding a Mother’s Day gift of a lamp
we had given her many years ago. Instant
recall is certainly a gift from only God, no
way could we have developed that ability on
our own it was given to us.
Memories, touching a quilt made by a long
ago loved one, with a touch can bring back
memories of dresses worn, scraps sewed
together becomes a gathering of the past. So
and so’s dress, or Mom had one made out of
this scrap. There is many homes which hold
items of generations passed to present ones,
many called antiques, old pieces, something
in the family someone had, and discards,
etc. I remember when I was younger thinking
and why would I want that thing? Makes me
laugh how immaturity souls only look often
at the present worth only, money they might
receive for it now.
As we age I have found we need that
closeness of the past as we begin to lose
our family members to death. The Grandfather
Clock I have hanging on the living room wall
no longer keeps time, ahhh, but the memories
are still there. I recall it being in
Grandma Lee’s (Fairy’s Mom) kitchen. May
have been greasy, black looking, covered
with dust till Paw Paw restored it
completely to its natural beauty. The lion
heads of gold are one outstanding feature of
it. I still can recall the warmth,
comforting feeling, I had when Dad and I
visited her in the 50’s when we were
newly-weds. Her home held the aroma of
dinner cooking on the stove, her teasing
joking ways with Dad, showing the great love
she held for him as her grandson.
I glance around my apartment, I see the
Scott platter hanging over my table, blue
and white and atleast 100 if not 110 years
old. The last home it was in was Grama
Forsythe’s (Dad’s Grama). I wasn’t blessed
with knowing her but she too cooked and was
living fun so I was told. Such a shame we
can’t bottle up all those precious memories
for future recall. Some get lost to the
past, making the ones we still relive even
of more value. Our heavenly Father created
families and it was his plan that we carry
on generational ties with those who have
gone before us and those yet to
come----those who share our genes, blood and
even our crooked noses. Deuteronomy 4:9
says, “Be careful and watch yourself closely
so that you do not forget the things your
eyes have seen or let them slip from your
heart as long as you live. Teach them to
your children and to their children after
Everyone still has generational ties thru
things they have in their home, daily
stirring memories. As they pass to the next
generation, hopefully some wonderful stories
will go with them. Keep your heart full of
laughter from the past. Always remember how
much I love you all. Thankful daily for you
being in my life.
All for this week, Always,
Tip of the week: A smile is a curve that can
set things straight.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 05-28-05
Memorial Weekend 2005
For generations someone’s loved ones, dear to their family
have been fighting for the American freedom, which we have
here in our homeland. Defending our homes even from the
beginning became a way of life for our men folks. War was
never a choice but a necessitate boys grew into as men.
Women began serving our country as nurses and other
positions in factory’s to help keep our homeland free and
safe. Your Grama and Grampa Thornton (my parents) worked in
plants as welders during World War II.
Since 9/11 and the tremendous loss of lives due to terrorist
acts, many women now serve armed forces in Iraq, and around
the world side by side with our service men proudly
defending us and our freedom.
During the coming weekend of Memorial Day, you’ll see flags
appear along the sidewalks of our Bldg. #6, patios, and
balcony holding red, white, and blue. Each of these flags
represents our veterans, from all past conflicts and those
continuing on now. As we honor those you gave their lives in
the line of duty, remember to pray for the families also for
strength to deal with losses, the pain runs deep and they
are never forgotten for the cost of war.
While in Georgia this spring, our family serviceman, my
great nephew, Sgt. Timothy Wilkes, age 31, was interviewed
along with a veteran, Wm. LaRoche, age 84, for the Brunswick
News. Both had many similarities as they compared defending
their country in wars, but the top priority was mutual
respect for each other as equals. Both men protecting their
loves ones, even in harm’s way, at Pearl Harbor and Iraq.
Timmy, it was a true honor for you to give Mr. LaRoche the
Coin of Excellence you received in Iraq. Our family is so
proud of you and your career in the Army. We love you, our
pride as well as our prayers will continue while you are
serving in Egypt, till you return safely home again.
Take time to say “Thank You” to the veterans you know,
remember the family ones we have lost and the ones now
serving our country. We Americans have the privilege to
honor our service folks near and far. Our freedom continues
because of them. It is a price that has been paid by many.
“Greater Love has no man than this, that a man lay down his
life for his friends.” (John 15:13)
Have fun at those cook outs this weekend, drive safely, and
return home safe and sound. Love you all, Always,
Tip of the week:
To be a good friend open your ears & heart more often than
your mouth.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 05-21-05
Here at Crestwood Village we have donuts and coffee every
Wednesday morning prior to our weekly building meeting. The
tasteful appetite for those donuts are shown as our senior
residents enjoy eating them. I had to give up my share for the
yeast continued to rise all day while in my tummy. So, I just
watch others enjoy theirs.
I am sure you all have heard the expression or verse, “As you
travel down life’s pathway, may this ever be your goal: Keep
your eye upon the donut and not upon the hole.” Okay, are
you like me, sometimes concentrating only on the missing hole,
things I don’t have or own, my trials in life, when I should be
fixing my attention on my blessings, the donuts at hand. Psalm
103:2 states “Bless the Lord, O my soul, & forget not all his
benefits.” All too often we are distracted by small
disappointments - we are prone to forget the innumerable
blessings we receive daily. The good things are far more
important than the adversities that monopolize our attention.
Being human, we often find negatives slipping into our thoughts,
caused by jealous, envy, self-pity and /or many other bad
thoughts. We can’t be negative and positive, it is up to us to
choose which we want in our thoughts. I guess that is what made
me choose when I thought of “practicing butts”, I wrote about
before. Should your Dad have something that was driving me
crazy, I would make my thoughts switch to something he did that
was positive I could be thankful for. It placed the importance
on his good and not bad habits, and it worked for the better.
