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Borderline Personality Disorder is most often accompanied by other diagnoses, but not always.  Yet, it is becoming quite apparent that the dual-diagnosis of addictions with BPD is on the increase.  Without or before Borderline treatment, addictions were how the BPD unknowingly managed their emotional illness.  Substance abuse and addiction often become a way of managing the emptiness, the emotional pain, the anger, the poor self-esteem feelings that come with having a diagnosis of Borderline Personality Disorder.  Therefore, the addiction to whatever substance or behavior becomes the glaringly obvious problem that needs immediate attention.  It is a life of addiction that breaks up marriages, causes job loss, loss of children, loss of health and loss of respect, friendships, to name a few.

It is the opinion of the mental health field that addictions may go hand-in-hand with a Borderline diagnosis, and must be addressed.  There are many 12-Step programs (with A.A. being the most well-known), "rational recovery", men's and women's discussion groups for childhood abuse, and a myriad of other self-help groups.  My focus on this page is the topic of addiction, and how Borderline cannot be effectively treated in other therapies if the patient is practicing an addiction, and more importantly, is in denial of that addiction.  Therapists needs to be aware that putting a newly-diagnosed Borderline through DBT classes, who is also actively practicing an addition, is about as productive as putting someone through this training who is still in a coma after an auto accident.   A Borderline needs the best possible "leg-up" when it comes to re-training them on interpersonal and behavioral skills.

Listed below are many links to self-help groups for addictions recovery:

Addiction and BPD 
Dual Recovery Anonymous  

Alcoholics Anonymous Spiritual Element; 12-Step Program
Cyber Recovery Online Recovery
Smart Recovery
®  Self Management And Recovery Training
A.A. in Indianapolis  12-Step Program
Emotions Anonymous  12-Step Program
Sex Addicts Anonymous  12-Step Program
Narcotics Anonymous   12-Step Program
Gamblers Anonymous   12-Step Program
Overeaters Anonymous   12-Step Program
Shopaholics Anonymous   12-Step Program
Al-Anon and AlaTeen    12-Step Program
Adult Children of Alcoholics   12-Step Program

For more information, see section on
Dual Diagnosis.
