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- In Conclusion -

I hope that you have benefited from visiting this site, in both understanding the Borderline with whom you are in relationship, as well as being enlightened as to why you feel the things you feel as a result of this relationship.  If YOU are the person with this disorder, this site will give you more of an insight into why you do the things you do, and how you can benefit from treatment. 

Many resources exist, both on the internet and in the mental health field.  You have no excuse to not utilize these and improve the quality of your life, if you so choose.  Please feel free to re-visit at any time, as information is sometimes being updated and added hourly. 

I am filled with gratitude with each "hit" onto this website.  One counter on this site represents a new email address accessing this site; another counter represents new and repeat visits.  It is very rewarding to know that the message of self-education of this personality disorder is being carried to people like you ~ who want to know more.

Please, direct someone you know to this site, if they are having similar difficulties either as a diagnosed or undiagnosed Borderline, or as a non-BPD.  And from the bottom of my heart ~

for carrying the message.

Amy A., owner and author of this website.

     HURT         HOPE

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