Enjoy the donuts in your daily life, don’t look for the holes
that are missing. If God gives you a complete “sweet roll” say
thank you and count yourself as being blessed. Psalm 68:19
“Blessed be the Lord, who daily loads us with benefits.” Have a
great week everyone, get ready for that Memorial Day weekend and
the Indy 500 race. Pray for great weather here in Indiana. Of
course, they weather rain, cold or sunshine at that time of May
in Indiana. God Bless you all, Always,
TIP OF THE WEEK: Spend your time counting blessings, not airing
your complaints.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 05-14-05
“Dear Mom”
Last Sunday I watched cars drive up to the 7 buildings here at
Crestwood Village South, children picking up “dear Mom” for her
special Mother’s Day. Many came with flowered bouquets, candy and
other pretties, gifts also including dinner out. It was great to see
their way of expressing their love for Mom.
A Mother gives of herself to make her family feel love, happiness,
which is shared in a family. One lesson a Mother gives her children
is the ability for each child to stand on their own when the time
comes. We all lean heavy on Mom and Dad’s from our first step and
through our growing years. But all too soon it is time for us to
stand independent and become adults ourselves. With out this time it
stops the maturing necessary to live in this world and do for
I love to watch the birds in the spring, from the time the nest is
built for the eggs, all thru hatching, mouth feeding, cleaning up
their mess in the nest, those baby birds are cared for completely.
Then, that day comes when Mama Bird says, “Okay kids time to learn
to fly solo.” God placed that instinct into the animals just as much
as it is in us humans. We as parents sometime don’t show it as
smartly as the Mama birds though and knowing when. We let them lean
and feel secure in our love till they become strong enough to stand
strongly on their own. Our love remains and advise remains, but the
importance is on them flying solo.
Even then we all have times we need to lean, or as Dr. Phil says,
“We need a soft place to fall.” Many parents have given their
children siblings as friends to be there, knowing they have all
grown together and started with the same basic foundation. One of
the greatest gifts children can give their parents is to develop a
bond with siblings that assure your family will continue after
the passing of the parents. It’s the legacy we parents have,
speaking more of our life than anything else.
My mind and heart this week included your Grama Fairy’s birthday,
May 13th, often falling on Mothers Day. She so
enlightened our lives with all the love she gave us. What a blessing
from God!!! Have a wonderful week, I love you all. Always,
Tip of the week
A Mother is not a person to lean on, but a person to make leaning
unnecessary. –Dorothy Canfield Fisher-
Mom’s Thoughts for the week ending 05-07-05
A Mother’s Love is one that compares to no other love relationship
you will ever have. It may have a lot to do with the child in the
beginning was a part of the Mother’s body for 9 months. During this time
is was nourished by the same blood flow as the Mother.
Your Dad use to say I knew the right things to say, the right time for
when you children needed comfort, or reassurance, and time when some
tough love was needed. Wasn’t always true. I often told him that’s
why God made me the Mother and him the Dad. There’s time when both
fulfill needs and no one knows better than a child which and when to go
to each one.
I loved the thoughts and words of this card by Bettyann Sharrah, and
would love to share it with you:
A Mother’s Love will never die---- it is
yours to keep forever
A Mother’s Love will always shine even
through stormy weather
A Mother’s Love will give you hope to help
you follow your dreams
A Mother’s Love will give you faith to
face whatever life brings
A Mother’s Love will hold you close in
times of sorrow
But most of all, A Mother’s Love will
still be here
Long after all tomorrows,
Love Always
To my daughters, have a wonderful Mother’s
Day, and thank you for my grand children, Tori, Scott, Tom and Kevin.
To my daughter in law, I am so thankful my son found you, Natali, and
Ryan to join our family. To all other Mother’s, hope your day is
full of love. See you all next week. Love Always,
“Forever” is too big for us. That’s why we
were given one day at a time.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 04-30-05
The Ole’ Porch Swing
As I traveled south this year, I once again had memories of the Ole’ Porch
Swing brought back to me. Seems everyone had a Porch Swing (southern)
or Glider (northern) to relax on and converse over the happenings of the
day. In the evenings after dinner, they would be spent talking, staring off
into space, thinking of nothing in particular, gliding, or swinging. There
is something about the movement, the same as a Mother rocking a crying baby
to sleep in a rocking chair, it is calming and relaxing. Soothes the soul.
I loved my childhood memories of the Ole’ Porch Swing. Somehow it was okay
to sit with parents and grandparents and ask questions. Conversations have
always been special for those that participate. How often do you see that
happening in families of lately? Seems our world is so fast, never time to
sit and do nothing, like it’s wrong or a sin to sit and be idle. I am one
that needs relaxation, soft soothing music, quietness and prayer time with
God. I now have a balcony, no porch swing, but the chairs are out on it, and
I think it is heavenly to sit day or evening on it, listening to the birds
(which I hear again with my hearing aids) and chill out.
I remember the Porch Swing I had on Ripple Road, had one in the yard on Pine
Street, lots of good time to get in touch with my soul, talks with Big Nanny
or my sisters and neighbors, fun with the grandkids, telling stories or
swinging me too high with giggles. Little kids make life fun.
I read recently in an article by Gisella Zukausky: “Anytime you are not
making an effort to think with your conscious mind, you are in your
subconscious mind, a state of mental relaxation. That is what we call
meditation, daydreaming or even hypnosis. People who take this time out are
healthier, live longer and can better deal with everyday stresses. Have you
been recharging your battery? Isn’t it time you do?
It is Spring-----the rains will be leaving and clear days are promised for
next week----so get out on that porch furniture, and if you have an Ole’
Porch Swing --- consider yourself RICH. I love you all, have a great week.
Tip of the Week: Relax; you are not
responsible for everything in the universe. That’s still my job. Love, God
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 04-23-05
While vacationing in Georgia I attended the Blythe Island Baptist
Church each Sunday but one. They have a real spirited young pastor
and a real exciting active congregation. They have a large sanctuary
being built next door from the small church, all to accommodate the
growth of their young membership. It is wonderful to feel so “at
home” away from home. Their service and worship is so like my
Greenwood Christian Church, though minus my pastor Shan, who I
missed. But all in all after my second year of attending, I surely
will attend again next year when I visit my sister, Geraldine and
I attended my Mother’s church on Easter with my sisters, cousins,
and visited your Grama’s grave and my Grama’s grave with new pretty
flowers. Brother Ledbetter preached on the “The Grace of God” being
what WE receive that WE don’t deserve! God gave us Jesus to give us
forgiveness and help us through Grace in our growth in life. This is
called the “Mercy of Our God.” Lots of pondering to do there, we are
all so richly blessed each and every day.
Don’t ever forget God is there 24/7. He is watching over us in all
things. Guiding, comforting, and meeting the needs of his children
to bring us nearer to himself. He finds extraordinary variety of
ways to assure us that his eye is on the sparrow—and on every one of
us. We all are “WORK IN PROGRESS.” We all have a purpose for being
here and God will guide us to it, thru it, and even if we are
kicking or fighting, we will eventually get to where he wants us. He
knows that purpose he created when he gave you to me at conception.
All of you are only on loan to me, I pray daily for his continual
help to guide you to be the best you can be. God loves you and so do
Lastly, I want to thank my dear friend, Brother Jack, Brunswick,
GA.’s, WYNR’s one, and only radio DJ for Gospel on Sunday mornings.
He truly is God’s work in progress as he gives so much with his
talents, singing wonderful gospel, encouraging and helping others.
He really made us 3 sisters feel so “Special” with his at home
concert for us. Next time remember the trumpet!!! You are a blessing
Brother Jack, Thank you for always being there!!
Have a great week my kidos. I love you so much and am proud of the
stamina each and every one show in this life, don’t forget to work
on the eternity you will one day have too. It is all about
Tip of the week:
Mom said, “Spending all my money
would make no cents.” : <)
Mom’s Thoughts for the week ending 4-16-05
Hello everyone ! Boy, have I missed each and everyone of you!
As for all vacations, it is fun, great to have, but the being back
at home is the wonderful end of a great time. As Dorothy in the
Wizard of OZ said, “There's no place like home”.
My sister Alberta and I had a safe and sound two-day trip to
Georgia. We had a month with my sister, Geraldine and niece, Janice.
They always treat us like queens, spoiling us royally. It was great
to be “Sisters on the GO” once again. It is an annual event and all
the time is so special. Keep that room empty, Sis, we will return
next year.
Our family reunion went wonderful, great food all southern style,
entertainment by a cousin with that southern gospel beat. The
reunion next year is to be a Hawaiian theme. I offered to
learn how to do the hula and give lessons. Ha-ha. That should be
fun, being Southern Baptist don’t dance and that is what most of my
kin are. All the little kids let out hoorays when I mentioned it. I
do get myself in some trouble when I do volunteering. If there is
anyone out there knowing the HULA, please teach me! May even
have to go to the library and get a book. Think my neighbor man
friend has a grass skirt. Should be fun and I always love to
have fun and make good memories.
Our 2 days down to Florida, went too quickly with my ole girl
friends from High School. We went to St. Augustine and checked out
the shops riding a trolley bus, saw the beautiful built landmarks
with some wonderful historian guides. Wish we had more time to lay
by the pool and ocean, did get in one walk on the beach, too much
rain and a few tornadoes slowed us down this year. Chit-chat of old
boy friends brought back some memories and laughs. Thank you Gail,
Sally and Diane for a full fun reunion.
The last 3 days has been trying to rest up and get some 8 hours
straight of sleep. I am feeling more human and less grouchy. Hope to
be back to full steam next week and back to the normal routine. Till
then God bless you all. I love you bunches. Always,
Tip of the week: When your brain is tired, stop and rest till new
thoughts come to your mind.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 3-19-2005
Vacation Time 2005:
Hello all you Mom’s Thoughts buddies of
mine. It is March and once a year I take flight and leave this ole
apartment to head south. This year is slower than usual, only because I
am not only headed to Georgia, I am planning to meet my old high school
girl friends in Florida.
I will be off my computer for the entire
trip. Yep, you heard that right!!! Hard to believe, I love my computer
and all the fun it gives me as social entertainment. The fast way of
staying in touch is wonderful and beats snail mail to death. So here is
my vacation plans and I do mean vacation.
Leaving March 17, 2005 for a two day trip to Georgia, my Sister’s,
Geraldine’s home in Brunswick. I will have the old trusty cell phone
with me, 317-223-9772 and 24/7.
Our family reunion is on the Saturday before Easter and we, my sister,
Alberta and I, will be spending with Cousins galore. Love those southern
meals and lots to eat, gospel music and lots of sharing of memories.
The April 7th
and 8th will be spent in Florida for two days of fun,
shopping and gossiping with the girls about what happen back in high
school, 1956 & 57. Watch out Gail, Sally and Diane, my memory may come
back yet.
I will be returning to Indy on or about April 12th. I
will be glad to be home I am sure and once more back on my computer.
Call me on the cell phone should something exciting happen. :>)
Again that is 317-223-9772.
I hope all are well with everyone.
Hopefully I will come back with lots of wonderful fun topics to right
about and share. May even run into a out house or two while down yonder.
Haha. I hear the temps are in the 80’s, but I promise to bring
spring back with me.
All take care, I will miss you and think
of you from the walks I take among the wisteria and azaleas. Blessings
and Prayers,
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 03-12-05
A mountainwings daily message started
me to pondering on this subject recently. I am sure you have heard of the
expression of
“dire straits”. We all have our own
times in our lives that are hard to come thru. Dire is a warning of dreadful
consequences or an urgent situation. Straits is a “narrow” channel.
Many of the things in our lives get in
dire straits. The warnings might be 1) High Blood Pressure 2)Serious
overweight 3) Credit card balance that creep higher each month, or maybe a
marriage or relationship that finds less talking, more arguments, less
laughter. All of these are warnings that require changes in our life and us
to stay on a fairly narrow path. If areas are in dire straits we all have
the ability to make changes.
Remember, if you keep doing the same
thing, you will keep getting the same thing. The road to success, health and
happiness is always a narrow road. It is always a “Strait”. You have often
heard, “If you want something you’ve never had, then you must do something
that you have never done.” Often that thing you must do is on a strait and
narrow path.
Because strait is the gate, and narrow
is the way, which leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it. (Matt
7:14 KJV)
Life is all about changes, we are the
ones that have to do that for ourselves, our little baby steps can soon turn
into giant steps. I celebrate this month 12 years of cancer free, smoke free
and change to a healthy life style. I am so grateful for my faith and all it
has enabled me to do. I didn’t walk any of that path alone, my strength came
from above, yours can to. Don’t let dire straits get you down, you can make
those changes, and make your future brighter.
Have a great week. I love you all,
think SPRING!!!! Always,
Tip of the week: There isn’t any mountain you can’t conquer. Go for
Thoughts for the week 03-05-05
Toilet Paper & Out Houses one more
I know, I was done with these two
subjects but I keep getting new material from the listening world out there.
I have laughed more on these subjects than any thing else lately. Sally
emailed me about memories she had forgotten, till reading about Connie and
the Cats on Feb 12th. When Sally lived in Birmingham, she pet-sat
her daughters Lhaso Apso, Harry for them. While Sally was on the “throne”
Harry would grab the toilet paper end of the roll, run thru the house
pulling it till it broke. Then he would go back for more. Harry and Sally
made lots of good times and memories. You that all have pets appreciate that
I am sure, they are family.
A newspaper article found locally noted
they even have historians and hobbyist on toilet paper on the internet (
Now, there is a prestigious job!!! The survey on TP undy’s and over’s found
the % of men are unders & LOGICALLY, women are over’s (Must have something
to do with women using both sides of their brains and men only use one
side.) I also voted on the survey for being a “folder” and not a “wadder.”
Now think……which are you?
In a recent
Reminisce magazine given me by
Mary H., it had an article on “Remember the House Out Back”? It had secret
meetings of beau’s while making the trip down the old path. One out house
was converted into a private learning center in PA for a professor.
Some additional things mentioned I had not thought of was privy’s being
turned over on Halloween night by pranksters. When they were caught the
police would have the boys re set all the outhouses, their pictures being
taken to be shown in the local paper of Wis. for all to see. Another
privy owner would paint his out house just before Halloween night so they
wouldn’t turn it over. FRESH PAINT!! Good idea!!
Have you ever found your yard upon
waking in the morning to have the bushes, the trees and all toilet paper
decorated by graduating seniors at the local H.S. or devilish kids on
Halloween? HaHa. It’s a full time job cleaning it up even if the wind helps
you by blowing it away.
Okay one and all, I will try not to
tackle this subject again. I do think it has give us some things to laugh
about, reminisce over, made us smile, and most of all recycled lots of
stored away memories for those who Out Houses was part of your life. Have a
great week kids, friends, and family members near and far, I love you all.
Tip of the week
Life is like a roll of toilet paper.
The closer you get to the end, the faster it goes.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 02-26-05
Awesome Houses:
Have you ever thought about the mechanics of
the house you live in? Of course, I am not speaking of the home you or your
family live in with rooms. I have been pondering on the Awesomeness of our
home, meaning the body we live in 24/7 365 days a year. I realize as we age
it does begin to fail, not doing all it use to, nor keeping up to par in the
way we would like to age. But all in all, we really aren’t in bad shape for
the shape we are in. I often think of how everything could possibly work as
smoothly as it does, could only come from the creation made by our mighty
God. I have heard that the mechanics of everything of the body has a purpose
and a response to other parts actions, if that makes sense to us laypeople,
I can think of two things, which comes to my mind on my body.
1.Have you ever had a splinter in your finger?
It hurts like h--- doesn’t it? And you can’t get it out fast enough. Did you
notice if it is not removed by you that in time your own body will start to
reject it and push it out. Why, guess because it is foreign and doesn’t
belong there.
I once developed a
toothache, went to the dentist to have it pulled. He said it is fine I see
nothing wrong, gave me an antibiotic and said call me if it doesn’t stop.
Well, it got worse and I went back 2 days later and told him to pull it out.
Well, he checked my tooth and surrounding teeth only to discover I had a
crack in one above the one hurting. That is when he educated me; my body
started the rejection of that cracked tooth on its own. God created us so
that it starts to push it out by the roots, which created my bite to be
wrong and it made the healthy tooth HURT!!! So he pulled the cracked one,
and the pain was gone almost immediately. Even the empty hole didn’t hurt as
normally a gum does cause it had already been loosen at the roots. Isn’t
that awesome?
I think we truly take for granted these bodies
we have, when we really and truly should be doing as much as possible to
improve or maintain the workings, if in our power. What is our power, our
attitudes, we can work on them every day to keep them positive. Not take for
granted the good health we are blessed with, look at what is right about us
and not what is wrong with us. As the old saying goes God don’t create junk,
we are very dear and good in his sight. He even made my arms to measure the
same as my legs, the tip of my nose to the tips of my fingers to measure
exactly one yard, our feet to go with and support our bodies. The brain and
its works are truly amazing and I can’t fathom we only use a tenth of it.
WOW…. I hope I have those figures right. If not then just know that it is
wonderful whatever it is. Treat your body right for you only get one in a
lifetime. Thank your God for his mighty awesome purpose creating you all for
me to love and have even if it is temporally. I do, daily in my prayers, you
are blessings I will never take for granted and don’t always feel worthy of
Winter is almost over as we face the end of
February and beginning of March. Keep some sunshine in your hearts and smile
on your face, and time to dwell or ponder on the awesomeness of your body
and its works. Love always, Mom
Tip of the week:
There was never a person who did anything
worth doing that did not receive more than he gave. --- Henry Ward Beecher--
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 02-19-05
God At The Wheel
So many times we may come across situations in our lives when fear comes
into our heart and soul, frighten of the future can surely cause worry, full
time, in our lives. We all strive to “Let Go & Let God be in Control.” It is
not always just that easy or simple, mainly we are human with faults, fear
is a weakness we all find in ourselves all too often. Regardless of how we
try to change it for the better ourselves.
I recently ran across help for me in dealing with these times. It was in a
paragraph in the recent series I read by Karen Kingsbury, the last book of
the series called “Reunion” had the following regarding being frighten and
afraid of our future:
God’s will is a little like taking a Sunday drive with God behind the wheel.
God’s driving! He might turn where you don’t expect a turn or go through a
valley that feels too dark, but you don’t have to worry about a thing,
because you’re just the passenger. Whatever happens, God will get you home
in the
end as long as you let him
drive. That is God’s will.
That is the way it is when God is in Control of our life. One of my
favorite verses is Jeremiah 29:11, God’s Word is for you: “for I know the
plans I have for you” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm
you, plans to give you hope and a future”.
How come I so often try to be a back seat driver, telling God what is best
for me? Thank goodness he doesn’t listen for I find often afterwards it
would have been a tight mess for me to deal with if it had been done my way.
When I try to drive I usually get into a policeman stopping me doing 52MPH
in a 30 posted residential area. Really happen last week with 4 of my lady
friends, as I hurried to get the birthday “Queen” from her luncheon to her
hair appointment. Sorry Greta to have that happen on your 82nd
special day. We must have looked like sweet little ole seniors for he gave
me a warning only. Thank the Lord, I have a clean record on my driving
license. That is the second WARNING in the last year for speeding, I do
think I had best watch it, the next might be for real with that $125 fine to
pay. Greta, would you like the warning ticket to put in your souvenirs?
Have a great week everyone, remember I love you all, Always,
Tip of the week:
Immature love says, “I
love you because I need you.” Mature love says,
“I need you because I
love you.”
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 02-12-05
Stuck on Toilet Paper:
Had really planned to get onto another subject
this week. But, Lo and Behold I have had some replies and good tips on the
subject of toilet paper. So bare, pardon the pun, with me one more week. I
promise to get back to the real world of living and a more serious subject
next week. I have just about decided that placing the toilet paper on the
roller with tissue sheets “over” is mostly preferred in the women. Where
most of the men seem to choose placing it as an “undie”. One-man friend, who
managed an apartment said under, creates painting problems because of the
fingernails hitting and chipping the paint on the walls. Hmmmm had not
thought of that. Seems to be logical to me. Thanks Mac. The following were
comments from Connie in Arizona:
“Jan, a comment on tp. Who doesn't?
When Boyd was moving out of my house and into
his own early last year I told Becky that I had only two reasons to be glad
that he was moving out.
1. I wouldn't have to be quiet at 4:30
or 5:00 a.m. when I woke up and couldn’t stay in bed anymore.
2. So that I could have the tp roll over the
Becky and I discussed that tp situation and
she mentioned that he loved cats and at one time had three in his home.
Cats love to unroll tp and if you put it coming out under they can't unroll
Right after Boyd moved out he was at my home
and of course had to make use of the bathroom and a day or two later I went
into the guest bathroom instead of my own and guess what? tp rolling
under. Of course, the next time I was at his house I had to "better
him" so I took a long piece of tp and made a great big bow out of it and
laid it on top of the tp roll.
We have fun. What is a day without
laughter? A FAILURE!”
Mercy me!!! I agree with Connie what is
a day without having fun, I think laughter is one of the biggest gift God
gave us.
Okay, how about the email from Sally, with memories too, “
I'm a toilet paper roll over, Jim's a
roll under. But there's drawbacks to both. The over way, you tend to use
more paper as it rolls so much easier. The under way, it's hard to get as
much as you want because it keeps breaking off. Course I buy the cheap
stuff, one layer, as it's better for the toilets. Speaking of paper, anyone
who's gone to Europe knows they should bring their own as there's is so hard
you get raw, by the time you come home. More like cardboard.”
Sally, I think I will stick to
my Charmin. I did wonder when we were using the Sears Roebuck & Co. Catalog;
did we wander around with printer ink on our backside, Well? I wonder!!!!
Some one mentioned that they had corn cobs when the catalog gave out. I
don’t know about all of you, but I am glad to say in the past and not in the
present. Aren’t we truly blessed to live in this modern world? To all those
that have missed the out houses, the catalogs, and all the things that went
with them, you might have missed the poor folks way of living but the
memories hold laughter, fun and all. Things we just don’t do enough of
especially with family now a days.
Have a great week to all. Mom knows you all have your trials and
tribulations to live with right now. Lean on our God to bring you through
and remember you are never alone. Also know I am blessed to have you
for children and remain forever so proud to be your Mother. Till next
week, Always, Mom
Tip of the week:
The success you achieve tomorrow begins the day before.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week of 02-05-05
From Catalog to
Toilet Paper
That’s like from Here to Eternity, a movie, remember? Now we continue on
from last week’s topic “The Ole Out House” to this week’s topic. We have
made years of progress since the majority of us USA folks don’t have out
houses anymore. The minority would surprise you though; in our great
advanced modern living there is still folks without running water or indoor
plumbing. Since I was never born to be a pioneer at all, I am so grateful
for my modern bathroom facility. I do say thank you quite often in my
unverbalized prayers.
So, one of my friends, Suzy Q reminded me of one of our discussions of a few
years ago, there is a right and a wrong way to place your toilet paper on
the roller. Suzy emailed me on last weeks MT’s:
“Jan: That was a good one. It made me laugh and I want you to
know that everytime I change a roll of charmin I think of you. You are
the only person who ever told me that the roll has to be on so that the
paper comes over the top and not underneath. Now everytime I change a
roll that is the first thing I do----make sure that rolls over the top and
not down below. If Glenn does it and it is on wrong I have to change
it because it just isn't right any other way. Thought you would enjoy
that little bit of humor as it is something I smile about every time I do
Okay, are you an under or an over in your home? I found thru much
experience, your Dad was an “undy” and our register would hit the toilet
roll holder, I would find the roll unrolled on the floor all the time.
I turned it over and Walla the problem was solved. I would just go behind
him like Suzy Q does with Glenn and change it.
Many times when you kidos were small I would too find the whole roll undone
on the floor or in the toilet, but a few paddlings stopped that new
adventure for a toddler. So, anyway back to the rights and wrongs lessons,
if you think about it 1. It looks neater and more attractive, and 2.
It is more sanitary for the paper protects the rest of the covered paper
from germs and air. It seems to me that the manufactures could put
directions of use on the outside cover so we would know these things.
Have we come a ways from the catalog to the now roll of toilet papers, I
don’t know as for everything, back in those ole days, it was simpler and it
didn’t really matter which way the catalog went. All this may not be of
great knowledge to you but I bet in the future it will come to mind when you
look at the ole roll of paper to see which way it is on the roller, when you
do, smile and know God loves you and so do I. Thanks for bearing with me
each and every week all you Mom’s Thoughts recipients out there, and
tolerating my ramblings.
February, wow, time does fly, the month when everyone is in love. Enjoy it
and be happy if you have a sweetie to enjoy it with. Always,
Tip of the week:
Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 01-29-05
The Ole’ Out House:
Man, looks like I stirred up lots of memories in friends around this country
with the topics of the last few weeks. It’s so much fun to reminisce, brings
back memories with tears and smiles thinking of the past years. The ones
pertaining to the Ole’ Out House always makes me laugh now, though as a
child I did so hate hate hate to go there at all and especially in the dark.
So glad Mother didn’t like us out in the dark cause it wasn’t safe for sure.
Brother Jack, Gospel DJ and friend in Georgia stated in his e-mail, “I CAN REMEMBER THE LITTLE (4 FT. X 4 FT.) WOOD
TOWN. IT WAS MY GRAND PARENTS HOME.” That was a dignified terminology on toilet paper,
love it Brother Jack.
Privy’s and Out Houses replaced the ole chamber pots of the 15th
and 16th centuries, with understandable mixed emotions. I do
believe they wanted them away from the homes, due to air pollution that
worked. But I recall as a young child they seemed to be miles away, usually
with no trouble locating it, for there was always a well worn path leading
to it. Often your hurried legs didn’t quite feel they would make it in time.
Our family was lucky to have a “one holer” though some had “two holers” and
even the wealthier ones had one big and one smaller for children. I recall
so many times putting my behind over that enormous big hole and praying I
didn’t fall in……my imagination worked overtime never knowing if something
was gonna bite my behind. How traumatic for a child!! WHEW!!! The
wasps, the flies, and snakes in Georgia always made me hurry. Couldn’t get
away fast enough. Some folks spent many idle hours away looking at the Sears
& Roebuck Catalog in the warm weather, winter time you sure didn’t want to
stay longer that necessary.
Over the years I have heard in reference to the ole Out House, since
becoming “flushers”, to be called “Necessary Rooms”, Welcome Stations”,
“Essential Room or House”, “Johns”, “Crappers” (Mr. John Crapper of England
created the first inside toilet). Also the Out Houses often was where
homeowners hide their valuables in other containers. Ugh!!!! It would stay
there if up to me to retrieve it.
As many of us, in the warmth & comfort of our homes have been spoiled and
all has taken away our “humble” beginnings. We now fuss when the Charmin
Tissue doesn’t seem as “soft” as it once was, remember we all could be back
in the “ole out house” with the swinging door. So say, “Thank you Lord” and
complain no more.
Did you ever carve your name on one of those doors? Initials in the stall’s
of the rest rooms that followed? That’s another story---- Thanks for
all the feed back on sharing your memories on out houses and chamber pots.
All of us need those laughs to keep us going.
Have a good week, everyone remember I love you. Always,
of the week:
Friend’s are God’s way of taking care of us.
Mom’s Thoughts for the Week 01-22-05
Encouraging More Memories:
You all have really flattered me this past week on my Mom’s
Thoughts last week. Guess my ole pondering brought back some memories from some
heart banks. Sally, my dear high school girl friend in Alabama who found me
after years of searching for Jan on the Internet and class reunion connections,
said “As usual, your thoughts brought back memories to me too. When we lived
in Wisconsin, when I was a kid, we too had no electricity, had to put puzzles
together and play monopoly by kerosene lanterns. And although we had the lake in
the summer to take our baths in, (no inside toilet), the winter months were
tricky. We used to take our bath, once a week, ugh, and in this little 4by4
kitchen that mom used to work out of. She'd put a round washtub on the floor and
fill it with warm water that she heated over a bottled gas stove. Lucky for me,
I was the first one in and I got the clean water. After that, my brother got in
with the dirty water. Ha Ha. Those were the days and my dad sustained our family
by being the electrician in the area. He wired everyone's home for miles and
made his money that way. It sure brings memories back, me running out in the
middle of a cold night to go to the out side toilet, till they finally bought a
pot with a cover on it and whoever used it (no one wanted to) had to empty it in
the morning. Guess who that was!! And then, no refrigerator, just an ice
box, which Dad had to cut ice in the winter, store in the icehouse all summer,
so that we could keep all our food from spoiling. And remember the margarine
that we had to squeeze. It was a white glob with a red dot in the middle, that
we had to squeeze till it all got yellow.”
How many remember that ole I believe Kraft Oleo bag?
We really loved that job of making it all one color. As for refrigerator,
I recall when my folks built their home in Illinois, we had the winter to go
through while they saved for a refrigerator. We had a box out the bathroom
window made of cardboard that held out things to stay cold. It was the bathroom
window cause it was protected from the sunshine and stayed the best temperature.
It seems our needs were smaller back then, I don’t believe we consider ourselves
poor folks, though I guess we were, hard working any way. I had proud parents
that worked very hard to skimp and save enough money to build them a home, after
leaving Georgia. Bit by bit, nail by nail, over years.
This week while talking to Vernon, my brother, he said he learned our
Grandfather Thornton built homes for each of his children on his Georgia farm.
Vern said he thought when he was building his sons homes he was crazy, now he
finds out it is in his genes, passed on by Grandpa, ha-ha.
The families really cared for one another back then and stayed very close
knit; they lived by the old rule “Family takes care of Family.” They sure didn’t
put them in nursing homes to finish living out their lives. Many of the homes
had 3 generations in them and that was so by the Scott families also. I am sure
there are many families doing the same now, just not the per cent age they had
back then. It was good, helped to build good future generations.
Many friends have said “Jan you need to get these
thoughts in a book.” Let see we could call it “Jan’s tangled thoughts” or
“Raising Kids thru The Thought Process.” I might even get on the Oprah
show and make a quick million. Seems all her guests do when they have a book and
get it in the Oprah Book Club. From
what I hear it costs an arm and leg to get it published. Might even be the
first-born, whoops Pam sorry about that! That makes me think, when Pam was a
mere baby some man offered your Dad $2000 for Pam, in 1957 that was a lot of
money, yeah, I smacked Dad when he said “well………. maybe”. I will just keep a
sending my thoughts in the mail and on the Internet. If the good Lord wants me
to make it book form then I am sure he will make it feasible, but I won’t hold
my breath. Maybe when I die, you kids can take the Disks and get it all in a
compact book.
Thanks for the encouragement; it keeps these ole fingers clicking
the keys, less arthritis too. Have a good week and always remember I love you
the mostest. Always,
Tip of
the week: The best bridge between despair & hope is a good
nights sleep.
Mom’s Thoughts
for the Week of 1-15-05
The Stillness of Winter
On Saturday
morning I opened my window blinds, as darkness still appeared, I viewed a beautiful
stillness of the night. While I slept the rain, ice, and snow had fallen on a
windless city that slept. Indy was a winter wonderland of beauty. The effects it
had left on the trees, grounds of Crestwood were absolutely breath taking. I
love snow as you all know, but this radiated peace, quiet with no human effect.
This is a wonderful time of the night & morning as I feel the presences of God;
the calming effect touches my heart and soul. The tranquility is deeply felt; no
wonder folks love to go to the woods, mountains, and serene surroundings to
become unstressed on vacations. The calming serenity is awesome to my inner
All to quickly I am pulled
back to the real world, my mood is changed with the snowplow appearing on the
streets, the morning paper delivery folks make their pre-dawn drop off of the
Indy Star. The wind blows enough to show the ice that remains under the snow on
the streets, sidewalks, trees, and cars. What was so peaceful now becomes
dangerous to be on and in. This past week the TV has been full of the ice damage
in Muncie, Indiana & surrounding areas. The weight of the ice has broken power
lines leaving 100,000+ homes without electricity. It can really place a hardship
on families as they try to find warmth, shelter, moving in with relatives, all
that is required to survive the cold.
I recall many times being
without heat in our home, once when Dad didn’t pay the gas bill on time,
disconnected on weekends and us
huddled by a fireplace on
Ripple Road. That big 10 room house sure wasn’t heated by one small fireplace. Another time in Michigan with Big
Nanny, (my Mom) without heat for 5 days. Created a real hardship on us with no
generators available and with her Alzheimer’s Disease not allowing her to know
why she had to stay covered. With days spent at Boda’s and tons of blankets at
night we made it without leaving our home. The cold definitely goes deep to the
bone, even layers of clothes doesn’t seem to give warmth. I recall as a child
being put under layers of homemade quilts, each weighing at least 10 pounds
each, and Mama saying don’t get up. Haha, who could move with all that weight.
That was in the south where they had no furnaces only a wood stove in the
kitchen, which we huddled around to bathe, & dress. Front side of your body got
too hot and the backside was freezing cold. Memories…
As I look out my windows I
see the maintenance men working as a team to dig us out of the snow. Guess when
good times turns to bad times, when calm turns to storms, that’s what it takes
team work, everyone helping to bring things back to normal and under control. It
sure takes all of us trying to give our best effort to make this world keep a
going. Have a great week everyone, stay warm, and Lets pray the electricity gets
back on soon for those Muncie Hoosiers. Love to all, Always, Mom
TIP OF THE WEEK: Building up is always harder than
tearing down. But when you build up, you have something. When you tear down, you
have nothing.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week 1-08-05
I remember when………
Happy New Year to All!!!!! Starting a brand New Year &
the subject to start with came from Aunt Judy & my one & only son, Rusty. I am
thinking maybe they got nipping a little while they were in Michigan visiting
last week. Are you ready? Bet you can’t guess? Here it is: “Billie Goats”!!!!! I
have pondered on my knowledge of “Billie Goats” and even consulted the Internet.
I found one website called “Year of the Goat”, all I learned was goats are a
source of milk, meat, fiber (or hair), land management (brush control), packing,
entertainment & pets, making them the most useful all around animal on the
planet. They have traced back 10,000 years, there is over 300 different breds,
and they each have 4 stomachs and chew their cud. Sounds great huh? So is it
something every back yard should have? Well I tried it…………
Your father worked on milk & bread routes back in the
60’s for many years. He loved his job because he was a people person and he
never met a stranger. Well, out on his routes he’d often get to wheeling and
dealing. I never knew what he’d bring home as the “outsmarted winner” of the
day. Well, I was really in for a big surprise when he brought home a “Billie
Goat.” It’s going to eat the grass and save me work your Dad explained. Billie
went in the fenced in back yard, and as days went into more days, this goat and
I became top-notch enemies. The neighbors complained too, mostly of the Bahing
and the odor the air took on, like a country farm. From day one every window I
would go to this goat was there, BAHing at me!
Go to another window and there was Billie Bahing at me, it was like he could see
thru the walls. It even got me questioning if Dad was trying to drive me crazy
or to drink. The odor, the grass continuing to grow
and looking unmowed soon got to where the kids couldn’t be in the back yard
either. The myth of goats eating tin cans just ain’t true either, and he would
try to climb to the highest level of ground he could find, which was my picnic
table and stand and BAH at the top of his lungs.
The final days of Billie was when I found out one myth
was true, I bent over to get something in the back yard only to find myself the
target of his buck horns, WHAM!! And sent me sailing thru the air, landing on my
face. When your Dad got home I told
him what had happen, when he stopped laughing, he agreed to find a new home for
the Billie Goat, before he was looking for a new home himself. The neighbors
were upset over his presences too for your Dad found him poisoned one
morning before he could be relocated. Bye Bye Billie Bye
Your Dad worked a construction company at one time, he
was given the carpet squares left over from one of the jobs FREE!!! Well as you
kids will remember it was Blue colored and right, made of GOAT HAIR. They were
indestructible and never did show worn spots, but as children you all found they
itched, hurt to lay on in front of the TV and would give your knees and elbows
burns. Even to all that your Dad beamed cause he was the only one with expensive
“carpet”. As I come to think of it your Dad was an Aries and which that is under
the birth sign of the RAM.
Well, there is my “Tale of Billie Goats,” as I shake my
head I know I can recall how I’ve earned these gray hairs on my head. I miss the
ole goat, Russ Scott himself, 23 years this month since he passed on, even so I
still chuckle at some of the times we went through. Life was always interesting
with him though all too short!!!
Have a great first week of January 2005
all!!! I love you kiddos.
Tip of
the week:
Life is wonderful do your best not to miss it.
Mom’s Thoughts for the week of 01-01-05
Happy New Year 2005
Aunt Judy and I wrote on
Mother’s birthday one year along with a scrapbook with the theme referring to
her life as a book with many many chapters in it. Over a lifetime it can cover
many topics, many ups & downs,
successes & failures, and somehow they all pass along and we do come through
We are leaving one year and looking toward a new year, a
brand spanking NEW one! It can be looked at as a book with all empty pages. We
don’t know what the new year will bring, it might be frightening if we could
look ahead & predict the future. We might see things that as of right now we
couldn’t handle or cope with the outcome. That’s where we lean hard on our
faith, knowing with God in control, he will bring us to, through, and out of any
circumstances we may come upon. I know he is always walking with me as he
So with 365 days in 2005 ahead, I know the only thing I
can personally be in control of is HOW I will react to problems, people I meet,
and up & down times. My attitude
will have the result of negatives or positives. I personally choose the
positives. I know I am here to serve, WOW, what a purpose God has given me, to
do the best I can, to treat others by the Golden Rule, and to try to better
myself each day to become the person he wants me to become.
Just think a whole year to mess-up or a whole year taken one day at a time and
do my best each and everyday. No
guarantees in this lifetime, but eternity
will hold hope, joy, and peace that has been promised to me. Yes, I am ready
2005, bring it on!!! May all of you have a bright new year with pages to be
filled with love, hope, joy, and happiness, one page at a time. Write your own
book!! I love you all----enjoy the snow----- Always,
Tip of the week:
A smile is a curve that can set most things straight.